Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, February 24, 2018

MVNews this week:  Page A:8

JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 24, 2018 
Happy Tails

by Chris Leclerc 

Yogic Wisdom for 
We are well into the new year - the Year of the Dog - whichI think that is most appropriate since every year is the yearof the dog for me! And as we move along into Spring, I can’thelp thinking there is much work to be done this year, toimprove on the laws that protect our animals.

My dear friends at Social Compassion in Legislation(SCIL) have wasted no time in the new year, preparingproposals and drafting language for several bills to beintroduced to California’s state legislators, and I am proudto be a supporter of all the good work they are doing onbehalf of the animals and the environment. 

SCIL has several bills to be considered this year, and allwere introduced in due time for the deadline which was 
February 16. In a recent e-mail update, SCIL publishedtheir current bills and I thought I’d share them in this week’s 
column for those of you who - like me - may be interestedin tracking their progress and, perhaps getting involved.

Some of these bills have specific language in print,
while others were introduced as “spot bills“. A “spot bill”
is a placeholder bill introduced without the exact languageof the legislation, which will later be added. Here are theSCIL-sponsored bills that were submitted last week forlegislative review:

SB 1136 (Skinner), Plant-based Food Initiative is a spotbill introduced by Senator Skinner. SCIL teamed up withthe experts at the Physicians Committee for ResponsibleMedicine (PCRM), founded by Dr. Neal Barnard, to cosponsor 
this bill which will require that state run hospitals,
prisons and schools always have plant-based mealsavailable, as well as reduce or cut out completely, servingsof processed meat. As we know, plant-based food is notonly the healthiest, but also the most animal-friendly andenvironmentally sustainable.

SCR 100 (Lara), Carcinogenic Processed Meats is aresolution introduced by Senator Ricardo Lara that CSIL isco-sponsoring along with PCRM, which calls on the Officeof Environmental Health Hazard Assessment to complywith Proposition 65 and existing regulatory laws and fulfillits non-discretionary duty to add “processed meat (forconsumption)” to the list of chemicals known to the stateto cause cancer or reproductive toxicity.

AB 2362 (Rubio), Safe Transportation of Dogs andCats Act was introduced by Assemblymember BlancaRubio on Feb. 14. This bill will establish health and safetystandards for mobile or traveling housing facilities fordogs and cats, including standards governing sufficientheating and cooling, ventilation, and lighting. Californiasummers are getting hotter and it’s necessary that vehiclestransporting animals are equipped to keep them at acomfortable temperature. The proposed bill wouldapply to public animal control agencies or shelters,
society for prevention of cruelty to animals orhumane society shelters, or a rescue group that is incooperative agreement with at least one private orpublic shelter.

SB 1249 (Galgiani), Cruelty Free Cosmetics 
Testing & Sales Act is an historic bill introduced bySenator Cathleen Galgiani that SCIL is co-sponsoringin conjunction with PCRM which will ban the sale ormarketing of any cosmetics that have been tested onanimals, including any of the cosmetics’ componentingredients. This law will mirror the current 
regulations in the European Union, which have beenin effect since 2013. Some of you reading this article 

may remember one I wrote on that very subject when theEU put such regulation into place.

TBD, Repeal & Replace the Aquatic-Toxicity Test isa spot bill introduced by Assemblymember Bill Quirkwhich would eliminate the state requirement that all 
potentially hazardous waste products be tested on live fishto determine its toxicity, and instead require an equallyeffective alternative test which avoids animal testing.
Again, PCRM has the subject matter experts and they areco-sponsoring the bill.

TBD, Endangered Species Trophy Act is a spot billintroduced by Senator Henry Stern, which will banthe possession of sport-hunted trophies of some iconicendangered species such as lions, elephants and rhinosamong others if they were obtained after the date ofimplementation. Despite President Trump’s tweets, the USFish and Wildlife Service’s current ban could be reversed 
without notice or due process, and thus California mustact on its own to protect the world’s endangered species.
SCIL is sole sponsor of this bill, but enlisting the best andbrightest experts around the globe to help with crafting thelanguage along with Senator’s staff.

TBD, Animal Slaughter of Birds - Compassion is alwaysat the forefront of every bill SCIL sponsors. Nearly all boilerchickens are painfully shackled fully conscious at slaughter.
The goal of this bill is to make sure all birds are renderedinsensible to pain before being killed, including thoseshackled before slaughter. Major poultry companies andmore than 70 of the largest food companies have committedto major reforms. SCIL is determined to change the way allbirds are slaughtered for food in facilities inspected by thestate of CA. 

Whale Entanglements - SCIL strives to see the end ofwhale entanglements off California‘s coast. Large whalesare drowning in fishing gear and entanglements are at anall time high. Last year there were 71 reported and mostcommonly identified source of these entanglementswas California’s commercial Dungeness crab fisheries.
Our state has struggled in recent years to adopt effectivesolutions that remove the number of dangerous nets &
traps from the water or require innovative technologiesaimed at reducing the risks to marine life. Several piecesof legislation have been introduced recently, aimed atprotecting our marine protection areas and reformingthe management of marine life resources. In addition,
Assemblymember Richard Bloom will lead an effort thisyear with relevant stakeholders which will explore the useof these new technologies for Dungeness crab fisheries,
among many other solutions. 

Creating a sacred 

space is one of 

the key steps we 

can take toward 
a committed practice. In arranging the environmentand actual physical space, tone and intention are set.
By purposefully doing this, sacredness and divinity areinvited into our home, backyard, room, or tiny corner ofthe wherever. Once a space is made, next we practice-yoga, 
meditation, contemplation, self-reflection, or anyspiritual practice.

I spend quite some time arranging spaces bybeautifying, cleaning and simplifying. I make sure thatthe space where I meditate each day has the essentials.
First, I make sure the space is clean and relativelyuncluttered. This keeps the energy clean. What I doinclude is an altar (any small table would work too)
that has objects and pictures that are important to mypractice. For you, this could include pictures of yourspiritual teachers, deity statues (Ganesha or MotherMary for example), crystals, flowers, candles, or otherobjects that are special to you. Second, I have whatI need to be comfortable and the props available forpractice. If I need a cushion or blanket or tissue, I knowit is close by. I make sure any extraneous items are out of 


There is something special that occurs when wepractice in the same place each day or each time.
Positive, sacred energy collects in that space. The energyis felt as you return each day. You may have felt thisin other sacred places such as church, a yoga studio,
or even a sacred garden or outdoor space. The spacebecomes warm, inviting and peaceful.

This guide is just for creating the physical space,
however, creating the physical space may help youbreak the mental hurdle of making space in your life formore spiritual practices. A good personal yoga practiceor yoga class will get you moving the right direction aswell. It will create self-awareness and settle your mindmaking it possible for you to feel more deeply. Startingfrom the outside could be how you get to nurturing theinside. Each person’s path is unique. Whatever stage youare at, know that you deserve to have a space of peace,
contemplation, and beauty in your home. Set the stagefor a nourished, healthy you.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me to learn more 
about yoga or meditation: 

Keely Totten, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Lover of 


Calling all 
patient cat 
lovers! We 
desperatelyneed a foster 
home for 
age 7. We’ve 
had them since 
babies, so 
they’ve never 
known a real 

home. They are “scaredy cats” and hide a lot,
especially tabby Rex, with stunning aqua eyes.
Our very patient socializers have been workingwith them, and handsome, all deep gray Ricky, isbeginning to let himself be pet. How wonderfulif they could be fostered or adopted and learnwhat love is! Even skittish cats deserve a forever 
home! We’ve seen amazing things happen when“scaredy cats” finally feel love and security! 

Adoption fee is $100 for both, which includesneuter, microchip, exam & vaccines. Fosters (nofee) provide food, litter, safety, sweet-talk, andlove while we provide vet care. See their videosat 
Call 626-676-9505 for a Meet & Greet. We have 
a whole page devoted to our shy cats at http://

Read us online at: 

Susie is a lovable eight-year-old

home then please come by and meetLabrador mix with a smooth black 

Susie! Her adoption fee is $145 andand white coat and soulful brown 

includes spay surgery, vaccinations,
eyes which still have a puppy like

microchip and a free wellness examtwinkle. She is a lovely senior lady

at a participating veterinarian. Feelwith a gorgeous gray snout and a

free to call us at (626) 286-1159 forfluffy bouncy tail. At 60 lbs, Susie

more information. She currentlyis a friendly girl who is very calm

resides at the San Gabriel Valleyand easy going around people. Susie

Humane Society located at 851 E.
is great on walks and stays close to

Grand Avenue in San Gabriel which 
her walker on a loose leash. She’s 

is located off San Gabriel Blvd, 
a favorite of our walkers due to her 

north of Mission and south of Las 
easy-going nature. She would do Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meetbest in a one dog household whereand Greet’, please stop by any timeshe can soak up all the love andfrom 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesdaycare that a good family can offer. Ifthrough Sunday.Website:www. 
you can provide her with a safe and loving forever 

Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual 

Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955) is this week’s burned wood and desks from 
Black History Month honored dreamer. I love the cardboard. Her persistence 
story of Ms. McLeod Bethune because she kept going and ingenuity is an example of 
in the face of many obstacles. She was the youngest a primary dream building tool: Lori A. Harris 
of seventeen children. Her parents were born into Do what you can where you are 
slavery and emancipated after the war. Her mother with what you have. I remind my coaching students 
eventually bought the farm from her former owner. and clients of this all of the time. We usually have 
By age nine she could pick over 250 pounds of more than we initially think, but we won’t know what 
cotton in one day. When she turned ten years old, we are capable of until we take that first step. In my 
she learned to read Ms. Mc Cleod Bethune was an experience, people are willing to help those people 
educator, philanthropist, business person and a that are willing to help themselves.
leader in the racial and gender equality movements. Ms. McLeod Bethune was a good friend of Eleanor 
She considered education the key to her freedom Roosevelt and the highest-ranking African American 
and dedicated her life to empowering others. She to serve as an advisor to President Franklin D. 
attended a boarding school in North Carolina and Roosevelt. She eventually gave counsel to five United 
then trained to be a foreign missionary in Chicago, States presidents and was the only woman of color 
but she could not secure sponsorship to serve as a at the first meeting of the United Nations. She used 
missionary and became an educator.her connections with political and economic elites 

Then she couldn’t get hired as a teacher, so Mary to advance her vision for social justice and equality 
McLeod Bethune founded the Daytona Educational for women, youth and people of color. Where might 
and Industrial School for Negro Girls in 1904 with your dream take you, if you just took that first step? 
$1.50. The first class had six students and limited 
supplies so when the school started the students Lori is a lawyer and coach. Learn more about her, 
made ink for pens from elderberry juice, pencils from her programs and app at 

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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: