Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, April 2, 2016

MVNews this week:  Page 13




 Mountain Views News Saturday, April 2, 2016 

Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 12, 2016 


Happy Tails

by Chris Leclerc

It’s a matter of opinion, whether or not our pets are 
part of the family. Or at least, within the confines 
of the family unit it is a matter of opinion. If you 
asked me, I’d say, “Yes, my dog is an important 
and integral part of my family, therefore I consider 
her to be a person, too.” And I actually have lots of 
friends who would agree. They are far too precious 
to be placed into the same category with our 
inanimate personal possessions or assets, it‘s just 
that plain and simple.

 Domestic pets spend more time sitting side-
by-side, up close and personal with their humans 
these days than ever before in the recorded history 
of civilization. Most would agree that they have 
come to assume a familial position in the home that 
certainly precludes them from being considered no 
more important than a pair of boots in the closet 
or a bicycle in the garage, right? However, when it 
comes to the law in this country, a pet is actually 
regarded as just that - just another item on the list 
of things one might own.

 I love to watch court shows on TV. You know 
the ones…Judge Judy, The People’s Court, etc. 
And among the countless episodes I’ve viewed 
(more than I‘m willing to admit), several have 
revolved around pet ownership. In each of those 
episodes, the judge always emphasizes the fact that 
according to the law, a pet is a personal possession, 
not a family member. Compensation for any “pain 
and suffering” that a plaintiff may have sustained 
due to the death or injury of a pet resulting from 
a defendant’s negligent or malicious act are never 
considered. I’m not sure if that’s how it pans out in 
a real court of law, but that’s how it always goes in 
the court shows I watch on the tube.

 I understand how and why the law may have 
come to recognize domestic animals as part of a 
person’s estate versus part of the family. I imagine 
it started in the early days of homesteading when 
people kept dogs mainly to help protect their land 
or livestock. The dogs were always made to stay 
outside where they could perform their “jobs”. It 
made total sense then, considering the mentality 
that prevailed, to treat them like possessions when 
or if someone harmed or stole them. But a lot has 
changed since those days. Who still keeps dogs 
strictly for use as guards or shepherds? 
Really? I mean, just because you can 
doesn’t mean you should.

 It’s 2016, folks! Everybody knows a 
dog is part of the family, don’t they? Well, 
everybody but our beloved law-makers, 
law-enforcers and court judges, that is. I 
can’t help wondering when the ‘powers 
that be’ in this country will finally get 
with it and start making appropriate legal 
changes to reflect the true sentiment we 
American animal lovers so clearly and 
strongly share.

 The fact is, many states have been 
forced to address this very issue in recent years, 
with pet-related cases occurring more and more 
often within their jurisdiction. In fact, it is my 
understanding that a couple of states have gone so 
far as to make significant changes to the laws they 
have in place pertaining to a pet being recognized 
as part of the family versus a possession or asset. 
Hopefully the trend will continue to catch on and 
other states will follow the lead.

 The great state of Texas has made their legal 
stance on the issue crystal clear. When asked 
whether a furry four-legger should be included 
in the family tree in their jurisdiction, authorities 
emphatically reply (and I do paraphrase), “Hell no, 
that ain‘t happenin’ here!“ Tell us how you really 
feel, lone star state. Perhaps it’s time to mess with 
Texas, all y’all pup lovers out there!

 While some states apparently maintain strong, 
long-term historic opinions against putting pets 
into the kin category, Americans in various 
other states are openly proclaiming their equally 
intense views in favor of the idea. I’m betting the 
folks who want their pets to be viewed as ‘people, 
too’ in a court of law will probably have their way 
at the end of the day. It just seems inevitable, 
with the direction our society is taking as far 
as how we treat our animals. We have come to 
recognize the bountiful benefits and blessings we 
receive from them, and we insist on having them 
close by our sides and inside our homes rather 
than outside.

 After all, it would be very disingenuous and 
downright hypocritical of us to continue loving our 
pets and including them in our lives to the degree 
which we do nowadays, only to turn around and 
say they are just another item on the list of stuff we 
own. Law will eventually follow loving logic, I’m 
absolutely sure of it!

 So, to answer the question that is the title of 
this happy tale, and to bring this week’s short and 
per pondering article to a kindly close, I’d like to 
shout out a great big, “YES“! Pets ARE people, too. 
Just ask my Molly, she’ll tell you! Enjoy your four-
footed furry friends. Share your home and lives 
with them. Show them the respect they deserve, 
and above all, love and let live!


Scheduling content to publish on your Facebook 
page in the future is easy. Here are 3 ways to do 

- Use Facebook’s Scheduling tool. Create a 
post. Instead of selecting “Publish,” look for a 
little white triangle and select “schedule.” You 
can choose a future date and time. To see all of 
your scheduled posts, go to “Publishing Tools” 
and select “Scheduled” posts.

- HootSuite is a free dashboard you can use to 
manage all your social media. You “Compose 
Message” and select your Facebook profile. 
From the calendar tool, select the date and time 
you want it to post and select “Schedule.”

- Use Constant Contact’s Social Share Feature. 
After you schedule and email campaign or an 
event in Constant Contact, look for the “Social 
Share” option. You will be able to schedule 
multiple posts that will link back to your 
original email campaign of event page. They 
provide a handy calendar tool that helps you 
stay organized.

 About MJ: MJ and her brother David own 
HUTdogs, a creative services and digital 
marketing business. “Like” them on Facebook at Sign up for their 
upcoming workshops at:



Fluffy is a handsome 3 year 
old Australian Shepherd with 
caramel and cream colored fur 
and a wiggly naturally-bobbed 
tail. Those long locks match 
perfectly his big baby brown 
eyes that absolutely light up 
when he is ready to go for a 
walk, get treats, play with toys, 
play with water, and pretty 
much anytime he is ready to 
have fun with people.

 Fluffy responds very well to 
treats and is quickly learning his 
“sit” and “shake” commands; 
especially if rewarded treats. 
He also enjoys playing in water 
and cool off by dipping his 
front paws in his water bowl. It 
is quite the scene to see!

 According to the American 
Kennel Club, Australian 
Shepherds like Fluffy are 
very intelligent and energetic 
dogs who thrive in homes 
with plenty of mental and 
physical exercise. He is eager 
to learn and do new things 
as he is a quick study. Fluffy 
would prefer to go on family 
adventures that allow him to show off his sporty skills. 
If you are looking for a brainy, energetic and trainable 
partner for fun or sport, Fluffy is your boy!

 His adoption fee is $145 and includes neuter surgery, 
vaccinations, microchip and 
a free wellness exam at a 
participating veterinarian. 
Feel free to call us at (626) 286-
1159 for more information on 
Fluffy. He currently resides 
at the San Gabriel Valley 
Humane Society located at 
851 E. Grand Avenue in San 
Gabriel. We are located off San 
Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission 
and south of Las Tunas Drive. 
To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’ 
with Fluffy, please stop by any 
time from 10:30am to 4:30pm 
Tuesday through Sunday. 
Website: www.sgvhumane.
We will be joining animal 
lovers for this year’s Healthy 
Pet Expo on Saturday, April 
16th. It is at the Whittier 
Narrows Park in the picnic 
area at 750 Santa Anita Ave in 
South El Monte. Bring your 
dog or cat and take advantage 
of the many free services for 
your pet, including nail trims, 
spay/neuter, vet consults, 
giveaways and free and low 
cost vaccines. There will be 
a dog contest with prizes for the best outfit, coolest 
trick and pet owner- look alike. Spend a fun day 
with your best friend and learn how to keep your pet 



Did you know there are many steps that you can take 
to save money via your employment? Some of these 
strategies work by allowing you to pay for things with 
pre-tax money, which could up to 40% (depending on 
your tax bracket) right back into your pocket. Others 
provide benefits through your employer that are not 
taxable to you on your individual income tax return, 
again reducing your tax liability.

Saving through Pre-Tax Contributions

 There are several ways you can save money at work 
by paying for things out of your gross income (that 
is your pre-tax income). Perhaps the three most 
significant pre-tax expenses you can pay for through 
your employer are 401(k) contributions, medical 
flexible spending accounts (“FSA”), and dependent 
care reimbursement accounts.

 You can make retirement contributions to either 
an employer-sponsored 401(k) plan or to a traditional 
individual retirement account, tax-free. In addition 
to saving money in the short run by decreasing your 
taxable income, you’ll be building a nest egg for your 
later years. You will pay taxes when you take money 
out of the account, but we always suggest to defer taxes 
when you can.

In addition to contributions to a retirement account, 
the regulations of the Internal Revenue Service also 
allow for both medical flexible spending accounts and 
dependent care reimbursement accounts. With these 
types of accounts, you contribute pre-tax money, 
effectively securing a discount on eligible medical or 
dependent care expenses. 

Saving through Nontaxable Benefits

 Pre-tax expenses are not the only way your job can 
help you save money, however. The Internal Revenue 
Service allows employers to provide their employees 
with many benefits that are not taxable to the employees.

 Here are several benefits your employer can provide, 
which you do not need to report on your individual tax 

 Employer-paid health insurance premiums;

Employer-paid parking, to a maximum of $240 per 

 Health club access for a gym on your employer’s 

 Employer-paid educational classes, up to a maximum 
of $5,250; and

 Employer-paid life insurance coverage, up to a 
maximum of $50,000 in benefits.

 You might be surprised at the number of savings 
opportunities you can leverage from your employer. 
In addition to providing a paycheck, your employer 
can improve your financial condition in many other 
ways. And over the course of a career, the savings 
can really add up. It may be time to talk with your 
employer about providing some of these benefits. 
And by the way, if you own your own business and 
set your business up properly, you can be the employer 
providing yourself with these benefits. Contact me if 
you’d like to discuss the possibilities. 

Dedicated to your family’s health, wealth, and 

A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a 
mission to help parents protect what they love most. 
His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, 
Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment 
to sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of love 
and financial security for your family by calling 
626.587.3058 or visit for more 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: