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SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 2018 VOLUME 12 NO. 02 SIERRA MADRE EDITION - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 2018 VOLUME 12 NO. 02 SIERRA MADRE EDITION - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge andcontroversy.” COUNCIL APPOINTS ELECTION OFFICER; APPLICANTS TO FILL CITY CLERK POSITION SOUGHT With the abrupt resignation of the city's electedClerk effective January 5, 2018 (http://mtnviewsnews. com/v11/htm/n51/index.htm), the Sierra Madre City Council unanimously agreed at itsfirst meeting of the new year, to take the steps necessary in order to conduct the city's businessin a timely manner. First and foremost came the appointment of anElections Officer for the upcoming election inApril. Laura Aguilar, currently the Assistant CityClerk was appointed to that position Secondly, the council decided to seek the public'sassistance in finding a new city clerk that couldbe appointed to fill the unexpired term left vacantby the resignation. By filling the vacancy via appointment the city will not have to hold a SpecialElection at the approximate cost to taxpayers of$55,000. SIERRA MADRE TRANSIT FARES REDUCED Sierra Madre residents that relyon the local Round About and Dial A Ride services are in store for a very pleasant surprise. Fares will be dropping for $2.00per trip to $.50 (yes, 50 cents) per trip. The council approved the decrease in fares in the course of reviewing renewal of a new contract with First Transit. There will be no adverse economic impact to the city by reducing therates and it will bring the cost ofthe services in line with neighboring cities that provide thesame services. The Sierra Madre Dial-A-Ride (Demand Response Transportation Service) program is acurb-to-curb transportationservice for elderly and disabledresidents of Sierra Madre. Outof- town trips can go no more than two miles beyond the City, but may travel to a variety of themedical facilities in Pasadena, Arcadia, or Duarte. Riders must be residents of Sierra Madre and must be 62 yearsof age or older, or must have aform, signed by a physician, attesting to a disability whichhinders mobility and the use ofMTA buses. All patrons of theservice must first register withthe City's Community ServicesDepartment, and present proofof residency and age or disability. Monday through Friday: during the hours of 9:00am 11: 00am & 2:00pm - 6:00pm. No service on Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays. The Gateway Coach (RoundAbout) is a fixed route public transportation service forthe City of Sierra Madre. The A press release was issued asking Sierra Madrequalified residents who might be interested to apply. The position is open to any registered voterresiding in Sierra Madre. The successful candidate will be appointed toserve as City Clerk until April 2020. By statute, the City Clerk is responsible for recording the minutes of the City Council, Financing Authority, and Successor Agency meetings; record City Ordinances and maintain the City'sCustodial Seal. Compensation for the position isthe same as with all other elected officials, $250 per month. To apply for the position, please visit the City’swebsite at www.cityofsierramadre.com. If youhave any questions about the vacancy, please contact the City Manager’s Office at (626) 355-7135 route operates Monday throughFriday, except Holidays from 11:00am - 1:30pm and is available for all to use at no cost. The route traverses the City of Sierra Madre with stops at SierraVista Park, Sierra Madre MiddleSchool, Sierra Madre Library, Post Office, Senior Housing andMemorial Park to name a few. For more information call 626355- 5278. or visit the city's website at: http://cityofsierramadre. com/services/transportation First Transit has been providing the services to the city since2012, however it was only recently discovered that the contract had expired. Monthly, thecompany provides about 285rides to residents. The expensefor operating the program iscovered by funds for Proposition A. WHERE HAS SIERRA MADRE FIRE CHIEF STEPHEN HEYDORFF GONE? Probably Fishing! Heydorff Retires After 37 Years with SMFD On Tuesday, Sierra Madre residents and City Council members honored Steve Heydorff for his 37 years of service with the SM Fire Department. Heydorff, whose actual last day was in December, was recognized for the many accomplishments while at SMFD including the establishment of the Paramedics Program. His career began in 1981 as a Volunteer EMS Coordinator. In 2008 he became SM Fire Chief. During his tenure Heydorff answered more than 9,000 calls for service. Pictured above at a recent 911 ceremony and left enjoying one of his favorite pastimes, fishing. No doubt, the stories of his retirement Thank you Steve for all you have adventures will grow done for this community. as time goes on. One thing is for certain how- MVNews ever, Heydorff will be missed. FRIENDS OF THE SIERRA MADRE LIBRARY BEST USED BOOK SALE The Friends of the Sierra Madre adults, some with famous artists as our Bargain Books at only $1.00 Library are sponsoring their Best illustrators. We have a set of Harvard each and small Paperbacks for .25 Used Book Sale on Friday, February Classics, Bruce Catton’s biography of each or 5/$1.00. Children’s and Teen 2 from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. and U.S. Grant, and a set of Edna Ferber’s titles in the parking lot range from Saturday, February 3 from 10:00 novels as well as other treasures. $.25 - $1.00. We hope to see you at a.m. – 2:00 p.m. This will be our Our DVD shelves in the Basement the February Book Sale, where you annual Vintage Sale and will feature are overflowing and all DVDs will be will find wonderful books in great Collectible books on every subject. . price at the Sale. condition. In the Basement, our Vintage shelves Featured in the Parking Lot this The sale will be held behind the will be available for your inspection time will be a huge collection of Sierra Madre Library, 440 West and the Table will showcase Limited, Marvel and DC comic books. Plan Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierra Madre. Signed and/or First Editions of to spend a few minutes to look All proceeds are used for services, yesteryear. There will be many through the boxes and you may acquisitions and programs of the charming children’s titles as well as even find a valuable issue or two. As Sierra Madre Library. non-fiction and fiction classics for always, our parking lot will also have 2018 – NEW YEAR....NEW LAWS.....AND YOU! California is a very special place tolive. As evidenced by recent politicalevents, we appear to be in a world of our own. As we begin another yearin the Golden State, let’s be mindful of the changes in our laws that willhopefully help improve the quality oflife for us all: NEW CALIFORNIA STATE LAWS Hiring A prospective employer will nolonger be able to decide how muchmoney to offer you by asking what you made at your last job. Under Assembly Bill 168, the salaryhistory of job applicants can only bedisclosed voluntarily. Supporters saythe law could help women closethepersistent gender pay gap. Assembly Bill 1008 aims to improveemployment prospects for formerlyincarcerated job seekers by banningthe box on applications that asks about criminal conviction history. Employers will still be able to conduct a background check once aconditional offer has been made, but the law, which is part of a nationalban-the-box movement, is meant to give former convicts a betteropportunity to be considered on their merits before they are judged for past mistakes. Elections Get ready for a new era of votingin California: Senate Bill 450, which passed in 2016, does awaywith neighborhood polling placesand replaces them with elections conducted primarily by mail. It represents another effort to boost sagging voter participation. Underthe system, which Sacramento is among the first counties to adopt, every registered voter will receive amail ballot. Drop-off locations willbe available up to four weeks beforeelection day, and temporary regional“vote centers” will open 10 daysahead of time to register voters andaccept ballots. Job leave Californians enter 2018 with expanded protections to take timeoff from work. Under Senate Bill 63, nearly 2.8 million workers at smallbusinesses with between 20 and 49 employees are now guaranteedup to 12 weeks of unpaid parentalleave within the first year of theirchild’s birth, adoption or fostercare placement. (Workers at largerbusinesses with at least 50 employees already received this benefit.) Assembly Bill 908 also boosts statecompensation for workers takingpaid leave to temporarily care for a family member, to 60 percent oftheir regular wages from 55 percent, and up to 70 percent for the lowest earners. Drug prices Fueled by widespread anger over soaring prescription drugprices, lawmakers went to battle withthe pharmaceutical industry. SenateBill 17 requires manufacturers to notify the state at least 60 days beforedramatically increasing the price ofmost drugs. Health insurers will also have to report how much prescriptiondrugs are contributing to the cost oftheir plans, including annual hikesto premiums. (In December, thepharmaceutical industry filed suit infederal court, challenging the law as aviolation of interstate commerce and free speech protections.) Assembly Bill 265 also prohibitsdiscount coupons for brand-namedrugs, which can lower how muchpatients pay out-of-pocket. Criticscontend the coupons build customerloyalty (cont. on page 12) Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |