Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 2, 2016
Going, going, going soon! If you haven’t already
seen the temporary exhibit at the Gilb Museum
of Arcadia Heritage featuring Tony Antista, be
sure and stop by soon. Mr. Antista wrote the
Arcadia High School Fight Song. He also owned
the local music store on Huntington Drive. Step
back into local history and learn more about this
interesting individual and his contributions to
the community. This exhibit is only up through
April 2, 2016.
For more information, please call 626.574.5440
or visit the website at http://ArcadiaCa.gov/
Museum. The Gilb Museum of Arcadia
Heritage is located at 380 W. Huntington Drive,
immediately behind the Community Center. The
Museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed 12-1). Admission
is always free.
About the City of Arcadia
Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel
Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile
community with a population of just over 56,000.
Located approximately 20 miles east of downtown
Los Angeles, Arcadia is a full-service charter city
governed by a five-member City Council, elected
at large. Recognized for exceptional education
and recreation opportunities and beautiful
neighborhoods, Arcadia is also defined as the
“Community of Homes” and has twice been
designated the “Best City in California in which
to Raise Kids” by Business Week Magazine.
For the period of Sunday, March 20th, through Saturday,
March 26th, the Police Department responded to 927 calls
for service of which 141 required formal investigations.
The following is a summary report of the major incidents
handled by the Department during this period.Sunday,
March 20:
1. Just after 9:49 a.m., an officer responded to a residence
in the 000 block of Hacienda Drive regarding a vandalism
report. An investigation revealed an unknown suspect
smashed the driver’s side window and fled undetected.
No loss was reported and no witnesses were located.
2. Around 4:16 p.m., an officer responded to the
Santa Anita Race Track, 285 West Huntington Drive,
regarding an intoxicated subject. Upon contacting the
29-year-old male from Covina, the officer detected
a strong odor of alcohol emitting from his breath and
body. The officer determined he was unable to care for
himself. He was arrested and transported to the Arcadia
City Jail for booking.Monday, March 21:
3. At about 1:56 p.m., an officer responded to Foothill’s
Middle School, 171 East Sycamore Avenue, regarding a
possible child abuse report. The officer discovered the
juvenile victim had a bruised cheek from being hit with
a closed fist by his father. The 44-year-old male from
Arcadia was arrested and transported to the Arcadia
City Jail for booking.
4. At approximately 10:51 p.m., an officer responded to
Souplantation, 301 East Huntington Drive, regarding
an auto burglary report. An investigation revealed
an unknown suspect used a blunt tool to smash the
rear passenger window before stealing the victim’s
iPads, Apple watch, and medical foot bone model. The
investigation is ongoing.Tuesday, March 22:
5. Around 11:19 a.m., an officer responded to
Burlington Coat Factory, 1201 South Baldwin Avenue,
regarding a theft report. A witness reported seeing two
suspects conceal numerous items of merchandise in
their purses before exiting the store, failing to make
payment. Both of the suspects are described as black
females in their early 30’s, and approximately 5’6” to
5’8”. The suspects fled in a silver Mazda sedan. The
investigation is ongoing.
6. Just after 10:13 p.m., officers responded to the 800
block of West Duarte regarding an unknown trouble call.
Upon contacting the reporting party, an involved male
walked away from officers, ignoring several demands
to stop. The suspect then fled from officers on foot. The
25-year-old male from Arcadia was eventually located
and a records check revealed he had an outstanding
misdemeanor warrant. He was arrested and transported
to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.Wednesday, March
7. Shortly after 11:23 a.m., an officer responded to
Arcadia Methodist Hospital, 300 West Huntington
Drive, regarding a fraud report. An investigation
revealed the victim’s credit card information was stolen
while attempting to pay his co-pay. The investigation is
8. At about 9:13 p.m., officers responded to the
intersection of Holly Avenue and Longden Avenue
regarding a traffic collision with an unknown amount of
injuries. Officers located the driver of the sole vehicle and
noticed signs of drug use. During a search of the vehicle,
officers located a glass smoking pipe and a glass jar with
marijuana residue. The 23-year-old male from Arcadia
was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for
booking.Thursday, March 24:
9. At approximately 5:10 a.m., officers responded to
the 200 block of East Camino Real Avenue regarding
an activation of an Arcadia Police Department GPS
tracker. Arcadia PD detectives had previously deployed
decoy packages containing bait property and tracking
devices to combat the increase in package thefts from
residential areas. An investigation revealed two suspects
had the stolen package, property, tracking device, as well
as methamphetamine and additional stolen property
in their vehicle. A 19-year-old female and a 26-year-
old female, both from Canoga Park, were arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
10. Just after 10:09 p.m., an officer initiated consensual
contact with a subject standing near the area of Foothill
Boulevard and Santa Anita Avenue. During a consensual
search of his person, the officer discovered the suspect
was in possession of drug paraphernalia. A 19-year-old
male from Van Nuys was arrested and transported to the
Arcadia City Jail for booking.Friday, March 25:
11. At about 2:19 p.m., an officer responded to
Albertson’s, 298 East Live Oak Avenue, regarding a petty
theft report. An employee witnessed the suspect conceal
two bottles of alcohol before exiting the store, failing to
make payment. The 29-year-old male from Santa Clarita
was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for
12. At approximately 8:55 p.m., officers responded
to the 200 block of Monte Place regarding suspicious
circumstances. A resident came home to find an
unknown male next to a vehicle in his driveway. An
investigation revealed a burglary had occurred at the
residence. Officers located the vehicle being driven
by the suspect who failed to yield. A pursuit ensued,
traveled to the vicinity of LAX, where the 32-year-
old male from Paramount was ultimately arrested
and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Saturday, March 26:
13. Just after 3:31 p.m., an officer responded to Macy’s
at the Santa Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue,
regarding a petty theft report. A loss prevention specialist
witnessed the suspect conceal items in a shopping bag
before leaving the store, failing to make payment. The
29-year-old male from La Puente was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
14. At about 11:57 p.m., officers responded to the
1000 block of East Camino Real Avenue regarding an
activation of an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker.
An investigation revealed an 18-year-old male and a
19-year-old female, both from Arcadia, had removed the
stolen property (and tracking device) from the package,
placed the property in a bag and fled the scene on a
bicycle. Both suspects were arrested and transported to
the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Watch a real demonstration on blacksmithing
when historian James Bowden brings his real
smithy to the Arcadia Museum Education Center
for a live, educational experience.
A fun outing for the whole family on Saturday,
April 9, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. until noon. After the
demonstration, stroll over to the Gilb Museum of
Arcadia Heritage and see the many exhibits about
Arcadia history.
For more information, please call 626.574.5440
or visit the website at http://ArcadiaCa.gov/
Museum. The Museum Education Center is
located at 382 W. Huntington Drive. The Gilb
Museum of Arcadia Heritage is located at 380
W. Huntington Drive, immediately behind
the Community Center. The Museum is open
Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. (closed 12-1). Admission is always free.
About the City of Arcadia
Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel
Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square mile
community with a population of just over 56,000.
Located approximately 20 miles east of downtown
Los Angeles, Arcadia is a full-service charter city
governed by a five-member City Council, elected
at large. Recognized for exceptional education
and recreation opportunities and beautiful
neighborhoods, Arcadia is also defined as the
“Community of Homes” and has twice been
designated the “Best City in California in which
to Raise Kids” by Business Week Magazine.
On Saturday, April 16, 2016 between 2:30 p.m. and
3:30 p.m., come to the Museum Education Center
and bring your old photograph, document, book, quilt
or any personal artifact from home. The Curator will
provide helpful advice on preserving your personal
memorabilia. (One artifact per person, per month).
Please note that the Curator is not able to give
appraisals. This is a free, drop-in program. No advance
reservations needed.
While at the Gilb Museum of Arcadia Heritage,
visit the new temporary exhibit Fonk Sa Thiossân:
Cherish Your Culture, The Artwork of Djibril
N’Doye. Born in Bargny, Senegal, self-taught, local
artist Djibril N’Doye is internationally recognized
with artwork in galleries, universities, homes, and
businesses throughout West Africa, the USA,
Mexico, Cuba, Western Europe, and Japan. He has
received numerous awards in recognition of his talent
as an artist. Djibril N’Doye considers his work to be
“universal” art, and his style of drawing is inspired by
sculptures in ebony. Processing images of different
pieces of the dark hardwood, he is able to create
the effect of transparency in his art. The drawings
portray a variety of scenes from daily life based on his
native West Africa. This temporary exhibit will be up
through May 21, 2016.
For more information about the Ask the Curator
series or the exhibits, please call 626.574.5440 or visit
the website at http://www.arcadiaca.gov/musem.
The Museum Education Center is located at 382 W.
Huntington Drive. The Gilb Museum of Arcadia
Heritage is located at 380 W. Huntington Drive,
immediately behind the Community Center. The
Museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from
10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (closed 12-1). Admission is
always free.
(Duarte, CA) – On March 26, 2016, the football field at Duarte High
School was packed with football players of all ages, learning lessons and
gaining motivation from a handful of the school’s most successful former
It was billed as the community’s first Pro Day Football Camp for
youngsters from the Duarte area and 184 youths, ages 5 through 17,
participated under the lights that Saturday night, March 26.
“The motivation was to get all the talented people from the community,
those who have been somewhat successful in sports, to come back and
help the kids understand what it takes to succeed not only in sports, but in
life,” said London Lee, a former Duarte Falcon who coordinated the camp
along with Duarte USD Board President Ken Bell and Theresa Barnes of the
Duarte Junior Falcons football program.
Lee, now a youth coach who played at Bakersfield City College and
La Verne University after leaving Duarte, reached out to current NFL
players Michael Harris (Minnesota Vikings, UCLA) and Eric Rogers
(San Francisco 49ers, CFL, Cal Lutheran), and current Stanford strength
coach Darius Reece.
“The first thing we did was to see if these successful pro athletes and coach
would be able to come back to the community to share their experiences,
and they were very positive about the project,” said Lee. “That helped make
this a major success.”
In addition to Lee, Rogers, Reece and Harris, a group of former players
at Duarte High School came back to help staff the 3-hour camp, which
consisted of four major stations: Offensive and Defensive Linemen; Skills
for wide receivers and defensive backs; tackling for all positions, and
footwork for all technique and speed.
Every participant rotated through all four stations. Lee explained, “We
kept it moving, rarely stopping, which helped show the youngsters how fast-
paced things are at a higher level. You have to continue and keep playing,
even when you are tired if you want to compete. That was the message that
Eric, Darius and Michael were sharing with the kids.”
The camp format included higher level skills and competitive events for
the older kids, as well as a chance to find the fun aspects in football for those
at the lower range of the age spectrum.
“This was a chance for the young people of the community to see up-
close and personal the work ethic and the dedication that helped these
athletes succeed,” said Lee.
Among the 184 attendees were a few aspiring female football players,
and one asked Harris this question: “Do you think there will ever be female
players in the NFL?” Harris had this response: “You could be the first one,
if you work hard and want it enough.”
Considering the NFL’s current push towards gender diversity in
coaching, officiating and front office positions, Harris’ response could be
Although just a few days had passed since the camp, Lee said that the
organizers (himself, Bell and Barnes) definitely hope to continue to grow
the camp for the future.
“Anything you’re going to do to help the community has to start with the
youth,” he said.
Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and events. To see a complete
listing of crimes reported, go to the City of Monrovia website and click on the
crime mapping link. Sign up to follow us on Twitter for police notifications.
Grand Theft Auto Recovered / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Suspects
Arrested March 24 at 1:06 p.m., an officer observed a vehicle that appeared
suspicious. It was driving slowly in the 200 block of W. Colorado and making
unusual turns. The driver eventually stopped abruptly and motioned to the
officer to pass. The officer pulled in behind the vehicle and ran a license plate
check, which revealed the vehicle had been reported stolen out of West Covina
and had been used in a carjacking. There were three occupants in the vehicle;
a male and female were taken into custody and a third female subject fled,
but was not located. Drug paraphernalia was found on the male driver of the
vehicle. The two suspects were arrested. The male suspect was later released to
the West Covina Police Department on the grand theft auto charges.
Domestic Violence March 25 at 2:41 p.m., police responded to the 100 block
of N. Fifth regarding a domestic violence incident. A male and female that
have been living together for 11 years were involved in an argument. During
the argument, the male subject punched the female subject in the head and
then pushed and shoved her, causing visible injuries. The male subject fled the
area prior to police arrival. An Emergency Protective Order was obtained. The
investigation is continuing.
Traffic Offense / Speed Contest – Suspect Arrested March 25 at 6:23 p.m., an
officer observed two vehicles that were racing each other on Huntington Drive.
The officer was able to stop one of the vehicles. He contacted the driver, who
admitted to racing the other vehicle. A police helicopter searched for the second
vehicle, but it was not located. The suspect that was detained was arrested and
later released on a citation to appear in court on the charges.
Injury Traffic Collision – Vehicle Versus Pedestrian March 25 at 9:16 p.m.,
officers were dispatched to Mayflower and Evergreen regarding a pedestrian
who was struck by a vehicle. Investigation revealed the pedestrian was walking
south on Mayflower in a marked crosswalk at Evergreen. A vehicle was
traveling south on Mayflower and made a left turn onto Evergreen. The driver
did not see the pedestrian in the crosswalk and struck him. The victim landed
on the hood of the vehicle, rolled off and struck his head on the pavement. He
was taken to a hospital with serious head trauma. The victim was later listed in
stable condition and is expected to survive his injuries.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested March 26 at 2:14 a.m., an
officer observed a vehicle commit a vehicle code violation traveling north on
Peck at Live Oak. The officer conducted a traffic stop and contacted the driver.
After further investigation, the officer determined the driver was driving under
the influence of alcohol. The suspect was arrested, held for a sobering period
and later released with a citation to appear in court.
Driving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested March 26 at 2:18 a.m., an
officer observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed and conducted a
traffic stop on Mountain at Central. Investigation revealed the driver was
driving under the influence of alcohol. The suspect was arrested, held for a
sobering period and later released with a citation to appear in court.
Traffic Collision / Felony Driving Under Influence – Suspect Arrested March
26 at 2:58 a.m., officers were dispatched to the intersection of Huntington and
Ivy regarding a solo vehicle traffic collision. The investigation revealed the
driver was driving under the influence of alcohol, lost control of his vehicle
and struck the curb in the intersection. A passenger in the suspect’s vehicle was
injured during the collision and was taken to the hospital for treatment. The
suspect was arrested for felony DUI and held pending his court appearance.
Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested March 26 at 10:37 a.m., an officer
responded to the 200 block of W. Cherry regarding a domestic dispute. When
officers arrived, the female victim told them she was involved in an argument
with her boyfriend. She reported that he choked her, hit her and threw keys
at her, causing visible injuries. The suspect was still at the location and was
uncooperative. The suspect was arrested for domestic violence and taken into
Last week, the Fire Department received several pieces of brand new
equipment which will soon be put in service to better serve the community.
The largest and most complex pieces of equipment that arrived were two new
fire engines that were delivered to Fire Station 102 for in-service training.
These engines were manufactured by Kovatch Mobile Equipment (KME)
and represent the first KME fire engines that have ever been acquired by
Monrovia. Numerous local municipalities have used Kemps for years, and
the apparatus were extremely well designed and constructed. All of the City’s
Fire Engineers were provided detailed training on the new Fire Engines, and
over the next few weeks, all of the final configurations for the equipment will
be completed.
In addition to the new fire engines, a new 2016 Dodge Ram 2500
outfitted as a Fire Department Command Vehicle was also delivered to the
Fire Department. The new command vehicle is still being outfitted with
equipment and decals, and should be put in service within the next several
weeks. This updated command vehicle will be replacing a twelve year old
SUV, and the new version includes dramatic improvements that provide
different operational configurations to address various incidents depending
on the size and complexity of individual situations.
Finally, the Fire Department also received brand new self-contained
breathing apparatus (SCBAs). The new SCBA’s will replace all of the City’s
existing Sperian SCBAs, which were deployed in Monrovia several years ago
as part of a beta testing and evaluation process. Unfortunately, the Sperian
SCBAs routinely experienced electronic glitches and other operational
issues, and given those problems, all of our SCBAs are being replaced by
Honeywell (which purchased Sperian a few years ago) at no cost to the City.
All of our firefighters will be undergoing training during the next few weeks
to familiarize our team with operating the new SCBAs, and once training is
completed, the new equipment will be placed on all of the City’s firefighting
DUARTE, CA, March 30, 2016 – Duarte and Bradbury will honor the Earth
with a variety of joint community volunteer projects starting at 9:00 am
on Saturday, April 23rd at the Duarte Teen Center. This year’s Earth Day
celebration, sponsored by Burrtec Waste Industries and the Volunteer Center
of the San Gabriel Valley will include the planting of drought tolerant plants
at both Duarte City Hall and the Teen Center, cleaning the Royal Oaks Trail,
Duarte Park and retail parking lots along Huntington Drive.
Some 70 volunteers including 50 teens from the Duarte Area Resource
Team (D.A.R.T), Cardinals Helping Youth Live Life (CHYLL), are expected
to participate in the day’s activities along with staff from Duarte and Bradbury.
A continental breakfast and guest speaker will kick off Earth Day activities at
9:00 am. Mayors of both City’s will also be on hand to officially welcome and
thank the volunteers. The day will conclude with lunch, and participation in
both an art and craft activities including tie-dying their “Earth Day” t-shirts!
For more information, or to volunteer, call Duarte City Hall, (626) 357-
7931, ext. 221.
About the City of Duarte
The City of Duarte was incorporated on August 22, 1957. With integrity and
transparency, the City provides exemplary public services in a caring and
fiscally responsible manner with a commitment to our community’s future.
For more information visit www.accessduarte.com or call (626) 357-7931.
Follow the City of Duarte on Facebook at facebook.com/duartecommunity;
Twitter @CityofDuarte; Instagram @city_of_duarte and LinkedIn.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com