Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 27, 2012
The Holly Avenue PTA and the Holly Avenue School Garden
Club are sponsoring an E-waste Drive on Saturday, November
3rd, to take place from 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM in the Holly Avenue
School parking lot at 360 W. Duarte Road in Arcadia.
Many types of electronics will be accepted, including computers,
telephones and telephone equipment, television and computer
monitors, printers, fax machines, scanners, keyboards, copiers,
DVD players, stereo equipment, miscellaneous computer parts
and cords, lamps, toasters, and nearly anything that plugs in.
Contact: Rich Baikie 626-840-1060 rbaikie@aol.com
For the period of Sunday, October 14th, through Saturday, October
20th, the Police Department responded to 967 calls for service
of which 112 required formal investigations. The following is a
summary report of the major incidents handled by the Department
during this period.
Sunday, October 14:
1. At about 5:14 a.m., officers responded to Matt Denny’s,
143 East Huntington Drive, regarding a sounding alarm. Officers
discovered unknown suspect(s) forced entry through a rear door,
ransacked the location, and fled undetected with several bottles of
liquor. No one saw or heard anything suspicious.
2. At approximately 11:41 p.m., officers were dispatched to
the 400 block of West Longden Avenue in reference to a possible
mail theft. Two witnesses reported seeing a male subject loitering
in front of their residence and watched him steal a package from
a neighbor’s mailbox. Officers located the suspect one block away.
An investigation revealed the suspect removed the contents - an
iPhone 5 cellphone case, and discarded the packaging material in
the street. The 31-year-old Black male was arrested and transported
to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Monday, October 15:
3. Around 2:25 p.m., an unknown suspect evaded a traffic
stop for no front license plate in the area of Fifth Avenue and
Santa Clara Street. The driver failed to yield numerous times and
proceeded at a high rate of speed along East Huntington Drive.
Due to heavy traffic in the surrounding business district and
unsafe conditions, the officer discontinued the pursuit. Further
investigation revealed the vehicle’s rear license plate was stolen. The
suspect can be identified if seen again.
4. Shortly after 10:20 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop
on a blue Honda Civic for tinted windows on Huntington Drive at
Morian Place. A search of the driver revealed she was in possession
of drug paraphernalia. The 53-year-old White female was arrested
and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Tuesday, October 16:
5. At approximately 7:00 a.m., an officer conducted an
enforcement stop on a vehicle for speeding on Duarte Road, near
Lyndon Avenue. Upon contact with the driver, the officer smelled
an odor of alcohol emitting from his breathe. The officer discovered
the driver was under the influence with a blood alcohol level greater
than 0.08 percent. The 48-year-old White male was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
6. At about 8:32 a.m., an officer responded to the 300 block
of East Camino Real Avenue in regards to a battery investigation.
An argument between two cohabitants escalated into a physical
altercation. An investigation revealed the battery was mutual.
Wednesday, October 17:
7. Around 12:52 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on
a vehicle for a defective windshield in the area of Duarte Road
and El Monte Avenue. The driver revealed his license was expired.
The 23-year-old Black male was cited, released in the field, and his
vehicle was legally parked at the scene.
8. At about 7:17 p.m., an officer responded to Macy’s at the
Santa Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theft
report. A suspect concealed items inside her purse and exited the
store without making payment. The 29-year-old White female was
arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Thursday, October 18:
9. At approximately 9:34 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic
stop on a vehicle for speeding, swerving, and expired registration
on westbound Live Oak Avenue at Second Avenue. The officer
discovered the driver was under the influence of drugs and had
a suspended license. A vehicle search revealed he was also in
possession of an open container of beer and methamphetamine.
The 38-year-old White male was arrested and transported to the
Arcadia City Jail for booking.
10. Shortly after 8:25 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the
area of Santa Anita Avenue and the 210 freeway in reference
to a female subject screaming and running through oncoming
traffic. Witnesses restrained the subject until officers arrived.
An investigation revealed the subject exited a moving vehicle
after arguing with her boyfriend. She was transported to Arcadia
Methodist Hospital for evaluation as she was determined to be a
danger to herself and others.
Friday, October 19:
11. Around 1:41 a.m., an officer made contact with a bicyclist
in the area of Huntington Drive and Santa Anita Avenue for having
inadequate lighting equipment. The subject, who was on parole,
revealed he had stolen the bicycle out of an open garage in the
City of Monrovia. An assisting officer confirmed the information
and made contact with the victim. The 22-year-old Hispanic male
was arrested, transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking, and
placed on a parole hold.
12. At about 11:17 a.m., an officer was dispatched to Unocal
76, 102 East Duarte Road, in regards to a vandalism report. The
manager discovered unknown suspect(s) tampered with the cables
of the credit card readers on four gas pumps. The manager believed
the suspect(s) may have obtained credit card information and
notified his processing company of the incident. No one reported
seeing or hearing anything suspicious.
Saturday, October 20:
13. At about 7:57 p.m., an officer was dispatched to CVS,
188 Las Tunas Drive, regarding a theft in progress. Upon arrival,
officers made contact with the suspect who was sitting inside his
vehicle. The subject revealed he had entered the location twice
to steal items for himself and his girlfriend. Video surveillance
revealed a second subject exited the vehicle prior to the officer’s
arrival; however, the subject was not located. The 20-year-
old male of unknown race was arrested and transported to the
Arcadia City Jail for booking.
14. Shortly after 9:30 p.m., officers were dispatched to the
“Arcade 2” area of the Santa Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue,
in reference to an altercation possibly involving pepper spray.
An investigation revealed two groups of male subjects became
involved in a verbal argument during which one suspect sprayed
the opposing group with pepper spray. The victims explained
members of the opposing group claimed gang membership and
fled out of sight. Further investigation is being conducted by the
Detective Bureau.
The Arcadia Police Department Major Accident Investigation
Team (MAIT) was called to assist Patrol with an automobile vs.
bicyclist collision, occurring Saturday evening (October 20, 2012)
shortly before 10:00 p.m. at Santa Anita Avenue and Duarte Road.
Contrary to the original News Release, the preliminary investigation
has found the bicyclist was stopped for a red arrow in the
southbound #1 left turn lane. The signal for southbound through
traffic phased to green and shortly thereafter, the bicyclist swerved
to the right, into the path of a vehicle being driven southbound in
the #1 through lane, on the green light. The southbound vehicle
stuck the bicyclist who was thrown from the bike, striking his
head, causing severe injury. The bicyclist was treated by Arcadia
Paramedics and transported to a local hospital.
The bicyclist is a 16-year-old male, and the driver, a 26-year-old
male, both residents of Arcadia. The driver did not appear DUI
and toxicology results are pending for both parties. The bicyclist
was not wearing a helmet at the time of collision.
During the morning hours on Tuesday, October 23, 2012, investigators
were informed that the bicyclist had succumbed to injuries
sustained in the collision. The Department sends condolences to
the family and friends of the bicyclist, as well as to the driver and
witnesses to the collision.
Haunted Halloween Happening
The City of Arcadia Recreation and Community Services Department is excited to
announce the ninth annual Haunted Halloween event at the Arcadia Community Center, 365
Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007! On Wednesday, October 31st,
elementary school students
dressed in their best costume can roam the haunted hallways of
the Community Center and
enjoy activities which include Scary Crafts, Trick-or-Treating and
Goblin Games. Undercover
costume judges will roam the festivities in search of participants
wearing the best costumes!
This event is free of charge and open to the public. The festivities
run from 4:30-6:30pm. For
more information please call 626.574.5113.
With this year’s “unforgettable” Crystal
Ball now history, the numbers are in,
and the exciting event was yet another
success. Money raised from at Methodist
Hospital’s 23rd annual fundraiser was
estimated to be just shy of a half of
million dollars.
The 870 guests at the Pasadena Convention
Center on October 13 enjoyed Natalie
Cole’s classy performance, along with
an elegant dinner and silent and live
auctions. Of the $470,000 total raised
for the hospital’s elite stroke program,
$104,000 was donated by guests that
evening alone.
The glittering gala honored former
hospital president and CEO Dennis Lee
and his wife, Carolyn, for their years
of support for the hospital and the
community. “It was both gratifying
and inspiring to witness first-hand
the community coming together to
financially support the hospital and to
honor Dennis and Carolyn Lee, who
have contributed greatly to the long-
term success of the hospital,” event co-
chair Peggy Cherng said.
Cherng’s co-chair John Wuo added, “It
has been truly an honor and pleasure to
work with Peggy and to honor Dennis
and Carolyn for their contributions and commitment to the hospital
and our community. I want to thank all the committee members
for their tireless efforts in making sure we had a successful event.
Most of all, I want to thank each person who attended Crystal Ball.
Without your support, we would not have had such a great event.”
Natalie Cole, daughter of jazz legend Nat King Cole, performed
her own hits such as “This Will Be (An Everlasting Love),”
“Inseparable,” “Our Love” and, of course, her Grammy-award-
winning “Unforgettable...with Love.”
Among the exciting auction items: a haircut for Dennis Lee, a
private jet trip, sporting packages and accommodations at the
Canyon Suites Resort and Spa at the Phoenician, as well as a
personal meeting with Natalie Cole following her performance.
Grand sponsors for the evening were: the Honorable Michael
and Christine Antonovich, Angela Y. Fu, Cole and Cindy Harris;
Andrew and Peggy Cherng, John and Jane Wuo; Cherng Family
Trust; Chang-Huan (C.H.) and Haily Hsueh; Panda Restaurant
Group, Inc.; and Mickey and Lee Segal, and Alan and Sandy
This year’s proceeds support Methodist Hospital’s stroke program,
designated an advanced primary stroke center for Los Angeles
County by The Joint Commission and recent recipient of the
American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get
With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement
An inspiring video featured stroke survivor Dane Warner and his
wife, Jill, talking about their frightening experience and the great
response from the Methodist Hospital stroke team.
“Any event like the Crystal Ball is the result of the work of many
hands and hours of dedication and I’m very grateful to our co-chairs
and committee,” said Methodist Hospital Foundation President
Michael Driebe. “This event has become the premiere gala in the
San Gabriel Valley. In the last two years alone, we have raised over
a million dollars after expenses and we couldn’t do it without our
volunteers, sponsors and guests.”
About Methodist Hospital
Founded in 1903, Methodist Hospital is a not-for-profit hospital licensed for
596 beds serving Arcadia and surrounding communities. Services include
comprehensive acute care such as medical, surgical, perinatal, oncology,
intensive care and complete cardiovascular services, including open-heart
surgery. Methodist Hospital is an approved STEMI cardiac center, a certified
stroke center and a center of excellence in bariatric services.
The hospital’s cancer center is accredited by the American College of Surgeons
Commission on Cancer. Methodist Hospital is accredited by The Joint
Commission, which accredits and certifies more than 19,000 health care
organizations and programs in the United States. For more information, visit
2012 Crystal Ball Committee – Ben Harrington, Patty Wondries, Jill Boli, Dr. K.
Heiner Vogelbach, Sue and Dick Hale, Co-Chairs Peggy Cherng and John Wuo,
Mike and Terry Lee, Susan Woo, Angela Fu, Dr. James Lin, Shelly Liu, Mickey
Segal and Lindburgh McPherson. Not pictured – Christine Antonovich, Francine
Chiu, Cindy Harris, C.H. Hsueh, Matthew Lawrence, Ulanda Lee, Mei-mei Liu, Ivy
Sun, Dr. Richard Sun, Angel Throop and Dorenda Wong.
Martial arts champion,
Hollywood actress, and
stunt woman—all of these
titles belong to Jing Li,
a martial arts instructor
at Washu Action Star
Academy in Temple City.
The Arcadia Branch of
the American Association
of University Women
(AAUW) is delighted
to have Jing Li present a
program at its meeting on
Monday, November 12.
Branch members
and their guests will
learn about washu, an
exhibition and full-
contact sport, and they
will also learn what a fine
actress Jing Li is when they
view the documentary
film “Autumn Gem” in
which Jing Li has a starring role.
The film “Autumn Gem” revolves around Qiu Jin, a young Chinese
woman who lived in the late 19th Century under the repressive government
of the last dynasty in China. In challenging the government, she became a
nationalist leader and later was martyred. She was also a women’s rights activist
who fought for women’s education and against arranged marriages and foot-
binding. Martial arts skill plays an important part in the film. The film gives
Ling Ji’s AAUW audience an opportunity to see her martial arts skills in action
in film if not in person.
Arcadia AAUW meets in the Church of Good Shepherd’s Jordan Hall,
400 West
Duarte Rd. (SW corner of Duarte Rd. and Holly Ave.), Arcadia. The meeting is
open to the public at no charge, and ample parking is available. All are invited
to come for socializing and refreshments at 6:30 pm. Jing Li’s presentation and
the film “Autumn Gem” will follow
at 7:00 pm.
The American Association of University Women invites women and
men university (or college) graduates to become members. Those holding an
Associate of Arts degree or its equivalent are included in the membership. For
more information, please call Tamara Kato at
(626) 375-6756 or Patricia Dietrich at (626) 446-8437.
Jing Li of Washu Action Star Academy
displays a photo of herself portraying a
Chinese woman activist in the film “Autumn