Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, March 1, 2014

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 1, 2014 


ARCADIA – Now that the Olympics are over, 
how will we fill our evenings? Well, several 
hundred locals plan to avoid “Olympic 
withdrawal” by attending Methodist Hospital’s 
19th annual Mardi Gras next Tuesday, March 
4, at Sirona’s in the beautiful Santa Anita Park. 
Attracting hundreds of revelers and dozens 
of restaurants every year, Mardi Gras will 
begin at 6 p.m. and last until 10 p.m. One of 
Methodist Hospital’s highest profile and most 
successful fundraising events, the annual 
“beads and boas” celebration is expected to be 
one of the most successful ever, with mouthwatering 
food prepared by more than 30 of the 
area’s most successful eateries and vendors. 
Among these are Benihana, Celestino’s 
Ristorante & Bar, Hai Di Lao Hotpot, Green 
Street Restaurant, La Luna Negra, Matt 
Denny’s, Sena on Myrtle and Toro Sushi and 
Bar, just to name a few. 

The 80z All Stars, a California 1980s tribute 
band, will once again provide lively music 
for dancing and entertainment. The annual 
Mardi Gras parade will get the celebration 
going, with activities such as a silent auction 
and dancing also on the agenda. 
For more information on supporting this 
worthy cause or to buy tickets, please contact 
the Methodist Hospital Foundation, 626-8988888 
For the second time in a row, event co-chairs 
are Sherry Wang, a Methodist Hospital 

Foundation board member and two-time Dr. Lin hopes this year’s event will provide a 
chair; longtime hospital supporter Patty Soldo, huge boost to the hospital’s growing cancer 
who also chaired for the second time; and four-program. “We’ve always had a strong cancer 

time chair/co-chair Lindburgh McPherson. program, and the community definitely wants it 
Former Methodist Hospital Chief of Staff to remain an integral part of the hospital’s litany 
James Y. Lin, MD, will reign as King of Mardi of services,” Dr. Lin said. “It’s important that we 
Gras, recognized for his longtime support of remain competitive and on the cutting edge, and 
Methodist Hospital and the outstanding clinical Mardi Gras helps us do just that.” 

care he has provided to thousands of patients. Tickets are $100 each. To reserve yours, contact 
Proceeds will go to support the hospital’s highly the foundation at 626-898-8888 or mardigras@
successful cancer program. 

“I feel extremely honored, considering all the About Methodist Hospital

fine people who have served as king before me,” Founded in 1903, Methodist Hospital is a not-
Dr. Lin said of the honor. “I want to continue for-profit hospital licensed for 596 beds serving 
helping the foundation raise funds for the Arcadia and surrounding communities. Services 

cancer program, which is one of the clinical include comprehensive acute care such as 
areas the hospital strives diligently to expand medical, surgical, perinatal, oncology, intensive 

and strengthen. It’s a great thrill to be honored care and complete cardiovascular services, 
by an event I have supported for many, many including open-heart surgery. Methodist 
years.”Hospital is an approved STEMI cardiac center, a 
Over the years the celebration has seen many certified stroke center and a center of excellence 

changes. Once a formal event, it has changed in bariatric services. 

course to become more casual. The Mardi Gras 
parade began in 2010 featuring the Arcadia High The hospital’s cancer center is accredited by the 
School Pep Band. A live band now performs American College of Surgeons Commission on 
each year. Cancer. Methodist Hospital is accredited by The 
“Mardi Gras grew from a friend-making event to Joint Commission, which accredits and certifies 
a fund-raising event,” Wang said. “It has become more than 19,000 health care organizations 
a tradition in our community, one that is well and programs in the United States. For more 

known to many households.” information, visit 

This year’s Mardi Gras king, Dr. James Y. Lin, 
2013 Methodist Hospital chief of staff 


A farewell celebration is being planned for long-time Arcadia resident Betty Harris.
Betty, husband Dick, and son Rich are relocating to Billings, Montana, to live closer to son Jim and his 
family. A farewell celebration for Betty will take place on Monday evening, March 10, 2014, at 6:30 
p.m., in Jordan Hall of the Church of the Good Shepherd, 400 W. Duarte Rd., (SW corner of Duarte 
Rd. and Holly Ave.), Arcadia. Light refreshments will be served. 

Betty Harris has a long history of community involvement. She was coordinator of Senior 
Activities for the City of Arcadia for twenty years (1969-1989). Thanks to Betty’s planning, the 
Arcadia Community Center’s Senior Citizen Services became the reality that it still is. Betty Harris 
has also touched other organizations with her wisdom and leadership. As a member of the Arcadia 
Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), she has served as president 
and was honored with Arcadia AAUW’s Woman of Achievement award in 1990. A more recent 
contribution to the community was her service as co-coordinator of the English Conversation Class 
that was co-sponsored by Arcadia AAUW and the Arcadia Public Library. The students truly loved 
and admired Betty. 

There is much more to be said about this fine woman and the selfless contributions she has made to 
her community. That is why the Arcadia Branch of AAUW and the English Conversation Class from 
the Arcadia Library are hosting an evening of tributes to Betty Harris on March 10. Those wishing 
to attend may respond to Winnie Ng by email at: before March 6. Those who 
would like to give an oral tribute to Betty at the party should mention that in their reply. A check 
for Party Donation ($5) and for Gift Donation (optional) should be made payable in one check to: 
Winnie Ng, 150 Laurel Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91007. 

We shall all miss Betty Harris--the lovely silver-haired lady with the ready smile, the calm presence, 
and the precise word. Betty promises that she will have a contact list and will keep in touch with her 
California friends. 

Understanding the Affordable Care Act 

The deadline to apply for the Covered California is rapidly approaching, March 31, 2014. To help understand 
this program there will be a free enrollment clinic Friday, March 7 from 9:30am to 2:00pm 
at the Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia. Covered California health insurance 
information will be available including health insurance providers to help with enrollment assistance. 
Certified enrollment counselors will help you through the application 

process. If interested in attending please call the Arcadia Community Center, 626.574.5130. It is important 
to bring the following items for enrollment; birth certificate, US passports or resident alien 
card, proof of income (recent paychecks and 2012 tax forms), proof of Los Angeles residency (driver’s 
license, utility bill, phone bill or rental agreement), social security cards for everyone applying. This 
informative free enrollment clinic is open to all ages. Lunch will be available, first come first serve for 

Arcadia Police Blotter 

For the period of Sunday, February 16th, through Saturday, February 22nd, the Police Departmentresponded to 1,097 calls for service of which 158 required formal investigations. The following is asummary report of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period. 

Sunday, February 16: 

1. At approximately 1:45 p.m., an officer responded to Claire’s at the Santa Anita Mall, 400 SouthBaldwin Avenue, regarding a theft report. The 16-year-old Black female suspect concealed jewelry insideher purse and exited the store without making payment. She was arrested, transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking, and later released to her father. 
2. Around 9:33 p.m., an officer was patrolling Bonita Park, 100 South Second Avenue, anddiscovered signs of vandalism. Unknown suspect(s) painted graffiti along the skate boarding area,
which appeared to be a drawing of a methamphetamine smoking pipe and various tagging names. Nowitnesses were located. 
Monday, February17: 

3. Just after 8:45 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 2000 block of Louise Avenue 
regarding a house fire. Officers observed the roof was on fire and entered the location to conduct a 
protective sweep. No occupants were located; however, officers discovered a large marijuana grow. 
Arcadia Fire responded to the scene and extinguished the fire. 
Preliminary investigation revealed the location had stolen in excess of $16,000 worth of electricity. 
A total of 2,489 marijuana plants and various cultivation equipment and supplies were confiscated. 

4. At approximately 8:00 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a bicyclist for riding in the 
dark with no lighting equipment in the area of Foothill Boulevard and First Avenue. The bicyclist 
refused to stop and fled until he was apprehended in the 600 block of North Second Avenue. An 
investigation revealed the subject was under the influence of an alcohol beverage. The 64-year-old 
Hispanic male was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Tuesday, February 18: 

5. Just after 5:10 p.m., officers responded to the area of Goldenwest Avenue and Balboa Driveregarding a suspicious subject walking in the neighborhood. The officer located the subject whoexplained he had no means of transportation and was looking for someone with a phone he could use.
A search of his person revealed he was in possession of drug paraphernalia. The 22-year-old White malewas arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
6. Around 10:00 p.m., an officer conducted a vehicle stop on Foothill Boulevard at Second Avenuefor an obstructed front license plate. The officer discovered the driver had a suspended license and wasin possession of three illegal double edged ninja throwing knives. The 27-year-old Hispanic male wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Wednesday, February 19: 

7. At approximately 5:10 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for displayingunlawful lamps – two bright blue LED lights. The officer discovered the driver was in possession ofconcentrated cannabis. The 19-year-old White female was arrested, transported to the Arcadia City Jailfor booking, and her vehicle was impounded. 
8. Around 5:39 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 2000 block of Ivyland Avenue regardinga burglary report. Unknown suspect(s) forced entry through a window and stole several items fromthe bedrooms, including laptops, tablets, and jewelry. No one reported seeing or hearing anythingsuspicious. Further investigation is being conducted on the handful of latent fingerprints that wererecovered from the point of entry. 
Thursday, February 20: 

9. At about 10:20 a.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on a blue Toyota stake bed truck in 
the area of West Duarte Road and El Monte Avenue for not having mud flaps and for a broken tail 
light. An investigation revealed the 56-year-old Hispanic male driver was under the influence of an 
alcoholic beverage. He was arrested, transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking, and his vehicle 
was impounded. 
10. Shortly after 5:50 p.m., an officer was dispatched to Starbucks, 300 East Huntington Drive, 
regarding an attempted armed robbery that just occurred. Officers and Pasadena Air Support 
conducted an area check for the suspect, but he was not located. The suspect entered the location 
with a small black semi-automatic handgun and pointed it at the barista while he demanded cash. 
When the barista explained she was unable to open the register, the suspect grew frustrated and fled 
the location empty handed. 
The suspect is described as a White male, 30 to 40-years-old, 5’6” tall, stocky build, unshaven, wearing 
a straw hat with a Hawaiian style band around the brim, and a blue colored mesh style hooded jacket. 

Friday, February 21: 

11. At approximately 5:15 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a non-injury traffic accident on 
Baldwin Avenue at Huntington Drive. Party-1 was stopped at a red light in the number one lane of 
northbound Baldwin Avenue when she was struck from behind by a large black truck. The victim did 
not see the driver as he or she quickly fled the location. 
12. Just after 11:05 p.m., an officer responded to the parking lot of Olive Garden, 430 East 
Huntington Drive, regarding a subject check. The officer discovered the 30-year-old Hispanic male 
was under the influence of alcohol and unable to care for himself. He was arrested and transported to 
the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Saturday, February 22: 

13. At about 1:23 a.m., officers responded to the 000 block of West Naomi Avenue regarding a 
group of juveniles loitering in the area causing a disturbance. An investigation revealed two 17-yearold 
male subjects were in possession of drug paraphernalia. They were both cited and released to a 
parent in the field without incident. 
14. Around 3:00 p.m., an officer was dispatched to Macy’s at the Santa Anita Mall, 400 South 
Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theft report. A 46-year-old Asian female concealed items inside a used 
shopping bag and exited the store in the company of her son without making payment. As the loss 
prevention officer attempted to detain the suspect, the son hit the officer in the face with an open 
hand. The woman and her 24-year-old son were arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for 