Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 8, 2013
SACRAMENTO – The California
Assembly has approved several
bills by Assemblymember
Chris Holden. These bills now
move to the Senate for consideration.
In his first legislative
session, Assemblymember
Holden authored measures to
help homeowners avoid foreclosure,
streamline programs
for small businesses, and encourage
state agencies to buy
California first.
AB 139 – Domestic Violence
This measure strengthens penalties
that abusers are required
to pay to ensure that more funding
is available to Domestic Violence
Shelters. It was the first
piece of legislation heard on the
Assembly floor this session and
was unanimously approved.
AB 143 – Military Use Tax Exemption
Gives active duty military a tax break from state Use Tax on personal property purchased prior to
being transferred into the state. AB 143 is supported by the State Board of Equalization and Veterans
groups throughout California.
AB 199 – Choose California Act
Encourages state run institutions to buy California agricultural products. Under AB 199, state agencies,
public schools districts and public colleges would be encouraged to give California agriculture
producers priority when purchasing food products.
AB 201 – Small Business Loan Guarantee Program
This bill streamlines the program by making it accessible and user friendly by maintaining an Internet
Website that would include information on programs on small business financial guarantees, direct
lending and disaster loans.
AB 250 – iHUB Program
Will expand the development of iHubs across California and develop more economic opportunities
for start-up companies, promoting greater collaboration between innovators and venture capital investment
within the state.
AB 358 – Lead Testing Kits
Provides specific standards for lead hazard evaluation in public and residential buildings.
AB 358 allows California Department of Public Health to include EPA recognized tests in its lead
testing programs.
AB 359 – Airport Rental Agreement
Streamlines the Airport Rental Car Facility charge audit process by permitting California’s airports,
many of which are operated by local governments, to submit to the Legislature the same facility information
contained in mandatory disclosures currently required by other regulatory agencies. This
bill will remove the financial burden of duplicative audits while maintaining all existing consumer
protections enacted by the Legislature.
AB 630 – Architects
Prohibits a person from using an architect's work
without a written contract or written assignment authorizing that use.
In addition, Assemblymember Holden’s AB 72 – Municipal Water Districts – has been approved by
both legislative houses and is now on Governor Brown’s desk pending his signature.
Holden’s AB 132 – Foreclosure Prevention Bill – will be heard June 10 in the Assembly Revenue &
Taxation Committee.
Why I Wrote My Books:
Homesteading In The City
[Nyerges is the author of 10 books, and teaches regular classes through the
School of Self-reliance. He does a weekly podcast at Preparedness Radio
Network, and blogs regularly at www.ChristopherNyerges.com.]
“Extreme Simplicity:
Homesteading in the
City” is perhaps my
favorite of the books I have written because it is
like a personal diary of how my wife Dolores and
I worked towards our goal of “living lightly on
the earth,” even though we had a small budget
and lived in a small suburban Highland Park
We were doing what our Appalachian friend
used to describe as “living country in the city.”
We pursued all aspects of self-reliance, and
wrote about it. Starting as soon as we moved in
to our new home in 1986, we began task by task
with limited income. We used our front lawn to
grow food, we recycled our wash water, collected
rain water, had chickens, a duck, bees, and a pig,
had solar water heating and solar electricity, a
wood stove, and we planted fruit trees and food
We describe our efforts to do “integral
gardening” on every bit of usable land, to produce
food (for people and wildlife), medicines,
fragrance, shade, and useful tools. We describe
the details of what it meant to raise earthworms,
chickens, rabbits, bees, a goose, a pig, and our
dogs in their typical suburban back yard.
We took the reader along their journey to
installing a wood fireplace, solar water heating,
and a solar electric system.
Though there is much “how to” in this book, it
is full of personal stories and rich reading of the
learning they experienced along the way. There
is a section on recycling, and a unique section
about the economics of self-reliance.
It’s worth noting that this is not a book we
planned on writing. In 2000, we were called by
the Mother Earth News magazine to write an
article about our meaning of “alternate health”
methods, and we wrote about the methods that
were as ancient as Hippocrates. We were on the
cover, and a book publisher contacted us to see if
we could turn that health article into a book. We
said yes. But when we submitted the manuscript
to the publisher, they said, hmm, not exactly
what we were looking for. [That book, Integral
Health, will be published eventually]. So they
asked us if we could just write about how we live,
which we did, and it became Extreme Simplicity.
Extreme Simplicity, first published in October of
2002, will be re-released from another publisher
in August of 2013. It will be available wherever
books are sold, from Amazon, and from the
School of Self-Reliance, Box 41834, Eagle Rock,
CA 90041; or www.ChristopherNyerges.com.
Our freestanding fireplace has completely
transformed our home. We would strongly
encourage anyone without one already to
seriously consider installing one. On very cold
nights, we had been using those small electric
heaters that really drive up your electric bill. The
fireplace made the house really feel like a home,
and we now are uncertain how we got along
without it.
In our case, the transition to wood heating was
fairly easy, because we had plenty of firewood
readily available. We were actually doing a
neighbor a favor by cleaning up and carting off
large amounts of dead and fallen wood from
his property. Our first season of firewood came
entirely from our weekly cleaning of his yard,
just for the cost of our labor. How’s that for a
win-win situation?
Many people today believe that they’re
spending all their time working, yet with very
little in return. Unfortunately, such realizations
may come too late to be remedied.
We think that the Amish people have the right
idea when they keep their schools and work close
to home. They don’t have to go a long way to a
job, thereby avoiding wasted time and energy,
unnecessary expenses, and disconnection from
their community. They can protect their families
from undesirable influence, and there is the
added bonus of having youngsters nearby where
they can learn a trade from an early age. The
Amish are firmly committed to valuing “quality
of life” over all the stuff that our modern society
deems important or indispensable - car, home
entertainment system, fancy clothes, foods
bought for “convenience” and prestige rather
than fresh garden flavor and nutritional value.
Once, during a period of homelessness before
we were married, Christopher was engulfed in
thoughts of “poor me” and “I’m destitute,” and
he could scarcely see a way out of the darkness.
Dolores provided him with a simple set of
practical tools that anyone can use if only they
choose to do so. Here are four “magic” ways to
improve your financial situation:
1. Never waste anything.
2. Continually improve your personal honesty.
3. Leave every situation or circumstance better
than you found it.
4. Tithe to the church (or organization) of your
We know that these are genuine practical
solutions. We have heard people say that they
cannot make these efforts - such as tithing, or
improving an environment - because “we are
poor.” Our perspective is that they have their
reasoning backwards. They are poor because
they do not engage themselves in the world in
these ways. Logical thinking leads to erroneous
conclusions when the premise is false.
1. You can do without some electrical devices.
This will probably involve changing your
behavior, for instance, thinking twice before
switching on an electrical tool or appliance when
a non-electric alternative will work just as well
or better.
2. You can learn to use your existing devices
more efficiently.
This step, too, requires changes in habit,
but once you’ve understood the extra expenses
caused by inefficiency and waste, you’ll feel good
about it - plus you’ll save money by practicing
3. You can purchase new appliances that render
your household inherently more energy efficient.
This step requires initial outlays of money,
and in some cases higher short-term expenses,
but with certain especially wasteful appliances,
the best way to save energy and money is to
immediately replace the old, wasteful model.
Tips Promote Customer Safety & Awareness on Identifying Utility Workers
LOS ANGELES, May 29, 2013 – Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas ) is alerting customers to be
aware of people posing as gas company employees to gain entry to a customer’s home for the purpose
of committing a crime. SoCalGas wants to assure customers that employees who perform in-home
appliance services, work on gas meters, or service natural gas pipelines wear uniforms and carry
official photo identification while on the job.
“SoCalGas encourages customers to verify the uniform and proper identification of utility workers
before letting anyone into their home or property,” said Jimmie Cho, SoCalGas vice president of field
services. “Customer safety is a top priority for SoCalGas and our employees will gladly wait while
customers confirm their identity.”
The following tips can help customers avoid being a victim of utility impostors:
• Customers are encouraged to be vigilant and question anyone who presents themselves as a
representative of SoCalGas, especially if the visit is unscheduled.
• Customers should ask for identification before allowing someone into the home. SoCalGas
workers who perform in-home appliance services, work on gas meters or work on gas pipeline wear
uniforms. However, some other employees do not.
• The majority of authorized SoCalGas field service employees will be in uniform with a
SoCalGas company logo, carry an official employee badge with a photo, and most of the time drive a
company car bearing the SoCalGas logo.
• Most SoCalGas employee visits are in response to a service request. If no one scheduled an
appointment, call SoCalGas before allowing anyone into the home.
• To verify the authenticity of anyone claiming to be a representative of SoCalGas, customers
are encouraged to ask for proper identification or call SoCalGas at 1-800-427-2200 (or 1-800-342-
4545 in Spanish) during normal business hours. SoCalGas customer service representatives are
available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Visit socalgas.com/safety for more information on
staying safe.
News media can get the latest news by following @SoCalGasNews on Twitter.
About Southern California Gas Co.
Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) has been delivering clean, safe and reliable natural gas to its
customers for 145 years. It is the nation’s largest natural gas distribution utility, providing service to
20.9 million consumers connected through nearly 5.8 million meters in more than 500 communities.
The company’s service territory encompasses approximately 20,000 square miles throughout central
and Southern California, from Visalia to the Mexican border. SoCalGas is a regulated subsidiary of
Sempra Energy (NYSE: SRE).