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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, January 13, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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F.Y.I. Mountain Views News Saturday, January 13, 2018 12F.Y.I. Mountain Views News Saturday, January 13, 2018 12 NEW LAWS continued from page 1) Assembly Bill 450, which bansprogram here, waiving the firstcross. disqualification.placards expiring in June 2023 employers from cooperating year of fees for any first-timeParking Violations for will be the first batch of placardsto more expensive medications,with or allowing immigrationstudent who enrolls full-time at MarijuanaRegistration or Driver Licensesubject to renewal. Applicantsultimately costing insurers enforcement raids at their work one of California’s 114 communityVoters legalized recreational Renewal (AB 503, Lackey): This will not be required to obtain amore and potentially driving upsites without a court order. colleges. That promise, however,marijuanain 2016 with Propositionlaw makes changes to a medical certification as part ofpremiums. depends on the state setting aside64, and now it is available for retail requirement under which vehiclethe renewal process. For more Minimum Wageenough money in its 2018-19 purchase. Adults 21 and olderregistration renewal and driverinformation about the new law Affordable HousingCalifornia’s lowest earners are in budget to cover the fee waivers. can buy up to an ounce of weedlicense issuance or renewal is effecting Disabled Person Placard Eager to address California’s for a raise: The minimum wageand up to 8 grams of cannabis not granted for having unpaidand Plates, visit the DMV website. severe housing affordability crisis,increases by 50 cents, to $11 perGender concentrates, though only in cities,parking penalties and fees. The lawMotorcycle Training Courses legislators crafted more than a hour for workers at companiesCalifornia continues to ease the like Sacramento and Oakland, that creates a process for low-income(AB 1027, Acosta): This law dozen new laws last session that with at least 26 employees, and toprocess for transgender people have permitted stores. Californians with outstandingauthorizes the DMV to accept aim to spur development. Some$10.50 for those at smaller firms. to get updated identification parking violations to repay theira certificate of satisfactoryhave broader implications for allIt is part of an agreement reacheddocuments. Senate Bill 179 NEW DEPARTMENT OF fines and penalties prior to thecompletion of any motorcyclist- residents, including Senate Bill 2,nearly two years ago, Senate Bill 3,removes the requirement that theyparking violation being reportedtraining program approved by the MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS which adds a fee of $75 to $225 that will continue to hike the hourlyhave undergone any treatmentto the DMV. The law also allows California Highway Patrol in lieuon real estate transactions. It is wage annually until it reaches $15before applying with the statethe registered owner of a vehicleof the required motorcycle skills Cannabis Use in Vehicles (SB 65, expected to generate up to $300in 2022 for large companies, and into change the gender on theirto file for Planned Non-Operation test. Applicants for an original Hill): This law prohibits smoking or million annually for affordable2023 for all workers. birth certificate. It also adds a status when unpaid parking motorcycle license or motorcycle ingesting marijuana or marijuana housing projects, programs thatDiaper changing stations“nonbinary” option for those whopenalties are on the vehicle’s endorsement under 21 years of products while driving or riding as assist homeless people and long-Parents across the state will have do not identify as either male orrecord. It also allows for someone age continue to be required to a passenger in a vehicle. The DMV range development planning. If aan easier time sharing diaper dutyfemale, which will be available on with outstanding parking penaltiescomplete a novice motorcyclist- will assign negligent operator community has not met its state-in the future. Assembly Bill 1127driver’s licenses as well starting inand fees, to obtain or renew a training program. point counts for this violation. In mandated housing needs, Senaterequires state and local agencies,2019. driver license. Firefighter License Plate Program addition to the California Driver Bill 35 allows developers to bypassas well as public venues such asHOV Decal Program (AB 544 for Surviving Family Member Handbook, the DMV also will the lengthy, and often expensive,movie theaters, grocery stores, Guns Bloom): Beginning January(AB 1338, Low): This law allows revise the Motorcycle Handbook review process for new projects.sports arenas and restaurants, California already has among the1, 2019, this law creates a new a surviving spouse, domestic and the DMV’s website to include Assembly Bill 167 seeks to tampto provide at least one diaper-nation’s strictest gun control laws,decal program to allow certainpartner, or child of a deceased information relating to marijuana down on “not in my backyard”changing station accessible to and the Legislature continues tolow emission vehicles to access firefighter or deceased retired violations. backlash by making it harder forwomen and men. The law appliestighten them. Assembly Bill 424high-occupancy vehicle lanes, firefighter to independently Buses and Seatbelts (SB 20, cities and counties to vote down to new construction or significanteliminates a policy, implementedregardless of vehicle occupancyapply for and receive a California Hill): Beginning July 1, 2018, this proposed developments that fitrenovations of facilities. only last year, that gave schoollevel, for a four-year term. AccessFirefighter Special License Plate law requires a passenger on a bus within their long-range housingadministrators authority to decideto high-occupancy vehicle lanesfor their vehicle. equipped with seat belts to be plans. Schools whether employees with concealedfor vehicles with green and whitePrivate Carriers of Passengers properly restrained by a safety belt. California is closing the chaptercarry permits should be allowed decals will expire January 1, (SB 19, Hill): Beginning July 1, This law also prohibits a parent, Immigrationon a contentious era in education: to bring their firearms onto 2019. Vehicles issued a green or2018, this law transfers regulatory legal guardian, or chartering party Senate Bill 54, arguably the mostAssembly Bill 830 eliminates thecampus. Now they will be banned.white decal in 2017 or 2018 will authority over private carriers of to transport on a bus, or permit to controversial new law of 2018, high school exit exam, whichUnder Assembly Bill 725, someonebe eligible to reapply for a decalpassengers (such as church and be transported on a bus, a child makes California a “sanctuary was instituted, beginning withconvicted of a hate crime will lose in 2019 granting them access toyouth buses) from the California who is at least 8 years of age but state.” A rebuke to President the Class of 2006, to ensure their right to possess a gun for 10 high–occupancy toll lanes untilPublic Utilities Commission to the under 16 years of age, unless Donald Trump’s plans to ramp upthat students demonstrated a years. And new restrictions on January 1, 2022.DMV. they are properly restrained by a deportations of undocumented minimum proficiency in Englishbuying ammunition are beginningDisabled Person Parking safety belt or an appropriate child immigrants, it limits the ability ofand math before graduating. Tensto take effect. While backgroundPlacards and Plates (SB 611,Road Maintenance and passenger restraint system that state and local police to cooperateof thousands of students never checks will not be required until Hill): This law makes changes toRehabilitation Program (SB 1, meets federal safety standards. A with federal immigration passed the exam and consequently next year, customers must nowthe administration of the Disabled Beall): Beginning January 1, 2018, violation of these provisions is an enforcement. Officers cannot never received a diploma. A purchase their ammunition Person Parking Placard and the DMV is required to begin infraction punishable by a fine. inquire about someone’s decade later, lawmakers suspendedthrough a licensed vendor. ThatDisabled Person License Plate collecting at the time of registration DUI – Passenger for Hire (AB immigration status or detain themthe requirement to rewrite the test;means even if you order yourProgram, including requiringor renewal the Transportation 2687, Achadjian): Beginning July 1, on a hold request from the federalnow, they are simply doing awayammunition online, you mustapplicants to provide proof ofImprovement Fee (TIF) ranging 2018, this law makes it unlawful for government, unless they have beenwith it instead. ship it to a vendor and pick it uptrue full name and birthdate. The from $25 - $175, based on the a person to operate a motor vehicle convicted of one of more than 800 In an effort to keep poor femalein person. law also will limit the number vehicle’s current value. The law with a blood alcohol concentration crimes. students attending class, schoolsof replacement disabled personalso requires the department, of 0.04 percent or more when a The legislative “resistance” towill also provide free tampons andWalkingparking placards an applicantbeginning July 1, 2020, to collect passenger for hire is in the vehicle Trump continued with more pads. Assembly Bill 10 requiresYou are now permitted to docan request without obtaining aa Road Improvement Fee for zero- at the time of the offense. This will policies to assist immigrants, middle and high schools where atsomething you were probablymedical certification to four in two emission vehicles with a model mean that drivers of passenger for including Assembly Bill 291, least 40 percent of students meetdoing anyway: cross the streetyears. It also requires the DMV toyear of 2020 or later. hire, in their personal vehicles, will which prohibits landlords from the federal poverty threshold towhen the red hand signal isestablish a renewal process that be held to a higher standard of reporting their undocumented stock half their campus restroomsflashing. Assembly Bill 390 requires applicants to return a safety while transporting people. renters; with free menstrual products. eliminates the penalty for enteringrenewal notice by mail every sixSource: Various News Outlets/ The DMV will suspend a person’s Senate Bill 257, which allows a crosswalk after a “Don’t Walk” years. Currently, all permanentState of California driver license if a conviction is students whose parents are College Tuitionsymbol appears, as long as theredisabled placards expire in June added to their record. Commercial deported to continue attendingAssembly Bill 19 establishes theis a countdown that indicates how 2019 and they are automaticallyMVNews driver license holders will receive a California schools; initial stage of a “free college” much time is left for pedestrians to renewed every two years. The Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | ||||||||||||||||||||