Mountain View News Saturday, February 1, 2014
Remo Drums
Humane Society to HoldShowcases
Police Kill Pit
Bull; Wound Puppy Bowl Party Sunday
Rose Parade
Officially calling it “Rosie a very happy life in Brooklyn
Bowl I” —named after New York. She got adopted.”
Two Dogs
Amid Attackthe famed Puppy Bowl Whitman said Rosie was
A local man was wounded
on Animal Planet— the groomed to be an all-
By Dean Lee
early Wednesday morning Pasadena Humane Society is adorable Puppy Bowl star
Although company names
after three pit bulls attacked
set to host their own version but was under weight.
such as Honda and Macy’s are
him, unprovoked, forcing him
Sunday on an enrichment “Rosie was three pounds,
commonplace every year as part
to jump onto the hood of a
yard turned football field as the smallest dog in the Puppy
of the Pasadena Rose Parade,
parked car in the 1400 block
part of the grand opening Bowl squadron,” she said.
there is one business that gets
of Fair Oaks Avenue —the
of their new Animal Care Puppy Bowl X will be
more television time during
incident ended when police
the event New Year’s morning
Center.streaming live at the center.
shot at the dogs, killing one of
than all of them combined —
The event, in honor of Rosie “If you are not a Super Bowl
drumhead maker Remo Inc.
picked as a backup pup in fan, but a Puppy Bowl fan…
At press time, police were still
“There are usually about 20 to 25
this year’s Puppy Bowl X, come on down,” she said.
looking for the owner of the
bands in the parade and [Remo]
animals. All three dogs were will focus on shelter animal Kick off starts at 3 p.m.
makes about 40 drumheads
identified as pit bulls or a pit
adoption Pasadena Humane Whitman also said light
per band,” said Mark Branson,
bull mix.
Society Spokeswoman Ricky refreshments will be served.
Remo’s Marching Percussion
According to Pasadena Police
Whitman said. The event is free and parking
Manager and Liaison for the
Lt. Tracey Ibarra, shortly after
“Rosie did not make the is available. The new center
Tournament of Roses. “That’s
5 a.m., Andrew Ross was
final team,” Whitman said. is located at 361 South
kind of the average; some bands
walking his bike southbound
are really big, so there are a lot
“But, one of the production Raymond Ave. For more
on Fair Oaks Avenue when the
more. Some bands will have 60
people fell madly in love information call 626-792
three Pitt Bulls charged him
drumheads or so.”
with her and Rosie now lives 7151.
from across the street. Ross
The math works out to close to
tried to position his bicycle
1,000, all donated, Remo logoed
between him and the three
drumheads in the parade.
attacking dogs attempting to
“That’s the two college bands
bit his legs resulting in minor
[part of the Rose Bowl Game],
puncture wounds. He then
every high school band, there
jumped onto the hood of a car.
are bands that repeat every
An event goer plays the drums at the Remo both during this year’s
year, like the Marine Band, the National Association of Music Merchants trade show Photo D. Lee/
Cellphone video, online,
shows an officer discharging
Salvation Army Band and there MVNews
his shotgun at the three dogs.
is a local Los Angeles Unified
been announced, Branson said
One dog immediately yelps
All District Honor Band and
they do not start the drumhead
as it fell to the ground. The
there are a couple others that
design process until August.
other two dogs ran south but
are perennial,” Branson said.
“I wish we could start
were located nearby and taken
After the parade, the drumheads
sooner,” he said explaining
into custody by animal control
all become keepsakes, “I’m sure that production is centered
Ibarra said.
there are people out there our
on the school year, “There is
Pasadena Humane Society
age that were in the parade
an order form they send back
Spokeswoman Ricky Pasadena Humane Society’s new Animal Care Center.
years ago and still have them in
to me in September, exactly
Whitman said Thursday that
a closet somewhere, so they can
the size and quantity of all the
the dog, shot by police, was a Black History Month 2014
say, ‘hey look I was in the Rose
bass drums, snare drums, tenor
She also said the dog was not
young female, possibly in heat.
Parade,’” Branson said.drums, whatever they have
Parade, Special Events
He also said each band
and configurations, we go into
The public is invited to celebrate Ave. Sponsored by the Delta
director is given a special
production and get the drums
In Related News,
Black History Month 2014 in Sigma Theta Sorority, Pasadena
commemorative drumhead, “It
out to them before Christmas.”
Dog owners packed city hall
Pasadena by participating in the Alumnae Chapter.
is separate and different from
NAMM, the world’s largest
Monday night in opposition
parade and numerous special Tuesday, Feb. 11
the Rose Parade graphic head, it
trade-only event for music
to a proposed ordinance
events and activities planned “Where We Are, Where We’ve
has their name and the name of
products, was held Jan. 23
introduced by Councilman
beginning Saturday, through Been: Stories from Africa and
the school on it.”
through Sunday.
Steve Madison that would
Friday, Feb. 28. All events are African-Americans” Join
The company showed off
Remo has been a part of the
mandate spay and neuter of pit
free unless otherwise noted. storyteller Michael McCarty for
this year’s 125th Rose Parade
Rose Parade since at least 1983.
bulls within the city. The issue
Saturday, Feb. 1 one of two events as he reveals
design, featuring a vintage red The company also founded
was tabled until July.
“Historical View of African-the struggles, joys, triumphs
rose with a variation of the
Bandfest, a two day event,
“Coincidentally, 36 hours
American Families” Explore and beauty of African and
parade theme “Dreams Come
allowing bands to showcase
ago my colleagues on the City
the lives of African-American African-American history and
True, with Music,” during this
their playing leading up to
Council rejected my proposed
families as seen through culture. The first event begins
year’s National Association of
parade day.
ordinance that would have
African-American literature at 10:30 a.m., Feb. 11, at the
Music Merchants trade show in
Remo is also a part of the
called for mandatory spay and
and the civil rights movement La Pintoresca Branch Library,
Anaheim. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day
neuter of pit bulls,” he said in
in special exhibit, Hastings 1355 N. Raymond Ave. Repeat
Although the 2015 parade
Parade Branson said.
a prepared statement. “Not a
Branch Library, 3325 E. Orange performance 4 p.m., Thursday,
theme, “‘Inspiring Stories’ has
ban, mind you, or even a limit
Grove Blvd., Feb. 1-28. Open Feb. 13, at the Hastings Branch
on the number one can own,
during regular hours. Call (626) Library, 3325 E. Orange Grove
PCC Officially Opens
just spay and neuter to control
744-7262. Blvd. Call (626) 744-7268 for
for success.”
Four people were evacuated
Tuesday night during a fire
that heavily damaged a one
story home in the 700 block
of Elizabeth Street.
According to fire
Spokeswoman Lisa
Derderian, one person
was injured in the blaze
first reported at 6:41 p.m.
The unidentified adult was
treated and transported
to Huntington Memorial
Hospital in stable
condition. Two adults and
two teen aged children were
displaced and shelter was
provided by the American
Red Cross Derderian said.
The fire, which caused an
estimated $125,000, is still
under investigation.
House Fire
DisplacesFamilyBill Proposed
the overpopulation of this
Saturday, Feb. 8 more info.
New Center for the Arts
breed. One of my colleagues,
“Liturgical Praise Dance Thursday, Feb. 13
to Give Vets
Terry Tornek, stated the
Conference” Enjoy music, “Struggle and Triumph: An
Pasadena Mayor Bill
“evidence” did not support the
seats on
dance and fellowship at New Evening of Storytelling and
ordinance.”Bogaard gives State of
Revelation Missionary Baptist Song with Yvette Brandy”
Anyone with information
College Board
the City event at the new
Church, 855 N. Orange Grove Join storyteller Yvette Brandy
should call police at (626) 744
Assemblymember Chris
Blvd., 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday, as she explores the African
Holden said he is proposing
Feb. 8. American experience from the
Pasadena City College officially
legislation to give veterans
“Speaking Of: Dr. Terrance promises of the Declaration
opened its Center for the Arts
a stronger voice in college
Roberts” Pasadena resident Dr. of Independence and the
last week. Superintendent-
leadership. AB 1557 increases
Terrence Roberts made history Constitution to the stories of
President Mark W. Rocha
the number of voting members
as one of the “Little Rock Nine” men and women who used their
greeted Congresswoman Judy
on the Board of Governors at
who desegregated Central High talents and gifts to make them a
Chu, Mayor Bill Bogaard,
the California Community
School in Little Rock, Ark. reality for all, to the daily lives of
Vice-Mayor Jacque Robinson,
College system by adding two
in 1957, marking a milestone African-Americans throughout
Assemblymen Chris Holden,
new members – both reserved
in the American Civil Rights history. Held 6:30-8 p.m., Feb.
the PCC Board of Trustees,
for veterans.
Movement. Dr. Roberts talks 13, at the La Pintoresca Branch
and members of the Pasadena
Holdwn said the state’s
about the Little Rock Nine, civil Library, 1355 N. Raymond Ave.
Mayor Bill Bogaard community colleges lead the
rights, social justice, community Saturday, Feb. 15
The Center for the Arts is nation with more than 44,000
building and ethical decision “32nd Annual Black History
Westerbeck Recital Hall.
87,000 square feet with 14 vets enrolled – the largest
making. Book signing follows Parade and Festival”
Before a packed venue,
classrooms and 3 performance number since World War II.
talk. Books available on site Begins at 10 a.m. at Charles
Bogaard gave this year’s State of
spaces: the Westerbeck Recital “Veterans returning to college
for purchase. Allendale Branch White Park in Altadena, heads
the City address covering topics
Hall, the Boone Family Art face unique challenges and
Library, 1130 S. Marengo Ave., south on Fair Oaks Avenue and
such as the SR 710 freeway
Gallery, and the Center for the colleges across the state are
2 p.m., Feb. 8 ends at Robinson Park, 1081
extension, the Rose Bowl, the
Arts Theatre. The art spaces scrambling to offer support. If
Sunday, Feb. 9 N. Fair Oaks Ave. After the
Gold line, among others.
include several graphic design campuses are not prepared to
“Black Film Showcase” Watch parade, from noon to 4:00 p.m.,
The 30 minute speech focused
classrooms, photography help these soldiers transition
the biographical film “The enjoy the Black History Festival
on “Arts + Innovation =
and film studios. AC Martin from combat to college, we
Jackie Robinson Story” (1950), on Hammond Street and north
designed the facility with Gail run the risk of alienating
which stars the great baseball side of Robinson Park. Food
I am happy to share with you
Bouvrie, AIA, Sr. Associate, thousands of returning
legend himself, 2-5 p.m., Feb. 9, for purchase, fun activities for
tonight that the Gold Line
and Director of Design vets,” said Assemblymember
at Jackie Robinson Community kids, special displays, music and
extension east to Azusa is
spearheading the project. “The Holden. “With this bill we are
Center, 1020 N. Fair Oaks other free entertainment.
on budget and on schedule,”
building is a modern addition to saying, we are committed to
he said “The project will be
the Pasadena campus, and also helping our student veterans
completed in September of
Learn How to Produce
includes elements that recall – you are not alone, we hear
next year. When completed,
details, colors, and proportions you.”
this important extension will
Your Own TV Show
found in some of the historic Currently there are 16 voting
connect our City to historic
buildings. ” Martin said.members on the CCC- Board
In anticipation of Pasadena
downtowns, numerous colleges,
The Center for the Arts will of Governors and one non-
Media opening new studios at
the City of Hope Medical
host its first artist-in-residence voting member. This bill
150 S. Los Robles Ave, they are
Center, county treasures like
showing in February with artist would increase that total of
offering free television-training
the Santa Fe Dam Recreation
and software designer, Casey voting members to 18. One
programs for producers. Plan
Area and County Arboretum.”
Reas, as well as its first musical would be for a student who is
to attend an orientation to
theatre production in the a current or former member
discover the right classes for
of the Armed Forces. The
you. Producers’ Training
NASA Selects Space
other would be for a current
teaches how to produce shows
available in citizen journalism
member or veteran who
for The Arroyo Channel. Studio
and digital film groups. Call the
Station Research Proposals
has demonstrated expertise
Production/Equipment training
office (626) 794-8585 or go to
and leadership in veteran’s
is also offered to volunteer
expected to reveal interesting
affairs. Both would be voting
crewmembers. In addition,
NASA’s Physical Science and novel quantum phenomena.
explore what Pasadena Media
on-going training will soon be
Research Program will fund The chosen proposals
has to offer.
“With thousands of student
seven proposals, including one came from seven research
veterans attending California’s
Class Offerings 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Nightly
from NASA’s Jet Propulsion teams, which include three
Community Colleges, and the
Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., to Nobel laureates, in response to
number increasing as we wind
Orientation & Producers Training
conduct physics research using NASA’s research announcement
down these decade long wars,
Monday, Feb. 3 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
the agency’s new microgravity “Research Opportunities in
our Veterans need a voice in
Studio Camera Training
laboratory, which is scheduled Fundamental Physics.” The
their college leadership,” stated
Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
to launch to the International proposals will receive a total
Patricia D’ Orange Martin,
Audio Training
Space Station in 2016.of about $12.7 million over
Coordinator of Veterans
Wednesday Feb. 5 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
NASA’s Cold Atom a four- to five-year period.
Services, Pasadena City
Laboratory (CAL) will provide Development of selected
College. “They can assist in
Introduction to Field Production Training
an opportunity to study ultra-experiments will begin
finding solutions that will help
Thursday Feb. 6 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
cold quantum gases in the immediately.
the California Community
microgravity environment of More information on CAL is
Colleges organize a holistic
Citizen Journalism coming soon
the space station --a frontier online at: coldatomlab.jpl.nasa.
approach for assisting veterans
Digital Film Group coming soon
in scientific research that is gov.
and improving their chances
Pet of the
WeekIsis is a shy, three-yearold
black and white cat.
She warms up quickly and
enjoys attention.
Isis’ adoption fee is $70,
which includes her spay
surgery, a microchip, the first
set of vaccinations, as well
as a free follow-up health
check at a participating vet.
New adopters will receive
complimentary health and
wellness exam from VCA
Animal Hospitals, as well
as a goody bag filled with
information on how to
care for your pet. Ask an
adoptions counselor for
more information during
your visit.
Call the Pasadena
Humane Society & SPCA at
626.792.7151 to ask about
A346851, or visit at 361 S.
Raymond Ave. in Pasadena.
Adoption hours are 11-4
Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday –
Friday, 9-4 Saturday. Pets
may not be available for
adoption and cannot be
held for potential adopters
from phone calls or email.
Directions and photos of all
pets can be found at www.