Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, June 8, 2013

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 8, 2013 



We all hear about wake up calls. But it seems this 
is just more of Chicken Little saying “the sky is 
falling.” But with a little reflection, the massive 
disasters in Oklahoma and the Midwest with 
their terrible tornados should raise a concern. 
The people there had some warning, 16 minutes 
or more. Yet with that, most people were still not 
ready for what happened.

In California we basically have no earthquake 
warning, 16 seconds at most. You feeling the 
house move is generally the first indication that 
there may be a problem. The best way for you and 
your family to survive a catastrophe is to have a 
plan and make some simple preparations. Are you 
prepared? Fortunately we have not had a major 
earthquake is some time. But small earthquakes 
happen every day in California. It is only a matter 
of time until we do see the “big one.” 

Most people think that some first responder will 
be there is a short while. In a major event they will 
be overwhelmed and may not come for several 
days. Some simple steps taken now may literally 
be a life saver. That may sound overly dramatic, 
but is true none the less.

If you do have a survival kit, is it handy and the 
contents still good? Have you had a drill of your 
plan? Do you have a flashlight and, shoes by your 
bed? Review these elements. 

 If you haven’t done some preparation the Sierra 
Madre Community Emergency Response Team 
may be able to help. Preparedness literature, as 
well as training is available. If you have questions 
or would like literature or more information 
contact us. Or better yet join us at our monthly 
meeting, the fourth Thursday of the month at 
7:00pm at the Hart Park House. For contact 
please email 

Whether you contact us or not, please do some 

De Alcorn, President Sierra Madre CERT


1952 – 2013

Rich Conforti, a regular fixture at the Adams Pack Station, passed away 
this week from natural causes. Rich was the guy who would cook you 
a “perfect canyon dog” or give you a hard time about not parking right, 
or tell a joke, or a story.

But that was only part of who Rich was. Rich loved to play golf, was an 
avid Celtics, Red Sox, Patriots fan, a wonderful father, great companion, 
and someone you could always call to cheer you up by making you 

Come and celebrate Rich’s Life and everything he meant to us.

El Dorado Park Golf Course

2400 N. Studebaker Rd.

 Long Beach, CA 90815

 Friday, June 14th 5:00-9:00 pm



At the May 28, 2013 City 
Council meeting, the City 
Council adopted new open 
hours for City Hall and the 
Community Recreation 
offices as a part of the fiscal 
year 2013-2015 bi-annual 
budget. Beginning July 
1, 2013 the offices at City 
Hall and the Community 
Recreation centers will be 
open Monday - Thursday 
11:00am - 5:30pm.

The Council implemented 
the new open hours at 
City Hall and Community 
Recreation offices to offset 
for the reduced staffing levels 
implemented over the last five 
years. The adopted FY 2013-
2015 budget also includes 
additional consolidated job 
responsibilities as well as 
technology enhancements 
to continue to improve work 
efficiencies and effectiveness, 
in order to serve Sierra 
Madre citizens. 


Community called to action

From Organize Sierra Madre Schools - (

On Tuesday, the Facilities Sub-Committee met and heard the 
bids for the Middle School project. Despite Frazer Thompson's 
promise that he would get a bid in the $26M to $27M range, only 
one bid came in in that range. The lowest bid came in at $27.888M 
and was brought to the FSC for approval.

At that meeting, new Board Member Tyrone Hampton DID NOT 
approve the bid. Tom Selinske did approve. It is our understanding 
that currently the committee has only two members. So this 
will go to the Board without full support of the FSC. We absolutely 
need Board support of 4 Board Members or this project will be 
dead again. The next meeting of the full board where this matter 
will be discussed is on:

Board Meeting - June 11th, 4:30pm

Board Room at 351 S. Hudson

Pasadena, CA

The biggest and most important decision for the Sierra Madre 
construction project - GETTING BOARD APPROVAL for the 
$27.888M bid so that construction can begin - will be happening 
right after school gets out. Because this has happened multiple 
times to SMMS, this timing is no accident. The District is hoping 
to minimize parent involvement by strategically placing the vote 
at times when school is not in session. 


For the period May 26 - June 2, 2013

Sunday May 26, 2013

During the evening hours, an unknown suspect entered a residence in the 100 block of North 
Sunnyside Avenue and removed jewelry from a bedroom drawer. The resident was away at the time 
and discovered the crime when she returned at 1am. The investigation revealed the suspect entered 
the residence through an unlocked door and removed property from the bedroom. 

Overnight, an unknown suspect entered a vehicle parked in a driveway in the 2000 block of Liliano 
Drive by smashing the left rear passenger window. A gym bag and a small amount of coins were 

Monday May 27, 2013

At 8:15pm, a black Volkswagon was travelling west on Orange Grove Avenue and was observed 
making an erratic right turn onto Mountain Trail Avenue. At the conclusion of the turn, the vehicle 
struck the east curb, traveled onto the lawn and collided with a traffic sign. The driver stopped 
momentarily then drove back onto the street and continued north on Mountain Trail Avenue. A 
witness described the driver as a female white with blond shoulder length hair. At the time she 
was making the turn, the driver appeared to be looking down at a cell phone. Collision debris was 
recovered at the site indicating that the Volkswagon would have damage to the front bumper area. 

Friday May 31, 2013

At approximately 10pm, unknown suspects burglarized a residence in the 200 block of South 
Sunnyside Avenue. The suspects climbed over a locked side gate and entered the garage through an 
unlocked side door. Access to the main residence was then accomplished through a dog door inside 
the garage. The suspect(s) ransacked the interior, removed property and exited via the front door. No 
witnesses were located. 



The Community Services 
Commission is partnering 
with the Girls Scout Jennifer 
Brady to provide a FREE 
youth volleyball clinic this 
summer. The first 30 participants 
also receive a shirt for 
this program. The clinic is 
held at the Sierra Vista park 
sand volleyball court located 
at 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. 
Experienced Club volleyball 
coaches are leading providing 
instruction. For more information 
email teamsmvolleyball@ No pre-registration 
is necessary.

The clinic is supported 
through a generous donation 
by the Sierra Madre Rotary 
Club and other local organizations 
and businesses.

Kick-Off Day

June 29, 2013


Clinics will be held on 

Mondays and Wednesdays

July 1 - August 14

9:00am-10:00am Ages 10-12

10:00am-11:00am Ages 13-14 

For more information regarding 
this program please contact 
the Community Services 
Department at 626-355-5728.


Firecracker Fun Run Registration 

Fourth of July is less than a month away, which means the 3rd 
Annual Firecracker Fun Run hosted by the Spero Foundation 
and 4th of July Committee is fast approaching. This untimed, 5k 
fun run is perfect for the entire family to enjoy. The run begins 
at 8:00am on Thursday, July 4th. Adults are $20.00 and youth 
under 10 are $15.00 prior to June 21st, a t-shirt is guaranteed 
with registration. After June 21st all participants are $25.00 and 
a t-shirt is NOT guaranteed with registration. Register online 
at, keyword: fun 
run, or in person at the Community Recreation Center, 611 E. 
Sierra Madre Blvd by July 1st. 

The start and finish lines will be in the vicinity of Kersting court 
at the corner of Sierra Madre Blvd. and Baldwin Ave in Sierra 
Madre. Participants first run East on Sierra Madre Blvd. down to 
Sierra Vista Park, where they turn around and run west back up 
Sierra Madre Blvd. to Sunnyside. Participants will turn around 
again at Sunnyside and travel the parade route on Sierra Madre 
Blvd. back to Kersting Court. Participants are allowed to bring 
strollers and dogs to this family friendly event.

Come get your feet moving and be part of what promises to be 
another amazing Sierra Madre tradition! For more information 
please call the Community Services Department at 626.355.5278. 



 Then look no further than the City of Sierra Madre’s Summer 
Fun in the Park. The program includes interactive presentations 
provided by local organizations and fitness activities. It is 
targeted for children 3-10 years of age but all ages are welcome 
to enjoy. The program occurs Tuesday and Thursday mornings 
from 9:30-10:30 am in Memorial Park, 222 W. Sierra Madre 
Blvd. For more info call Community Services t at 626-355-5728.
