Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 27, 2012
The Pasadena Humane Society has begun door-to-door canvasing
to ensure that all dogs in Sierra Madre are licensed.
By law, every dog must wear a current license tag at all times. The
Pasadena Humane Society issues dog licenses for Arcadia, La Cañada/
Flintridge, San Marino, and Sierra Madre. Dog licenses may
be obtained at any time of year, and are good for one year from
that date. Dogs must be 4 months or older, and you must provide
a current rabies certificate. Licenses must be renewed every year,
even though the license tags are permanent.
You may purchase your dog’s license at the Pasadena Humane
Society front office during business hours or at City Hall. Please
call PHS at 626-792-7151 x115 or email licensing@phsspca.org if
you have any questions. The licensing officers are available at PHS
Tuesday-Friday from 2 pm-6 pm and Saturday 2 pm-5 pm.
Women Hold Up Half the Sky - But Why Only 25
percent of Elected Offices Nationwide?
The League of Women Voters Pasadena Area is sponsoring a public
forum Nov. 1 about women in elected
office and why, if women hold up half the sky, only 25 percent
hold elected offices nationwide. The forum will be held from
10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Women’s City Club, 160 N. Oakland
Ave., Pasadena.
Marguerite Cooper of National Women’s Political Caucus will
moderate a panel that includes L.A. County’s only elected female
mayor, Mary Ann Lutz of Monrovia; Renatta Cooper, president
of the Pasadena Unified School District Board of Education; and
Miranda Alvarado, a college student who is considering a career
in politics. (Due to the nonpartisan policy of the League, the two
women from the wider Pasadena area currently campaigning for
election to Congress will not be participating.)
Panelists will discuss their own career trajectories, challenges
in running for office, and their views on the role of women in
politics. An open discussion will follow about how to encourage
greater representation of women at all levels of government. This
part of the program addresses the League’s advocacy for equality,
in part based on the following data.
• Nationally, there are only 89 women in the U.S. Congress,
or 17 percent of representatives. (Interestingly, the representatives
of Guam, the Virgin Islands, and Washington, D.C.,
are all women.)
• Six women are governors of states (12 percent) and 24
percent of state legislators in the U.S. are women.
• Among the 100 largest cities in the U.S., just seven have
female mayors.
• Here in California, women make up 27 percent of the
state legislature, 24 percent of county Boards of
Supervisors, and 38 percent of the California congressional
• Among the 10 cities in the local League’s service area,
all but one – San Marino -- have at least one, and usually only
one, woman on the city council. Monrovia and Alhambra have
women mayors. (In Alhambra, the council chooses the mayor.)
Lunch is available for $20, including tax, tip and parking. The forum
is free. For lunch reservations and
information, call 626-798-0965.
Jorge Pena, owner of Mama
Mountain Landscapes, Inc., is
known for designing and implementing
unusual, drought-
tolerant landscapes that add
function and artistic value to
a site. Dedicated to educating
residents about creative ways to
beautify spaces while reducing
maintenance costs and water
consumption, Jorge will discuss
the benefits of water conservation
in the landscape and how
to implement it. Since plant selection
is so important to this
type of gardening, Jorge will
bring examples of his favorite
flora and distribute information
about the local nurseries
that carry them.
Mama Mountain Landscapes,
Inc., grew from a local landscape
company based in Sierra
Madre to a regional business
serving the greater Los Angles
area. Specializing in drought-
tolerant landscapes, the company
uses the latest products
and plant varieties to create
living works of art including
hardscaping and water features.
Jorge is looking forward to answering
our questions and has
experience in landscape design
and construction, hillside restoration,
erosion control, grading
and drainage. Examples of
his work can be seen at: www.
Anyone interested in water-
wise landscaping or gardening
in general is invited to attend
the November 12 meeting of
the Sierra Madre Garden Club.
Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m., followed
by the program at 7:15
p.m. The catered dinner is $9
and reservations for dinner
must be made by November 8,
at 626-836-4945. There is no
charge for attending only the
program. Location: Hart Park
House, Memorial Park, 222
W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra
Madre, CA 91024. For more information,
visit www.smgarden.
Sierra Madre Police Blotter
Carol Canterbury’s,
Tuesdays at noon
Listen in every Thursday
at noon with your hostess, Catherine
Adde, Sierra madre resident
and Travel Consultant......
Our show will feature all the
fascinating aspects of Travel and
our love affair with Travel. You
can hear the Premiere Broadcast which aired on Oct 25th show
on podcast. Go to: http://www.radiofishbowl.com/#!shows/
VILLAGE INTERSECTIONS - Gene Goss will have Republican
Candidate for State Assembly Donna Lowe as his guest
on Village Intersections this Friday at 12:00 Noon.
Set your smart phone and or computer browsers to
Sunday, November 4th,
2012 2 – 4 pm
We are happy to announce
that the long awaited extension
to Armstrong Hall
is now underway. We
have outgrown our present
dining room and these
improvements will give us
a larger dining area, updates
to the lounge and
more room in the kitchen
as well as a meeting room
and improved cloakroom
So, please forgive us if
we are not quite up to our
usual standard on the outside,
we can assure you
however that the tea will
be outstanding,
as usual.
Reservations are required
by October 29th and
should be accompanied by
a donation of $12.50 and
sent to:
The British Home in California,
Ltd., Attn: Pat 647
Manzanita Ave., Sierra
Madre, CA 91024
October 15 – 21, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
At 1:26 am, a passerby reported seeing a utility truck parked in the 500 block of Manzanita Avenue
leaking fuel. Police and Fire personnel responded and found that the unattended truck had leaked
several gallons of fuel in the roadway causing a public hazard. Fire personnel used an absorbent
material on the spilled fuel to assist with the cleanup. The truck was subsequently towed away due to
the hazard it posed to the public.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
At 3:51 pm, a resident reported that the “Marlborough Terrace” sign is missing and is believed to
have been stolen. The sign was attached to the rock wall on the northeast corner of Churchill Road
and Mountain Trail Avenue. The sign appears to have been missing for approximately three weeks.
It’s believed to have been taken on the 28th or 29th of September 2012. The hand carved wooden sign,
valued at approximately $1,000.00, marked the entrance to the upper canyon area.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
At 12:56 am, officers responded to the 100 block of West Sierra Madre Boulevard regarding a battery
that had just occurred at a local bar. Officers arrived and determined that a verbal argument ensued
after a drink was accidentally spilled on a patron. After the argument ended an uninvolved female
punched the female victim in the face causing her nose to bleed. The female suspect left the scene
prior to police arrival. Officers conducted an investigation and identified the suspect, but the victim
refused to file charges and prosecute the suspect.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
At 12:57 am, officers responded to Kersting Court regarding a petty theft. The suspect reportedly took
a glass mug filled with alcohol from an outdoor tabletop of the local restaurant. Officers conducted
an area check for the suspect and found the 25 year old male suspect walking eastbound on Laurel
Avenue from Baldwin Avenue with a group of friends still holding the stolen glass mug in his hand.
The suspect was un-cooperative with officers and found to be so intoxicated that he was unable to care
for himself. The suspect was arrested and transported to Pasadena PD jail for remand.
1630 AM
Free on-air publicity for local events
Sierra Madre’s EMERGENCY radio station is now accepting scripts
for Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about community events.
PSAs will be broadcast on the air at no charge. The station operates
24/7 and can be heard at 1630 on the AM dial.
Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have
their event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre
Community Information Radio. The station covers the city of Sierra
Madre, plus surrounding areas of Pasadena, Arcadia, and Monrovia.
Your event must:
• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens
write a Public Service Announcement that describes your event
and e-mail it to radio@cityofsierramadre.com.