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Mountain Views News Saturday, March 1, 2014 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS 13 
Mountain Views News Saturday, March 1, 2014 


 Baby boomers are set to inherit up to $8.4 trillion over the next 15 years, according to The Center 
for Retirement Research at Boston College. And while receiving an inheritance can be exciting, there 
are complicated issues to be worked through, including transferring the emotional attachment you 
had with your parents to the assets they left behind for you.

 A recent New York Times article, which explored this issue, found that some boomers tend to get 
“stuck” when deciding what to do with their inheritance, letting large sums languish in low interest 
accounts for years. Others use the windfall to open their lives up to new possibilities, like starting a 
business or even retiring.

 Here are some tips on how boomers should plan now for a future inheritance: 

Create your own estate plan first. You may be expecting an inheritance, but no one knows 
what the future will bring so create your own estate plan first (this is especially critical if you 
have children of your own). Remember, part of your estate planning should also include a 
prospective plan for your future inheritance. 

Do some tax planning. Inheritances can include cash, personal property, a valuable collection, 
investments or real estate, so the assets contained within your inheritance need to all be 
examined for potential tax liability. 

Look to the future. Many boomers feel an obligation to protect and preserve the inheritance 
for their own children, while others may want to benefit charities or have other plans for what 
remains after they are gone. Your own estate plan should address ways to protect and pass on 
your assets in the most tax-advantaged way possible. 

Use your inheritance. Financial experts advise that boomers should not just sit on an inheritance, 
but should explore ways they and their loved ones can best benefit from it. Inherited money 
should not be treated as a memorial; instead, use it as your parents no doubt intended it – as a 
way to make a better life for yourself and your family.

 To learn more about putting the proper legal and financial protections in place for your family, 
contact our office to schedule a time for us to sit down and talk. We normally charge $750 for a 
Family Estate Planning Session, but because this planning is so important, I’ve made space for the 
next two people who mention this article to have a complete planning session at no charge. Call 
626.355.4000 today and mention this article. 

RICH Johnson 


Yes, I am thrilled to report I am one of 10 semi-finalists in “The Next KABCTalk Star” contest. Winning could be a grand opportunity to help promote theradio show I am involved in with Barry and Lisa.

 But I need your help. The contest is at the phase where you can go up to and vote forme as many times as you want. Did I say as many times as you want? Yes, I said you could vote forme as many times as you want. Unlimited.

 There is a slight complication. You need to become a KABC Insider Member to vote. I would bemost thankful if you could support me. I will walk you through on how to Register below.

 To get to the voting area type in on your computer web browser and click on “TheNext KABC Talk Star” link. 

Scroll down and you will see probably see a picture of either me or a speaker icon, with the textabove me that says, “Rich Johnson’s Bieber Report.” Click on the link of me and the next windowwill open. 

There is a Sign In / Register link at the top right corner of the grey box. Click on link to become 
a KABC Insider listener. It will invite you to create an account and ask you the following questions:
Email, password, name, date of birth, address, and phone. That’s all. And then submit. 

It will then probably take you to the window where you can click on my link and listen or just scroll 
down and vote for me (as often as you want).

 The only way I can make it to the next level is if you vote for me OFTEN and encourage yourfriends to vote for me OFTEN. I’m sure many of my competitors have started organizing for massiveunlimited voting. 

Vote for me by pushing to box in the lower center that has the word “vote” written on it. It willflash green with a check mark. 



By Marc Garlett 

*the creative entrepreneur 
by Lori Koop, Business Coach 
Many people say they want to do more with social media to help their business. Maybe you’ve even 
heard yourself say it, but nothing happened. Why is it so hard to turn a wish into an action? 

If you really want to get started, I’d like to propose a starting point: instead of beginning with to-do’s, 
start with the heart. Answer the question “why do you want to use social media”? If it’s because everyone 
else says you should, forget it! You’ll never keep it up. You may initiate, but without a deep reason 
to continue… well, you won’t. The effort will be temporary. You’ll quit after a few months. 

You see, for anything to be ongoing it must have meaning for you. It’s got to make sense; it must align 
with your values. There has got to be a belief supporting the action – something that is beyond the 
money. It is different for everybody. Is it because you want to meet more people? Is it to help others 
live happier lives? Find your answer. The why is the thing you cling to on a cold, dark night when the 
urge to quit is looming; the why-thought is the reason you carry on. It reconnects you to your mission 
and the energy required to continue. In the beginning, it requires attention. In time, it becomes 
a habit. The right thoughts grow the right muscles… thoughts that empower the right actions and 
deliver the right results. 

This holds true for any goal. What else do you want to accomplish? Keeping up with taxes. Making 
cold calls. Writing new curriculum. It starts with a powerful why. Why do you want to do it? Get clear 
about that, and you’re half way there. 
. . . . . 

LORI KOOP, helping creative entrepreneurs find tru* success. Schedule a complimentary session: www. or call 626-836-1667. (Location: 49 S. Baldwin Avenue, Suite L, Sierra Madre 91024) 
Look for me here every other week. 

Fresh Business Ideas. 
New income opportunities. 

Representatives of large businesses will present information on contracting 
and procurement opportunities for small business 

Pasadena, CA – The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce is hosting a procurement event and discussion 
for our large and small business members who may want to do business together. During ACCESS: 
OPPORTUNITY on Thursday, March 13, 2014, at 3:30 pm at the Pasadena City College Community 
Education Center at 3035 East Foothill Boulevard in Pasadena representatives of large Chamber 
member companies will discuss how local small businesses can provide products and services to 
those large customers. The event is hosted by the Pasadena City College Small Business Development 

ACCESS: OPPORTUNITY is free to Pasadena Chamber of Commerce members. All others pay $10 
for admission. Parking is $2 in the lots at the PCC Community Education Center. 
Seating at ACCESS:OPPORTUNITY is limited so reserve early to ensure you can attend. Please RSVP 
to or by calling 626-795-3355. 

The Procurement Forum will include a panel discussion featuring procurement officers from Pasadena 
City College, Art Center College of Design and Huntington Hospital. Each will explain what 
services and products they procure in the local market and how local businesses can work with them 
as vendors. Each will also be available for one-one-one discussions with potential vendors after the 
presentation. The City of Pasadena, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech, Parsons and others will also 
be on hand to meet potential vendors one-on-one. 

The new Pasadena City College Small Business Development Center will have a table where business 
owners can learn about the services and support available through the PCC-SBDC.
The Procurement Forum is presented by the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and our large business 

The event is being hosted by Pasadena City College, the Community Education Center and the Pasadena 
City College Small Business Development Center.
The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and Civic Association is a professional business organization. 
Since the earliest days of Pasadena, the Chamber has played a major role in the development of this 
internationally renowned city. Since 1888, when the organization was founded as the Board of Trade, 
the Chamber's primary purpose has been the enhancement of both the business climate and the quality 
of life in Pasadena. The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce serves 1500 members.