Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, October 27, 2012

MVNews this week:  Page 12



 Mountain Views News Saturday, October 27, 2012 




Book Reviews by Jasmine Kelsey Williams 

Review By Sean Kayden

RED RIDING HOOD A Novel by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright

 What better way to bring the Halloween spirit than with 
this next selection, ‘Red Riding Hood’? But do not turn 
away just yet; in this reimagining of the classic fable, Sarah 
Blakley-Cartwright reconstructs the tale with a much 
darker tone, one that brings mystery, love, betrayal and the 
deception that things are not always what they appear to 
be. However, those are not the only qualities one will pick 
up on when the reader becomes familiar with the main 
protagonist, Valerie. 

 Immediately when ‘Red Riding Hood’ opens, the reader 
can and will sense the apprehension, fear, and danger that 
surrounds the village of Daggorhorn where the story takes 
place and the constant tension between Valerie, her family, 
and the other villagers. To add to its intensity, not only is 
Valerie caught in a love triangle between two men who 
yearn for her affection, but there is also the secret that there 
is a predator amongst them in the village. 

 The reader will absolutely feel the tension building up to 
the points when this predator is encountered, but may be 
completely surprised when the identity is revealed. Blakley-
Cartwright works her magic excellently by building up on 
the emotions of both the reader and her characters and isn’t afraid to dig up the secrets of 
each of her characters, which will provide the reader with wonderful insight and backstory to 
the mystery of the predator that resides in Daggorhorn. This is what gives ‘Red Riding Hood’ 
its appeal: the juicy center of the mystery, while the themes of morality, love, family, and 
finding courage do not act as mere filler, but as strong connecting points for one theme to the 
next. ‘Red Riding Hood’ will not disappoint if you are looking for a classic, but holds a much 
more grown-up mentality that will connect to the reader of today. And to add to its appeal, 
‘Red Riding Hood’ has been made and released as a 2011 film and features an introduction 
from director Catherine Hardwicke.


Chad Valley – “Tell All Your Friends” - Lush melodies buried within a tropical 
heaven, “Tell All Your Friends” is one of eleven gems you’ll find on Chad Valley’s 
debut record, “Young Hunger” due out on Oct 30th, 2012. What very well could 
be the future of R&B, one-man show Hugo Manuel delivers a vibrant listening 
experience that trickles with sentimentality and glittering arrangements. Soaked 
with tender electronic beats and an 80s vibrancy, “Tell All Your Friends” is the ideal fall song—soft and 
mellow, but just enough haze to get you lost in the music without ever wanting it to end.

Letting Up Despite Great Faults – “Take My Jacket, Pauline” - Unite the fuzziness of shoegaze and 
the tranquility of indie dream-pop and you’ll have, “Take My Jacket, Pauline,” the new song off the 
album “Untogether.” The sleepy but sweet sound of the foursome band is pure euphoria for the ears. 
Once again, we have a band taking bits and pieces from 80s British pop and 90s alternative rock to craft 
their own distinct resonance. For fans of M83 and The Pains of Being Pure At Heart, Letting Up Despite 
Great Faults navigates through the depths of daydreaming and ultimately reaches one’s own emotional 
core with their reflective lyrics and swirling melodies. “Untogether,” the self-released sophomore LP 
was released just a few weeks ago. Be sure to seek this one out, people. 

Peace – “Your Hand In Mind” - While this band is too influenced by an 80s sound, it’s by a different 
breed of groups than the first two bands on this list. More in vein of Joy Division and Gang of Four, 
Peace is a four-piece post-punk group that hails from the British Columbia. With the accessible pop-
induced tune, “Your Hand In Mind,” the band channels The Smiths more so than other influences. 
However, don’t take the band for carbon copies. They bring a certain edge and new flavor to the scene 
that is quite lacking. Furthermore, their second LP, “The World Is Too Much With Us,” oscillates 
between a razor-sharp punk rock existence that dabbles with dark and ominous tones to a largely 
less intruding sound that makes the listener at hand never put off by the atmosphere, but also never 
expecting anything ordinarily dull. 

Tamaryn – “Afterlight” - Girl/guy dream-pop duos are flooding the indie scene, but that doesn’t mean 
they’re all alike or equally as good. Tamaryn (which is the name of the female vocalist hailing from New 
Zealand) and her collaborator Rex John Shelverton combine the likes of shoegaze and psychedelic. 
While the most notable similarity draws from their influencers like Cocteau Twins and Slowdive, 
however, the most contemporary band they share a common sound with is Beach House (another 
female/male twosome). “Afterlight,” which comes directly from the band’s second album, “Tender New 
Signs” is a slow, utterly beautiful showcase of haunting vocals and a rich, fully layered sound with a 
hypnotic array of churning guitars. Tamaryn has the true ability to pull you in deep and even an easier 
time keeping you there. 

Lord Huron – “Lonesome Dreams” – Right from the get go, there is this jovial, optimistic sound that 
plays when you first start listening to this track. When the lyrics kick in, you notice they’re a bit on the 
reflective side. They describe an adventure with no destination in sight because we’ve all learned by 
now it’s about the journey, anyhow. Lord Huron hones in on folk-pop aesthetics but messes around 
with it enough to develop a truly unique style to call their own. “Lonesome Dreams” shares the name 
of the band’s debut LP and after two low profile EPs, Lord Huron has burst onto the scene with a 
majestic, entirely enchanting introduction full length record. As for the song I’ve mentioned here, it 
will please any fans of Fleet Foxes and My Morning Jacket, but newcomers should feel free to enter the 
arena as well. Ultimately, you too will become enthralled with the band’s western resonance, their vivid 
storytelling and that supreme feeling of conquering anything that may be standing in your way while 
listening to each and every song of theirs. 




Fall is here and as nature begins to make space with the falling of the leaves, 
so should we. Keep in mind what the ancient yogis say: ‘Leave a little space’. 
This space is so important because if we are overfull, then nothing new can 
come in and we get stuck in our patterns and beliefs. When we are over 
cluttered, then we can’t find things. This is true for our minds as well. The 
yogis love routine for this reason; because it can open up space for us to 
dream and create. 

Leave a little space when you eat, a little space in your schedule, a little space in your heart and your 
mind. If we have some space and we can be quiet, then the true messages of our hearts can shine 
through. Being thankful for what we have and adding only good stuff (like inspirational texts, good 
company, yoga and meditation) can change our lives. 

So this Fall, avoid clutter, leave a little room and only put in good things. Good food and good 
thoughts. Surround yourself with those that support and nourish your spirit. In this you will be able 
to better attract the things that are so essential to creating the life you want. Even leave a little space 
when you breathe. And be sure to listen to even the space in the silence – you may be surprised at 
what you hear!

 Namasté, René