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SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 2018 VOLUME 12 NO. 02 PASADENA EDITION “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge andcontroversy.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 2018 VOLUME 12 NO. 02 PASADENA EDITION “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge andcontroversy.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. State of the City Event Northeast Pasadena Vons to Close Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com The public is invited to attend Mayor Terry Tornek’s State of the City address Tuesday, at the Pasadena Unified School District’s John Marshall Fundamental School Gymnasium, 999 N. Allen Ave. The event will be held in the Eagles’ new gymnasium. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. The Mayor’s formal program begins at 7 p.m. Mayor Tornek will deliver his annual State of the City message with a review of the City’s finances, as well as updates on several issues about the City’s economy and the status of the Arroyo Seco area. A brief Q-and-A with the audience traditionally follows. Vice Mayor John J. Kennedy will serve as emcee for the evening and students from John Marshall will also participate in the program. Spanish translation and closed captioning services will be provided. Light refreshments will be served following the Mayor’s address. Parking is available on either side of the school, off Allen Avenue. Please allow extra time to park, and then walk to the gym, especially if there is inclement weather. KPAS, the City’s cable TV channel will record the event available on Ch. 3 for Charter cable subscribers and Ch. 99 for AT&T U-verse subscribers. A video stream will also be available on the City’s website, and at pasadenamedia.org. For more information, contact Rhonda Stone, (626) 744-7210 or rstone@ cityofpasadena.net. After months of speculation, officials at Albertsons confirmed Thursday that the Vons Market on Allen Ave. and Washington Blvd. will permanently close in April. The Vons market at 1390 Allen Ave. has been there 41 years. Rumors, last year that the property owners wanted to build condominiums on the property ended when Stater Bros. Markets also announced Thursday that the site will soon become a Stater Bros. supermarket. According to the Stater Bros. Markets, the new supermarket will feature: A Full Service Fresh Meat Pasadena Half Marathon& 5K Pasadena Half Marathon & 5K begins at the Rose Bowl but winds its way through Old Pasadena on Sunday January 21. Come enjoy the picturesque course through beautiful Pasadena, passing landmarks like the Colorado Street Bridge, Old Pasadena and Cal Tech University before participants. a majestic finish on the The two-day Health field at the world-famous & Fitness Expo, Friday Rose Bowl.and Saturday, is free SAN MARINO/SO. PAS Pg. 4 SIERRA MADRE Pg. 5 ARCADIA Pg. 6 MONROVIA THE ARTS B2 CALENDAR Pg. 2 MORE PASADENA NEWS Pg. 3 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 9 AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY B1 EDUCATION/YOUTH Pg. 7 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 11 SECTION B: BUSINESS NEWS B3 OPINION B4 FOOD & DRINK Pg. 8 WORLD AROUND US Pg. 10 The Pasadena Half and open to the public Marathon & 5K Health and takes place at the and Fitness Expo Pasadena Convention will feature the latest Center. developments in sports, The Half Marathon is fitness, and nutrition. In sold out; limited spaces addition, it is the home remain for the 5K event. of Packet Pick-Up for For more information all half-marathon & 5K visit: pasadenahalf.com. Towne Singers SpringConcert Rehearsal Love to Sing--Come join the Towne Singers. The Towne Singers is a non-audition choir. We are in need of male voices, but welcome all to join this wonderful family of musicians. Rehearsals for the upcoming spring concert begin Monday, January 22nd. The 2018 Spring Concert, “Music of American Heritage”, is Sunday, May 20th. Rehearsals are held Mondays, 7:15p thru 9:30p at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1757 N Lake Avenue, Pasadena 91104. Please contact Merrily Hake, Membership Coordinator, via email (merrilyhake@earthlink. net) with questions and new member orientation information. New member orientation sessions are held prior to the first two rehearsals (1/22 and 1/29) at 6:30p. The Towne Singers is an organization supported, All Pasadena do-ityourselfers are reminded to safely recycle both their used oil and oil filters—and get a new oil filter for free—today from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Auto Zone Auto Parts, 550 N. Lake Ave. If you can’t make that one, the next Oil Filter Exchange Event is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 24, 2018 at O’Reilly Auto Parts, 919 N. Lake Ave. Just bring your used oil filter and get a free new oil filter, limited to three (3) per person, while supplies last. Oil Filter Exchange Events help protect the environment by promoting proper recycling of used oil and oil filters. The program is coordinated for the City by the Public Works Department in cooperation for local businesses. Residents are encouraged to bring their used oil to the events as well. Or, if you want your used oil picked up directly from your residence, please schedule an appointment by contacting the Pasadena Citizen Service Center at (626) 744-7311. In addition, a list of certified oil and oil filter collection centers located in Pasadena is online at: www. cityofpasadena.net. Pasadena’s Oil Filter Exchange Events are made possible by a grant from the California Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), calrecycle.ca.gov. Free Oil Filter and Recycling Department with Stater Bros. famous certified Meat Cutters ready to serve you. A Full Service Fresh Seafood Department with friendly seafood experts to assist with selection FujiSan Handcrafted Sushi made in-house daily A Full Service Deli including Cleo & Leo exclusive recipe and always fresh hand-breaded fried chicken, specialty sandwiches and wraps in addition to a full line of prepared party trays Full Service Hot Bakery with a full selection of Artisan breads and rolls, specialty single serve desserts, Cleo and Leo line of classic cakes and in-house cake decorators to assist with all special occasion needs A Relaxing Seating Area with USB charging outlets and access to free Wi-Fi Floral Department for that special gift of fresh flowers, plants or floral arrangementsGarden Fresh Produce Department featuring more than 1,000 items with expanded organic selections and fruit cut fresh daily Energy-efficient LED lighting in addition to glass doors on refrigerated cases to reduce energy consumptionA décor scheme reflecting Pasadena's rich history “We are delighted to welcome Stater Bros. to the City of Pasadena. Stater Bros. Markets provides products and services consistent with the high level of quality the community expects,” Pasadena City Councilmember Margaret McAustin said. According to Vons website, this will leave two remaining stores open in Pasadena one at 2355 E Colorado Blvd, and at 155 California Blvd. There is also a Pavilions, a division of Safeway Inc. at 845 E California Blvd. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Closures Reminders Pasadena residents and businesses are reminded that City Hall and many City services will be closed Monday, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The City Council will not meet on Monday. The Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday. Jan. 22. Pasadena residents and businesses with power emergencies should call Pasadena’s Water and Power (PWP) Department at (626) 744-4673 and for water-related emergencies call (626) 744-4138. PWP’s Customer Service Call Center will be closed, but customers can access their accounts and make payments by phone at (626) 744-4005 or online at PWPweb.com. The Municipal Services Payment Center, the Permit Center and the Citizen Service Center, www. cityofpasadena.net/CitizenService- Center will all be closed, and resume regular hours on Tuesday. Refuse and recycling collection will be delayed by one day during the week of Jan. 15-20. Bulky item pickup program service does not resume until Feb. 5. On Monday, Pasadena Transit and Dial-A-Ride buses will operate on regular weekday schedules. All on- street parking meters will be free, and time limits will not be enforced. Parking meter enforcement will resume Tuesday, City-owned 2018 – NEW LAWS.....AND YOU! California is a very special placeto live. As evidenced by recentpolitical events, we appear to be ina world of our own. As we beginanother year in the Golden State, let’s be mindful of the changes inour laws that will hopefully helpimprove the quality of life for us all: NEW CALIFORNIA STATE LAWS Hiring A prospective employer will no longer be able to decide howmuch money to offer you byasking what you made at your lastjob. Under Assembly Bill 168, thesalary history of job applicantscan only be disclosed voluntarily. Supporters say the law could helpwomen closethe persistent gender pay gap. Assembly Bill 1008 aims to improve employment prospects for formerly incarcerated job seekers by banning the box on applications that asks about criminal conviction history. Employers will still be able toconduct a background check once a conditional offer has been made, but the law, which is part of a national ban-the-boxmovement, is meant to give formerconvicts a better opportunity to beconsidered on their merits before they are judged for past mistakes. Elections Get ready for a new era of votingin California: Senate Bill 450, which passed in 2016, does awaywith neighborhood polling placesand replaces them with electionsconducted primarily by mail. It represents another effort to boostsagging voter participation. Underthe system, which Sacramento isamong the first counties to adopt, every registered voter will receivea mail ballot. Drop-off locationswill be available up to four weeksbefore election day, and temporaryregional “vote centers” will open10 days ahead of time to register parking lots and garages will be open Monday and regular parking rates will be enforced. Violations for red curb parking, overnight parking and blocking fire hydrants will continue to be issued. All Pasadena Public Library sites will be closed Sunday and Monday, with regular schedules resuming Tuesday. All community centers operated by the City’s Human Services and Recreation Department will be closed. All parks will be open for picnics, fun and play, but no site reservations are accepted for the holidays. Pasadena Fire and Police departments will continue to provide patrol, jail, fire, paramedic and all other emergency services. Always call 9-1-1 for life-threatening emergencies. For all other non-emergencies, call (626) 744-4241. Remember, “If You See Something, Say Something.” YEAR....NEW voters and accept ballots. Job leave Californians enter 2018 with expanded protections to take timeoff from work. Under Senate Bill 63, nearly 2.8 million workers at smallbusinesses with between 20 and 49 employees are now guaranteedup to 12 weeks of unpaid parentalleave within the first year of theirchild’s birth, adoption or foster care placement. (Workers at larger businesses with at least 50employees already received thisbenefit.) Assembly Bill 908 also boostsstate compensation for workerstaking paid leave to temporarilycare for a family member, to 60percent of their regular wages from55 percent, and up to 70 percentfor the lowest earners. Drug prices Fueled by widespread anger over soaring prescription drugprices, lawmakers went to battle with the pharmaceuticalindustry. Senate Bill 17 requiresmanufacturers to notify the stateat least 60 days before dramaticallyincreasing the price of most drugs. Health insurers will also have to report how much prescriptiondrugs are contributing to the costof their plans, including annualhikes to premiums. (In December, the pharmaceutical industry filedsuit in federal court, challengingthe law as a violation of interstate commerce and free speech protections.) Assembly Bill 265 also prohibitsdiscount coupons for brand- name drugs, which can lowerhow much patients pay out- of-pocket. Critics contend the coupons build customer loyaltyto more expensive medications, ultimately costing insurers more and potentially driving uppremiums. (cont. on page 12) | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |