Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, February 1, 2014

MVNews this week:  Page 13

Mountain Views News Saturday, February 1, 2014 
Susan Henderson 
Dean Lee 
Joan Schmidt 
LaQuetta Shamblee 
Pat Birdsall 
Patricia Colonello 
John Aveny 
Chris Leclerc 
Bob Eklund 
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterStuart Tolchin 
Kim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills 
Hail Hamilton 
Rich Johnson 
Merri Jill Finstrom 
Lori KoopRev. James SnyderTina Paul 
Mary CarneyKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis 
Despina ArouzmanGreg WelbornRenee Quenell 
Ben Show 
Sean KaydenJasmine Kelsey Williams 
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STUART Tolchin........On LIFE 



 Yes, we used group visited the house where the father 

to build our own was raised. This is where we learn that 

houses. Of course I the father’s father built the house by 

didn’t; but my wife’s himself. The son asks, “You mean he 
mother still lives in the house where she hired a contractor who built the house.” 
was born, which was built by her father. “Nope, he built the house by himself. 
In fact, this is the very house which my Maybe, his brothers helped a little bit 
wife and I want her to leave in favor of but basically he built the house himself.”
some sort of Assisted Living Facility. Of 

 As I left the movie I really thought 

course her mother opposes the change, 

about the difference in the generations. 

just like my mother did and my friend 

I had similar thoughts once, when I 

Gene’s mother did and probably every 

found myself in an extension class at 

advanced- age parent does. Sure people 

UCLA which taught yurt building. 

want to maintain their independence 

My fellow writer, Chris Nyerges, 

and self-esteem, but there is a danger in 

undoubtedly knows all about yurt 

living alone and so many elderly people 

building, but I never really learned 

end up falling and lying untended on 

much in the class. I think I took the 

cold floors until somebody checks on 

class just to be able to spend time with 


a girl-friend who had limited time to 

This business of building one’s own share but had a world of interests. The 
house came to my mind after watching one thing I remember from the class was 
the movie Nebraska last night. It’s a my thinking about nomadic peoples as 
movie which is up for an Academy they wandered through the day, always 
Award, but in case you haven’t seen it, calculating where they would build 
let me tell you a little. Some old guy their home for the night and where the 
living in Montana receives in the mail water was and when the sun would rise 
one of those phony notices that seems and what was the likelihood of being 
to say that he has won a million dollars. attacked by predators both animal and 
Of course the letter is just a sham trying human. I remember thinking how 
to trick people into buying magazine involved these pre-modernized people 
subscriptions, but the stubborn old guy were in the conduct of their own lives 
refuses to believe this. “They can’t say and how attuned they were to the world 
it if it isn’t true” he says. He is too old around them. 
to drive himself but, as no one else is 

This morning, about thirty-five years 

willing to drive him, he just sets off in 

after taking the yurt class, I thought 

his stumbling gait to walk the hundreds 

of the benefits of self-reliance and the 

of miles distance. Eventually his son 

benefits of human awareness upon our 

takes pity on him and drives after his 

interaction with nature. Didn’t it used 

dad ,who coerces him to fulfill his 

to rain around here? As I walked around 

fantasy and drive all the way to Lincoln, 

the Canyon Circle ,I noticed that the 


orange trees were full of beautiful 

 The film is in black and white oranges that seem to go unpicked. What 
which emphasizes the desolation of a shame, I thought. I even thought of 
the states of Montana, Wyoming, looking for some sort of orange-picker 
Utah, and Nebraska. There is one but I had to get back home and think 
side trip to view Mount Rushmore about my article. I will make a point 
,which is characterized by the old guy though today of looking for a restaurant 
as an unfinished pile of rocks. (As a that serves fresh-squeezed orange juice. 
side note I read somewhere that the I am told that the servers at Dupars on 
designer of the Mount Rushmore Lake actually squeeze the juice right 
Monument lived for a time in Sierra before it is brought to the table.
Madre and is buried at The Forest Lawn 

 I know ordering juice at a restaurant 

Cemetery in Glendale.) The criticism 

is not exactly building a yurt, but 

of Mount Rushmore is consistent with 

perhaps it’s a start. A start to where I 

the criticism that everybody levels 

am not sure but it’s easier than walking 

at everybody else during the movie. 

to Nebraska. 

When the father and son finally reach 
Nebraska, a medical emergency forces 
them to stop at the father’s brother’s 
home in Hawthorne, Nebraska. .

 Let’s forget the plot of the movie. The 
thing that got to me was when the whole 

HOWARD Hays As I See It

“I like to say I’m private coverage and individual mandates 

more conservative than offered by Republicans as an alternative to 

Goldwater. He just “Hillarycare” in the early 1990s, developed 

wanted to turn the clock by the Heritage Foundation for Gov. Mitt 

back to when there was Romney in Massachusetts.

no income tax. I want Lest credit for this Republican plan go 

to turn the clock back to to a Democratic president, there have been 

when people lived in small 49 votes in the Republican House to repeal, 

villages and took care of defund or dismantle the law – with three of 

each other.” those votes taking place after thousands of 

- Pete Seeger (1919 - 2014) 
Americans began signing up October 1.
Regarding the Republican mantra of “repeal 
If there’s one thing those on the right seem 

and replace”, there’s been a lot of skepticism 

to hate more than a government program 

about the emphasis on “repeal”, with no 

that suggests we take care of each other, it’s 

mention of something to “replace”. This 

when that program works. If it appears to 

week, Republican senators unveiled their 

actually do some good, all efforts are made 

Patient Choice, Affordability, Responsibility 

to sabotage it. At the least, there’s an effort 

and Empowerment (“CARE” – get it?) Act. 

to convince us that benefits are illusory; that 

A market-based plan, meaning consumers 

catastrophe (which they giddily root for) is 

pick up more costs, and insurance companies 


pick up more profits. 

 Last week, Greg Welborn wrote that if 

 As the Republican-preferred alternative to 

the “death spiral” for “Obamacare” “has not 

the ACA, the plan would:

already begun, it is warming up.” He reminds 

• Kick those 3 million Americans who’d
that “according to President Obama”, “40 

already enrolled through the ACA off their 

million new people were supposed to enroll”, 

plans, along with the millions more eligible 

and we’re far short of that.

under expanded Medicaid. Medicaid 

 I looked into it. 

eligibility would tighten up, leaving the 

As to that “40 million” number, it’s one 

working poor to the prohibitively expensive 

of various figures used to estimate the total 

private market.

number of uninsured in America. Actual 

• Remove consumer protections and no-
goals have been more modest – if in fact 

cost preventive care, such as for check-ups, 

they were stated by the White House at all. 

mammograms, HIV testing, free birth 

Early on, the Congressional Budget Office 

control, etc. No more coverage requirements 

estimated 7 million would be enrolled in 

for maternity care, mental health, 

private insurance through the Affordable 

prescription drugs. No more prohibitions on 

Care Act by March 31, with 3.2 million of 

gender discrimination, so back to a system 

those by the end of last December. A year 

where, not counting maternity care, women 

ago, HHS Sec. Kathleen Sebelius described 

would pay 30% more for plans similar to 

the 7 million figure as “a realistic target”.

those offered men. 

 When problems hit October 1 with the 

Unless currently enrolled, if you have 

debut of the federal website, the right could 

a pre-existing condition, forget it. Those 

barely contain its glee over the frustration felt 

families relieved at being able under the 

by millions of Americans. The president said 

ACA to get coverage for their child born 

problems would be dealt with by the end of 

with some medical condition would now 

November and, to a large extent, they were. 

have to go back to just praying that child 

As of last week, 3 million have enrolled, just 

doesn’t get sick.

shy of the 3.2 million predicted for the end 

 Insurers could once again impose annual 

of December – a prediction that had been 

caps. You can get sick, but just not too sick, 

made assuming a trouble-free roll-out. An 

or need too much treatment, within a year’s 

additional 6.3 million have confirmed their 


eligibility for Medicaid coverage and/or the 

 If you get coverage through your employer, 

Children’s Health Insurance Program. It 

you’ll be taxed on it. Under the Republican 

looks like the 7 million mark might indeed 

plan, 35% of the employer’s premium cost 

be met by March 31 – despite the two months 

would be taxed as employee income.

of downtime on the federal site.

 A flat subsidy for the lowest incomes 

 As of last December, 40% of new enrollees 

might work out if you’re poor and healthy, 

have been in the 18-44 age group and, judging 

but if you’re poor and sick – well, the 

from the experience of “Romneycare” in 

insurance companies don’t want you on their 

Massachusetts, those numbers are sure to 

rolls, anyway.

climb as the March 31 deadline draws nearer.

 When you hear people knocking the 

 There’s been little reflection on why and 

Affordable Care Act, it’s helpful to see what 

how the ACA came about in the first place. 

they’re pushing as an alternative.

We had the most expensive, least cost

 Not surprisingly, support for the ACA 

effective healthcare system in the developed 

is strongest among those who’ve actually 

world – and far from the best in terms of 

logged onto the websites, or chatted with 

outcomes, infant mortality, longevity, etc. 

one of the plan’s “navigators”, to see it for 

Medical costs were the leading cause of 


personal bankruptcy (causing 2 million last 

 And, not surprisingly, there are Americans 

year); in the world’s richest nation, we’ve 

who don’t find it so abhorrent that, as a 

been the only developed country where a 

nation, we might come together and find a 

family can lose its home if a child gets sick. 

way to help take care of each other.

A bigger share of our GDP, nearly 20%, went 
to healthcare costs – and this is compared to As the folk singer said, 
countries with universal coverage.

“Being generous of spirit is a wonderful 

 With an untenable status quo we 

way to live.” 

rejected socialized medicine (Veteran’s 

- Pete Seeger 
Administration) and “single-payer” 
(Medicare), and went with the system of 


A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder 


I have a little con-and increase their benefits.

fession to make. I It seems quite a paradox that when our 

do not often make country is going through hard times and 

public confessions, people who pay the taxes have to tighten 
but confession is good for the soul. My their belts that it is time for politicians to 
confession, however, has nothing whatso-vote on a raise in their salary. For once, I 
ever to do with my soul. Simply put, I am would like to see these political big shots 
cold to the bone!vote on decreasing their salary and stand

 I guess I have been colder but I am suffer-ing alongside the American people. The 
ing from brain freeze right nowdanger of that is, it would be such a shock 

 I was hoping all that chatter about global to the American people that people would 
warming was somewhere in the neighbor-be dropping dead left and right.
hood of being true. If so, nobody happened So why can't these people control the 
to send the memo to Mother Nature. With weather? Why can't they pass a law reguthe 
sophistication of our communication lating the temperature? They have a law 
technology today, I am not sure how this regulating everything else. Why not the 
memo failed to get to her. Of course, they temperature? Why not the weather?
could have sent the message with one of I am for having some of these politicians 
those infamous government computers. put together one of their infamous "sub-
We all know how reliable they are.committees," sit down with Mother Nature 

 Another thought along this line is that and negotiate something that will make evmaybe 
Mother Nature got the memo all erybody happy, like warm weather. I would 
right, but, like all good mothers do, ig-like to see some of my tax dollars go for 
nored it and went about her own business. something that would benefit everybody 
After all, mothers really do know best even instead of some party at some insignificant 
when it does not seem so at the time.political convention.

 However, I am cold and need some en- Personally, I think Mother Nature would 
couragement or at least some warm be easy to work with under such circumthoughts 
along this line. The warmest stances as we have today. Every mother has 
thought I have had recently has been that a nurturing side and I believe there is no 
I have relatives in colder areas then I am. I exception here with good old Mother Na-
must confess it does make me feel a little ture. Maybe she does not know how inconbetter, 
just not that much warmer.venient this cold weather has been for us. 

 Where I live we don't have that cold stuff I think she would be willing to negotiate a 
that piles up on the ground like they do up long these lines.
north keeping you from getting to where I would like to select the politicians to be 
you want to go.on this committee myself. I have my own 

 Whoever was singing, "I'm Dreaming of list and would be happy to set it up. The 
a White Christmas," please stop singing, reason is, I know that when one of those 
Christmas is over. Start dreaming about politicians throws his chest out and begins 
something a little warmer than all of that one of those mind-numbing speeches, and 
white stuff, like a Green know they will, they always do, it will 

 This probably has been the coldest winter irritate Mother Nature. Boy, would I love 
in a good long time and it got me to think-to see her light into one of them. Nothing 
ing, after all, what else can you do when is more awesome than the fury of Mother 
everything is frozen?Nature.

 With all the advancements in science and Besides, nothing is more idiotic than men 
technology, why is it we cannot control or women, big in their own eyes, pontifithe 
weather? Something as simple as the cating on things they cannot control as if 
weather and nobody seems to be able to they had any say in it.
control it. I think if you cannot control something as 

 Politicians will get up and spout off at how commonplace as the weather you had bet-
they are going to change things and con-ter find out who can and align yourself up 
trol things and improve things. Well, Mr. with that person.
Politician, why don't you begin with the The Bible tells us exactly who that is. "The 
weather? Change the weather for a change.LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, 

 Why can't these big shots control the and will not at all acquit the wicked: the 
weather? They spend a lot of time (and LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and 
our money) trying to control us. They now in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of 
want to tell us what we can eat and can-his feet" (Nahum 1:3).
not eat and how much soda we can drink I do not have to deal with Mother Nature, 
at any one time. They tell us how much of who incidentally does not exist; I deal with 
our money we need to send back to the God who controls all things and I am hap-
government so they can raise their salaries py to have him control my life as well.


We’re in a drought and nothing in this whence it originally 

article will suggest that we aren’t. But came. 

there are droughts and there are droughts. 

There are those which are inconvenient Some, of course, 

and those which are devastating. The will accuse me of 

jury is still out on this one, but whatever wanting to destroy 

its severity, a large part of it is due to the environment. The 

political bungling by the blue crew Left usually resorts to 

working in Sacramento. 
personal attacks when the facts aren’t in 

their favor. The truth is that I, along with 

Everyone has heard the reports; the snow my fellow conservatives, want to enjoy a 

pack in the Sierra Nevada mountains is nice environment and certainly want to 

20% of its normal level for this time of pass on to our children a pleasant place to 

year, and reservoirs are being depleted. live. But we see the need for and benefit 

But the pain is not evenly felt, and of wise environmental management and 

therein lies the key to understanding how a balance between human needs and 

government policies have exacerbated those of lesser life forms. The radical 

the situation. 
environmentalists see man as somehow 

alien to the natural order, rather than 

The water districts down here in the as a normal and dominant component 

southern part of the state have indicated of nature. Man wasn’t somehow 

they will be able to weather the drought transplanted by aliens to this world. Man 

through 2015. This is largely due to the is the pinnacle of evolution and God’s 

efforts undertaken here over the last design for the orb we inhabit. We have 

several decades to better meter water the obligation to steward our resources 

usage and to build more underground and to strike a balance between the needs 

storage, desalination 
plants and of the smelt and other wildlife with the 

wastewater reclamation facilities. needs of the farmers, merchants and 

Northern water districts have been residents of this state. 

much slower in pursuing these solutions 

because of misguided environmental Flushing water out to see during years 

extremism and general anti-development of surplus is just stupid. The same 

prejudices. We should all remember can be said for refusals to upgrade 

the stories of the central California and expand storage and reclamation 

communities which found the most facilities. Cutting famers back to 20% 

effective way to prevent development in of their legal allotments while providing 

their little nirvanas was simply to deny environmental zones 100% of theirs 

water hookups to developers. While during lean years is prejudicial and self-

this regulatory attitude was effective in destructive. California has one of the 

preventing growth, it was also effective largest agriculture sectors in the nation, 

in preventing the development of more and ranks pretty well internationally. If 

efficient utilization and storage programs. we destroy that industry, California’s 

budgetary and economic problems 

Additionally, Northern California will only intensify. Outlawing private 

water districts collectively divert more car washes and tasking police with 

than 4 million acre-feet of water each enforcement reduces the resources 

year away from irrigation, human available to deter more serious crimes 

consumption or storage in order to meet and weakens respect for laws in general. 

environmental dictates. 
The Western 

Growers’ Association estimates that this We charge our elected officials with 

volume would annually meet the needs the task of acting like serious adults. 

of 4 million families, 1 million acres of We can’t hold those in Sacramento 

farmland and 100 million tons of grapes. responsible for the lack of rain this 

The famous, or infamous, depending year, but we can hold them responsible 

on your perspective, smelt requires the for making a bad situation even worse. 

diversion of 1 million acre-feet of water The political malpractice that passes 

in wet years. 
for statecraft in Sacramento is turning a 

green and prosperous state into a brown 

Because storage facilities in the north and impoverished wasteland. 

have not been updated and expanded as 

they should have been, 2012 saw 800,000 About the author: Gregory J. Welborn is a 

freelance writer and has spoken to several civic 

acre-feet of water flushed out into San 

and religious organizations on cultural and 

Francisco Bay. The north couldn’t store moral issues. He lives in the Los Angeles area 

the extra water from this wet year, and with his wife and 3 children. He can be reached 

environmentalists wouldn’t allow it to 

be shipped to the south where storage 

facilities could have absorbed the surplus. 

The purists insisted that the extra water 

be allowed to return to the sea from