Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, February 24, 2018

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Mountain View News Saturday, February 24, 2018 
Mountain View News Saturday, February 24, 2018 
City Council 


to Discuss 

of Obama




 Over 100 people, dignitaries, 

 The Pasadena city council 

artists and leaders gathered 

is set to discuss Monday 

Thursday for the unveiling of an 

night the possibility of 

oil painting of President Barack 

allowing a limited number 

Obama at the Central Library in 

of commercial cannabis 

the Humanities Wing. 

businesses to operate in the 

 The painting was a personal 

city. A second discussion 

gift from Vice-Mayor John 
would propose a marijuana 

business tax ordinance. 

 “On the one hand the French 
Both would be placed on 

were responsible for some of the 
ugliest atrocities and colonies 

the June 5 ballot.

around Africa and in Haiti, yet 

 According to city staff, 

today we celebrate the work of 

“Placing a City Council 

a proud black Frenchman… 

approved ordinance on the 

who reminds us of the beautiful 

ballot of the June 5, special 

guiding principles to our own 

election would maintain the 

imperfect United States of 

Council’s ability to develop 

America,” Kennedy said. 
important policy, land use 

The work, entitled “Yes We 
regulations and fiscally 

Can,” by French painter Pascal 
responsible tax measures to 

Mpeck shows African American 
historical figures, such as and 

preserve the quality of life 

Frederick Douglass, Malcolm X, 

that Pasadena’s residents, 

Marcus Garvey and Rosa Parks. 

visitors and business 

Martin Luther king jr. has his 

community desire and 

hand on Obama’s shoulder.


 “I thought, what could 

 Under consideration for 

possibly be racing through the 

sales, would be a maximum 

mind, of the then, first African 
of six retailers, to operate 

American to occupy the oval 
within the city at any one 

office,” Mpeck said of his artistic 
time, and no more than one 

Mpeck explained that at the 

retailer within any council 

top of the painting, can be seen, 

district. They cannot be 

people being brought from 

located within 1, 000 feet of 

Africa and then civil rights 

any other cannabis retailer. 

They also cannot be located 

Participate Pasadena Meeting

within 300 feet of any 

E Waste

residential zone, or within 

Focused on Mansionization

600 feet of any park, K-12 
school, church, childcare 

 Participate Pasadena is setcenter, substance abuse 

to hold a community meetingcenter, or library.

focused on mansionization 
The ordinance would also 

in non-hillside local 
neighborhoods that do not have

allow marijuana growing 

Landmark District designation.

with a maximum of four 

The meeting will be Wednesday,

cannabis cultivation 

March 14 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30

facilities to operate 

p.m. at Lake Avenue Church 393
within the city at any one 

North Lake Avenue.

time. It would also allow 

 Large new single-family 
four cannabis testing 

homes and major remodels 
laboratories any one time. 

have been on the upswing andThere are numerous other 

can change the character andrestrictions.

scale of residential streets and 
neighborhoods. The City of 

 Staff said taxing marijuana 

Pasadena is in the process of

would not be a sales tax but 

drafting new regulations on

rather levied “based upon 

single-family construction, 

business gross receipts and 

and information gathered 

square footage of plant 

at this meeting will provide 


constructive input. The 
The council meets at 

evening’s agenda also includes 

an introduction to the City’sChamber, 100 North 

6:30 p.m. in the Council 
upcoming Specific Plan processGarfield Avenue, room 

where eight areas of the cityare targeted to receive special


consideration under the recentlyupdated General Plan. 
Pasadena Heritage was very

Pet of the 

pleased to welcome more than130 participants to its kick-Off


Participate Pasadena meetinglast September. After a briefintroduction, attendees chose 
one of four discussion groupsand offered comments and 
questions to the facilitators. 
Many participants visited morethan one break-out group, andcomments were recorded in 
each session’s notes. All inputhas been documented and 
will be part of a report beingprepared for City Council and 

Amber (A451206) is a 
playful 5-month-old calico 

kitty who loves attention. 

tax returns, pre-printed 
Her favorite time of day is 

envelopes, return address 

LitFest Pasadena Comes 

labels and business cards are 
items that can be shredded. 

when visitors come by. She 

will stick her paws through 

to the Playhouse District 

 Event participants will be 

the bars to tell you it’s time 

to play. She head bumps 

The Two Day Literary 

and rubs against your hand 

Festival Includes Dozens of 
and arms to show affection 

Readings, Panels, and Literaryand enjoys being petted 

Performances and Features Over 
behind the ears. If you are 

150 Authors at Venues Across 
interested in a furry new 

the Pasadena Playhouse District 
The 7th annual LitFest Pasadena 

friend with unconditional 

coming up on May 19 and 20,

love, check out Amber 

2018. LitFest Pasadena treats 

at the Pasadena Humane 

Southern California audiences 


to an exciting and thought 

 The adoption fee for cats 

provoking weekend full of 

is $75. All cats are spayed 

diverse literary readings, panels,
or neutered, microchipped, 

performances, and activities forand vaccinated before being 

all ages and interests. It’s heldadopted. 

at venues and on sidewalks 
New adopters will receive a 

throughout the Pasadena 
Playhouse District.

complimentary health-and-

Over 2,000 guests and 150

wellness exam from VCA 

featured authors attended 

Animal Hospitals, as well 

LitFest Pasadena 2017, and the 

as a goody bag filled with 

festival continues to grow. This

information about how to 

year’s program begins each day

care for your pet.

with literary workshops from

 View photos of adoptable 

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, followedpets at pasadenahumane.
by panels and readings fromorg. Adoption hours are 

3:00pm to 10:00 pm. Events11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 

will take place in and aroundPasadena Playhouse District 

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday 

businesses. LitFest Pasadena will 

through Friday; and 9 a.m. 

also present the “LitFest Outer

to 4 p.m. Saturday.

Limits,” an opportunity for 

 Pets may not be available 

community reading series, poets,

for adoption and cannot be 

performers, and musicians to 

held for potential adopters 

engage audiences in literaryby phone calls or email.

happenings on sidewalks and in 

leaders that paved the way for 
Obama to be President. 
“President Barack Hussein 
Obama will forever remain the 
first African American elected 
to the White House,” he said. 
Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek 
said that giving the art in the 
library will expose children 
to the painting and to what it 

 “Today we are celebrating the 
history of…, President Barack 
Obama, and I think that it ties in 
nicely with the theme of today’s 
event, which is Pasadena’s focus 
on, art, history and cultural 
diversity,” Tornek said. 


other decision-makers.

 Participate Pasadena is acommunity engagement Document shredding willinitiative of the local historic also be availablepreservation non-profit

 Residents can safely dispose 

Pasadena Heritage. Extending

of electronic waste and 

from the organization’s work to

have personal and business 

identify and preserve historic

documents shredded at the 

neighborhoods and buildings,

City’s popular free e-waste 

this initiative aims to connect 

event from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 

with residents and capture their

Saturday, March 3, 2018. The 

concerns about and ideas for 

event will be held in Parking 

Pasadena’s built environment 

Lot I outside the Rose Bowl 

and community character in

Stadium near Brookside Park, 


360 North Arroyo Boulevard.

Free parking is available 

 Shredding trucks and e-waste 

immediately west of the church,

collection sites will be arranged 

off Maple Avenue. The meeting

at different stations in Parking 

is free but registration is required

Lot I. Look for signs directing 

because of limited space. Register

you to the event. Motorists 

today at

and bicyclists are advised to 

participate. Donations will be

use caution while traveling 

gratefully received to support

through the area.

this effort. 

 E-waste items include 

We want to know more about 

computers, keyboards, 

what you think. Please take our

printers, monitors, laptops, 

survey at:

docking stations, scanners, 


shredders, fax machines, 

It only takes about 5 minutes.

computer mice, telephones, 

Tell us what you love most

televisions, flat screens, VCRs, 

and like least about Pasadena 

DVD players, PDAs, cassette 

and how you would like to be 

players, tape drives, stereos 

more involved. And please

and household batteries. 

encourage other residents to

Many of these products have 

take the survey, too. The survey

parts that can be recycled.

will close on February 28 so

 Public Works is also helping 

that results can be tabulated for 

residents prevent identity 

presentation at the meeting.

theft by providing free 

 Survey results will be tabulated

paper shredding during the 

and used to help Pasadena

event. The public can bring a 

Heritage develop future 

maximum of three (3) legal-

programs, provided to City

size boxes for shredding. 

decision makers, and posted

Sensitive documents such as 

here. Survey responses will be

receipts, checks, pre-approved 

kept anonymous. 

credit applications, credit 
card statements, outdated 

required to show proof of 

courtyards, making for a vibrantPasadena residency and the 
festival atmosphere.duration of the event is subject 

 Starting this year, LitFestto truck capacity. The event 

Pasadena programming will beis sponsored by the City’s 
held in the late afternoon and Department of Public Works. 
evening hours under the brightFor more information about 
streetlights of the Playhousethe free e-waste collection and 
District. In keeping with our newdocument shredding event, 
schedule, we are proud to presentvisit
our new logo and design, whichPublicWorks or call (626) 744

features lamp posts shining in a7311. 
night time setting.

 Rosalind Helfand, LitFest 
Pasadena Festival Director, Altadenasays, “The Pasadena PlayhouseDistrict is the perfect placeLibrary Pop-for a literary festival. It’s filledwith great restaurants, theaters,Up Book Salebeautiful courtyards, and historicarchitecture. From the afternoon Today from 10:00 a.m. to 
into the evening under the street4:00 p.m., stop by the main 
lamps, guests will be treated to alibrary’s parking lot for a pop-
diverse and sumptuous literaryup book sale with the Friends 
experience.”of Altadena Library. You’ll 

 Besides our new schedule, find amazing bargains on 
LitFest Pasadena is excited to fiction, non-fiction, children’s 
go green this year. Plans includebooks, movies, and more!! All 
reducing plastic and paperproceeds support the Friends’ 
waste including plastic bottledmission to enrich the programs 
water, encouraging guests toand materials offered at the 
take public transportation,Altadena Library District. The 
including an “Eco-Lit” panel inMain Library is located 600 
our program, and more to beE. Mariposa Street, Altadena. 
announced.For more information visit: 

 For more information visit: or call (626) 798-0833. 

Town Council asks 

Pasadena Officers to 

Stay out of Altadena 

Expressing concern and 
outrage, members of the 
Altadena Town Council, sent 
a letter to Pasadena Mayor 
Terry Tornek and Police Chief 
Phillip Sanchez asking that 
that Pasadena police refrain 
from proactively patrolling in 
Altadena —citing the Nov. 9 
traffic stop of Altadena resident, 
Chris Ballew, “which led to a 
beating and threat to his life at 
the hands of Pasadena Police,” 
the letter reads.

 The letter, dated Feb. 10, 
further requests that that 
officers Larry Esparza and 
Zachary Lujan, involved in the 
Ballew incident, be restricted 
from conducting any police 
business within Altadena city 

 Okorie Ezieme Chair of 
the Altadena Town Council 
also said there has been an 
additional harassment incident, 
after Nov. 9, involving Pasadena 
police. No other details were 

 Ezieme also wrote “Altadena 
Residents request that the 
Pasadena Police Department 
review, revise and adopt 
policies and procedures on 
use of force, racial profiling, 
and investigatory stops to be 
more protective of residents 
of surrounding communities, 

compliant and consistent with 
same requirements as the 
Altadena Sheriffs and any other 
law enforcement operating 
within Altadena.” 

The letter ends with, “Having 
a safe Pasadena and Altadena is 
beneficial to both communities. 
Altadena residents appreciate 
your swift response to these 
requests. We are sure that our 
mutual goal is to improve the 
safety of our residents, and 
restore trust between our 

 Tornek last week said that the 
city would respond by “Friday” 
(yesterday). Pasadena City 
Manager Steven Mermell said 
they were doing a thorough 
investigation into what 
happened Nov. 9. Esparza and 
Lujan were a half mile into 
Altadena when they followed 
Ballew, before stopping him, 
then a struggle, that left Ballew 
with his leg broken and a black 

Celebrate One City, One Story

Chosen from a field of thought-
provoking nominees, the bookselection for Pasadena’s 16th 
One City, One Story communityreading celebration is Rise of theRocket Girls by author NathaliaHolt.

 This national bestseller has 
sparked an intriguing blend 
of book discussions, films, 
lectures, exhibits and activities 
for kids throughout March, 
encouraging the community tojoin in conversation about thebook. Hosted by Pasadena PublicLibrary, all events are free andopen to the public.
Monday, March 5, 11 a.m. 
Lamanda Park Branch Library 140

S. Altadena Dr. 
Tuesday, March 6, 6:30 p.m.
Hastings Branch Library 3325 E.
Orange Grove Blvd.
Saturday, March 10, 10:30 a.m.
Hill Avenue Branch Library 55 S. 
Hill Avenue 
Saturday, March 24, 10:30 a.m. 
Allendale Branch Library 1130 S.
Marengo Ave.
Saturday, March 24, 11 a.m. Linda 
Vista Branch Library 1281 Bryant
Sunday, March 25, 2 p.m. Central 
Library/Sunroom 285 E. Walnut

 In the 1940s and 50s, when the 
newly minted Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory needed quick-
thinking mathematicians to 
calculate velocities and plottrajectories, they didn’t turn tomale graduates. Rather, theyrecruited an elite group of youngwomen who, with only pencil,
paper and mathematical prowess,
transformed rocket design, helpedbring about the first Americansatellites, and made the explorationof the solar system possible.
For more visit: cityofpasadena. orcall (626) 744-7076.

Free February Events at
Pasadena Senior Center

There is something for 
everyone in March at the 
Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. 
Holly St. You do not have to be amember to attend. Some events 
require advance reservations asnoted. 

How You Can Help FosterKids – Thursday, March 1,
at 10 a.m. Learn about CASA 

L.A. (Court Appointed SpecialAdvocates) and how you can bea volunteer advocate for kids in 
the foster care system.
Friday Movie Matinees – 
Fridays, March 2, 9, 16 and30, at 1 p.m. Everyone enjoysmovies and the pleasures theybring. March 2: “Mark Felt: TheMan Who Brought Down theWhite House” (2017, PG-13)
starring Liam Neeson and DianeLane. Mark Felt, known to Bob 
Woodward and Carl Bernstein 
of the New York Times as “DeepThroat,” helps them uncoverthe Watergate scandal in 1972.
March 9: “Loving Vincent” 
(2017, PG-13) with the voicetalents of Douglas Booth andJerome Flynn. Animated in 
an oil-painting style, the filmdepicts a young man who 
travels to the last hometown of 
painter Vincent van Gogh todeliver the troubled artist’s final 
letter and ends up investigatingthe van Gogh’s final daysthere. March 16: “GroundhogDay” (1993, PG) starring BillMurray and Andie MacDowell.
A weatherman finds himself 
inexplicably reliving the sameday over and over again. March

30: “Good Night, and GoodLuck” (2005, PG) starring DavidStrathairn and George Clooney.
Broadcast journalist Edward 
R. Murrow decides to try andbring down U.S. Senator JosephMcCarthy during the senator’scommunism witch hunt. 
Tech It Up! The Basics andBenefits of Technology – 
Mondays, March 5 to 26, from3 to 4:30 p.m. Do you ever 
feel lost during conversations 

about social media, apps andtechnology? During this four-
week program, learn how touse some popular travel apps.
March 5: airbnb. March 12: Uber 
and Lyft. March 19: Maps/GPS.
March 26: Yelp and Expedia.
Presented by Jade Myer, a 
Pasadena community Gold 
Award Girl Scout candidate. 

Arthritis Foundation 
Exercise Program – Mondaysand Wednesdays, March 5 
to April 11, at 11 a.m. Usinglow-impact and low-intensityexercises, seniors with arthritis 
can increase their flexibility,
range of motion and musclestrength during this six-week 
program that can be modifiedfor each person’s need, whethersitting, standing or on the floor.
Register by calling 626-685-6732.

Prevent Prescription DrugAbuse – Thursday, March 8,
at 10 a.m. The opioid epidemichas become a very real problemacross the nation. Learn more 
about it, how to keep track of 
your prescription drugs and 
where to dispose of them safely.
Presented by Catalina Gonzalezof Day One.

Cal-Med Connect – 
Thursday, March 15, at 10 a.m.
Cal-Med Connect is a State of 
California insurance programthat combines Medicare and 
Medi-Cal into one plan to 
provide additional benefits formanaged medical care. Specificbenefits and eligibility are amongthe topics that will be discussedduring this program. Presentedby Health Net.

LA Opera Talk – Monday,
March 19, at 1 p.m. An LA 
Opera community educator 
will discuss “Finding the PerfectWoman in 19th Century Opera.” 

Founded in 1960, the Pasadena 
Senior Center is an independent,
nonprofit organization that 
offers recreational, educational, 
wellness and social services to 
people ages 50 and older in awelcoming environment.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: