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MVNews this week:  Page 8

Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 1, 2014 
8 FOOD & DRINK & MORE Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 1, 2014 

The pride of Sierra Madre’s St Rita, and daughter dearest, had a birthday this past week, so we 
sped off to Houston’s in Pasadena for her celebration. Wise choice, Houston’s is one of my all time 
favorites. It’s not that the food is the best of the best. It is good, but I like Houston’s because it’s a well 
oiled machine. We must have beaten the lunch rush because we were seated immediately. Now, this 
writer has admitted before that I am a creature of habit, but my daughter beat me to it. She ordered 

TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills
the Beef Dip sandwich, (pricey at $20) which came 
with what the menu described as freshly cut French 
fries. I opted for the rotisserie chicken, figuring I’d 
get a bite or two of her sandwich. 

 My dad used to say we eat with our eyes. I found that to be true, this time, for there was something 
amiss with my rotisserie chicken. First of all - for some reason - they cut it up into three pieces. 
Maybe that’s how they roll at Houston’s, but I like one big hunk of chicken so I can do the work myself. 
The skin just didn’t seem to have that crispy look that I am most enjoy. When I cut into it, it appeared 
it wasn’t cooked all the way through either, so I sent it back. Instead of making a new chicken, I 
believe they just heated it some more. “Still not right?”, the server asked? No, I think I’ll pass, Luckily 
daughter dearest couldn’t get through both her $20 sandwich and the $6 Kale Salad – so both of those 
did the trick for me, too, I’ll be back; no sour grapes here.
Houston’s 320 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena (626) 577-6001 

Save The Date – 

Friday, February 21 

The 44th annual 
Friends of the 
Sierra Madre 
Library Wine and 
Cuisine Tasting will 
be held on Friday 
evening, February 
21, at Alverno Villa, 
200 N. Michillinda, 
Sierra Madre, CA. 
The event will again 
be an elegant affair 
featuring more than two dozen award-winning vintners providing superb wines and our area’s fine 
local restaurants offering tastings of delectable hors d’oeuvres and desserts. 

We’ve limited the number of tickets to 400 to add to your enjoyment. Tickets to both the premier 
event (6:00 – 7:00 at $80 each) and the main event are on sale at the Sierra Madre Library, The Bottle 
Shop, Savor the Flavor, and Arnold’s Frontier Hardware & Gifts.

 Throughout the evening you will enjoy live music and Magic Castle magicians, a silent auction 
will again offer lovely artwork, services, tickets to special events, restaurant vouchers, and many other 
tempting and irresistible items. For a delightful evening enjoying fine wines, tasty food, and lively 
entertainment amidst the company of friends, please join us at Alverno Villa on February 21st.

 The non-profit Friends of the Sierra Madre Library ensures all proceeds; all proceeds benefit 
the Sierra Madre Library. If you can help the committee or need more information, please email or call 626-355-7186. 
Dining with Dills - KABC Radio 790 AM - 5 PM Sundays 


14 1/8 ounces wheat flour1/4 tablespoon fine saltAbout 1 cup cold waterVegetable oilSOUP: 
7 ounces lamb meat, thinly sliced1 tablespoon cooking wine1 egg whiteVegetable oil1/2 cup scallions, chopped1 red onion, thinly sliced1 tablespoon powdered cumin1 tablespoon soy sauce, plus more for garnish1 1/4 teaspoons white sugar1 teaspoon fine saltChili oil, for garnishBlack vinegar, for garnish 


For the noodles: Mix together the flour and salt in 
a stand mixer or by hand in a large basin. Slowly 
add the water with the mixer on low speed, and 
then knead or mix until the dough is smooth, flat 
and consistent. Cut the dough into small pieces, 
about 4 inches long, 2 inches wide and 3/8-inch 

thick. Cover them with vegetable oil, and place 
them in the refrigerator right away to prevent 

For the soup: Mix together the sliced lamb, wine 
and egg white and marinate for 20 minutes. Coat 
a large saute pan with vegetable oil and heat over 
high heat until it reaches a smoking point. Add 
the lamb and egg mixture into the pan and cook 
until the meat is almost done, then set the meat 
aside in a small bowl. Add a little more oil to the 
pan and cook the scallions and onions without 
browning. Add the meat, cumin, soy sauce, sugar 
and salt and saute to let the flavor set in, 3 minutes, 
and then remove from the heat. 

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. When the water 
is almost boiling, take 3 pieces of the dough 
from the refrigerator. Press the dough flat on a 
work surface and take one end of the piece in 
each hand and pull. Slap the dough on the table 
until it becomes elongated into a wide noodle. 
Rip this noodle down the middle, creating a longer, 
continuous, circular noodle and throw it into 
the boiling water. Repeat