Mountain View News Saturday, March 1, 2014 4Mountain View News Saturday, March 1, 2014 4
Post Office Closes after
Employees Become Ill
investigating the source of the
Catalina Station Post
Slams into
odor, he said.
Office Temporarily Closed They suspect the cause may
Until Further Notice for have been recent work done on
the roof of the building. New
Emergency Maintenance,
air filtration system filters were
PO Box service relocated to
Police arrested a Pasadena By Dean Lee
being installed before the post
man early Thursday
An alleged dunk driver
Plaza Station office would reopen according
morning in connection with
to the building owners.
surveillance video footage of a
slammed her car into two
Maher said all mail has been
morning, after losing control
businesses, early Monday
Out of an abundance of caution removed from the post office
burglary, caught on tape as an
for the wellbeing of employees box operations and had been
of the vehicle at the corner of
elderly couple slept.
and customers, post office relocated to Plaza Station, 281
The residential burglary Washington Boulevard and
officials shut down operations E. Colorado Blvd., less than one
Altadena Drive.
occurred in the early morning
at the Catalina Station; 967 E. mile away. Catalina Station post
“She went through this
of February 19, in the 1300
Colorado Blvd, Wednesday office box customers can pick
thing at 70 mph, through
block of North Catalina
after an odor sent a number of up their mail at Plaza Station
the planter boxes, we had
Ave. Police arrested Angel
employees to the hospital a day Monday through Friday from
Luis Tapia, 23, a parolee, in
counters here and two
earlier. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and
connection with the burglary
Post office spokesperson Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2
Police said Tapia was able to a wrought iron gate into a in her car,” Avedikian said.
displays, she went through
Richard Maher said officials p.m. Customers must have
gym, “Phoenix Wellness “And they took off.”
were investigating the source of photo identification with them
enter the house as the elderly
fumes that caused symptoms of to collect their mail.
Center owner Jim Avedikian Police said they were still
residents slept. Once inside,
nauseous and a sore throat. Operations will return to
said. “She ended up inside investigating if Zakarian was
the suspect removed items
The postal service leases the Catalina Station as soon as the
the gym [Phoenix Fitness].” the only person in the vehicle
including a wallet, a cellular
space in the building and an matter is resolved, hopefully
He said witnesses reported at the time of the crash.
telephone and jewelry. A
environmental specialist was early next week he said.
Taleen Zakarian, 25, may Avedikian said the total cost
in the residence captured the
surveillance camera within
have been evading police, in damages to the building
suspect’s image and actions.
before crashing through had not been estimated. He
According to police, just after the front window of the also said Phoenix Fitness
midnight, early Thursday
pharmacy around 3:40 a.m.and Phoenix Pharmacy were
Pasadena Police tracked
“They had to get a chain two separate businesses.
suspect Tapia to a motel
and literally pull it [a white “The building inspectors
room in the 2800 block of
Infiniti G series] out,” he had to come and verify that
East Colorado Blvd. Tapia
said. “I couldn’t believe how it was stable to reopen,”
was arrested for residential
little damage the car had, the he said. They reopened
burglary and is being held at
window was smashed and Tuesday morning. Phoenix
the Los Angeles County Jail
that was about it.” Fitness was also open, as of,
without bail. Tapia was on
Zakarian failed a field Thursday morning.
parole for burglary.
sobriety test and was Avedikian founded
On Sunday, video footage arrested at the scene, “she the Phoenix Pharmacy
of the burglary was broadcast
was laughing as they took and Wellness Center in
on a local news channel.
her away in handcuffs, 1995, specializing in HIV
As a result, the Pasadena
Avedikian said.” treatments.
Extended Through March 15
Police Department received
To ensure that the Los Angeles Michael D. Antonovich. “In
anonymous tips through
Lecture Series: Storybook
County Fire Department is addition to County Fire’s own
“Crime Stoppers” that
prepared to tackle any type of aerial fleet, the Super Scoopers
confirmed the suspect as
Style Whimsy in L.A.
major fire incident, Supervisor are powerful tools to protect life
Michael D. Antonovich and property.”
Tapia, from Pasadena.
announced that the lease Capable of carrying up to 1,620
Pasadena Police Detectives
contract for two CL-415 gallons of water, Super Scoopers
continue their investigation
Super Scooper fire-fighting can also scoop water from a lake
seeking the recovery of stolen
aircraft from the Government in only 12 seconds, be airborne
of Quebec has been extended in as little as five minutes and fly
Anyone with information is
through March 15, 2014.three hours before refueling.
asked to contact the Pasadena
“Although Los Angeles At the direction of Supervisor
Police at (626) 744-4241. Or
County is expected to receive Antonovich, the Los Angeles
anonymously through Crime
some significant rainfall later County Fire Department began
Stoppers at (800) 222-TIPS
this week, our region is still leasing the Super Scoopers from
in a drought and fire danger the Government of Quebec in
remains high,” said Supervisor 1994.
Top (Right): A Long Beach cottage; (Left): Beverly Hill’s Spadena
City to Hold Community
home (aka the Witches House), Photos by Douglas Keister.
Benefit Soccer Tournament
stories and marvelous images of
Fairytale houses dot the fairytale homes that originated
The public is invited to a Proceeds from the tournament
Southern California landscape, in L.A. during the 1920s. $30,
Pet of the
community benefit soccer will go toward the Villa-
including neighborhoods $25 FOGH. For tickets and
tournament today until 7 p.m. Parke Community Center’s
of Burbank, Hancock Park, more information, visit www.
and tomorrow from 8 a.m. soccer programs and the 2014
Los Feliz to name just a few.
to 7 p.m., at the Villa-Parke AIDS/LifeCycle Ride, www.
But where did this delightful Dubbed “America’s most
Community Center, 363 E. Villa, from San
architecture inspired by noted photographer of historic
St. Francisco to Los Angeles June
medieval Europe come from?architecture,” Keister is a Chico
Admission is free both days. 1-7.
For “Storybook Style: Whimsy based photographer-writer
For-sale food will be available The tournament is being
in L.A.” author Dougals Keister who was authored 35 critically
on-site. sponsored by Stadium Fitness
will outline the history, share acclaimed books, including
The tournament features the and Pasadena Adult Soccer
stories and present marvelous 25 on architecture from
City of Pasadena’s first adult League, in cooperation with
images of these half-timbered Victorian homes to bungalows,
co-ed soccer competition. The the City of Pasadena’s Human
and turreted, pinnacled and cemetery art to courtyards and
adult tournament begins at 8 Services and Recreation
portcullised houses that cottages. He also writes and
a.m., March 1, with the final Department and Pasadena
combine theatrical flair with illustrates magazine articles and
round at 7 p.m. The competition small business owner Molly
fine craftsmanship – and large contributes photographs and
will be played in a round-robin Taylor, who dreamed up the
doses of humor.essays to dozens of magazines,
format with 20-minute halves. idea for the competition.
Sarah is a two-year
These old world charmers newspapers and other
Registration is $350 per team, “The Victor M. Gordo Cup
old Labrador Retriever/
began in Los Angeles in the publications.
or $30 for individual players. is a fun way for residents to
pit bull mix. She loves to
early 1920s and were almost A support group of the
Online registration is available come together and support
play fetch and enjoys belly
forgotten by the late 1930s. University of Southern
at www.VMGCupPasadena. vital programs and services
rubs. She’s very strong, so
Keister will discuss how WWI California, the FOGH is
com. benefitting our community,”
an experienced dog owner
and Hollywood set makers were composed of individuals,
The youth tournament, also in said Taylor, who has been a
would be a great match for
responsible for these quaint corporations and organizations
round-robin format, begins at member of Pasadena’s adult
her. She even knows her
European-styled dwellings that, dedicated to the financial
8 a.m. March 2, with the finals soccer league since 2008. “I
according to Keister, “made support of the Gamble House.
culminating at 7 p.m. Youth thought it would be fitting
everyone smile.”Membership fees and Friends-
basic obedience commands,
registration is $50 per team, to name the tournament in
which earned her a Blue
Storybook Style: Whimsy in sponsored events help fund
plus referee fees. To register, Councilmember Gordo’s honor
The City’s Mulch Give-Away
L.A., 7 p.m., March 25, 2014 The the education and restoration
contact Marco Bermudez at because of the positive work he’s
Since Sarah earned a Blue
Program provides free, fresh
Neighborhood Church, 301 N. programs of the Gamble House.
(626) 744-6511. done for District 5.”
Ribbon, her adoption fee
garden mulch to Pasadena
Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena. For more information please
residents throughout the year.
is reduced to $100, which
Author Douglas Keister shares visit
includes her spay surgery,
The mulch is delivered by the
Learn How to Produce
Department of Public Works,
a microchip, the first set
Altadena Crime Blotter
of vaccinations, as well
Your Own TV Show
Sunday, February 16th3:07 PM – A grand theft by PublicWorks, to Victory Park,
as a free follow-up health
In anticipation of Pasadena
Between 8:00 PM and 7:00 trick occurred in the 100-2575 Paloma St., southeast
check at a participating vet.
Media opening new studios at
AM (Monday) – A petty theft blk of W. Woodbury Rd. The corner of the parking lot.
New adopters will receive
150 S. Los Robles Ave, they are
complimentary health and
occurred in the 600-blk of E. victim received a phone call Mulch is available at the park
offering free television-training
wellness exam from VCA
Woodbury Rd. Loss: 2014 from someone claiming to be while supplies last, 6 a.m. to 10
programs for producers. Plan
Animal Hospitals, as well
Chevrolet Silverado employee with Southern p.m., beginning Feb. 14.
to attend an orientation to
AM (Monday) – A petty theft was told by the caller that there delivered once per month in
Between 10:00 PM and 10:30 California Edison. The victim New loads of mulch will be
discover the right classes for
as a goody bag filled with
information on how to
you. Producers’ Training
Garfias Dr. Loss: Ford truck and needed to pay the full May 9, June 6, July 18, August
occurred in the 1900-blk of was an outstanding balance 2014 on March 14, April 11,
teaches how to produce shows
care for your pet. Ask an
for The Arroyo Channel. Studio
tailgate.amount to avoid a disruption 1, September 12 and October
adoptions counselor for
Production/Equipment training
Monday, February 17thin service. The caller told the 10. Residents should bring
more information during
is also offered to volunteer
Between 4:00 PM and 6:30 victim to make the payments shovels, containers, gloves and
your visit.
crewmembers. In addition,
PM – A petty theft occurred in using Money Pack gift cards. eye protection to collect the
Call the Pasadena
on-going training will soon be
Humane Society & SPCA at
the 2100-bk of Allen Av. Loss: The victim made the payment mulch.
2006 Dodge Ram tailgate.and became suspicious when The Mulch Give-
Class Offerings 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Nightly
626.792.7151 to ask about
11:43 PM – A vehicle was the caller insisted on additional Away program is a free,
A348607, or visit at 361 S.
reported stolen from the 2700-payments. Loss: $1, 500.00. environmentally friendly
Raymond Ave. in Pasadena.
Orientation Training
blk of St. James Pl. ***Vehicle Friday, February 21stservice for residents that uses
Monday March 3 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday, February 18thoccurred at Focus Point City street trees. Mulch is
Outstanding***8:39 AM – A vandalism the recycled trimmings from
Adoption hours are 11-4
PCAC Board Of Directors - Regular Meeting
Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday –
10:13 PM – A vehicle was Academy, 3126 Glenrose Av.good for your garden and the
Friday, 9-4 Saturday. Pets
Tuesday March 4 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
reported stolen from the 800-Between 9:00 AM and 8:40 environment, especially in the
may not be available for
New Studio Grand Opening
blk of W. Mountain View PM – A residential burglary current drought conditions.
adoption and cannot be
Tuesday March 4 at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
held for potential adopters
St. ***Vehicle recovered by occurred in the 2000-blk of For more information
Introduction to Field Production Training
registered owner***Maiden Ln. Suspect(s) entered on mulch and other City
from phone calls or email.
Wednesday, February 19ththe residence via the unsecured recycling services visit:
Monday March 5 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Directions and photos of all
9:00 AM – A robbery occurred bathroom window. Loss: gold
pets can be found at www.
in the 500-blk of Stonehurst Av. diamond ring w/emeralds, ruby P u b l i c W o r k s / M u l c h _
Citizen Journalism coming soon
***Suspects are known*** ring with diamonds. Recycling
Digital Film Group coming soon
Avedikian also said several
passengers may have fled the
scene. “She had passengers
LA County fire crews look
through damage left after a
drunk driver lost control of her
The Pasadena Chamber
of Commerce and the Los
Angeles Association of Health
Underwriters (LAAHU)
are hosting an Affordable
Care Act Enrollment Fair
on Tuesday, March 11, 2014,
from 1pm to 6pm in the Jack
Scott Multipurpose Room
at the Pasadena City College
Community Education
Center at 3035 East Foothill
Boulevard in Pasadena.
Insurance professionals from
the Pasadena Chamber and
LAAHU will be on hand to
assist the public in enrolling
for health insurance through
Covered California. The
Community Health Alliance of
Pasadena (CHAP) will be on
hand to assist those wanting to
sign up for MediCal.
The event is fre,e as a program
of LAAHU, the Pasadena
Chamber and CHAP.
Deadline for enrollment in
an approved health insurance
plan under the Affordable
Care Act is March 31. Those
who do not have insurance by
that deadline may be subject to
financial penalties.
Those wishing to discuss
health insurance needs and
sign up under the Affordable
Care Act or MediCal are
welcome to drop in between
2pm and 5:30pm. There is
no cost to attend and no cost
for consultations, advice
or assistance in signing up
for health insurance under
Covered California or
MediCal. Parking is available
in the student lots at the
Community Education Center
for $2.
Those who would like to
enroll at the event will need to
Proof of California Residency
– California ID or Driver’s
License, utility bill, etc.
Proof of Citizenship/Legal
Status – Social Security Card,
Certificate of Naturalization,
Work Permit, Student Visa,
Care Act
Fair at PCC
Free Mulch
Available To
Catalina Station Post Office
Superscooper Contract
available in citizen journalism
and digital film groups. Call the
office (626) 794-8585 or go to
explore what Pasadena Media
has to offer.