Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, April 2, 2016

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 2, 2016 

Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side 

by Deanne Davis

“When I started learning the cello, I fell in love with 
the instrument because it seemed like a voice –

my voice.” Mstislav Rostropovich 

 If you walked up or down Baldwin during the 
Wistaria Festival, you might have walked by Lunch 
Hair Salon. If you did, you encountered BravoCelli, 
playing their cellos on the lawn out in front. My 
walking buddy and fellow music aficionado, John, 
and I were stopped in our tracks by the lovely music 
emanating from the three cellos. BravoCelli describe 
themselves as “a group of three cellists from Sierra 
Madre with the desire to share their music with their 

 Here’s the incredible part: Tatum, who is 14, 
Logan, who is 16, and Lauren, who has just turned 
18, have a combined 31 years of experience in solo, 
ensemble, orchestral and improvisational music 
settings. Holy Yo-Yo Ma! 

 Every now and then it is my pleasure to meet an 
exceptional young person and write about them, 
their accomplishments, goals, hopes and dreams, 
but three at one time was beyond fabulous! Tatum 
and Logan are brother and sister, Lauren is a close 
friend. All three of these young people have been 
home-schooled via The Potter’s School, a complete 
curriculum of on-line junior and senior high school 
courses taught through a biblical worldview. Live 
weekly classroom sessions have made it possible for 
Tatum, Logan and Lauren to have school buddies all 
over the nation...difficult to have coffee with them, 
but there’s always the future!

 Both mothers are music teachers, one teaches cello, 
the other piano and between them, they have tutored 
these exciting young people most of their lives. Logan 
and Tatum both began cello instruction at age three 
and Tatum started piano at six. Lauren plays what she 
refers to as “a menagerie of instruments” including 
cello, piano, ukulele, guitar, and she’s a singer, too.

 But wait, in addition to being musical prodigies, 
they are probably the most well-rounded young 
people you’ll ever meet, should you have the good 
luck to meet them - and as they’re looking for music 
gigs and are totally willing and able to play weddings, 
retirement homes, schools, parties, or any other type 
of social situation where music would be a good idea 
– you very well may meet them! They are charming, 
funny, bright and the time we spent together was the 
highlight of my week. 

 Tatum is a soccer player and a runner; she’s 
training for the Mt. Wilson Trail Race and will be 
running a marathon in So. Dakota this summer. 
She’s considering service-based work for her future, 
in addition to music, theater, and possibly pre-med 
with obstetrics or oncology specialization. Tatum is 
looking at Maranatha for high school in the Fall.

 Tatum’s brother, Logan, is an aspiring mechanical 
engineer with an interest in robotics and computer 
interactions/programming. He’s also an Eagle Scout, 
his service project being restoration work on hiking 
trails in Glendora. Tatum’s and Logan’s parents own 
a KOA campground in South Dakota so they have 
experienced winter and snow up close and personal. 
Being California natives, however, they like their 
snow best from a distance. Logan is looking at Olin 
College of Engineering in Massachusetts or George 
Fox University in Oregon. He’s also a hiker, biker, 
swimmer and soccer player. 

 Lauren, in addition to being an amazingly talented 
musician, is also a competitive swimmer and has 
already received scholarship offers from Biola, 
Pepperdine and Santa Cruz. She’s thinking of a career 
in biomedical engineering. And she cooks! And she’s 
a backpacker who has spent a week hiking the John 
Muir Trail in the High Sierras. She emphatically states 
she is not a runner! Music will always be a major part 
of her life, no matter where she goes next.

 See what I mean? Fantastic young people with 
great futures who will do wonders in our world, no 
matter what career they eventually pick. If you’d like 
to discuss a future engagement for BravoCelli, here is 
their contact: 

 Spring is definitely here! The roses around town 
have never been more beautiful. Walk slowly so you 
don’t miss any, and take a minute to really look and 
check for fragrance when you pass some by. Enjoy 
every flower you see, especially the masses of pink 
Hawthorne blossoms all over town. 

 Check out my book page on You might like my 
blog, too:



 “The Kindness of Strangers” feature encourages readers 
to share their stories. I can assure you, they will be 
uplifting especially in contrast to all the the challenges 
and issues we have to deal with daily. So, if you have 
something you would like to share, please submit it to: It doesn’t matter where you 
were or when it happened. Share your good expeiences in hope that it might bring a little joy and/
or inspire someone.

 -Susan Henderson, Editor/Publisher MVNews

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: