Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, February 24, 2018

MVNews this week:  Page B:1


Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: 


By Joan Schmidtchamp” jockey, Drayden won the $200,000 Las 
On February 1, the 51st annual Jockeys VS Holy Virgenes Stakes on Dream Tree.
Angels Basketball Fundraiser was held. It was Last Saturday, February 10, Bob and I saw Mike 
quite an exciting game. The Angels had an early Smith on Unique Bella win the $200,000 San Maria 
lead, but soon the jockeys caught up and took the Stakes, Flavien won twice: $100,000 Thunder Road 
lead. The final score was 39-28. Leading scorer for Stakes on Om, and $200,000 San Vincente Stakes 
the Jockeys was Drayden Van Dyke with 22! on Kanthaka. On February 11, Tyler Base won the 

The profits from the game go to the Disabled $75,000 Sweet Life Stakes on War Heroine. 
Jockey Fund, the Eye for Jacob Foundation Lots of exciting races are coming up. On 
Research (Looking for a cure for Usher Syndrome), Saturday, February 17 will be the $200,000 Buena 
and the Holy Angels Athletic Program. The game Vista Stakes. Trainer Richard Baltas tied for second 
is held at La Salle High School, and prior to the with 14 wins in the Winter Meet has two horses 
game, Alex Solis, Kent Desormeaux and Mike entered, Insta Emma and Madame Dancealot. 
Smith autographed photos for fans. Participating Sunday, February 18 features the $100,000 Las 
for the Jockeys were Drayden, Kent, Corey Flores Stakes and the $75,000 Baffle Stakes. Bob 
Nakatani, Chester Bonnet, Kyle Fry, Geovanni and I hope to see Princess Karen that day! Monday, 
Franco, and trainers Robert Falcone, Jr. and Kenny Presidents Day will have all the $1 bargains: beer, 
Black. Coach was Matt Nakatani, Corey’s son.soda and hot dogs. It has the $200,000 CA Cup 

There have been several exciting Stake Races Derby and the $200,000 CA Cup Oaks. What is 
at the Track the last few weekends. It began on very unique that day: father and son trainers will 
January 27; Kent Desormeaux: $200,000 Unusual be competing against each other in the CA Derby 
Heat Turf Classic on Roy H; Mario Gutierrez: at Santa Anita-first time ever! Bob Hess, Jr., 52, 
$150,000 Sunshine Millions F/M Turf Sprint will send out two horses, Fire When Ready and 
on How About Zero; Tyler Base: $150,000 CA Kaleidoscope Kid; his father, Bob Hess, Sr. will 
Cup Sprint on Edward Going Left; Drayden Van send out Intimidate. 
Dyke: $100,000 Ca Cup Turf Sprint on Heck Yeah. Hess, Jr., revealed that he and his dad have run 
The next day, January 28 only had the $70,000 in claimers against each other up north (Dad is 
Clockers’ Corner Stakes which Flavien Pratt won based up in the Bay Area), but have never run in a 
on Calculator. stakes together. Jr. said, “We try to stay away from 

February 3 saw four great stake races and each other. I don’t want him to make me look too 
brought many fans to the Park. Victor won the bad.” 
$200,000 San Pasqual Stakes on Accelerator; Kent: Hess Jr, had nothing but praise for his dad, who 
the $200,000 Palos Verdes Stakes on Roy H; Tyler he says is his number one fan and has always put 
Baze: $200,000 San Marcos Stakes on Itsinthepost; not only him, but all of his four children first!
and Flavien: $150,000 Robert B. Lewis Stakes on See you all on Sunday, when Princess Karen 
Lombo. The next day, February 4, our “basketball runs! 


By Dr. Edward C. Ortell

Citrus College Governing Board Member

Citrus College was the site of a historic milestonein regional transportation when the Foothill GoldLine Construction Authority recently broke groundon its $1.5 billion light-rail extension of the MetroGold Line. 

Known as the “Brain Train” because of its 
proximity to nearly 24 institutions of higher 
education from Los Angeles to Montclair, 
completion of the Foothill Gold Line will ultimatelyconnect the Inland Empire to the San GabrielValley, the West Side and Long Beach.

During the groundbreaking, regional leaders, 
such as Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Duarte 
Mayor John Fasana and Los Angeles County 
Supervisor Hilda Solis, focused their remarks 
on the quality-of-life and economic benefits of 
completing the Gold Line. Construction alone 
is expected to generate $2.6 billion in economic 
output, 17,000 jobs and nearly $40 million in tax 

Higher education leaders in our region, however, 
are focused on the dramatically expandedopportunities of low-income and first generationstudents and the residents of our communities for 
college students to access the many colleges andcountless generations to come.
universities located along the Gold Line, which willIn March 2008, Supervisor Hilda Solis, then abe made possible by convenient, cost-effective lightmember of Congress, held an event at the sitesrail transportation.of future stations along the route of the Foothill

As a member of the Citrus Community CollegeExtension. The event, which she called “Walk the 
District Board of Trustees, I am tremendouslyLine,” began at the site of what today is the APU/
proud of the college’s advocacy efforts on behalf ofCitrus College Station, located across the street 
the Gold Line – an effort that spans more than afrom Citrus College. On that day in 2008, theredecade. Citrus College trustees, Superintendent/was nothing but empty track, vacant property andPresident Geraldine M. Perri, Ph.D., and students a vision for the future in the minds of the elected 
and staff lobbied legislators in Washington, D.C.,officials and community leaders assembled.
and Sacramento and hosted Gold Line events on In a testament to what can be accomplishedour campus. We also spoke at numerous Metrowhen diverse communities and stakeholders work 
board meetings in downtown Los Angeles, wrote together on a common goal, many of those sameguest columns and participated in many other individuals gathered at Citrus College to celebrateadvocacy efforts. I commend my colleagues on thegroundbreaking on the final phase of constructionboard for their visionary leadership that will benefit of the Foothill Gold Line. 

Dr. Edward C. Ortell 


Dear Assemblymember Ting and Senator to California as educating our children and 
Mitchell, providing health care and nutrition to our most 

The Foothill Family of Water Agencies submits needy. As such, the state General Fund should 
this letter to convey our opposition to the Brown play a substantial role in solving this problem. 
Administration’s budget trailer bill to implement Beyond the General Fund, the state should also 
the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Act. maximize federal funding from the Safe Drinking 
The Foothill Family of Water Agencies includes Water State Revolving Fund and prioritize capital 
Foothill Municipal Water District, a wholesale funding to disadvantaged communities in future 
provider of imported water and the following general obligation bonds. 
retail suppliers of water: Crescenta Valley Water In addition, the budget trailer bill proposes this 
District, La Cañada Irrigation District, Valley permanent assessment on urban water ratepayers 
Water Company, Mesa Crest Water Company, and, to a limited extent, fees on agricultural 
Las Flores Water Company, Lincoln Avenue operations that contribute to legacy nitrate 
Water Company, Rubio Cañon Land and Water contamination. By shifting the financial burden 
Association, and the Kinneloa Irrigation District.for remediation of nitrates disproportionately

This bill seeks to establish a new Safe and to urban water customers, the legislation erodes 
Affordable Drinking Water Fund to assist long-standing state and federal policy that 
communities and individual domestic well owners responsible parties be held accountable for the 
who lack access to safe drinking water, particularlycost of cleaning up contamination they have 
those in small, rural disadvantaged communities.caused. 
This effort, while laudable, fails to achieve a more Finally, we believe there are many factors that 
effective and equitable financial solution.led to the challenges small and disadvantaged 

As proposed, the Safe and Affordable Drinking water systems currently face, including 
Water Act will be partially funded by a permanent inadequate oversight, management, and expertise 
assessment based on customer meter size to be in governance. A better solution should be found 
borne by the ratepayers of community water by other legislative means. 
systems. This places disproportionate financial For the above reasons, we oppose the Safe 
reliance on urban communities who already and Affordable Drinking Water Act unless it is 
invest in and recover charges for the cost of amended to address our concerns. If you have any 
providing safe drinking water. questions, please contact Nina Jazmadarian at 

Providing safe drinking water is as fundamental (213) 709-9142. 

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