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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2014 VOLUME 8 NO. 5 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2014 VOLUME 8 NO. 5 WATER RATE INCREASE APPROVED Rate Payers Accept City’s Recommendations By Susan Henderson Despite an organized effort complete with ‘robocalls’, opponents of the proposed water rate increase did not garner enough support to stop the new rates from going into effect. According the Prop 218 guidelines, 51% of the ratepayers were needed to stop the increase from going forward. Based upon the figures available at press time, a little over 1,000 ballots opposing the measure, indicating that approximately 75% of those eligible to vote chose to support the city council’s recommendation. The city sent out an e-blast after Tuesday’s meeting stating, “The Sierra Madre City Council held a Public Hearing on January 28, 2014 to receive oral and written testimony on the proposed water and sewer rate increases. At the close of the Public Hearing, all protest ballots were received and the final tabu lation of protest ballots was completed. The total number of protest ballots received did not reach the quantity of 1,848 ballots for water rates or 1,591 for sewer rates that would be required under Proposition 218 to halt the rate increase proceedings. The City Council, based on the outcome of the protest vote, adopted Urgency Ordinance 1351U, setting new water and sewer rates effective March 1, 2014 for the City of Sierra Madre. At Tuesday’s council meeting a Resolution was adopted after all ballots had been counted. City Manager Elaine Aguilar affirmed the information that had previously been distributed. “The typical user of 33 units will experience an increase of approximately $12.70” on each bimontly bill. Ballots opposing the rate increase were opened and counting on Tuesday morning under the supervision of the City Clerk and City Manager. Photo by Councilman Chris Koerber YOUR CASH IS NOT GOOD HERE Chase Bank First In The Nation To Restrict Cash Deposits Customers who stop by Chase Bank in Sierra Madre may have noticed a handout and other signs that read, “Important News About Cash Deposits”. The notice goes on to inform the public that effective March 1, 2014, the bank will no longer accept cash deposits, regardless of the amount, into personal accounts unless the person making the deposit is a signer on the account. In addition, account holders will have to show i.d. when making such deposits. After looking into the matter further, it was discovered that the bank was adopting this policy, “In a bid to close potential money laundering loopholes. JPMorgan Chase (JPM) told FOX Business it is set to roll out a new policy that requires customers who want to make a cash deposit to show identification and be listed on the actual account. According to the report, “JPMorgan, the largest U.S. bank by assets, has been in the crosshairs of heavy regulatory scrutiny in the past year, highlighted by a $2 billion settlement last week over lax standards related to the Madoff Ponzi scheme. Chase tellers are expected to begin asking customers for ID when making cash deposits on February 1, but the policy is not expected to be strictly enforced until March 3, Chase. “We are making this policy change for cash deposits only to combat misuse of accounts, including money laundering," a Chase spokesperson said. It is believed that the New York-based financial giant would be the first big bank to enact such a change. “We are making this policy change for cash deposits only to combat misuse of accounts, including money laundering," a Chase spokesperson said. Neither Bank of the West, nor Bank of America have any such policy change in the planning stages at this point. This is another policy that may very well have a negative impact on the elderly who often use trusted family members and friends to make deposits for them. According to the local Chase spokesman in Sierra Madre, the bank now prefers that alternative means of depositing, such as checks, is preferred. MVNews SIERRA MADRE’S NO. 1 CITIZENS More than one hundred people turned out to Peppertree Grill last night for an evening of good friends, shared memories, Italian buffet dinner and a beautiful cake decorated with Wistaria made by one of Sierra Madre’s newest businesses Poppy Cake Bakery (located where Wildflour Baking Co. used to be). Since 1966 when William Wark was recognized, the Chamber has honored a Citizen of the Year (COTY), and recently they have also on occasion honored couples, the first couple so honored being Paul and Louise Neiby in 2009. The Pergolas were recognized with a commendation from the City, presented by Mayor Nancy Walsh, and recognition from the CA State Assembly and the CA State Senate, presented by Chamber President Ed Chen on behalf of Assemblyman Chris Holden and State Senator Bob Huff, who were unable to attend. To view a video of the event, go to www. mtnviewsnews.com or www.sierramadrenews. net Photo/ caption by Bill Coburn CITY HIRES NEW CAPTAIN; TWO LIEUTENANTS RETIRE At the last council meeting, Chief Larry Gianonne introduced the public the the SMPD’s latest hire, Captain Carlos Isalas shown above being sworn in by City Clerk Nancy Shollenberger. That same night the retirement of two longtime officers, Lt. Pat Buchanan, left with Mayor Walsh and Lt. Len Hundshamer, right also with the Mayor. Both retirees received cer- tificates from the city thanking them for their years of dedication. Photos by Dave Felt BREAKING NEWS: TENTATIVE AGREEMENT REACHED BETWEEN PASADENA UNIFIED AND UNITED TEACHERS OF PASADENA The Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) and the United Teachers of Pasadena (UTP) have released the following joint statement: “On January 31, 2014 United Teacher of Pasadena and the Pasadena Unified School District reached a Complete Tentative Agreement for a Successor Contract for school years 2013-2014 through 2015-2016. Complete disclosure of all provisions and a ratification timeline will be forthcoming from United Teachers of Pasadena and Pasadena Unified School District in the immediate future.” All relevant documents will be posted at negotiations.pasadenausd.org. Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |