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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, January 13, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, January 13, 2018 ARCADIA CHINESE ASSOCIATION ARCADIA POLICE BLOTTER The Arcadia Chinese Association (ACA) will celebrate its 35th Anniversary of volunteer services in its annual Fundraising Gala to be held on January 14, 2018, Sunday, at the Arcadia Masonic Center at 50 West Duarte Drive, Arcadia 91007. The event will last from 5:30 pm to 9:00 pm. The celebration includes entertainment performance and slide shows covering past ACA activities. Programs include magic show, Chinese calligraphy art performance, Chinese costume show, opera singing and Michael Jackson imitation performance. The event is aiming at promoting the theme of the Fundraising Gala: Bridging Cultures and Building Community. ACA organizes or supports over twenty activities every year in Arcadia. They include Moon Festival which is an outdoor picnic event co-hosting with the Los Angeles County Arboretum and the previous one was attended by over 2500 people, Thanksgiving luncheon serving at the Police Department and the Fire Department, providing scholarship to outstanding students in Arcadia High School and annual Arcadia Law Day providing free legal consultations to local residents (joint sponsorship with the City). Such events will go a long way in facilitating social interactions and promoting cultural exchanges. ACA is open to anyone in our community who has a heart for volunteering service. We encourage our Arcadia residents and friends to join ACA, and share the joy of volunteerism. We are grateful to all the people and organizations that come together each year to support our activities, and we hope each year we can do a little more for our wonderful community here in Arcadia. Ticket prices for the Fundraising Gala are VIP $85, General Admission $70. Contact phone number for fundraising gala information and ticket sale are: 626-3832588 and 626-716-1686 INCIDENT: ROBBERY – HOME INVASION On January 09, 2018, at approximately 10:23 PM,female Black, 17 to 19 years, 5’4” with a thin build. the Arcadia Police Department received a 911She was wearing a blue rain jacket, blue jeans, andcall of a robbery that took place at a residencehad a dark colored scarf covering the lower portionin the 700 Block of Sharon Road. When officers of her face. The second suspect was described as aarrived, it was confirmed a home invasion robberymale Black, thin build, 6’2” with a goatee type of ahad occurred. Two adult victims were at home beard. He was wearing a gray hoodie, blue jeansat the time of the robbery. One victim was heldand was armed with a dark colored handgun. Theat gunpoint in the garage, and the other victimsuspects fled in their vehicle without taking any was inside of the residence, and had locked the property. door leading from the garage into the house. The The case is currently under investigation. Anyonesuspects attempted to kick in the door leading intowith information on this incident is encouragedthe house, but were unsuccessful and fled. The to contact the Arcadia Police Department at (626) victims were not injured.574-5151, case #18-0131. If you prefer to provideBased on the preliminary investigation, thereinformation anonymously, you may call “Crime were possibly three suspects, however, only twoStoppers” by dialing (800) 222- TIPS (8477), usewere observed. The third suspect was in a vehicleyour smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” described only as a dark colored sedan. The twoMobile APP on Google play or the Apple App Storesuspects who were observed were described as a or by using the website CITY OF ARCADIA SENIOR EXPO Arcadia Senior Services is hosting a FREE,About the City of Arcadiainformational Senior Expo at the Arcadia Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Community Center, 365 Campus Drive, on Friday,Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square mileMarch 9, 2018 from with a population of just over 56,000. The Senior Expo will feature various differentLocated approximately 20 miles east of downtownorganizations from senior related fields, such as:Los Angeles, Arcadia is known for combining small- housing, in-home care, insurance, health, wellnesstown charm with the conveniences and amenities and more. Organizations will be passing outof a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-service charter information, as well as a few goodies. All attendeescity governed by a five-member City Council, will receive free refreshments and entry into theelected at large. Recognized for exceptional raffle. Boxed lunches will be sold the morning ofeducation and recreation opportunities and for $2 and will be served at 11:30am. beautiful neighborhoods, Arcadia is also defined as the “Community of Homes” and has twice beenFor more information, please call Arcadia Seniordesignated the “Best City in California in which toServices at 626.574.5130. Raise Kids” by Business Week Magazine. For the period of Sunday, December 31st, through Saturday, January 6th, the Police Department responded to 757 callsfor service, of which 100 required formal investigations. Thefollowing is a summary report of the major incidents handledby the Department during this period. Sunday, December 31: Shortly before 9:15 a.m., an officer responded to the 100block of Bonita Street regarding a vehicle burglary report. The officer discovered an unknown suspect broke one ofthe windows of the vehicle and stole a laptop. No suspect(s) were seen and no witnesses were located. At approximately 10:36 a.m., an officer responded tothe 1600 block of Holly Avenue regarding the activationof an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker. ArcadiaPD detectives had previously deployed decoy packagescontaining bait property and tracking devices to combatthe increase in package thefts from residential areas. Aninvestigation revealed a 25-year-old male from Los Angeles, a 38-year-old male from Los Angeles, and a 31-year-oldmale from Los Angeles had the stolen package, property, and tracking device in their vehicle. All three suspectswere arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking. The 38-year-old male was also in possession ofburglary tools. The additional offense was added to his listof charges. Monday, January 1: Just after 3:50 a.m., officers responded to a residence in the00 block of La Porte Street regarding a vandalism report. The victims stated when they entered their bedroom; theysaw the shadow of a human outside their window. When they investigated and banged on the glass, the suspectbanged on the glass as well and broke the window. Thesuspect then fled. The suspect was gone by the time officersarrived. At approximately 7:41 p.m., an officer responded to theSanta Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding theactivation of an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker. Arcadia PD detectives had previously deployed decoybicycles with tracking devices to combat the increase inbike thefts throughout the city. An investigation revealeda 15-year-old male from Temple City was in possessionof the stolen bicycle and GPS tracker. The suspect wasalso in possession of a switchblade. He was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Tuesday, January 2: Around 8:38 p.m., officers responded to Macy’s at theSanta Anita Mall, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regardinga petty theft report. A loss prevention specialist witnessedthe suspect conceal numerous items amounting to nearly$300.00 in a shopping bag before exiting the store, failingto make payment. She was also in possession of stolenmerchandise from Victoria’s Secret. The 19-year-old femalefrom Altadena was arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking. Just before 9:59 p.m., officers responded to PremierCosmetic Surgery, 59 Las Tunas Drive, regarding anaudible alarm activation. Surveillance footage revealed anunknown male suspect broke an exterior window and fledin a white pickup truck shortly after the alarm activated. Noloss has been reported. The investigation is ongoing. Wednesday, January 3: Shortly after 10:21 a.m., an officer responded to Off BeachTanning, 129 South First Avenue, regarding a fraud report. The reporting party stated the suspect used a fraudulent$100 to purchase a pair of sandals and fled with the shoesand $31.00 in change. A records check of the suspect’slicense plate revealed the registered owner is a resident ofMira Loma. The investigation is ongoing. At about 5:21 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop ona vehicle that was seen colliding into a parked vehicle andthen fled. The vehicle was stopped near the intersection ofFoothill Boulevard and Valencia Way. Upon contactingthe driver, the officer detected a strong odor of alcoholemitting from the driver. Through a series of tests, theofficer determined the 38-year-old female from Monroviawas driving under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. The suspect was arrested and transported to the ArcadiaCity Jail for booking. Thursday, January 4: Before 12:23 p.m., an officer responded to a residenceunder construction in the 100 block of California Street regarding a burglary. The officer determined unidentifiedsuspect(s) entered the residence by kicking in an exteriordoor before fleeing. No suspect(s) were seen and no witnesses were located. Around 3:10 p.m., an officer responded to the 800 block ofWest Duarte Road regarding an aggravated assault report. An investigation revealed a verbal altercation between twosuspects, a 42-year-old male from Arcadia and a 37-yearold female from Arcadia, and the victim turned physicalwhen the male suspect choked the victim. Both suspectswere arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking. Friday, January 5: At about 7:16 a.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 1100 block of La Cadena Avenue regarding a burglaryreport. The officer discovered an unknown suspect enteredthe residence through an unlocked garage door and stolethe victim’s purse from an unlocked vehicle. No suspect(s) were seen and no witnesses were located. Just before 10:23 a.m., an officer responded to Victoria’sSecret, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a grand theftreport. An employee witnessed four suspects conceal morethan $2,300.00 worth of merchandise in bags before exitingthe store, failing to make payment. The suspects are described as a 20 to 25-year-old female, possibly Hispanic, two black males in their early twenties, and a black female, approximately 21 to 23-years-old. Theinvestigation is ongoing. Saturday, January 6: Shortly after 4:36 p.m., an officer responded to Macy’s, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a theft report. Surveillance footage revealed the suspect concealedmerchandise in a bag before exiting the store, failing tomake payment. The 15-year-old male from El Montewas arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail forbooking. At approximately 6:09 p.m., an officer responded to theArcadia Golf Course, 620 East Live Oak Avenue, regardinga vehicle burglary report. The officer determined anunknown suspect smashed the passenger side window andfled with a children’s jacket. No suspect(s) were seen and nowitnesses were located. PUBLIC INVITED TO EVENSONG IN EPIPHANY ONSUNDAY, JANUARY 21, AT ST. LUKE’S MONROVIA January 4, 2018 —St. Luke’s Episcopal Church inMonrovia will present the first Evensong performance ofthe year on Sunday, January 21, at 4 p.m. at the church, 122 South California Avenue at Foothill Boulevard in Monrovia. Evensong in Epiphany, directed by Kent BennettJones, Music Director, will be sung by the St. Luke’s Choirand friends from throughout the Diocese. Jim Campbellwill be guest cantor. Music will include Christ, MightySavior by David Charles Walker, the Norwich UsePreces and Responses, and Palestrina’s Tribus Miraculis. A freewill offering will be taken; a wine and cheesereception in Guild Hall will follow the performance. A description of the service by Coventry Cathedralin England notes: “When you come to Evensong it is as if you were dropping in on a conversation already in progress — a conversation between God and people which began long before you were born and will go on long after you are gone.” About St. Luke’s Formally admitted to the Episcopal Diocese of California on April 30, 1891, St. Luke’s has been a partof the Monrovia community for 125 years. The inclusivechurch welcomes all to its community. The superbacoustics of its landmark 1924 Romanesque house ofworship make it a popular site for a variety of musicperformances. Eucharist services are held on Sundays at8 a.m. and 10 a.m. and Wednesdays at 12:10 p.m. TheReverend Neil Tadken is Rector. The church’s website is MOBILITY PROGRAM BEING REFINED WITH POSSIBLE LYFT AND LIMEBIKE PARTNERSHIPS, CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION ON FIRST PHASE OF THE INITIATIVE SET TO TAKE PLACE ON JANUARY 16, 2018 During the past few months, staff has directed timeduring the past few weeks, and we are currently workingand attention towards the possible development of awith the ride sharing platform on the possible institution ofreimagined multi-modal transportation program ina new public transit model here in Monrovia. The generalMonrovia. This effort has been spurred by a number offramework of that partnership includes the following factors, including the following:components: Direction from members of the City Council that weCoordinate to have Lyft serve as the City’s primary publicfind better ways of connecting Old Town Monrovia totransit options for all non-ADA related servicesStation SquareCity continues to operate a scaled down version of our The potential development of more than 1,700+ unitscurrent dial-a-ride program, primarily to accommodateof housing in a true TOD setting at Station Square, whichADA calls for service will create a unique urban-esque space in the middle ofDevelop the program with Lyft so that any call forour suburban communitytransportation services within an identified service area The need to connect the new residents not only tocould be facilitated for a reduced fare Old Town, but also to our high-tech jobs base located onIn addition to the base transportation option, we havethe east end of town, along with the Beckman Researchalso discussed with Lyft a sign-up program that wouldInstitute, Areum Apartments, and Huntington Oaksbe restricted for Monrovians, whereby all communityShopping Center on the west end of townmembers would be eligible for discounted Lyft rides. Responding to concerns about increased traffic In addition to Lyft, we have also had discussions to formassociated with the new developmenta joint venture effort with a company called LimeBike that Figuring out how to convince more Monrovians towould establish a bike share program for our Monrovia. engage public transit options when recreating / shoppingLimeBike’s bike share platform is different from the/ traveling within in towntraditional bike share programs in that they do not require The assessment has been particularly challenging,any docking stations. One of the limitations of traditionalgiven that suburban communities have not traditionallybike share programs is the need to deploy docking stationsestablished effective first mile / last mile transit solutions.throughout a community where bikes have to be pickedThere are a number of reasons for this fact, but typically,up and dropped off. LimeBike has developed a bike sharesuburban communities have relied on dial-a-ride typeplatform that doesn’t require any docking stations, butprograms to address complex transportation relatedinstead uses GPS and an app they have created to allowmatters. And as staff has been analyzing these issues,bikes to be picked up and dropped off at any location. Then, we have been thinking… there has to be a better way!in the evenings, LimeBike staff will work to “rebalance” the One of the initial “better ways” that we have assessed isLimeBike fleet in a community to place them in the highestthe development of an overall mobility plan for Monrovia,use locations for the next morning. For more informationwhich we have internally been calling GoMonrovia! Theon LimeBike, see their company information online. mobility plan has been driven by an ethos of wanting toOur assessment has indicated that it might be possibleprovide options for residents in Monrovia to move aroundto bring both Lyft and LimeBike into Monrovia in 2018. town. Driving will always be a transportation option, andTaken together, partnering with both firms could form theour plan involves developing additional parking spacesinitial backbone of our GoMonrovia! mobility programat key locations in Monrovia. However, we also want toby providing an enhanced public-private transit programprovide simple and easy to use transportation optionsthrough Lyft, and supplementing that program by offeringfor residents outside of driving, and to that end, the firstLimeBike’s dockless bike-share option for our community. phase of our GoMonrovia! plan involves developingWe plan on refining our assessment of both optionspartnerships with two firms – Lyft and LimeBike.during the next few weeks and will be coordinating a Study First, regarding the potential partnership program withSession to review this program with the City Council onLyft… staff has had multiple discussions with the firm January 16, 2018. MONROVIA POLICE BLOTTER During the last seven-day period, the PoliceDepartment handled 408 service events, resultingin 88 investigations. To see a complete listing ofcrimes reported, go to http://www.crimemapping. com/map/ca/monrovia for crime mapping. ForPolice Department news and information, visit ourwebsite and follow us on Twitter. Fraud Incident January 4 at 9:52 a.m., a fraudincident was reported at a business in the 100block of W. Foothill. The victim purchased two giftcards from the business and had a receipt as proofof purchase. When the recipients of the gift cardswent to use them, one did not have a value and the other had already been used. The investigation isongoing. Warrant – Suspect Arrested January 4 at 10:59 a.m., a shoplifting incident was reported at a business inthe 1600 block of S. Mountain. The shoplifter exitedthe store and ran into a neighboring business, where he was contacted by officers. The subject wasnot found to be in possession of any merchandisefrom the business, but a computer check revealedhe had numerous warrants for his arrest. He was arrested for the warrants and taken into custody. A no trespassing order was completed against thesubject for the business. Assault with a Deadly Weapon – Suspect ArrestedJanuary 4 at 7:14 p.m., officers responded to a fightin progress in the 400 block of Monrovista. Thefight involved two adult brothers and one had beencut with a machete. Both subjects were injured, with one having a laceration on his head. Afterinvestigation, the brother identified as the suspectwas arrested for assault with a deadly weapon andtaken to a hospital to be checked out. The brotheridentified as the victim was also taken to a hospitalfor treatment. Suspicious Subject / Warrant – Suspect ArrestedJanuary 4 at 7:28 p.m., a suspicious subject wasreported in the 200 block of N. Primrose lookingat houses and in vehicles. Officers responded anddetained a subject that fit the description. Thesubject had no valid reason to be loitering in theresidential area, and a computer check revealed hehad several warrants for his arrest. He was arrested for the warrants and taken into custody. Vandalism January 5 at 10:46 a.m., a vandalism incident wasreported in the 800 block of W. Duarte. Unknownsuspect(s) broke two windows on the victim’svehicle. The investigation is ongoing. Vandalism January 5 at 9:49 p.m., a vandalism incident was reported in the 200 block of S. Primrose. The victim reported that the rear windowto his Dodge Durango had been smashed. Therewas a rock laying on the ground near the vehicle. At 7:00 p.m., the victim did hear a loud crash and sawtwo juveniles running north on Primrose. At thetime, the victim did not know the crash sound was the window to his SUV breaking. The investigation is continuing. Residential Burglary January 6 at 12:30 a.m., a residential burglary was reported inthe 500 block of N. Myrtle. The residents arrivedhome and discovered an upstairs window wasbroken. The victims could not determine what was taken at the time of the report. The investigation iscontinuing. Driving Under the Influence – SuspectArrested January 6 at 3:00 a.m., an officer stopped avehicle for vehicle code violations at Evergreen andCalifornia. The investigation revealed the driver wastoo impaired to drive a motor vehicle safely and thedriver was arrested for DUI. The vehicle was stored and the driver was held for a sobering period. Criminal Threats – Suspect Arrested January 6at 9:57 a.m., an incident of criminal threats was reported in the 100 block of S. Mountain. Thevictim reported that her neighbor’s boyfriend wasat the location and he was threatening to kill her. Officers arrived and took statements from the parties involved and a witness. The suspect wasultimately arrested for verbal threats and was takeninto custody. Grand Theft From a Vehicle January6 at 4:48 p.m., a grand theft was reported in the500 block of Fano. The victim reported that herlaptop and work identification were taken out ofher unlocked vehicle. Her vehicle was parked in hercarport when the theft occurred. The investigationis continuing. Vehicle Burglaries January 6 at 9:56 p.m., twovehicle burglaries were reported in the area ofParker and Mayflower. The victims parked theircars on Parker, near Mayflower, and went insidetheir homes for the day. Both victims were not sureif they locked their cars or not, and both returnedto their vehicles and discovered items missing. Theinvestigations are continuing. Residential RobberyJanuary 6 at 9:56 p.m., a robbery was reported ata residence in the 1000 block of Royal Oaks. Thevictim hired a massage therapist on Craigslist tocome to his residence. Eventually, a female and amale subject came to the door and he let them in. While the victim was talking to them, two moremale subjects entered his residence. The four suspects hit the victim with a lamp and robbed himof his wallet and cell phone. The suspects fled in awhite SUV. The investigation is continuing. Warrant – Suspect Arrested January 7 at 11:54a.m., officers were dispatched to the 200 block of N. Mayflower regarding two subjects possiblysmoking drugs. The subjects were contacted andone subject was found to have a warrant for hisarrest. He was arrested for the warrant and taken into custody. Traffic Collision January 7 at 4:09p.m., a traffic collision was reported in the areaof Primrose and Linwood. A motorhome struck a parked vehicle and drove away from the scene. Officers arrived and found the motorhome still in the area. The driver had pulled over and was tryingto make his way back to the location. The partiesexchanged information and the driver was cited fordriving on a suspended license. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||