Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 2, 2016
News Briefs
Paula Madison Chosen as
PCCs Graduation Speaker
Two People
Killed in
Car Crash
Roscoe’s Chicken
and Waffles Files for
Veteran media executive Paula
Madison will address students,
family, faculty, staff, and the
community at Pasadena City
College’s 91st Commencement
ceremony the school announced
last week
The ceremony is scheduled for
Friday, May 6, at 7:00 p.m.
“We are so lucky to have an
executive of Ms. Madison’s
caliber speak to our students
at this year’s Commencement
ceremony,” said Superintendent-
President Rajen Vurdien, Ph.D.
“Growing up in Harlem as the
daughter of immigrant parents
from Jamaica and China, Paula’s
life story is one that many of
our students will find familiar.
I’m sure her address will inspire
and motivate our students as
they transition beyond PCC.
I very much look forward to
welcoming her to our campus.”
With more than 35 years’
experience in broadcast
journalism and media
production, Madison has broken
barriers throughout her career.
In 2000, when she assumed the
role of president and general
manager of KNBC-TV in Los
Angeles, she became the first
African-American woman to
lead a network-owned station in
a top-five market. Named one of
Ebony magazine’s “Power 100”
in 2013, she served as executive
vice president and chief diversity
officer of NBCUniversal from
2006 to 2011.
Madison was born in Harlem
and attended Cardinal Spellman
High School in the Bronx.
She spent the early part of her
career as a newspaper reporter
in New York and Texas before
returning to New York City
as assistant news director at
WNBC, eventually becoming
that station’s vice president and
news director.
Madison serves on the boards
of the Maynard Institute for
Journalism Education and the
Greater Los Angeles United
Way, and is a past chairman of
the California Science Center
Foundation, vice chair of
National Medical Fellowships,
the Maynard Institute for
Journalism Education, Cardinal
Spellman High School, and
chair of The Nell Williams
Family Foundation. Among
her many awards are the First
Amendment Service Award
from the Radio and Television
News Directors Foundation.
She earned her bachelor’s degree
from Vassar College.
By Dean Lee
Although not street racing
related, police say a Ford
Mustang was traveling in
excess of 80 mph Wednesday
morning when it hit an SUV
and then a light pole, on
the corner of Lake and Villa
Street, splitting the car in half
killing two of the four people
in the car.
According to reports, an
uncle and nephew were killed
around 7 a.m. when the
maroon 2003 Mustang they
were in hit a Kia Sorrento
SUV making a left turn.
The Coroner’s Office
identified the two people
Thursday as the driver 23
year-old Reynold Chilel-
Ramirez and His nephew, 17
year-old Adelfo Chilel-Lopez
According to Pasadena Fire
Department Spokeswoman
Lisa Derderian Ramirez died
from his injuries after being
rushed to a nearby hospital.
Lopez died at the scene. Two
other men, 22 and 27, were
trapped in the back of the
car before being freed from
the wreckage by firefighters.
She said both men were also
rushed to a nearby hospital
in serious condition.
The driver of the Kia, a 46
year-old woman, suffered
minor injuries. Derderian
said the crash was under
investigation. Investigators
are still interviewing
witnesses and looking
for surveillance video to
determine what happened.
Anyone with information
should call (626) 744-7159.
Photo courtesy of the Pasadena Police.
The parent company, East
Coast Foods Inc., of the
wildly popular Roscoe’s
House of Chicken and
Waffles revealed Tuesday the
restaurant filed for Chapter
11 bankruptcy protection,
in part, because of a $3
million lawsuit awarded to
a former employee.
Daniel Beasley sued the
Roscoe’s on Pico Boulevard
for racial discrimination.
In addition to the lawsuit,
the company has a number
of large debts court
documents show.
East Coast Foods has not
commentated on whether
it would close any of the
seven Roscoe’s in southern
California including the
Pasadena location on
North Lake Ave.
The City to
Host Rain
Barrel Event
The city of Pasadena, along
with the Metropolitan Water
District, is set to hold a rain
barrel distribution and rain
harvesting class in which the
public can get free rain barrels
after a rebate.
Rain barrels are a cost effective
way to capture rain water as
it flows off your rooftops to
allow for its reuse. Capturing
rainwater for reuse in your
garden also reduces storm
water discharges. Water that
normally would have run into
the storm drains and out to the
ocean, is now being redirected
into a system that allows you
to, if for irrigation, return it
to the soil and recharge the
The event will be held
Saturday, April 9, with the
Rain Barrel Distribution from
8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and a Free
Rainwater Harvesting Class
from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. both will
be held at the Lake Avenue
Church 393 N. Lake Avenue.
Rain barrels must be
purchased in advance by
April 7 at RainBarrelsIntl.
com. Under the "Events" tab,
the City of Pasadena Rain
barrel cost is $85; but free after
rebate. Rebates are offered
by the Metropolitan Water
District (limit one rebate
submission per household up
to 4 barrels maximum) visit
SoCalWaterSmart.com to
apply for your rebate.
The Metropolitan Water
District, in partnership with
PWP, is offering a $100 rebate
for barrels 50 gallons or
larger, which will make most
barrels free! Limit of 4 rain
barrels per household. Visit
SoCalWaterSmart.com to
apply for your rebate.
Caltech Elects Three
New Board of Trustees
Suspect Steals Police
Car, Crashes after
Discussion: Pasadena
Artists from 1940s–1980s
Police arrested a man after
he allegedly stole a Pasadena
police cruiser Monday night
forcing another police vehicle
to deliberately crash into the
cruiser ending the chase.
According to police, they
received a 911 call of a man
threatening customers at In-
N-Out Burger on East Foothill
Boulevard. Police found the
man shortly before 10 p.m. a
few blocks away. After hitting
the officers vehicle with a
medal object, he got into the
car and led police on a 12
minutes chase that ended at
Claremont Street and Lake
Avenue. He faces a number of
charges including grand theft
auto and assault.
In celebration of the 100th
anniversary of the Pasadena
Garden Club, Jean Stern,
executive director of the Irvine
Museum, will discuss the
works of major Pasadena artists
from 1980–1940, with special
emphasis on their floral and
garden paintings on Thursday,
April 7 from 7 to 9 p.m. at
Pasadena Central Library’s
Donald Wright Auditorium,
285 E. Walnut St.
Featured artists include
Franz A. Bischoff (1864-1929),
Benjamin C. Brown (1865-
1942), Alson S. Clark (1876-
1949), John Frost (1890-1937),
William Lees Judson (1842-
1928), Jean Mannheim (1862-
1945), Guy Rose (1867-1925),
Jesse Botke (1883-1971) and
Paul de Longpre (1855-1911).
A question and answer session
will follow the presentation.
A recognized authority on
California Impressionism,
Art Historian Jean Stern has
extensive experience in the field
as an author, curator, lecturer,
and teacher. He has been the
executive director of the Irvine
Museum since its inception
in January, 1993, and has
established a national presence
for the Irvine Museum in the
fields of California Art and
History through a noteworthy
international series of books,
exhibitions, lectures, articles
and video documentaries.
Mr. Stern is the author of
numerous books and articles
on California Impressionism,
including monographs on
important artists such Franz
A. Bischoff, Alson S. Clark,
Sam Hyde Harris and Elsie
Palmer Payne. In 2001, he and
Joan Irvine Smith researched
and co-authored California,
This Golden Land of Promise,
published by Chapman
University Press and the Irvine
He has written essays for
numerous books and museum
exhibition catalogues. In
addition, he has been a
contributor to several books
on California art including
all three Plein Air Painters of
California series of books; Guy
Rose: American Impressionist;
Enchanted Isle: A History of
Painting on Santa Catalina
Island; and Franz A. Bischoff:
The Life and Art of an American
Master (2010). His latest book,
California Light: One Hundred
Years of the California Art Club
(co-authored with Molly Siple)
was published in 2011.
For more information, contact
Christine Reeder at (626) 744-
Caltech officials announced
Monday that three distinguished
business leaders—Timothy
J. Sloan, Michelle “Mich”
Mathews-Spradlin, and Sabeer
Bhatia (BS ‘91)—have been
elected to the Caltech Board of
Timothy J. Sloan (pictured
left) is president and chief
operating officer of Wells Fargo
& Company, one of the world’s
largest banks. In his current role,
he oversees the San Francisco–
based bank’s four main business
groups: community banking,
consumer lending, wholesale
banking, and wealth and
investment management.
Mich Mathews-Spradlin
(pictured right) is an angel
investor, primarily in the
technology sector. She
previously served as a top
executive at Microsoft Corp.,
beginning her career in 1989
as a United Kingdom–based
consultant and then joining
the company in the United
States in 1993. By the time she
retired from Microsoft in 2011,
she had become the company’s
top female executive, serving
as chief marketing officer and
senior vice president.
Sabeer Bhatia (pictured center),
a pioneer of web-based email,
is cofounder, chairman, and
chief executive officer of Sabse
Technologies Inc., a mobile-
telecommunications company.
He was the cofounder of
Hotmail Corporation, guiding
that company’s rise from a
1996 start-up into one of the
world’s largest email providers.
Microsoft acquired Hotmail in
1998, eventually turning it into
Microsoft Outlook.
Pet of the
Crime Blotter for Altadena
Sunday, March 20th
12:25 PM – Rhonda Hopkins,
24 years old of Altadena was
arrested in the 2100 block of El
Sereno Avenue for residential
burglary, receiving stolen
property, and theft of utility
4:10 PM – A petty theft
occurred in the 1300 block of
N. Altadena Drive. Suspect(s)
stole a cellphone that was left
in the restroom. Stolen: black
Samsung Galaxy Note 4.
Tuesday, March 22nd
1:00 AM – A burglary from a
storage shed occurred in the
1900 block of E. Washington
Boulevard. Suspect(s) entered
the shed via unknown means.
Stolen: gray suitcase, baby
clothing, documents.
8:45 AM – A vehicle was
reported stolen from the 100
block of E. Las Flores Drive.
Vehicle stolen: gold 2004
Honda Accord 4 door.
11:25 PM – Kevin Berry, 37
years old of Altadena was
arrested in the 1700 block of N.
Holliston Avenue for domestic
Wednesday, March 23rd
9:50 PM – Edwin Muniz, 25
years old of Altadena was
arrested in the 2100 block of N.
Raymond Avenue for domestic
Thursday, March 24th
12:20 AM – Romina Lee, 30
years old of Pasadena was
arrested in the 200 block of
Acacia Street for domestic
8:00 AM – A residential
burglary occurred in the 2100
block of KinneloaCanyon Road.
Suspect(s) entered the location
by cutting the window screens.
No items were stolen.
6:17 PM – Enrique Hernandez,
37 years old of Pasadena was
arrested in the area of Woodbury
Road and Raymond Avenue
for possession of a controlled
10:30 PM – A petty theft of an
unlocked vehicle occurred in
the 4500 block of El Prieto Road.
Stolen: vehicle registration.
Friday, March 25th
8:00 AM – An attempt
residential burglary occurred
in the 2100 block of Kinneloa
Canyon Road. Suspect(s)
attempted to enter the residence
by removing the screen door.
No entry, no items stolen.
8:30 PM – A grand theft from
an unlocked vehicle occurred in
the 300 block of Parkman Street.
Stolen: Wilson pro-golf clubs.
9:45 PM – An assault with a
deadly weapon occurred in
the area of Allen Avenue and
Atchison Street. The suspects
became irate due to the victim
driving the posted speed limit
and proceeded to pass her
vehicle. The suspects pulled
up to the driver’s side of the
victim’s vehicle and pointed
a silver handgun. A gunshot
was fired towards the victim’s
vehicle and the suspects fled the
area. Suspects described as (2)
male white’s, 20 – 25 years old,
driving a black Fiat, 4 door, with
European license plates. No
22:00 PM – A grand theft from
an unlocked vehicle occurred
in the 2800 block of Maiden
Lane. Stolen: orange coin purse,
various gift cards.
Saturday, March 26th
5:05 PM – Thomas Taylor, 27
years old of Los Angeles was
arrested in the 1000 block
of E. Mendocino Street for
being under the influence of a
controlled substance.
7:10 PM – Andre Dillingham,
45 years old, of Pasadena was
arrested in the 700 block of E.
Altadena Drive for shoplifting.
Special Pilates
for Paws Class
Learn Pilates with your dog
and benefit the Pasadena
Humane Society! Pilates
Pasadena is partnering with
the Pasadena Humane Society
to host a special Pilates for
Paws class on Thursday, April
21 held in the PHS Behavior
and Training Center.
Class starts at 6:00 p.m. at
the Pasadena Humane Society
Animal Care Center, 361 S.
Raymond Ave. Pasadena,
91105. Click here for more
information and to buy tickets.
The cost of this class is $10. All
proceeds benefit PHS.
Free April Events at the
Pasadena Senior Center
Sam (A394438) is a one-
year-old, male, agouti
shorthaired rabbit. While
this sweet guy can be a little
bit shy at first, he should
warm up to you with a
little calm interaction.
Sam enjoys munching on
timothy hay, as well as
having his ears and nose
gently rubbed. He has
already been neutered and
is ready to go home with
you today.
The regular rabbit
adoption fee is $30 which
includes the spay or neuter
surgery, microchip, and a
free follow-up health check
at a participating vet.
New adopters will receive
complimentary health and
wellness exam from VCA
Animal Hospitals, as well
as a goody bag filled with
information on how to care
for your pet.
Call the Pasadena
Humane Society & SPCA
at 626.792.7151 or visit at
361 S. Raymond Ave. in
Pasadena. Adoption hours
are 11-4 Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday
–Friday, 9-4 Saturday. Pets
may not be available for
adoption and cannot be
held for potential adopters
from phone calls or email.
Directions and photos of all
pets can be found at www.
There is something for everyone
in April at the Pasadena Senior
Center, 85 E. Holly St. All events
listed are free and are presented
at the Holly Street location
unless otherwise indicated. You
do not have to be a member to
attend. Some events require
advance reservations as noted.
Chess Lessons – Fridays,
April 8 to 29, from 3 to 5 p.m.
Harrison Chen, a Flintridge
Prep student, will teach seniors
how to play chess with others.
Anyone can learn in a few
lessons and it’s a great way to
challenge your mind. Meet
others who are just learning; if
you already know how to play
chess, come seek out a partner!
Cardmaking Workshop –
Monday, April 4, from noon to 2
p.m. Surprise a special someone
with a personalized, handmade
greeting card. Whether it’s a
happy birthday, happy holidays,
thank you, thinking of you or
other sentiment, you’ll create
a decorative card in your own
unique style and have fun
discovering your creativity
while workshop leaders help
you bring your ideas to life. All
materials will be provided.
Stay Connected with
Social Media – Tuesdays and
Thursdays, April 5 to 28, from
9 to 11 a.m. Learn how to keep
in touch with family and friends
via email, Skype, Facebook
and other forms of social
media during a 30-minute,
one-on-one meeting with an
instructor. You’ll choose which
applications you want to learn.
Bring a laptop or use one of the
onsite computers. If you have an
email address, bring it and your
password. Sign up with Edison
at the Welcome Desk.
Smart Phones, Tablets and
Computers – Any Questions?
– Tuesdays and Thursdays,
April 5 to 28, from 10 to 11
a.m. Get the answers you need
about technology devices,
whether you own them already
or are considering a purchase.
Learning how to text, check
voicemail, set an alarm, navigate
the Internet and download apps
is easier than you may think!
Caregiver Education and
Support Groups – Wednesdays,
April 6 and 20, from 1 to 2:30
p.m. Caregivers who could use
information and support from
others in similar situations are
welcome to attend. Provided
by the USC Davis School of
Gerontology Family Caregiver
Support Center.
How to Talk to Your Doctor
– Thursday, April 7, at 10 a.m.
Learn how to prepare before
you see your doctor to make
sure you get the most out of
your appointment, including
questions about symptoms and
medications, what to bring with
you and other tips. Presented by
AGA Medicare Options.
Beatrix Potter
This year marks the 150th
birthday of beloved children’s
author, Beatrix Potter, creator
of such classical characters as
Peter Rabbit, Tom Kitten and
many others. Discover more
about Miss Potter and the
magical world she created on
Saturday, April 16, 10:30 a.m.
at Pasadena Central Library’s
Donald Wright Auditorium,
285 E. Walnut St.
Join us as Dale Schafer,
member of the Beatrix Potter
Society presents “Beatrix
Potter: Artist, Storyteller
and Countrywoman.” Enjoy
stories from the Beatrix Potter
collection and share favorite
tales with other Beatrix Potter
fans. Refreshments will be
For more information,
contact Angela Arzu at (626)
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com