The Good Life | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, January 13, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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WHAT TO DO WITH CREMATED ASHES? Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 13, 2018 10 THE GOOD LIFE THE GOOD LIFE FINANCIAL TIPS FOR RETIRING ABROAD Dear Savvy Senior, What are some financial factors to consider when retiring abroad? My husband and I will be retiringin a few years and are interested in living in a foreigncountry that’s cheaper than the U.S. Frugal Couple Dear Frugal, Retiring abroad has become a growing trend formillions of U.S. retirees who are looking to stretchtheir retirement savings. Here are some tips andresources to consider that can help you prepare. Researching ToolsFor starters, you can find lots of information andarticles on the countries and cities you’re interestedin retiring to at websites like InternationalLiving. com and Another good tip is to talk or network withsome expatriates who have already made the move you’re thinking about making. They can give you tips and suggestions on many issues, as well as the advantages and disadvantages andday-to-day reality of living in a particular country. Some popular sites for finding expat resources and But before committing to location, most expertsrecommend that you visit multiple times duringdifferent seasons to see whether you can envisionyourself living there and not just exploring the placeas a tourist. Also, consider these financial factors: Cost of living: Retiring abroad used to be seenas a surefire way to live beyond your means, andfor some countries it still is. But the U.S. dollar isn’t what it used to be, so your money may not stretchas far as you think. See for a countryby- country cost of living comparison. Taxes: No matter what foreign country youdecide to retire in, as long as you’re a U.S. citizenyou must file an annual tax return reporting allincome above certain minimums, not matter where it’s earned. For details see the IRS publication 54, “Tax Guide for U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad” at . Health care: Most U.S. health insurance companies do not provide coverage outside the U.S., nor does Medicare. Check with the embassy ( of your destination countryto see how you can be covered as a foreign resident. Many countries provide government-sponsoredhealth care that’s inexpensive, accessible and just asgood as what you get in the states, or you may wantto buy a policy through Medibroker (Medibroker. com) or Bupa Global ( Also know that most people who retire abroadeventually return to the U.S., so you should considerpaying your Medicare Part B premiums. If youdrop and resume Part B, or delay initial enrollment, you’ll pay a 10 percent premium penalty for every12-month period in which you could have beenenrolled. Banking: Opening or maintaining a bankaccount abroad has become more difficult because of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, a U.S. law designed to prevent Americans from hidingassets abroad. So, you may have to establish asavings and checking account with an institutionthat has international reach like Citibank. And/orconsider maintaining your U.S. bank account thatyou can access online, and get U.S. credit and debitcards that don’t charge foreign transaction fees. Rent versus buy: Buying a home in a foreigncountry can be complicated, so it’s usually cheaperand simpler to rent, unless you know you’re goingto live there for a long time. Social Security: You can receive your monthlySocial Security benefits almost anywhere you livearound the world (see payments.html). Your benefits can be depositedinto your bank account either in the U.S. or in yournew home country, but there are some exceptions. The U.S. State Department offers a handychecklist that can help you think through all theissues on retiring abroad. To access it visit Travel. and search for “retirement abroad.” Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior. org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Todayshow and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. BONDERIZED Sometimes inspiration comes from the most unusual places. I was in the ladies’ room at work and, for the first time, actuallyread the label on the inside of the stall door. I’ve noticed the sticker before; it has a picture of the door withmetal layers peeling phone. I worried that off like an onion. It people would think I waswas probably meant to a pervert or something. impress us. And indeed I considered askingI am impressed, because one of the guys if theirI certainly wouldn’t stall (assuming theyknow where to begin if I had at least one) washad to build a bathroom “Bonderized.” No one at stall door by myself. work knows I write for Anyway, this time I read the paper, so I couldn’tthe label. “Bonderized,” say, “It’s for an article!” it said. I’d heard of I’d have to come up withbonded, as in, “The step- some plausible reasonfather bonded with his for taking interest in wife’s son during their the gents’ room stallfishing trip.” And then doors. I could see there’s bonded like, “The myself blundering, “It’smiracle of triglycerides for a project I’m working was discovered when on... about the relative scientists bonded durability of different hydrogen to carbon; metals... or something.” laying ground for I looked up “Sanyware,” (nondescript flats from Payless)? Whenever I am in a stall next to someone whose feet aren’t moving, Ialways worry that they’ve had a stroke or something. Maybe I should bring my new, souped up phone andtake a picture. It would be silent enough to not drawattention, but that particular day I had no pockets inwhich to conceal the margarine and ‘CheeseWhiz’.” But “bonderized”... The first thing that came to mind was Bond. James Bond. Working from this definition, to Bonderize something means to infuse it with stealth, danger, aScottish accent, promiscuity, or all of the above. A Bonderized drink is shaken, not stirred. Since Agent007 is known for nifty gadgets, dull or embarrassinghousewares can be Bonderized to resemble somethingmore fashionable. For example, you might cringe ifyour guests saw your nose/ear-hair trimmer lying inplain view on the bathroom counter. But if it looks like a remote control, they might think, “Ooh, I bet hehas a TV or stereo system hooked up somewhere inhere!” The rest of the stall door sticker was worn with age, and I could barely read something to the effect of“Sanyware: Guaranteed life long quality.” I considered crouching down to get a better look, but was afraidcoworkers would think I was weird for staying inthere so long. Would someone recognize my shoes and it appears that they’re still operating, specializing in different stallarrangements and galvanization. A teacher friend told me of a bathroom at her school that was built during the depression by the WPA. “Peter Goodwall” evidently made sure that his tilework would be therefor some time, because he engraved his name upon afloor tile --in one of the stalls. I’ve never designed orbuilt a public bathroom, but perhaps if I did, I’d want to leave a lasting impression, too. Maybe I’d scrawl the rabbit at toilet eye level. I don’t know if I’d be bold enough to leave my name. I might just write, “This & that & the other.” As if the idea of Bonderization wasn’t captivatingenough, I then noticed the bottom of the sticker read, “To be removed after architect’s inspection.” Not only is this obviously a really old bathroom stall, butapparently it’s never even been inspected! I supposethe danger of using an uninspected stall adds a certainflair to using the ladies’ room. In that sense, it certainly is “Bonderized!” SENIOR HAPPENINGS HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …January Birthdays* Gerald Day, Mary Tassop, Judy Webb-Martin, John Johnson, Mary Bickel, Marlene Enmark, Shirley Wolf, Ross Kellock, Ruth Wolter, Sue Watanabe, Sandy Thistlewaite, Bobbi Rahmanian, Fran Syverson, Shirley Wolff, Judy Zaretzka and Becky Evans. * To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required ACTIVITIES: Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart Park House (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre Hawaiian & Polynesian Dance Class: Every Tuesday morning from 10a.m. to 11a.m. Join instructor Barbara Dempsey as she leads you in the art of Hula. Bingo Time: Every Tuesday beginning at 1:00p.m. Cards are only $0.25 each! Everyone is welcome to join. Activity may be canceled if less than five people. Free Blood Pressure Testing: 2nd Tuesdays of the month from 11a.m. to 12p.m. No appt. is necessary. Brain Games - *New Activity*: Join us on Thursday November 16th, at 10:30a.m. to 11:30a.m for Scattergories. A creative thinking game by naming objects within a set of categories. Everyone is welcome, and no experience is needed. What a great way to strengthen your brain and make new friends. Activities are facilitated by Senior Volunteers. Free Legal Consultation: Wednesday, November 15th from 10:30a.m. to Noon. Attorney Lem Makupson isavailable for legal consultation. Specializing in Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Estates, and Injury. Appointmentsare required by calling 626-355-7394. Senior Club: Meets every Saturday at the Hart Park House Senior Center. Brown Bag Lunch at 11:30a.m. Chair Yoga: Mondays & Wednesdays from 11:00a.m. to 11:45a.m. with Paul Hagen. Classes include yoga and balance exercises. All ability levels are encouraged and welcomed!* A voluntary donation of $5.00 per week is suggested but not required. Birthday Celebrations: Every 2nd Thursday monthly at the Hart Park House, share some free birthday cake provided by the Sierra Madre Civic Club. Game Day: Every Thursday starting at 12:00p.m. Come join this group of Seniors in their poker game. Other games are offered to all. Free Strength Training Class: Fridays from 12:45p.m. to 1:30p.m. with Lisa Brandley. This energetic class utilizes light weights, low impact resistance and training conditioning. Class equipment is provided. UPCOMING EXCURSIONS: Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum Date: Friday, January 19, 2018Time: 9:30a.m. – 3:30p.m. Meeting Location: Hart Park House Senior Center Cost: $20 (Does not include lunch) Enjoy the all new library and museum featuring nearly 70 major exhibits,600 photographs, 8,000square feet of wall murals and more than 300 artifacts. Through the two and a half hour tour, visitorsexperience history through the eyes of Richard Nixon, and discover the influential accomplishmentsthat continue to shape our country’s future. Lunch is on your own at a nearby restaurant. Level of Walking: Medium. Registration for Sierra Madre Residents starts now through January 5th. Non-resident registrationstarts online January 6th; or in person on Monday, January 8, 2018. Due to scheduled street closures, please allow time for parking which will be behind City Hall and below Mariposa. Bus will be parkedand located on Mariposa. MARK YOUR CALENDARS Explore DNA and Genealogy Thursday, January 25th 2:00p.m. – 3:30p.m. at the Hart Park House Explore a bit about DNA for yourself by joining this initial workshop for the Adult STEAM Programand promises all participants fun with Science! This session is geared towards beginners – no sciencebackground required. Sign-up by calling the Library to reserve your spot: 626-355-7186. Seasonal Crafts Thursday, January 25th 12:30 – 1:30p.m. at the Hart Park House Join us in making Valentine Day wreaths with ribbons, tulles, and decorations. It will make a great accent for your home. All materials provided. Please call the Hart Park House for reservations 626-355-7394. Valentine’s Day Crafts with Instructor Kt Boyce Monday, February 5th 12:30 – 1:30p.m. Come share your poems or hear beautiful love stories in history. Kt will also demonstrate card-makingwith collages, drawings, stencils and calligraphy. Materials and supplies will be provided, but rememberspaces are limited! Call for reservations at 626-355-7394. YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! CALL PATRICIA 626-818-2698 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||