Here's To Health, Wealth & Happiness in 2018!

Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre edition

Sierra Madre Edition

View Pasadena Edition

Inside this Week:

Community Calendar:
SM Calendar of Events

Sierra Madre:
Walking SM … The Social Side

Shop Local:

Pasadena – Altadena:
Altadena Police Blotter
Pet of the Week

Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte:
Arcadia Police Blotter
Monrovia Police Blotter

Education & Youth:
Golden Words: Dr. Dan's College Corner

Best Friends and More:
The Missing Page
Happy Tails
The Joy of Yoga
Katnip News!
SGV Humane Society

Food & Drink:
Chef Peter Dills
Table for Two

The Good Life:
… This and That
Senior Happenings

The World Around Us:
Looking Up
Christopher Nyerges
Out to Pastor

F. Y. I. :

Section B:

Arts and More:
Jeff's Book Pics
All Things
Family Matters

Opinion … Left/Right:
Dick Polman
Tom Purcell
Michael Reagan
The Funnies

Legal Notices (1):

Legal Notices (2):

Legal Notices (3):

Legal Notices (4):

Legal Notices (5):

Jeff Brown
Deanne Davis
Peter Dills
Bob Eklund
Marc Garlett
Dan Golden
Lori A. Harris
Susan Henderson
Katie Hopkins
Chris Leclerc
Christopher Nyerges
Rev. James Snyder
Keely Totten

Recent Issues:
Volume 11:
Issue 52
Issue 51
Issue 50
Issue 49
Issue 48
Issue 47
Issue 46
Issue 45
Issue 44
Issue 43
Issue 42

MVNews Archive:  Page 1

MVNews this week:  Page 1

2006 - “The Wonder of Reading” 
The Founders Banner Trophy 
2007 -“Our Wonderful Wistaria” 
Lathrop K. Leishman Trophy 
2008 -“Valentine’s Day”
Princesses Trophy 
2009 - “Bollywood Dreams” 
Lathrop K. Leishman Trophy 
2010 “California Girls” 
Governor’s Trophy 
2011 “Suenos de California” 
Governor’s Trophy 
2013 “The Sky’s The Limit”
Isabella Coleman Trophy 
2014 “Catching The Big One”
The Mayor’s Trophy 
2015 “I Think I Can” 
The Mayor’s Trophy 
2016 “Rollin’ On The River 
Animation Trophy 
2017 "The Cat's Away"
The Mayor’s Trophy 
2018 "Chivalry"
Fantasy Award 
2006 - “The Wonder of Reading” 
The Founders Banner Trophy 
2007 -“Our Wonderful Wistaria” 
Lathrop K. Leishman Trophy 
2008 -“Valentine’s Day”
Princesses Trophy 
2009 - “Bollywood Dreams” 
Lathrop K. Leishman Trophy 
2010 “California Girls” 
Governor’s Trophy 
2011 “Suenos de California” 
Governor’s Trophy 
2013 “The Sky’s The Limit”
Isabella Coleman Trophy 
2014 “Catching The Big One”
The Mayor’s Trophy 
2015 “I Think I Can” 
The Mayor’s Trophy 
2016 “Rollin’ On The River 
Animation Trophy 
2017 "The Cat's Away"
The Mayor’s Trophy 
2018 "Chivalry"
Fantasy Award 
Here's To Health, Wealth & Happiness in 2018! 

VOLUME 12 NO. 01 
Congratulations to the Sierra MadreRose Float Association and the hundreds 
of Volunteers who garnered another awardat the 2018 Tournament of Roses Parade.

 Special congratulations to JoanneGarcia who submitted the award winningdesign. 

The Sierra Madre Entry, 'Chivalry' wonthe Fantasy Award for being the Most outstanding 
display of fantasy and imagination. 
In keeping with the 2018 TOR themeof Making A Difference, the float depicteda wounded Sierra the Dragon being helpedby a young Knight who is wrapping up Sierra's 
hurt paw! 

This year's award is the 12th Awardby the Association in the last 13 years. It 
was one of only six Self-Built floats in theparade. 

And, just in case you were wondering,
the magnificent float was driven by longtime 
SMRFA volunteer Kay Sappington.
Hidden from public view in a rather 'secret'compartment' Kay drove the float from theBarn in Sierra Madre, along the paraderoute, back up to the viewing area, stopping 
by Kersting Court before returningto the barn a few days later. "Never let it 
be said again that women can't drive", said 
one admirer. 

Attending to both Sierra and the youngknight were the Sierra Madre 2018 RosePrincesses Amy Stapenhorst, Emily Verdin, 
Petra Shair and Emma Allen, (below). 

Dismanteling of the 2018 Floathas already begun. The public 
may still purchase souvenirs at theRose Float Barn in Sierra Madre. 

Check out the Sierra Madre 
Rose Float Association on Face 
Book for more information.

 MVNews/Photos by D. Lee 



Three (3) Members of the City Council (Full Term of four (4) Years) 

The nomination period begins on Monday, December 18, 2017 at 8:00 am and willclose on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 5:30 pm. 

The polls will be open between the hours of 7:00 am and 8:00 pm. 

For more information on the election process or to schedule an appointment duringthe nomination period, please call Laura Aguilar, Elections Official, Assistant CityClerk, at (626) 355-7135, ext. 202 


Sierra Madre, CA – January 3, 2018 - The City ofSierra Madre Community Services Departmentand the Senior Community Commission areseeking your collaboration to find the next Older‘Sierra Madre’ American of the Year. The honor 
is a long-standing tradition in Sierra Madre andbestowed upon exceptional individuals, age 60or older, who have demonstrated an outstandingcommitment to community service. The 
individual selected by you or any organizationmust live in Sierra Madre. 

All submissions are due prior to, or no later thanThursday, March 22, 2018. Recommendations are 
now being accepted for this recognition and willonly be eligible for new candidates who have notbeen honored in prior years. Forms may be pickedup and returned to the Hart Park House SeniorCenter located at 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.; 
or please mail and/or walk in to Sierra MadreCity Hall, C/o Older American Nomination,
Community Services Department, 232 W. SierraMadre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. 

The Commission will review nomination 


forms and select an honoree at their regularlyscheduled meeting, open to the public, in CityHall Council Chambers on Thursday, April 5th at

3:00 p.m.
The honoree will also be recognized at a Cityreception held in their honor on Friday, May 11th,
2018. Further details will follow. 

Previous Honorees: Dick Johnson, Joan Crow, 
Jerry & Nan Carlton, Pat Alcorn, Fran Garbaccio,
Ken Anhalt, Eph Konigsberg, Russ Anderson,
George Throop, Loyal Camacho, John Grijalva,
Joylouise Harte-Smith, James Heasley, MidgeMorash, James Tyler, Isabella Paegal, BonnieGarner, Rose Fafach, Ed Wellman, Celeste 
McCleary, Dorothy Tillquist, Doris Webster,
Elsie Dammeyer, George Mauer, Karl Teigler,
Laurie Cooper, Lucille Flanders, Ann Tyler, andJay Whitcraft (2017). For more information, 
please contact the Hart Park House SeniorCenter (626) 355-7394; or the CommunityServices Department at (626) 355-5278. www.

The annual gourmet Wine and Cuisine Tasting 
Benefit, a major fund-raising event, is celebrating 
its 48th Anniversary to support the Sierra Madre 
Public Library. It is sponsored by the Friends 
of the Sierra Madre Library, an all-volunteer 
organization dedicated to supporting our 
community Library. All funds received from this 
event support the Library. 

The event will be held on Friday evening, 
February 16, from 7:00-9:30 p.m. at Alverno’s 
historic Villa del Sol d’Oro, located at 200 North 
Michillinda Avenue, Sierra Madre. This will be 
an elegant affair featuring more than two dozen 
vintners providing superb wines, as well as local 
restaurants offering creative food and desserts. 

Tickets to the Premier Event are $80 and 
allow early admission at 6:00 p.m. Those 
attending the Premier Event will enjoy a variety 
of special wines. Delectable hors d’oeuvres from 
Sierra Fusion, a restaurant in Sierra Madre, will 
complement the wines. A chance to win a very 
unique gift basket will be offered again this year. 

Tickets to the Main Event are $60 and provide 
admission at 7:00 p.m. Both are on sale now at 
the Sierra Madre Public Library, The Bottle Shop, 
Savor the Flavor, and Arnold’s Frontier Hardware 
& Gifts, as well as online at www. 

Throughout the evening you will enjoy live 
music and Magic Castle magicians as you stroll 
about the Villa sampling the wonderful variety 
of wine and food. A Silent Auction will again 
be offering lovely artwork, services, tickets to 
special events, restaurant vouchers and many 
other tempting items. 
The committee would like to thank local artist, 
Joe Milazzo, for designing and donating this 
year’s art work, an original black and white 
drawing, that is featured on all flyers, post cards 
and posters.

Please join us at the Villa on February 16, 2018for a delightful evening, enjoying fine wines, tastyfood, and lively entertainment amidst the companyof friends. For additional information go to ourwebsite 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:

Useful Reference Links

Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548