Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, March 1, 2014

MVNews this week:  Page B:1


Photo and Story By Deanne Davis 

“The technology for film-making now is incredible, 
but I am a big believer that it’s all in the story.” Robert Redford 

“Film-making was not at all what I expected!” Brigitte Bardot 

Monday: Huge vans on Baldwin. Street blocked off in front of 
Beantown. People milling around, cameras, cranes, reflectors, more 
huge vans, more people. The movies have come to town! Woo hoo! 
Love it when the movies come to town as we always hope they bring 
lots of money with them and spend it here! And we want to know if 
we’ll see anybody famous. Saw Steve Martin, a few years ago when 
they were filming Sgt. Bilko down by Happy’s Liquor. Olympia 
Dukakis was in a film in the house across the street from us and the 
film company gave a basket of muffins to everybody in the vicinity 
to make us all happy, which they did. Probably Sierra Madre’s most 
famous film was Invasion of the Body Snatchers; you remember, 
Pod People! The Seven Little Foys with Bob Hope at the Pinney 
House; Family Plot with Bruce Dern, n Alfred Hitchcock film down 
at Pioneer Cemetery. You just never know who you’ll see! 

Tuesday: Walked downtown to see what was happening. More 
huge vans rolling in with Buena Vista on the sides. Not just the 
movies, but Disney has come to town! A sleepy security guard in 
front of Beantown, which is now called “Two Slice Pizzeria” by the 
way, told us that a TV pilot entitled, “Mason Twins” was underway. 
Peeking into the windows of Beantown/Two Slice Pizzeria, we were 
astonished to see our beloved coffee pub has been transformed 
into a really cute Italian restaurant with red and white checked 
tablecloths, café curtains on the windows, square tables seating 
four, booths along the north side wall, Tiffany lamps hanging from 
the ceiling, (and lots of stage lights up there, too) and a full bar 
along the back! With stools! And beer taps! We were astonished! 
Had no idea Beantown was so big inside. 

Meanwhile, cables all over the sidewalk carefully covered with 
metal covers so nobody trips, people thronging the street bringing 
in equipment; controlled mayhem up and down Baldwin. Walking 
down to Kersting Court, we see a beautiful sign on the edge of 
Kersting Park welcoming us to “Breezy Shore, New Jersey, Est. 
1858!” Well OK! 

Peeked in the window at Vicious Dogs (formerly Mountain View 
Sushi) on Sierra Madre Blvd. and saw that they’re really close to 
being ready AND that we can have beer and wine with our hot dog! 
Subway is coming along, too, with guys on ladders putting up lights 
and a sign in the window advertising for future Subway employees! 


The park at City Hall is swarming with film folks! Putting up 
canopies, bringing in cameras, covering the sidewalk and street. 
More Buena Vista trucks and the excitement is tremendous. At 
least for us. These people look like all this confusion and stuff 
everywhere makes sense and we are impressed. Resisting the urge 
to just stand there and stare at them, we slowly proceeded toward 
Lima, stopping to smell the baking croissants at Poppy Seed Baking 
Co. filling the air. “I want one of those cinnamon rolls!” I said to 
the ever-patient and extremely sensible John. “Seriously?” he said, 
“seriously?” OK, I know, oatmeal. 

Just another exciting day here in Breezy Shore, New Jersey! 

“I grew up on movie sets, I’m comfortable on sets. A movie set is 

like a circus. I don’t understand why moviemaking has to be such 
an insane environment.” Jason Reitman 

“There’s a level of sophistication in film-making that’s mind-
boggling. Anything you need for your movie, there’s an 
establishment that can make it happen really fast.” Ang Lee 

Check out my book, Walking Sierra Madre friends!
“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter.” 

 It’s available on and at the following link: https:// at the bookstore at Pasadena First Church of the Nazarene 
3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena! 


On Tuesday Night, 2.25.14, in Sierra Madre City Council Chambers, Officer Ed Delcoure 

presented Pasadena High School Baseball Team with a $500 Sponsorship from the Sierra 

Madre Police Officers Association. 

Pictured above are SMPOA President, Ed Delcoure; Varsity Coach, Jaime Guzman; 

Varsity Players: Captain, Alex Baer; Trent Buchanan; Frank Garriola; Niko Lopez. 
All monies go directly to support PHS Baseball Program. 
Photo by Teri Buchanan 

From The City of Sierra Madre - 


With considerable rainfall in the forecast for 
the upcoming week, the City of Sierra Madre 
would like to encourage residents to think about 
opportunities to collect rain water and use it to 
supplement their potable supply. 

One inch rain on a 1000 square foot roof will 
yield 600 gallons of water. Capturing this water 
can replace potable water for landscaping use. 
Many residents have contacted the City with 
ideas and questions regarding installing rain 
gutters that discharge to rain barrels and collect 
water for landscaping use. There are now many 
systems available for you to consider if you have 
not yet done so. 

Perhaps you were considering this improvement 
for your home, but with so little rainfall in 
recent history, this type of system is forgotten. 
The rain that is forecasted for this week can 
provide an opportunity to see if there are rain 
capture opportunities on your property. This 
can be as simple as putting a few buckets in 
various locations and testing the collection 
feasibility around the property. Of course, 

this collected rain water can then be used 
to irrigate your landscape once the rain has 
subsided. It is important to know, however, 
that formal rainwater harvesting equipment 
uses sealed collection containers to mitigate the 
opportunities for mosquitos in standing water. If 
you do collect rainwater in open containers, be 
sure to use it once the rain ends. 

As of Tuesday, the National Weather Service is 
forecasting 2-4 inches of rain in the foothills and 
mountains with even higher amounts possible in 
the south facing slopes. Please keep the following 
in mind as the storms approach this week:

• Turn off or adjust your automatic 
• Be prepared to monitor any rainwater 
harvesting equipment that you may already have 
• Consider “trying out” rainwater 
harvesting on your property by using containers 
to see how much rain can be captured. 
• Be sure to use any open rainwater 
collected in a timely manner. Empty your bucket 
and eliminate any areas of standing water if you 
notice mosquitos. Put this water into the ground 
if at all possible instead of into the gutter and 
storm drains. 
For more information about Rainwater 
Harvesting and other ideas for saving 
water around your house please visit http://, or call the Sierra Madre 
Department of Public Works at 626-355-7135. 

Student Talent Show Raises over $5,000 

Students at Sierra Madre Elementary School and 
Sierra Madre Middle School recently held their 
4th Annual Talent Show to help raise money for 
the schools’ Annual Fund. 

Hosted by parents Fred Thomas and Mary 
McDougal, the show, which lasted three housrs 
and featured 59 actos by 109 students, was a 
testament to the many and varied talents of our 
children. Performances included instrumental, 
vocal and dance and the performers ranged in 
age from 6 to 15! 

Awards were granted for the following 

Category 11st place: 
2nd place: 
3rd place: 

Category 21st place: 
2nd place: 
3rd place: 

Category 31st place:
2nd place: 
3rd place: 

Kaiya Wilson & Connor Hopkins 
Sylvia Wang 
Petra Shair 

Annika Bullock & Ava Kennedy 
Maila Thomas & Kamesha Moore 
Isabel & Zoe Williams 

 William Wallius 
David Osuna 
Katerina Carr & Sierra Alva 

Judging for this year’s show was done byOpera Professional and resident Suzanna 
Guzman. Guzman currently is the Director of 
Community Engagement for the Los Angeles 
County High School For The Arts; 

Marcus Herron, Instrumental Director, 
Pasadena High School; 

Joe Normal, Songwriter, Rock Band Coach and 
Instructor at Sierra Madre Music and 
Amber Plummer, PE Teacher, Dance Teacher 
and Muralist at Eliot Middle School. 

The money raised will go toward Funding the 
Difference a program of SMS Annual Fund, 
that provides financial support to maintain 
staff positions that contribute to the core values 

of the school. With state and local budget 
cuts additional money is needed to support 
Playground Supervisors, Guidance Staff, Health 
Clerks, Instructors of Recreation, After School 
Sports Programs, Spotlight Performances, Visual 
Arts, Performing Arts and Dance Specialists, 
the 3rd grade Violin Program, Curriculum and 
Language Development teachers and more. 

Yes, The King Of Pop was in the house! 

Young Master David Osuna won 2nd 

Place in Category 3 for his performance of 
‘Smooth Criminal. Photo by Karen Walker 

Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327, Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: