Mountain Views News Saturday, October 27, 2012
Students celebrate Alverno’s
founding with Mass and
special workshops
Sierra Madre, CA – Alverno High School
students recently celebrated the founding
of Alverno High School on the feast day of
their founding order. Originally founded
by the Sisters of St. Francis in 1960,
Alverno celebrated Founder’s Day with
a liturgy and workshops focused on the
school year theme of “Mind, Body, Spirit.”
Students started off the morning with an
assembly featuring performance poet,
Azure Antoinette of STUDIO: alchemy,
who spoke about the impact of social
media on our world. During the assembly
Azure asked students to recount what the
top trending social media topics were in
the early months of 2012. She then helped
the students to understand the connection
between their social media posts and the
prominence of stories in the media.
Following the assembly, students returned
to their classrooms where they discussed
St. Clare and the firsts in their lives. In
November, Alverno will be working with
She’s the First to help fund girls’ education
in the developing world through several
cupcake sales. Tying in that relationship,
students discussed how they were the first
in their families to compete in the Junior
Olympics, first to attend an all-girls school,
and how some will be the first to attend
Keeping the school year theme of “Mind,
Body, Spirit” in mind, students were then
given the opportunity to attend various
workshops on campus. Workshops themes
included the importance of laughter, packing
a healthy lunch, tai chi, yoga, hobbies and
toys, and so much more. Alverno students
were fortunate to enjoy four workshops
with special guest presenters.
Josie Loren, of ABC Family’s Make It or
Break It, conducted a workshop called
“Spreading Kindness with Letters” where
she introduced students to her non-profit,
Rainy Day Notes. The concept behind Rainy
Day Notes is to write notes of kindness that
are then distributed to people all around
New York City.
The workshop Think Like A Champion was
run by teen life coach, Jessica Berger. As
a certified Teen Wisdom life coach, Jess
works with teen girls and young women
to navigate through the trials, tribulations,
and transitions of adolescence and early
adulthood. During the workshop, Jess
helped Alverno students to create an action
plan to help them bridge the gap between
where the girls are today and where they
want to be in the future.
Azure Antoinette and Alverno English
teacher, Carla Tomaso, oversaw a workshop
called The Power of Writing that allowed the
girls to learn the importance of writing and
the impact it can have. Going along with the
theme of “She’s the First,” the students were
given a writing prompt that asked them to
consider what they wanted others to know
about them and how that impacts who they
are as individuals.
The final guest speaker was Gabrielle
Thomas of My Beauty. Gabrielle spoke to the
girls about the importance of inner beauty
and the special qualities that make up each
girl but also talked about the importance
of women’s health and taking care of our
bodies. The girls had the opportunity to
make a homemade body scrub and discuss
what they felt made them beautiful and
The day ended with a liturgy that celebrated
the legacy of Alverno’s Franciscan and
Immaculate Heart roots. Individual girls
shared their experience as “firsts” in their
lives and talked about how Alverno has
helped them to have even more firsts than
they ever dreamed of.
“Alverno is fortunate to have such strong
values in our school history,” said Ann
Gillick, Head of School. “Each year on
Founder’s Day we not only celebrate these
roots, but also look forward to the future
and the gifts that each of our students bring
to our campus community. This year we
paid special tribute to St. Clare and asked
our students, ‘What were you the first to do?’
Many of them shared tremendous stories
and accomplishments that demonstrate the
many ways Alverno empowers each young
woman to be exactly the person she wants
to be.”
About Alverno High School
Alverno High School is a Catholic, private, college
preparatory school for young women dedicated to
preparing them to function in a society as informed,
knowledgeable persons, who have the requisite skills to
make and implement mature decisions about complex
problems. For more information about Alverno High
School, please call 626-355-3463 or visit www.alverno-
Alverno High School
200 N. Michillinda Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-3463 Head of School: Ann M. Gillick
E-mail address: agillick@alverno-hs.org
Arcadia High School
180 Campus Drive Arcadia, CA 91007
Phone: (626) 821-8370, Principal: David L. Vannasdall
Arroyo Pacific Academy
41 W. Santa Clara St. Arcadia, Ca,
(626) 294-0661 Principal: Phil Clarke
E-mail address: pclarke@arroyopacific.org
Barnhart School
240 W. Colorado Blvd Arcadia, Ca. 91007
(626) 446-5588 Head of School: Joanne Testa Cross
Kindergarten - 8th grade
website: www.barnhartschool.com
Bethany Christian School
93 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-3527 Principal: James Lugenbuehl
E-mail address: jml@bcslions.org
Foothill Oaks Academy
822 Bradbourne Ave., Duarte, CA 91010
(626) 301-9809
The Gooden School
192 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-2410 Head of School: Patty Patano
website: www.goodenschool.org
High Point Academy
1720 Kinneloa Canyon Road
Pasadena, Ca. 91107 626-798-8989
website: www.highpointacademy.org
LaSalle High School
3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, Ca.
(626) 351-8951
website: www.lasallehs.org
Monrovia High School
325 East Huntington Drive, Monrovia, CA 91016
(626) 471-2000,
Email: schools@monrovia.k12.ca.us
Norma Coombs Alternative School
2600 Paloma St. Pasadena, Ca. 91107
(626) 798-0759 Principal: Dr. Vanessa Watkins
E-mail address: watkins12@pusd.us
Odyssey Charter School
725 W. Altadena Dr. Altadena, Ca. 91001
(626) 229-0993 Head of School: Lauren O’Neill
website: www.odysseycharterschool.org
Pasadena High School
2925 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena, Ca.
(626) 798-8901 Principal: Dr. Derick Evans
website: www.pasadenahigh.org
Pasadena Unified School District
351 S. Hudson Ave. Pasadena, Ca. 91109
(626) 795-6981 website: www.pusd@pusd.us
St. Rita Catholic School
322 N. Baldwin Ave. Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-9028 website: www.st-rita.org
Sierra Madre Elementary School
141 W. Highland Ave, Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 355-1428 Principal: Gayle Bluemel
E-mail address:gbluemel220@pusd.us
Sierra Madre Middle School
160 N. Canon Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024
(626) 836-2947 Principal: Gayle Bluemel
Contact person: Garrett Newsom, Asst. Principal
E-mail address: gbluemel220@pusd.us
Walden School
74 S San Gabriel Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91107 (626) 792-6166
Weizmann Day School
1434 N. Altadena Dr. Pasadena, Ca. 91107
(626) 797-0204
Lisa Feldman: Head of School
Wilson Middle School
300 S. Madre St. Pasadena, Ca. 91107
(626) 449-7390 Principal: Ruth Esseln
E-mail address: resseln@pusd.us
Pasadena Unified School District
351 S. Hudson Ave., Pasadena, Ca. 91109
(626) 795-6981 Website: www.pusd@pusd.us
Ciara Madigan, Alexxa Vasquez, Alexis Winstanley, Cameron Martinez, Leslie
Jovel, Arianna Nava, and Isabella Dominguez
Tori Tripoli, Pasadena High
School Class of 2011, graduated
on September 20, 2012, from the
United States Navy Air Rescue
School in Pensacola, Florida.
She is only the 50th woman in
the history of the United States
Navy to graduate as an Air Rescue
Swimmer and during her
training she set a new swim record.
Go Tori!
While at Pasadena High School,
Tori was a valued member of
the Girls Water Polo and Swim
Teams earning CIF Water Polo
1st Team honors as well as being
a CIF swimmer.
The motto of the Aviation Rescue
Swimmer (AIRR) community is
"So Others May Live". Aviation
Rescue Swimmers are experts
in emergency response - doing
whatever it takes to complete rescue
missions and save lives.
Congratulations Tori - we
are so very proud of your
THE REEL DEAL: by Ben Show
Movie Reviews Especially for Teens & ‘Tweens
Pasadena High School Alumni Tori Tripoli graduates from the US Navy Air Rescue School
With a very
derivative plot, yet
a great cast, Alex
Cross is a flop. The
good acting does
not balance out
the badly paced,
dawdling plot,
which takes time
out from the story
to try and fill the
holes with badly
written emotional
Alex Cross (Tyler
Perry) is on top of
his police job and
is debating over whether or not to take an F.B.I promotion when a serial killer, Picasso
(Matthew Fox) kills his first target: an extremely rich aristocrat. Now, Alex has to unravel the
tightly wound mystery of who Picasso is, why he is doing this, and more importantly, who
he is working for.
While the idea is interesting enough, it feels like any other police/serial killer movie
I’ve seen. However, Tyler Perry’s performance as Alex Cross is this movie’s saving grace; he
actually kept me from walking out of the theater. Matthew Fox was perfect for the part of
the insane, moral-less serial killer. Both he and Tyler Perry made this terrible movie worth
WARNING: This movie has extreme violence and little kids should not see this. This
should be rated R.
Betty J. Ford, Scholarship Chair with Nathan Le, Cellist and his brother Timothy Le, violinist
proudly display honors bestowed on them by Assemblyman Anthony Portantino.
Photo courtesy Phil Madden Studio
Well known young musicians,
Timothy and Nathan Le were
presented in concert by the
George R. Garner branch of the
National Association of Negro
Musicians, Inc. (NANM). The
brothers performed a duet that
brough the audience to their
feet with a rousing applause that
lasted almost a full minute.
The brothers have performed
in Vienna, Russia and Carnegie
Hall and have won numerous
competitions. They both currently
play with several youth
The event, which was held at
the Altadena Library, also included
bestowing Nathan and
Timothy proclamations from
the State Assembly and a stipend
from NANM.
For more information about
NANM, contact Betty H. Ford
at 626-806-6802.