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Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 2, 2016 



Rita Hadjimanoukian of L.A. Supervisor Michael Antonovich’s office, Grace Rickert, Donna Arnds, 
Linda Offrey, Kathryn Berger from Michael Antonovich’s office, Viola Van and Elizabeth Andalon from 
Congresswoman Judy Chu’s office.

The Soroptimist mission of helping women and girls 
was exemplified at its local chapter’s annual “Live Your 
Dream” luncheon, held on March 23rd at the Women’s 
City Club in Pasadena. At this event, the Altadena-
Pasadena branch of Soroptimist International honored 
Donna Arnds with the Live Your Dream Award, Grace 
Rickert with the Violet Richardson Award, and Linda 
Offray with the Ruby Award. “This award luncheon 
represents the signature program of Soroptimist 
International,” said club Co-President Phyllis Howard.

 The Soroptimist Ruby Award acknowledges a woman 
who works to improve the lives of women and girls via 
her personal or professional activities. This year’s award 
was given to Linda Offray, who founded Shepherd’s 
Door Domestic Violence Resource Center in 2000. 
The center provides assistance to abused women in the 
Altadena and Pasadena area, and offers services that 
include crisis counseling, support groups, legal services, 
youth violence prevention education, and professional 
training. “Receiving this award was such a pleasant 
surprise,” Linda remarked, who left a job with the City 
of Pasadena to devote her career to helping victims of 
domestic violence. The Soroptimists gave Shepherd’s 
Door a monetary award to help support its work in the 

 The Violet Richardson Award recognizes young 
high school women for demonstrating leadership 
by identifying a vital issue in their community, and 
addressing it through their volunteer efforts. This year’s 
award was given to 18-year-old Grace Rickert of La 
Canada, who taught a sewing skills class at the Door of 
Hope, a local residence for women and children who are 
fleeing abusive relationships. Grace chose this volunteer 
project to earn her Girl Scout Gold Award, and felt that 
her Sewing Skills Development Program would be an 
ideal way to teach valuable skills to her students. “I wanted 
to work with women at the Door of Hope who are victims 
of domestic violence,” she explained, “and sewing is a big 
part of my life. I wanted to share this passion with them.” 
Grace organized three fundraisers to raise money for 
materials and to purchase a permanent, portable sewing 
center so that the residents could continue to utilize their 
new skills after her project ended. 

 The Live Your Dream Award assists women by giving 
them the resources they need to improve their education, 
skills and employment opportunities. These women are 
the primary source of financial support for their families, 
are often leaving an undesirable domestic situation, and 
are returning to school to better their lives. This year’s 
award was given to Donna Arnds, who left an abusive 
relationship and raised her two children alone with little 
or no child support. She began working for the Door of 
Hope and began her journey towards helping others make 
a difference. Donna began taking classes at UCLA in 2015, 
and has maintained an “A” average. Her two sons have 
graduated from high school, and it’s a good time for her 
to focus attention on her dream of completing her degree. 
Donna plans to create a new career helping other women 
achieve their goals. “At first, I wasn’t sure that I wanted to 
apply for this award,” said Donna. “However, I knew that 
I would be among friends if I did.” The Soroptimist Live 
Your Dream Grant will help offset Donna’s tuition and 
other expenses. 

 The award recipients received proclamations from 
Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek, Los Angeles County 
Supervisor Michael Antonovich, Assemblyman Chris 
Holden, State Senator Anthony Portantino, and 
Congresswoman Judy Chu. Each of the awardees also 
received stylish handbags from Soroptimist club member 
Hazel Salomon-Jimmy, the proprietor of Hazel’s Bagz. 
“I’m always proud to be a Soroptimist at this event,” 
Hazel stated. And, as with every year, attendees agreed 
that the 2016 Live Your Dream luncheon was a most 
inspiring event.

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