Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, February 1, 2014

MVNews this week:  Page 6

Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 1, 2014 


Arcadia Police Blotter



Volunteers are needed as Ush-• Willing to serve at a Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007 at the 
ers, Greeters and Guides and minimum of four events per west end of the Arcadia High 
in various capacities to assist season. School campus. Parking is avail-
patrons and Center staff dur-All new volunteers must attend able on Campus Drive or in the 
ing regular and special events one of the two-hour training parking lot behind the District 
throughout the season. sessions at the APAC. The next Office on El Monte. 

Volunteer Training and Orien-We hope you’ll consider join-

Volunteers should be: 

tation sessions will be held:ing us and being a part of this 

• Age 18 years or older 
Sunday, February 2nd at 11am exciting new venture for the 

• Friendly, outgoing and 
and community! Any questions, 

comfortable working with the 

Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30pm contact Sue Cook, APAF Exec-


utive Director at scook@arcadi

• Able to stand for a 3-4 The Arcadia Performing Arts or 626.253.1323. 

hour shift Center is located at 188 Campus 


Yesterday, January 29, 2014, at about 1:40 p.m. 
a trio of men knocked on the front door of a 
residence in the 00 block of West Palm Drive, 
Arcadia. The female resident did not answer the 
door. One of the men made his way to the back 
sliding door and made entry to the home through 
the unlocked door. The resident saw the man 
inside the home and yelled at him. The suspect 
fled, along with his cohorts to an awaiting vehicle 
being driven by a female. The suspect vehicle and 
occupants left the area. 

The victim immediately called the Arcadia Police 
Department and provided the vehicle and suspect 
descriptions to the police. A short time later, the 
vehicle and suspects were found by a patrol officer 
and stopped. During the investigation, officers 
found stolen property inside the suspect vehicle. 
The stolen property was ultimately identified as 

having been taken in an unrelated residential 
burglary in Los Angeles County earlier on the 
29th. Electronics, jewelry, cash, and other items 
were recovered in the vehicle. 

Mario D. Weiks, 19-year-old male from Irvine, 
Quatrelle J. Carroll, 19-yar-old male from Long 
Beach, Milton K. Sanders, 20-year-old male 
from Long Beach, and Jasmin M. Douroux, a 
21-year-old female from Lakewood, were all 
arrested and booked at the Arcadia City Jail on 
felony residential burglary charges with bails of 
$50,000.00 each. 

The investigation is continuing by Detectives 
from the Arcadia and additional law enforcement 
agencies. Anyone with information related 
to this case is asked to call the Arcadia Police 
Department at (626)574-5156. You can also 
submit crime tips and information via text, 
phone, or web to LA Regional Crime Stoppers, 
800-222-TIPS (8477). 


The Arcadia Police Department will be out in force this coming weekend and will conduct (2) DUI 
Patrols in the City of Arcadia during the evening hours of Friday, January 31st and Sunday Feb 2nd, 
2014. The Arcadia Police Department recently received two grants from the California Office of 
Traffic Safety (OTS) for a year-long program aimed at preventing deaths and injuries on our roadways, 
through the use of DUI checkpoints/patrols, specialized enforcement efforts and public awareness. 

 One of the goals of our enforcement activity is to promote public safety and increase awareness of 
the dangers associated with drinking and driving. This will be accomplished by providing a highly 
visible enforcement and publicity campaign, in order to deter intoxicated drivers from getting behind 
the wheel and driving. Through these efforts, we also seek to reduce the number of injuries and 
deaths associated with collisions involving intoxicated drivers. 

 We would like to remind the public of the dangers associated with drinking and driving. Enjoy 
spending time with family and friends this weekend watching the big game, but remember; if you 
want to be an MVP, don’t drink and drive! 

 Don’t forget to visit the Arcadia Police Department News & Information Blog or follow us on 
Facebook, Twitter or Nixle for other pertinent news and information. Remember, the solution begins 
with you! 

 Funding for this operation is provided from a grant administered by the California Office of Traffic 

Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 

For the period of Sunday, January 19th, through 
Saturday, January 25th, the Police Departmentresponded to 959 calls for service of which 105required formal investigations. The following is asummary report of the major incidents handled bythe Department during this period. 

Sunday, January 19:

1. At approximately 9:30 p.m., an officerconducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for makingan illegal U-turn on Huntington Drive at SantaAnita Avenue. The officer discovered the driver 
was under the influence and had open bottlesof alcohol inside his vehicle. A records check 
revealed the 46-year-old Hispanic male was onDUI probation. He was arrested and transportedto the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
2. At about 6:15 p.m., a subject came to theArcadia Police Department front counter to pickup property for an inmate. Officers learned thesubject had an outstanding misdemeanor warrantin the amount of $30,000. A subsequent searchof her purse revealed she was in possession ofmethamphetamine and drug paraphernalia. The25-year-old Hispanic female was arrested andescorted to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Monday, January 20:

3. Around 11:22 a.m., an officer conducted a 
traffic stop on a vehicle for making an illegal right 
turn onto Santa Clara Street from Huntington 
Drive. The officer discovered the 35-year-old 
Hispanic male was never issued a license. He was 
cited in the field without incident and his vehicle 
was left legally parked. 
4. At approximately 6:50 p.m., an officer 
was dispatched to the Macy’s parking lot at the 
Santa Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, 
regarding two subjects looking into vehicles 
with a flashlight. An investigation revealed a 
31-year-old White female was in possession of 
stolen property, methamphetamine, and drug 
paraphernalia. The other subject, a 44-year-old 
White male, was in possession of stolen property 
and burglary tools. Both suspects were arrested 
and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for 
Tuesday, January 21:

5. Just after 10:30 p.m., an officer conducteda traffic stop on a vehicle in the area of HuntingtonDrive and Second Avenue for expired registration.
An investigation revealed the driver had anoutstanding misdemeanor warrant for $150,000and was in possession of methamphetamine,
marijuana, and drug paraphernalia. The 59-yearold 
White male was arrested and transported tothe Arcadia City Jail for booking.
6. Sometime around 11:15 p.m., officersresponded to CVS Pharmacy, 1401 South BaldwinAvenue, in reference to an assault that justoccurred. The victim explained that on his way tothe location, a dark colored vehicle was following
turn into the parking lot. As the victim parkedhis vehicle, the driver appeared at his window,
punched him the face, and fled the location. All thewhile, the suspect yelled at the victim for “brakechecking him”.

The suspect driver is described as a Black male,
approximately 30-years-old, 5’11” tall, 180 lbs.,
with brown eyes, wearing a grey polo shirt and darkcolored jeans. Part of the incident was recorded onvideo surveillance. 

Wednesday, January 22:

7. Around 2:16 a.m., an officer was patrollingthe 200 block of Santa Cruz Road and observed a 
black pickup truck parked on the front lawn ofa residence. The officer made contact with the 
driver who claimed he was the resident; however,
conflicting statements and an inspection of theresidence revealed he was attempting to burglarizethe location. A records check revealed the suspecthad four outstanding misdemeanor warrants.
The 36-year-old Hispanic male was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
8. At approximately 4:20 p.m., an officerwas dispatched to JC Penney at the Santa AnitaMall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theftreport. A male suspect concealed a pair of jeansinside a used shopping bag and exited the storewithout making payment. The 37-year-old Blackmale was arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking. 
Thursday, January 23:

9. Just after 5:00 p.m., an officer responded 
to Macy’s at the Santa Anita Mall, 400 South 
Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theft report. An 
18-year-old Black male suspect selected a candy 
bar and ate it while he selected numerous items 
from other display racks. He concealed the items 
underneath his backpack and exited the store 
without making payment. He was arrested and 
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
10. At approximately 11:45 p.m., an officer 
conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle on Orange 
Grove Avenue near Santa Margarita Drive for no 
license plates. The officer discovered the driver 
had an outstanding DUI warrant, suspended 
license, and no insurance. The 50-year-old 
Hispanic male was arrested, transported to the 
Arcadia City Jail for booking, and his vehicle was 
Friday, January 24:

11. At approximately 9:00 a.m., an officer 
responded to the Arcadia Police Department 
front counter regarding a fraud report. The 
victim discovered unknown suspect(s) opened 
a Dish Network account using his personal 
information. He believed the unknown suspect(s) 
who burglarized his vehicle in 2010 could be 
responsible since they stole several of his tax 
too close from behind, especially as he made a right 

Monrovia Police Blotter 

Pictured from left – Filippo Fanara, Duarte Kiwanis Treasurer, Marilyn Mays, Karen Herrera, 
Kalvin Wigfall, Aida Torres, Lois Gaston 

Duarte certainly can be proud ofthe number and quality of the manyyouth programs they manage. At a 
recent meeting, the Duarte KiwanisClub was provided a wonderfulupdate on these programs. MarilynMays, Teen Center Supervisor andKiwanis member, share a number 
of new and exciting programs thekids had experienced this past 
summer from holding their own 
“Summer Olympics” to enjoyinga “Small World” week studyingdifferent countries. The Teen 
Center is also the new headquarters 
for the NAACP Youth Council and 
continues to house and lead the 
champion Boxing Club Program. 

The Teen Center is also key in the 
upcoming ACT-SO Competition.
The NAACP’s Afro-Academic, 
Cultural, Technological and 
Scientific Olympics of the mind isa yearlong achievement programdesigned to recruit, stimulate, 
and encourage high academic 
and cultural achievement amongAfrican-American high school 
students. ACT-SO includes 26 
categories of competition in thesciences, humanities, business, 
and performing and visual arts.
This will be the fourth year theTeen Center has participated inthe competition. Duarte Kiwanis 
continues to support the TeenCenter and their programs, and 

as a part of the annual Installation 
Dinner, collected donations for this 
year’s ACT-SO program.

Aida Torres, Crime Prevention 
Specialist and Kiwanis Board 
Member and Kalvin Wigfall,
Duarte Promise Fellow, shared the 
continuing efforts of the DARTprogram (the Duarte Area Resource 
Team). Youth in this program 
provide hours of public service 
including graffiti removal, servingat the Duarte Route 66 Parade and 
providing service for Local Harvest, 
picking fruit from local homes anddelivering to the Foothill UnityCenter for Distribution. Duarte 
Kiwanis continues to support the 
DART program with funds fortheir College Visit Trips. 

Karen Herrera, Assistant City 
Manager and Duarte Kiwanis 
Member provided an update onthe Duarte’s Promise: Alliance for 
Youth program. This year the cityhas eight Americorp volunteersthrough this program serving 1700hours. Their service is focused 
in supporting National Days ofService which include the MLK 
Remembrance day, Ground HogJob Shadow Day, Cesar ChavezBeautification Day as well as anannual College Fair. Duarte’s 
Promise is also key to the successof the fourth annual Youth Summit 
which is shared with the City of 

Monrovia. This year, the Summitis on Saturday, February 22nd from 
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Monrovia HighSchool. Duarte Kiwanis continues 
to financially support Duarte’s 
Promise, and also raised funds 
through the Installation Dinner for 
the Youth Summit.

 The final update of the meetingwas on the amazing Music Mattersprogram being led by the DuarteEducation Foundation. Lois 
Gaston, Duarte Kiwanis Member 
and Ed Foundation Board 
Member, shared the goal of theMusic Matters program – to raise$50,000 annually to provide vocaland instrumental music instruction 
in all elementary schools. 2013 
was the first year of the MusicMatters program and has resultedin vocal music being taught in allthe elementary schools and a pilot 
program of instrumental music 
(and new instruments) in BeardsleeElementary. The community willbe invited to experience these 
wonderful additions on March 29th 
at the Talent Showcase. The Duarte 
Kiwanis Club was able to raise 
funds through their InstallationDinner for Music Matters – so a 
total of six checks were presentedat the meeting. 

Highlighted Activity for the Weekdays of January 
27-29, 2014 

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department 
handled 359 service events,resulting 
in 77 investigations. To see a complete listing of 
crimes reported, go tohttp://www.crimemapping.
com/map/ca/monrovia for crime mapping. For 
Police Department news and information, visit 
our website and follow us on Twitter for policenotifications. 

Grand Theft / Conspiracy to Commit a Crime – 
Suspect ArrestedOn January 29 at 2:05 p.m., officers responded to 
the 100 block of West Colorado regarding a possible 
robbery in progress. The victim a long time 
resident of Monrovia was approached by a male 
suspect who talked the victim into matching his 
funds and making a donation to a charity. The suspect 
had two other suspects help convince thevictim to take $9,000.00 from his bank account. 
The money was taken out and the suspects were 
able to switch the bags where the monies were. 
Two of the suspects that had the money jumped 
into their lay-off vehicle and fled, leaving the 3rd 
suspect behind. He was detained by the victim’s 
son in law. The suspect was charged with grand 
theft and conspiracy to commit a crime. 

Brandishing a WeaponOn January 29 at 7:53 p.m., a mother and her 
daughter were in a shopping center parking lot in 
the 600 block of West Huntington, when an angry 
female began yelling at them from her vehicle over 
an apparent parking issue. The suspect brandished 
a knife toward the victims and began yelling at 
them, then drove away quickly out of the parking 
lot out of sight. Investigation is continuing. 

Grand Theft Auto / Possession of Burglary Tools – 
Suspects ArrestedOn January 29 at 11:14 p.m., an officer observed a 
silver Honda Civic traveling west on Olive, commit 
a vehicle code violation. A computer check revealed 
the vehicle had been a reported stolen in the 
city of El Monte, where it had been parked for sale. 
The officer waited for assistance and the vehicle 
was stopped. The male driver admittedthat he knew the vehicle was stolen. The female 
passenger was in possession of burglary tools. 
Both occupants were arrested and the vehicle was 
released to its owner. The driver was charged with 
grand theft auto, and the passenger was charged 
with possession of burglary tools. 

Detective Bureau Case Follow-up

Possession of Methamphetamine / Possession of 
Narcotics Paraphernalia /Suspended Driver’s License 
- Suspects Arrested and Cited 

On January 23, Special Enforcement Officers 
stopped a suspicious vehicle parked in the north 
end where a residential alarm had gone off. The 
passenger was arrested for possession of methamphetamine 
and possession of a smoking pipe. The 
driver was cited for driving on a suspended driver’s 
license and his vehicle was stored. 

Possession of Narcotics / Probation Violation – 
Suspect ArrestedOn January 28, officers from West San Gabriel 
Valley Anti-Crime Task Force (WSGVACTF) assigned 
to monitor the early release population 
(AB 109) conducted probation compliance checks 
in Monrovia. A recent check resulted in the apprehension 
of one suspect who attempted to hide 
narcotics from the officers. Charges for violation of 
probation and felony possession of narcotics will 
be filed with the District Attorney.
AB109 Compliance Team arrests Monrovia Probationer 
for Suspected Burglary at Cal Tech. 
Members of the West San Gabriel Valley Anti-
Crime Task Force (WSGVACTF) locatedand arrested a burglary suspect on January 29, 
2014 after an approximate 2-hour search. Team 
members were conducting an unrelated probation 
investigation in Pasadena when Caltech Security 
personnel notified Pasadena PD of an auto 
burglary in progress in the 1100 block of Blanche 
St. The WSGVACTF members were in the area of 
Caltech and responded to assist on the call. The 
suspect fled from Caltech Security and hid inside 
the large, 4-building apartment complex. Pasadena 
PD officers contained the area while the WSGVACTF 
conducted a sweep of the complex. Thesuspect was eventually found hiding in a 3rd floor 
laundry chute. The suspect maneuvered his way to 
the lower floor at the direction of officers and was 
taken into custody. Joseph A. Naylor, 34-year-old 
resident of Monrovia, was arrested and booked at 
the Pasadena City Jail on a felony burglary charge 
with his bail set at $50,000.00.

 Naylor is currently on probation for property related 
crime and is believed to be an AB 109 early 
release subject. The West San Gabriel Valley Anti-
Crime Task Force is based out of the Arcadia Police 
Department and the primary focus of the team is 
AB 109 compliance. The team is led by a Pasadena 
PD Sergeant and has assigned Detectives from Arcadia 
PD, El Monte PD, Monrovia PD, Monterey 
Park PD, Pasadena PD, and South Pasadena PD. 
Other participating agencies include the Alhambra 
PD, Montebello PD, and San Gabriel PD. Costs 
associated for the team are offset by contributions 
from the State for an AB 109 enforcement program 
approved in the Statebudget. 

Fraud Suspects IdentifiedIn September, a fraud case was assigned to a Detective 
regarding a victim who had purchased a car on 
Craig’s List using “money packs”. The car was determined 
to belong to another person and was not 
actually for sale. The thieves took the money and 
disappeared. The suspects were determined to be 
from the state of Georgia. The detective assigned 
the case contacted a detective in the jurisdiction of 
Georgia and they provided assistance on the case. 
The suspects were identified and were known to 
have a history of similar crimes. A case was generated 
in Georgia and the two suspects, male and 
female, are now wanted in Georgia.