Mountain Views News Saturday, June 8, 2013
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
STUART Tolchin..........On LIFE
Susan Henderson
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Rev. James Snyder
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Greg Wellborn
Dr. John Talevich
Ben Show
Sean Kayden
Jasmine Kelsey Williams
Lately many things
have been isolated
as threatening
civilization as we
know it. There’s
too much carbon
dioxide in the air;
the continued use of fossil fuels will
inevitably cause the ruination of the
planet, unexplained meteorological
disasters are a weekly occurrence; wars
continue and Americans can’t tell the
good guys from the bad guys. In the
United States the whole legislative
process is gridlocked and simple gun-
control legislation cannot be passed
although such legislation is supported by
a huge majority of the electorate. Half
the world’s population, about a billion
people are starving while exist multi-
billionaires controlling a huge percentage
of the world’s wealth ignore the problem.
The future looks bleak in that once
respected institutions such as the
University of California system, almost
free of charge in my lifetime, has now
become almost prohibitively expensive
to almost all but the already wealthy.
Furthermore, even after obtaining an
expensive education and faced with an
overwhelming debt, many graduates find
themselves unable to find work.
There are other kinds of problems
that I see in Court every day. There is
a tremendous number of people driving
cars while under the influence of alcohol.
If society is serious about wanting to end
the problems associated with drunk-
driving, there is a simple solution.
Sensors could be installed in all vehicles
which would prevent the car from
starting if the driver has a measurable
amount of alcohol in his or her system.
Even if these additional sensors make
automobiles cost a bit more, this is
far better than the danger to everyone
caused by drunk drivers.
Yes, all of these problems exist and
perhaps mankind is doomed but,
underneath it all, most of us believe
solutions will be found that will make the
problems go away and that other areas
of concern - like overpopulation, plague,
water shortages, and global economic
depressions - will soon take center stage. I
am no wizard at predicting the future but
there is one problem that I see every day
in Court that I find terribly disturbing.
This is the problem of domestic violence.
Whole departments of the Court deal
with only domestic violence matters.
It’s bad enough that about half the
marriages end in divorce requiring
expensive litigation and decisions by
outsiders to settle the disputes between
former lovers, but violence is another level
of horror. Afternoon talk shows are filled
with stories of spouses killing spouses
and the public seems satisfied with a
final punishment of guilty perpetrators.
The problem isn’t the need to identify
the evil-doers but, instead, there should
be some huge overall societal attempt to
assist us in getting along with our chosen
partners. Barriers between people such
as race, religion, and age have generally
disappeared and we are free to marry
anyone we want, so long as the other
person agrees.
Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Just
about everyone I know who ever got
married described themselves as totally
in love at the time of their marriage.
Yes, everything was dandy yet, within a
decade or so, about 75 per cent of these
marriages ended in divorce. Sure, the
kids of the marriage were damaged by the
break-up and probably never understood
what was going on. Kids are invariably
influenced by what they see, or think they
see, as going on between their parents.
In his book The Soul’s Code, James
Hillman reveals that a study of identical
twins separated at birth demonstrates
something extraordinary about the style
of romantic love. These twins, who he
calls monozygotic adults raised apart,
are identical in many ways. They often
have chosen to use the same toothpaste,
shaving lotion, cigarettes, and hair
tonic. They often have chosen the same
professions; all of which demonstrates
that genetic influence accounts for
a significant part of an individual’s
character or destiny. There is one great
difference between these identical twins
raised apart. That great difference is what
Hillman calls their “style of love”.
Hillman has concluded that “romantic
love styles, unlike almost everything else,
are not strongly influenced by heritable
factors.” According to the research he
discusses, individuals’ styles of loving are
highly influenced by observing parents’
relational styles. This conclusion gives
me some hope. If society can help
spouses to relate in non-destructive
ways this may well impact the way their
children relate to their future spouses.
Maybe it would be possible in the future
for couples to stop beating each other up
and to actually provide loving models for
their children to follow.
How does society help its married
couples? Do we have to be trained to
be nice to one another? Could there be
marriage training just like driver training
or swimming lessons? Well, it’s worth
thinking about and if people keep going
to School, I think learning to help people
to get along will have as great an impact
on our lives as anything else. After
all, who needs money, food, or water
when you’re in love - even if you are
unemployed? Nevertheless, if we want a
more livable world, I think this is a great
place to start.
I was minding my own business last week, which is the only
business I am concerned about, when the Gracious Mistress of the
Parsonage posed a question.
It is in the area of questions I feel the most inadequate. Maybe it
is because I have not heard all the questions yet, but I think I have come close. I should
know that any question that comes from my wife has a hidden agenda. Usually, she asks
questions that have no answers.
“Let’s go out for lunch today,” she said rather chipperly. Experience should have
taught me that when she is chipper, I am in trouble, because I am always the chippee.
“We have,” she explained, “some gift cards for a restaurant across town.”
Then she smiled and that should have been a giveaway for me.
When you mention lunch, and when you add the word “free” to it, I lose all sense of
proportion and sanity, if I had any. Actually, to be honest about everything, it does not
take much to scratch between my ears and get me purring.
Then she threw in a perk that sold me completely on the idea. I love perks.
“I’ll drive.”
When you think you have heard every trick in the book, somebody writes a new
book. Usually, I forget some old trick that she has played, and here was an old one she
was playing on me again.
On the way to the restaurant, I had a little uneasy feeling, but as we sat down and began
ordering, all suspicion faded into thin air. It was a scrumptious lunch and we both
enjoyed being together, carefree and enjoying the ambiance.
When the check came I casually said, “You know, we ought to do this more often.”
She smiled and nodded her head.
When we got into the car, she said somewhat nonchalantly, “Oh, by the way, since
we’re here I need to run into the mall and pick up an item.”
When I heard those words, I froze. Not the mall! I hate shopping, especially at the
mall. In my mind, the word “mall” is the acronym for May All Lose their Loot. Since I
do not have that much loot to lose, I do not like going into a place designed to relieve
me of my loot.
Every time I walk down the center of the mall, I feel eyes glaring at me and piercing to
the core of my wallet trying to suck out all my money. And, by the way, they take credit
cards. Boy, do they “take” credit cards.
When we parked at the mall parking lot, I indicated I would stay in the car and wait
for her.
“Oh, no,” she exclaimed, “come on in, you need the exercise. I’m just going to run in
and run out.”
Here is where the language differential between husbands and wives shows itself.
Unless you are familiar with English with a feminine twist, you are going to get trapped
every time.
For example: when a husband says the word “run,” he is referring to speed. When
his wife uses the same word it means she is going to run into every store in sight within
the mall with one agenda, and that is to buy. For which I can say bye-bye to my money.
Why don’t local universities offer a degree in wifeology? They have degrees in everything
else, why not here where it would be most useful. By the time I reach the equivalent
of a doctorate in wifeology, I would be too old to do any good with it.
Those who insist there is no difference between a man and a woman have never been
married to a woman. Husbands get into trouble assuming their wife is just like them
and thinks just like them.
Exiting the shopping mall my wife looked at me, smiled and said, “Now, wasn’t that
good exercise.”
I nodded as I walked to the car with both my hands filled with recently purchased
items from the shopping mall. Now I know my part of the exercise was hauling her purchases
to the car. Halfway to the car I had to stop and catch my breath and wondered if
I would really make it to the car.
“Come on, we’re done shopping for the day. Let’s get to the car.”
While driving home I was afraid my wife was going to wear out her smile.
“This has been a great day. We’ll have to do this more often.”
Then she began humming a song, “We’ve only just begun.” I think this is her theme
song; in fact, I am afraid it is.
About half way home, I had a wonderful thought. It was a good day. I can always
earn more money, but I can never get another wife quite as nice as the one I have. Then
I began humming, “We’ve only just begun.”
A verse of Scripture began playing in my mind as we continued our journey home.
“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself;
that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:3 KJV).
Driving into the driveway, I realized this was not our final destination. God has a
wonderful place prepared for those who have put their trust and faith in Him. No tricks
about it.
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HOWARD Hays As I See It
GREG Welborn
This week, we witnessed the 69th anniversary of D-Day, and
it is altogether proper and fitting that we commemorate the
day when so many of the greatest generation gave their lives
in the military campaign that largely determined the course
of victory in WWII. Had they not paid the price, and had
they not established that beachhead in northern France, it’s
likely Hitler would have prevailed. But D-Day was not the
only substantive event which determined the outcome of that
war. As Churchill commented soon after the war’s end, WWII
would have been prevented if only a previous generation of
leaders had risen to the occasion. Sadly, today we are seeing a replay of that previous
generation’s moral and political failures in the actions of our current administration’s
handling of the Syrian war. We may ultimately look back in righteous anger at a war
that could have been stopped were it not for the fecklessness of President Obama.
Many readers will be tempted to right off that assessment as nothing more than partisan
ravings. But the assessment is not mine alone. In a remarkable burst of candor, Bill
Clinton said, “Obama doesn’t know how to be president. He doesn’t know how the
world works. He’s incompetent. He’s an amateur!”
Because of that incompetence, it is becoming increasingly clear that Obama’s handling
of the Syrian conflict is dramatically increasing the probability of a more wide spread
pan-middle east conflict. Should that happen, it will be a war the U.S. will have to enter.
President Obama has chosen to sit out the conflict since its inception. The standard
line is that this is simply an internal struggle between a secular dictator and the people
he has ruled. But this “sectarian” war is now being correctly seen as the proxy for a
wider Sunni-Shiite conflict. Such a Sunni-Shiite conflict, which will involve the entire
Middle East, was avoided in Iraq because of the U.S. military and diplomatic presence
in that country in 2006. The offshoot of the Bush doctrine was the full engagement of
the U.S. in preventing the Middle East tinder box from fully igniting.
In contrast, the Obama doctrine calls for the U.S. to abdicate it leadership position, to
lead from behind, to allow the Russians and the Iranians to guide events. So, Assad’s
minority sect government is being supplied militarily by Russia, enabling it to retain is
control over a majority sect population. This inflames religious tensions within Iran,
Lebanon and Hezbollah. Today, we’re close to the tipping point of that wider pan-
Middle East war.
The administration’s response is to float the idea that if the conflict prompts a larger Al
Qaeda vs Hezbollah war in the region, the bloodbath might actually benefit the west.
Why, after all, should we care if one murderous faction of Islam wants to wipe out
another murderous faction of Islam? Better that they fight each other than us. Perhaps
if both sides were narrowly focused territorially, it would be tempting – although
highly immoral given the civilian casualties – to let events play out. But neither faction
here is fighting just for territory. This isn’t about Syria. This isn’t about ruling one little
spec of ground on a big planet.
Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Russia and Iran are engaged because the victor will gain a
stronger base from which to wage religious war against the west. Because the Obama
administration has been AWOL here, there are no legitimate civil libertarian or secular
democratic forces on either side. Because the U.S. was engaged in Iraq, there is a
fledgling democracy and civil libertarian movement in that country. Of course, that
Iraqi democracy struggles now because Obama has decreased our presence there as
well, but at least we were there long enough to midwife the movement, and it still fights
for life. Without any meaningful U.S. involvement in Syrian events, there is nothing
but stillborn remnants of democrats in Syria.
Syria, like Egypt, Libya and even that brief moment of civil unrest in Iran, is becoming a
lost opportunity because of the Obama doctrine. Unless we see courageous leadership
of the type that Churchill found so lacking among the leaders who preceded him, we,
too, will see a wider war - this one unconstrained by the borders of the Mediterranean,
the Black or the Arabian Seas. Those who vie for dominance in this conflict will
ultimately focus their attention on Israel, Europe and the U.S. We need to engage now
– forcefully and fully – in a region literally dying for stability, or we may yet see the
world at war again.
About the author: Gregory J. Welborn is a freelance writer and has spoken to several
civic and religious organizations on cultural and moral issues. He lives in the Los
Angeles area with his wife and 3 children and is active in the community. He can be
reached gregwelborn2@gmail.com
“The chicken-hawk has
no idea what it means to
have the courage to put
your life at risk to defend
this nation, but they’re
quick to disparage those
who did sacrifice. I don’t
understand how their
conscience permits them to
challenge Senator Kerry’s
commitment to our nation’s
defense. . . The reality is that the chicken-hawks
in this administration are doing a lousy job of
bolstering our nation’s defense and supporting
the troops.”
- 2004 floor speech by Sen. Frank Lautenberg
(1924-2013) (D-NJ) (U.S. Army 1942-1946)
A new Quinnipiac University poll shows
that although Americans feel the IRS “scandal”
is more important than Benghazi or the Justice
Dept.’s seizure of Associated Press records,
they also, by a wide margin, think Congress’
attention would be better focused elsewhere.
By 73% to 22%, Americans would rather see
Congress focused on jobs and the economy
than on any of those three “scandals”.
This IRS “scandal” goes back to 1959, when
the agency took it upon itself to revise the
statute governing 501(c)(4) status. It directed
that the word “exclusively”, as in “exclusively”
engaged in social welfare activities, be
interpreted as “primarily” – thus inviting
arbitrary determinations.
The problem was self-inflicted by the IRS,
but I see an ulterior motive to Congress’
obsession with it: to divert attention from
the fact that by far the largest, most egregious
“scandals” involving the IRS are the result of
actions taken by Congress itself.
Here’s what’s scandalous:
According to the SEC, in the five years since
the Great Recession of 2008, corporate profits
have doubled from what they were ten years
ago. But, while their average effective tax
rate in the twenty years prior to the crash was
22.5%, the rate in the five years since has fallen
to 10%, though for many it was lower:
General Electric reported $81 billion in profits
over the past five years, with a negative tax rate
– receiving refunds of $3 billion. Refunds also
went to Boeing ($21.5 billion profits), Verizon
($48 billion), Kraft Foods ($13.5 billion) and
Dow Chemical ($10 billion).
Exxon/Mobil paid an effective tax rate of 1%
over the period, reporting $45 billion in profits
for 2012 – and sharing in the $2.4 billion per
year of taxpayer subsidies.
We’ve heard of the $1.7 trillion that
corporations have stashed abroad to avoid
U.S. taxes. Now, many aren’t even bothering
with the pretense of holding deposits overseas
in the Caymans, Bermuda or Singapore. As
reported in a January WSJ article, they just
report money to have been earned by foreign
subsidiaries and then keep it here, in dollars, in
U.S. banks. Microsoft and Google have more
than three-quarters of their revenue reportedly
from foreign subsidiaries sitting here at home
– and tax-free.
Some suggest high taxes lead companies
to leave California. Well, Apple is still
headquartered up north in Cupertino. They
set up an office in Reno, though, to invest their
profits and avoid state taxes. They established
subsidiaries in Ireland to handle intellectual
property, so royalties on a patent for a Silicon
Valley invention, and taxes on those royalties,
are collected in County Cork. To avoid
Ireland’s 12.5% tax rate, Apple developed the
“Double Irish” strategy, adopted by others,
where profits earned in low-tax places in
Europe are transferred again to zero-tax
locales in the Caribbean. A study cited by
the NY Times figures that by these strategies
Apple avoids paying some $2.4 billion a year
in U.S. taxes.
The scandal is that Congress writes the tax
code to appease the interests that bankroll
their careers, not those who actually vote –
and, especially since “Citizen’s United”, those
interests are primarily corporate.
Unlike a corporation, when we make
money, we’re not able to search the globe for
jurisdictions with the lowest tax rates in which
to report that income.
If we have to pay a fine on a speeding ticket,
it costs us alone. If Wall Street banks have
to pay an $8.5 billion settlement for tanking
the economy; if BP has to pay $36.5 billion in
fines, settlements and oil cleanup costs, they’re
able to deduct it from their taxes – so it costs
the rest of us, too.
Homeowners rebuilding after Hurricane
Sandy can deduct from their taxes only
expenses exceeding 10% of their annual
income. Corporations have no such limitation.
If we suffer a loss one year, we get a tax break
for that year only. A corporation, however,
can carry that loss from one year to the next
up to seven years – an option the rest of us
don’t have.
Americans working overseas have to report
and pay taxes on their income every April 15
- whether they’re staying on for another year
or not. American corporations, however,
can “defer” paying taxes on overseas income
indefinitely – until they “bring it home”.
It’s estimated that not treating American
corporations like American citizens in this
regard costs us some $60 billion a year.
We know any money we give to a presidential
candidate isn’t deductible – and if it’s fifty bucks
or more, it can’t be anonymous. As reported
in Pro Publica last August, tax-exempt 501(c)
(4) groups had by then spent $71 million on
presidential campaign ads, to which, thanks
to “Citizens United”, corporations could
contribute unlimited amounts anonymously.
The amount spent by liberal 501(c)(4) groups
totaled $1.6 million. The amount spent by
just two conservative groups, Karl Rove’s
Crossroads GPS and the Koch Brothers’
Americans for Prosperity, totaled $60 million.
Last year during “fiscal cliff” talks,
Republicans were amenable to President
Obama’s suggestion to lower tax rates while
closing loopholes and trimming deductions
– until they were asked to identify loopholes
they’d be willing to close and deductions they’d
be willing to trim. Then, after rates were raised
on incomes above $450,000 a year, they took
the whole idea off the table.
Congressional Republicans remain intent
on pursuing this IRS Tea Party “scandal”
rather than pursuing means to assure every
multi-national corporation pays its fair share
of taxes just like every individual middle-class
earner is expected to.
It’s scandalous.
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