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 Mountain Views News Saturday, June 8, 2013 


The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques

By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA


Getting booth space at a live event is great exposure for your business. It’s also an opportunity to 
grow your email list so you can stay in touch with the people who stopped by your booth. Over 
time, these people could become valuable contacts for your business. As they get to know you 
and trust you, they might become paying customers or great word of mouth promoters. Here 
are 5 best practices:

1. Make your booth stand out. Think about color and signs that grab attention and how 
to show off the personality of your brand. When we have a booth at a live event, it looks like a 
fun tiki hut with bamboo poles, signs and a grass roof. It gets people to stop by and talk to us 
and adds an element of fun.
2. Make sure people know that they are being added to your email list if they put their 
card in your fish bowl. Put a sign on your bowl with an arrow that says, “Drop your card here 
to receive email updates from us.” You want to make sure that you build your email list with 
permission and make it clear to them that they will be added to the list. You might even print 
out a copy of what your emails look like to show them what they are signing up for.
3. Use an email service provider like Constant Contact. Upload the emails you collected 
at the event into an email service provider so that you can legally send group emails and track 
the results. You can find out who opened the email and what calls to action they clicked on. 
You can measure behavior.
4. Assign the email names to their own list. To keep track of the people you met, put 
them into their own list. In Constant Contact, you simply create a new list, name it and add 
the emails to that list. This will help remind you where you met people and will allow you to 
message just those people when you want. 
5. Send them an email within 24 hours. Timing is important. If you wait too long, people 
will forget about you. Send an email while the event is still fresh in their mind. You might 
include a fun picture of your booth or an interesting moment from the event. You could say 
something like, “It was nice meeting you at the XYZ event yesterday. Thanks for stopping by 
our booth. We had a great time meeting everyone and we probably ate too many cupcakes (add 
your personality)! If you would like to learn more about us, call us at_____ or visit our web site 
at ____ (give some type of call to action).” Make sure to put links to your web site and to your 
social media sites.

It’s important to stay in touch and make sure you deliver what you promised. An email once a 
month with interesting content will work for most businesses. You want to stay top of mind so 
people don’t forget about you. If you deliver an email that people will look forward to, you just 
might find your next greatest customer or fan. 

About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that specializes 
in internet marketing strategies and Social media education. “Like” them on Facebook for 
trending news in social media, internet marketing and other helpful tips,

They love to share knowledge and create networking opportunities at their live events. Check 
out their schedule at: 

Barbara Corcoran, real estate mogul and one 
of the “Sharks” on ABC’s popular “Shark Tank” 
television show provided a great analogy about 
teamwork in a recent interview captured on a 
Success Magazine CD. She used the offensive 
line of a football team as one example of what 
can happen when a group of people commit to 
a common goal and do their individual best on 
behalf of the team. “They’re like a moving wall 
that is unstoppable,” says Barbara. 

If you’ve ever watched or played any team sport, 
you can relate to this dynamic. Whether it is 
soccer, basketball or hockey, whenever a team 
begins to dominate the competition, it is because 
they have tapped into a seemingly magical zone 
of many becoming one powerful force.

This principle applies to any business, large 
or small. Three simple questions provide a 
framework to select and build a team.

What do you want or need to accomplish? 
Answering this question will pinpoint the 
end destination. It will serve as the goal line, 
leading the winning touchdown, the point 
of repeated achievement and celebration as 
the team prepares to move toward the goal of 
another win, ultimately ranking among the top 
teams vying for championship status.

What is the type of knowledge, skills 
and talents needed to move toward, and 
ultimately complete your goal? Answering 
this question provides important information 
for you to set the baseline criteria for the 
requirements needed to play on your team. 
In small businesses, the tendency is to recruit 
individuals who are readily available, like 
relatives, friends or others that you already 
know. This isn’t necessarily a bad choice, but 
anyone who you invite to join your team must 
fit the criteria of what your team actually needs.

Your retired Aunt Sally may have a lot of free 
time and be available and willing to serve as 
your receptionist a few days during the week 
as you work to establish your bookkeeping 
business. However, if you dear aunt retired 
from her job as a pastry chef but doesn’t have 
any office skills beyond knowing how to answer 
phones and use e-mail, she has no business on 
your team.

What do you have to offer? 

For businesses already established, the obvious 
answer is a competitive compensation package 
and the best possible work environment. 
For newly founded businesses with limited 
resources, the answer is the same, although the 
nature of what you will offer to “compensate” 
the team member(s) will look very different 
initially. Many people are willing to forgo 
a great salary in the beginning if they are 
confident that they will be rewarded after the 
company moves beyond the start up phase into 

What are the Team Assignments?

Once you’re recruited your team, it’s important 
that each member understands the roles, 
responsibilities and parameters of what is 
expected. Although you, the business owner, 
are the leader by default, make sure that you 
identify and provide opportunities for others 
to move and grow in to leadership positions as 
the size and profits of your company expand. 
Here too, if you don’t have the basic skill set 
to function as a effective leader and manager, 
invest in learning those skills, or bring in a 
team member who strong in these areas.

By building a strong team, with strong 
management to provide the appropriate 
training, support and leadership needed for 
the team to operate, you can build a team that 
thrives in your respective industry.


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By Carl Davis, CIMA


It’s no secret that generating income in retirement 
is not as easy as it used to be. We’ve experienced 
a dramatic decline in interest rates over the past 
30 years. According to data published by the 
Federal Reserve Bank, a 10-year U.S. Treasury 
note (at constant maturity) yielded just under 11 
percent in June 1983, 30 years ago. By June 1993, 
that same bond yielded 5.96 percent, and it kept 
trending lower to 3.33 percent ten years ago in 
June 2003. 

Yet today’s yield on the 10-year Treasury, in the 
2 percent range, pales in comparison. In other 
words, an individual investing $100,000 in a 
U.S. Treasury note in April when interest rates 
were 1.76 percent would receive about $147 per 
month in interest income. That same investment 
would have earned in excess of $900 per month 
in 1983, more than five times the cash flow a 10-
year Treasury note generates today.

Finding higher income 

There are few signs that Federal Reserve policy or 
federal government actions will do much to alter 
the interest rate environment in any significant 
way in the near future. While it seems reasonable 
to expect interest rates to, at least gradually, move 
higher from today’s historically low levels, the 
timing and severity of such a move is hard to 

Retirees or those entering retirement need to 
look at income strategies differently today. Some 
solutions could include:

A “bucket” approach

Consider setting aside 2-3 years’ worth of income 
in cash or cash equivalent assets. This is money 
that will not earn much return (if any), but will 
be readily available to meet income needs over 
the near term without risk of loss. The rest of 
your assets could be invested within your risk 
tolerance in a well-diversified portfolio. Though 
no strategy is perfect, this balance can help a 
retiree meet short- and long- term expenses.

Seek investments that can generate higher 

You likely have different goals for various 
investments, so while investing in some more 
conservative investments make sense, you may 
hope to generate more income in others. To 
generate income, there are a variety of options 
to consider, but investors should take great 
care in doing so. It’s worthwhile to explore 
different ways to enhance yields you earn from 
your portfolio, but it should be accomplished 
by building a diversified mix of assets that are 
suitable for your risk tolerance. It’s generally 
wise to avoid putting all or most of your money 
into a single investment to provide an income 
stream. A financial professional can help you 
understand and review all of your options and 
help you design an effective strategy for your 
circumstances and risk tolerance level.


You may want to dedicate a portion of your assets 
to an annuity that can provide a stable stream 
of income independent of market conditions. 
Consistent with the market as a whole, annuity 
payout rates are lower today than they once were, 
so this may not solve all of your cash flow needs, 
but an annuity can help make sure that you have 
a sufficient income stream to pay essential living 
costs in retirement. Note that any guarantees, 
including income, are subject to the claims 
paying ability of the issuing company.

Cutting back on expenses

Finding ways to generate income is usually only 
part of the solution for investors. Many retirees 
today are experiencing a reality check about 
their lifestyles. In today’s environment, it may be 
necessary to determine trade-offs you’re willing 
to make to afford the essential and lifestyle 
expenses you need and want.

Planning for retirement is complicated so 
no matter how you choose to invest, do your 
homework to make sure you understand all of 
your options and the risks and opportunities 
associated with current market and economic 
conditions. Consider meeting with a financial 
professional that can help you define your risk 
tolerance and help you prepare for retirement 
based on your individual goals and circumstances.

Carl H Davis, CIMA®, CRPC® is a Financial Advisor 
and Vice President with Ameriprise Financial Services, 
Inc. in Los Angeles , CA He specializes in fee-based 
financial planning and asset management strategies 
and has been in practice for 37 years. To contact him at 
310-954-2566 or via email @, 
or at 10880 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90024

Brokerage, investment and financial advisory services 
are made available through Ameriprise Financial 
Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. 

© 2013 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. 
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