Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, January 13, 2018

MVNews this week:  Page A:8

JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 13, 2018 
8JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 13, 2018 

It is always encouraging to hear positive reports of animalspecies that have succeeded in surviving and thriving in theirnatural habitat, in spite of the countless challenges presentedby the fast-paced changes we humans tend to inflict uponthe globe that sustains us.

I am fascinated by the history of animal species andtheir populations in the various regions of earth - wherethey originated, how or why they were dispersed fromtheir original locations and what may have affected theirincrease or decrease in numbers. There are many variablesto consider, but I am confident that more often than not the 
human has played a huge part in the loss of abundant animalpopulations.

My interest in animals and how they survive (or not) onour planet is what drew my attention to a documentary thataired on public television this past week, about the SierraNevada bighorn sheep. It matters a lot to me, that animalsbe afforded an equal opportunity to thrive in their respectiveroles as part of the life cycle, and I believe it is important toshare sufficient space with our fellow species and allow themto grown in keeping with their God-given purpose.

One natural wilderness area that I truly love is the SierraNevada, especially Yosemite National Park. It was 26 yearsago last month, that my husband, Rick and I were marriedin the little chapel located along the windy road in YosemiteValley, and although it has been a few years since we’ve beenup that way, it has historically been our family tradition tovisit the park each year for Thanksgiving.

There are numerous remarkable sites to be seen in 
Yosemite, not the least of which is its wonderful wildlife. If 
you’ve ever been to Yosemite yourself, you are likely familiarwith the thrill of seeing a variety of wild animals frolickingfreely in the valley or scaling (with apparent ease) the sheerrocky cliffs that lurk high above.

Among the various species that live in Yosemite, thebighorn sheep is known to be the bravest, most agile rockclimber a visitor might hope to see navigating the enormousstone structures’ smooth faces. Once abundant in the Sierra 
Nevada, the bighorn’s exuberance and perfect adaptationto alpine life were often passionately recorded in naturalist,
John Muir‘s journalistic writings.

Established in 1890, Yosemite National Park sadlyexperienced the loss of all it’s bighorn sheep within the first25 years of its existence. At the start, many perished dueto diseases contracted from domestic sheep brought in byprospectors who came west in response to empty promisesof prosperity during the gold rush. In addition to disease,
their populations were further diminished by subsequentdecades of unregulated hunting.

For years, disease and senseless killing took their toll onthe bighorn population in the Sierra Nevada, but todaywe celebrate their remarkable recovery and comeback.
Through the progress and implementation of protectivelaws and the hard work of folks who value the tenets of the 
wilderness ideal and understand the importance of restoringthe bighorn to its natural habitat, it has, at last recovered inrelatively great numbers within the Sierra Nevada.

This is fantastic news, but I assure you it didn’thappen overnight. The initial bighorn restorationin 1986 relocated 27 bighorns to the alpine crestof the Sierra at the Yosemite National Park-InyoNational Forrest border. Known as the Yosemite 
Herd, the relocated bighorns soon suffered severesetbacks due to mountain lion predation andextreme winter weather, but a precedent had been 

By the late 1990’s, there was a mere 125 totalSierra Nevada bighorns in the Sierra with 20individuals in the Yosemite Herd among them. Inresponse to California’s desperate concerns, U.S.
Fish & Wildlife Service listed the Sierra Nevada 


We are in urgent 
need of fosters 

homes for our 
difference for 

one, like RICKY 
and others who 
are too shy to 
take to adoptions 
but who can 

blossom in a 
loving foster home! RICKY is age 5. He is so very 
handsome, all deep gray, like a Russian Blue, and 
we know he wants to be brave, but his fearfulness 
gets in the way. He does love treats, and that would 
be how a patient foster could break through. He 
gets along well with other cats. We pay for any 
needed vet care, fosters provide food, litter, safety, 
and love. We have a whole page devoted to our shy 
cats at
homes-too.html. Call for for info or a foster 
application: 626-676-9505 or 626-797-1753. 

Happy Tails 
by Chris Leclerc 

bighorn sheep as endangered and California legislationapproved funding for a recovery plan.

A committed team of leaders who cared deeply for thebighorn’s fate assumed ownership of the Sierra NevadaBighorn Sheep Recovery Program and in March, 2015 overthe course of 2 weeks, a herd of bighorns were trans-locatedto Yosemite’s Cathedral Range from nearby Inyo NationalForest. All 12 adults in the herd were outfitted with GPS 
collars for biologists to track their movements.

With the success of the 2015 relocation effort, there are 
now 600 bighorns who, today, in John Muir’s own words are“leaping unscathed from crag to crag…and developing fromgeneration to generation in perfect strength and beauty”...inthe High Sierra.

There is still work to be done to ensure the continued 
refuge and sanctity of the beautiful Sierra Nevada bighorn,
but thanks to the compassion, awareness and unselfishwillingness of a core group of people, they are well on theirway to totally and independently holding their own againwithin their natural habitat. 

Because of a relentless need to satisfy self rather than toreach outside of self and help others or to give back to thatwhich sustains us, many humans seem to have lost theirperspective on what is truly important in this life.

There are so many treasures on earth that either gounappreciated or are needlessly exploited, indeed manyspecies have been forced to complete extinction due to greedand ignorance. It makes me sad but I’d rather be glad so I tryto stay focused on the positive things that are happening toreverse the process.

God didn’t make any mistakes when He created MotherEarth and the life forms that dwell upon her. Show respectto all living things, because that is your main purpose. Availyourself to viewing life through your Maker’s perspectiveand see what positive changes can come about for you andthose around you. Love and let live. 

Yogic Wisdom for 
Everyday Life 
In my opinion, 

one of the most 

admirable and 

attractive qualities ofa yogi is this calm, collected, non-reactive manner. Both
this mental stability and emotional balance drew me toyoga, wishing I had the ability to be (or at least appear tobe) calm and let troubles roll off my back.

After a good stint of practice, this DID take placefor me. I was instantly calmer and more balancedemotionally, just from improving and nourishingmy physical and mental well-being. After that initialsettling, I needed some additional tools of self-study,
or svadhyaya, to continue to check my reactions and 

The first step was to measure the reaction or energygiven to an event (or comment or accident, or…) using ascale of 1-10. Where does my reaction fall on this scale?
Did I break a nail and rate the reaction an ‘8’? Or was 
the event more serious, like a car accident? Was I able to 
regulate my reaction and lessen the amount of energy Igave the situation? Did I use the scale? 

So we are well into the first month of 2018. It’s your time.

Give it all you’ve got. Leave it all on the field, until thefinal whistle blows. 

It is not a time for plans or resolutions. Now is the timeto set an intention. 

We cannot change the world with a plan.

We must dream and dream BIG! 

If you know how to achieve your ultimate dream, thendream BIGGER. Go for that thing deep inside of you thatscares you. Do that.

So what will you do with your one wild, beautiful life?
What is your intention? What is your mission?

Do you stand for art, truth, beauty, justice, music,

We cannot live in the world without art, truth, beauty,
justice, music or freedom. And we don’t want to either.

Take a stand and set your intention. Make your life abeacon of truth. Stand in truth and for justice.

Be the one with a dream. Go dream and do. 

Martin Luther King didn’t have a plan; he had a dream.
So love boldly.

This day will never come again; so write your book.

Start today. The world is waiting for your book.

Write your song; we need to hear from you. 

Using the breath in a conscious way in a highreaction moment can help reel us in from the brink.
Once there is energy awareness, the next step isnoticing how we feel at the beginning of the day. If Iknow that I’m low on energy or overwhelmed in someway, I can pre-plan to take care of myself. Taking careof myself means popping into a yoga class to engageall the good, nurturing physical practice learned sofar, establishing even-smooth breath, eating well, andpaying attention to my environment.

Between these tools of measuring my reaction andcultivating personal energy awareness, I calmly – one dayat a time – can slow down quick reactions. Deliberately, Ican respond to people, places and events in a thoughtfulway that stays true to who I am and where I am in anygiven day. This is living authentically and freely. Thereare always choices and options available. 


Keely Totten,
Yoga Teacher, Mentor, Seeker of Balance 

Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual 
Take the stage; we miss yourvoice. 

The world is so much more 
beautiful because you are here.

Stand and speak for someonethat the court would otherwise 

Lori A. Harris 


When we pass that swinginggate of the courtroom, let’s bring our best self and our “A” 

Continue to see the individual student sitting in theirtiny chairs. There is no greater honor than touching the lifeof a child. Be the librarian that made a difference today.

It is a chance for immortality.

So let us be grateful that we are here on the planet at thistime and on this day.

So what would happen if we all took what we love (art,
science, or justice whatever) and built our lives around it? 
We would change the world!

It’s your life, let’s make it a Great One! 

Lori Harris is a lawyer and coach. You can learn moreabout her at the website and on Gratitude 
Train app. 


Tianna is a sweet and lovely two-anda-
half year old American Staffordshiremix girl with a gorgeous grey andwhite coat, soulful brown eyes, cutebutton-nose and a pair of bouncypuppy ears! She weighs about 48lbs.
Tianna loves people. In fact, she getsbonded to people fairly quickly andreally enjoys playing and spendingcuddling time with her human 
friends. She does well on a leash 
and loves her regular walks and jogsaround the park. If you are the trueforever and loving home that Tiannadeserves, please come by and meether. Be ready to fall head over heelsfor this cutie pie! Her adoption fee is 

$145, which includes spay surgery, 
a microchip, first vaccinations 
and a free wellness check-up at aparticipating veterinarian. Feel freeto call us at (626) 286-1159 for moreinformation on Tianna. ID#28700. 
She currently resides at the SanGabriel Valley Humane Societylocated at 851 E. Grand Avenue 
in San Gabriel which is located off 
San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission 
and south of Las Tunas Drive. To 
arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’ withTianna, please stop by any time from10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday throughSunday.Website:www.sgvhumane. 

 Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 
927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients 
Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! 
(626) 351-8863 

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