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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, January 13, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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B2 Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 13, 2018 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS B2 Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 13, 2018 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS Jeff’s Book PicsBy Jeff Brown FAMILY MATTERS By Marc Garlett language, his exuberance, and his tendency Real Happiness at Work: Meditations to get into scrapes—particularly when for Accomplishment, Achievement, drinking and, quite separately, driving. Real Happiness at Work brings the and Peace by Sharon Salzberg Here are plenty of extraordinary stories: profound benefits of meditation to an the hunt for Byron’s slippers in one area where people could use it most.the of the remotest regions of Greece; anworkplace. And it’s written by one of the ignominious dismissal from Somersetworld’s leading meditation teachers.A Maugham’s Villa Mauresque; and hidingfollow-up to Real Happiness, the New behind a bush to dub Dirk Bogarde intoYork Times bestseller, Sharon Salzberg’s Greek during the shooting of Ill Met byReal Happiness at Work is a practical Moonlight. The letters radiate warmthguide to improving work life through and gaiety; many are enhanced withmindfulness, compassion, and ingenuity. witty illustrations and comic verse, It’s about being committed without being while others contain riddles and puns. consumed, competitive without being Every one of them entertains. cruel, managing time and emotions tocounterbalance stress and frustration. The Sky Below: A True Story of Summits, Space, and Speed by It shows readers how to be more creative, Scott Parazynski , Susy Flory organized, and accomplished in order to “Scott Parazynski’s drive, curiosity, the idea of workplace satisfaction into eight do better, more productive work.Dividing inventiveness, and great humor shine pillars, Real Happiness at Work is filled through the pages of The Sky Below andwith secular wisdom; core meditations on will certainly inspire future generationsbroad themes like motivation, awareness, to pursue their dreams with every fiberand seeing the good in others; and more in their being.” —John Glenn, NASA than a dozen exercises, including Moving astronaut. An epic memoir from a manFrom Me to We and When Things Go whose life is defined by exploration andWrong. Sprinkled throughout the book innovation, The Sky Below re-creates someare short “stealth” meditations, the of the most unforgettable adventures of ourkind that are quick, private, and doable time. From dramatic, high-risk spacewalksanywhere.“Let the phone ring three times, to author Scott Parazynski’s death-defyingfollow your breath, then pick it up” and “For quest to summit Mount Everest—his bodyan upcoming one-on-one conversation, ravaged by a career in space—readersresolve to listen more and speak less.”Even will experience the life of an elite athlete, the best jobs are filled with stress, tough physician, and explorer.This intimate, deadlines, impatient bosses, seemingly compelling account offers a rare portraitendless meetings.all the ills of harried of space exploration from the inside. Alife. But as science increasingly shows, global nomad raised in the shadow ofmeditation is the antidote. NASA’s Apollo missions, Parazynskinever lost sight of his childhood dreamto one day don a spacesuit and float Patrick Leigh Fermor: A Life in Letters outside the airlock. With deep passion, by Patrick Leigh Fermor and Adam unbridled creativity, resilience, humility, The first extensive collection of letters Sisman and self-deprecation, Parazynski chaseswritten by war hero and travel writing his dream of the ultimate adventure legend Patrick Leigh Fermor.Handsome, experience, again and again and again. spirited, and erudite, Patrick Leigh Fermor In an era that transitioned from moon was a war hero and one of the greatest shots to the Space Shuttle, space station, travel writers of his generation. He was and Mars research, Parazynski flies withalso a wonderful friend.The letters in this John Glenn, tests jet packs, trains incollection span almost seventy years, the Russia to become a cosmonaut, and flies first written ten days before Paddy’s twenty-fifth birthday,five missions to outer space (including seven spacewalks) the last when he was ninety-four, and the correspondentsin his seventeen-year NASA career.An unparalleled, include Deborah Devonshire, Nancy Mitford, Lawrencevisceral opportunity to understand what it’s like to trainDurrell, Diana Cooper, and his lifelong companion,for—and deploy to—a home in zero gravity, The SkyJoan Rayner. The letters exhibit many of Fermor’s mostBelow also portrays an astronaut’s engagement withengaging characteristics: his lust for life, his unendingthe challenges of his life on Earth, including raising acuriosity, his lyrical descriptive powers, his love of beautiful autistic daughter and finding true love. All Things By Jeff Brown LIFE LONG FRIENDS DISCOVER SOMETHING WONDERFUL!! Alan Robinson and Walter Macfarlane were born in Macfarlane tried unsuccessfully to find clues about hisHawaii 15 months apart.The duo met in 6th grade andfather. With the help of his daughter, they began siftinghave been friends for 60 years. While they’ve shared athrough matches he got on a DNA website.One of thevery close bond, they never thought they were related,top matches was username Robi737 which was his bestuntil a DNA website revealed their relationship.friend.They discovered they are brothers.The duo sharedRobinson was adopted, and Macfarlane did not knowthe news with family . They plan to travel and enjoywho his father was, so the pair were always searchingretirement together. “This is the best Christmas present Iindividually for information on their families. For years, could ever imagine having,” Robinson said. FIRST 2018 CONCERT OF THE PASADENA COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA Award-winning soprano Anita Protich performs Beethoven’s the use of polyphonic imitation. Since its composition, “Ah perfido!”the piece has been modernized to make it accessible for PCO performs Mendelssohn’s “Overture for Winds”,modern wind ensembles and performers. Beethoven’s “Ah perfido!,” Op. 65 with Anita Protich asWritten in 1796, “Ah! perfido” (“Ah! Faithless One”) soprano soloist and Mendelssohn’s “Symphony No. 4”is an early work by Ludwig van Beethoven written in theunder the baton of Music Director Beth Pflueger.18th century operatic style as a concert aria for soprano Felix Mendelssohn began composing his “Symphonyand orchestra. The work is set to verses by the great ItalianNo. 4” (commonly known as the “Italian”) while travelingpoet and librettist, Pietro Trapassi, known professionallyin Italy during a European tour when he was 21 years old,as Metastasio. It is said that in addition to being technicallyand he completed it in Berlin in 1833. The work is inspireddifficult to sing, the gut-wrenching text about fury, by Italy’s people, landscapes and art. Mendelssohnbetrayal and feminine compassion requires a particularconducted the world premiere in London at a Londonability and artistry to execute well. Beethoven capturesPhilharmonic Society concert that influenced Englishthe emotional depth of the text with music that allows thecomposers for generations to come. Surprisingly, thetension to ebb and flow while remaining well-balanced incomposer was never satisfied with the last movement,a style reminiscent of Mozart. although critics have always referred to it as a perfect work.WHERE: In the sanctuary of First Church of the Mendelssohn wrote the “Overture for Winds” at age 15,Nazarene, 3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Pasadena (just westdisplaying the mature understanding for complex musicalof Michillinda Avenue). Ample free parking, wheelchairideas he possessed at a young age. Set in sonata form,accessible. this popular wind/band piece begins slowly and thenWHEN: Friday, January 26, 2018, 8:00 p.m. drastically transforms into a buoyant Allegro. OriginallyFURTHER INFORMATION: Email publicity@pcomusic. written for one flute, two clarinets, two oboes, two org, or visit us online at bassoons, two horns, one trumpet, and one English bassFollow us at: horn, the piece exhibits classical counterpoint through THREE HEALTH CARE DOCUMENTS YOU NEED TO INCLUDE IN YOUR ESTATE PLAN Decisions about your health care are some of themost important you will ever make. Unfortunately, too many people put off makinghealth care plans, often until they are no longerable to assert their wishes. At that point, it becomestoo late and they have forfeited their right to maketheir own health care choices. Including health care documents in your estateplan can ensure your decisions are always yourchoice, even if you cannot speak for yourself. Health care documents that clearly state yourwishes should be included in your comprehensiveestate plan. Here are three documents you need toinclude in your estate plan to ensure your wishesare respected: Health Care Directive This document allows you to name a health careagent. This will be the individual who you grant theauthority to make certain decisions on your behalf. A health care agent may also be called a health caresurrogate or a personal representative. In your directive, you can include specificinstructions on the health care measures you desire if you are unable to make decisions for yourself. These are life and death decisions; make sure youragent is someone you trust. Work closely witha trusted estate planning lawyer to ensure yourdirective provides clear guidelines for your agentto follow. HIPAA Authorization Your health care agent or personal representativewill need access to your medical records to makeeducated decisions about your care. To do this, youragent will need a HIPAA authorization. This willensure he or she has access to your medical recordsfrom HIPAA-covered health care providers. Living Will Declaration A living will provides specific guidelines for yourend of life care. While your health care directivecan include provisions for your agent to makecertain decisions about your ongoing health care, aliving will tells your agent how you would like thosedecisions made, such as if and when you want lifesupport to be removed, whether you would wanthydration and nutrition and what kind of carechoices should be made for you, if you cannotmake them for yourself. These types of absolutedecisions about your life should be included in aliving will for extra protection and assurance yourdesires will be known and honored. These documents, if carefully crafted, will helpyou express and enforce your healthcare wishes, even if you cannot speak for yourself. If you want toensure your preferences for your ongoing and endof life care are respected, these are the documentsyou need to have in place. Dedicated to empowering your family, increasing your wealth and building your legacy, A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on amission to help parents protect what they love most. His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointmentto sit down and talk about ensuring a legacy of loveand financial security for your family by calling626.587.3058 or visit for more information. BUSINESS TODAY The latest on Business News, Trends and Techniques By La Quetta M. Shamblee, MBA THE INSANITY OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP Most people think it would be insane to think of startingit, pass it on to family or close it after enjoying years as thea business, but then, it takes a certain level of insanity tocreator of their own livelihood. forgo the “security” of a regular paycheck from an employer.Others are serial entrepreneurs, leaving a trail of multipleWhich is why most people will never take the plungebusiness ventures. Some of the ventures are successful, but into full-time self-employment of owning a business. All some are relegated to the collective heap of business failures. entrepreneurs are risk takers, however, there are varyingBut again, a difference in perspective – the entrepreneurlevels ranging from cautious, calculated risks, to those whointerprets each failure as a lesson learned, information toseem crazy enough to leap from a cliff with the belief theyhelp them make better decisions the next time. Like the have wings to fly. You will find examples of extreme successinventor and entrepreneur, Thomas Edison, 10,000 “failed” at all levels of risk, but the entrepreneurs who seem to beexperiments to create the light bulb are simply viewed aswired to tolerate risks that appear illogical to most of us, seediscovering all of the ways it didn’t work. life through a different lens.The correlation of failure to success is evident across To observers it may appear that an entrepreneur willingthe landscape of all accomplishments, large and small. It to take risks has no fear, but that isn’t the case. They haveis something we all understood as children, but as we getsimply decided that the risk is worth the anticipated reward.older we forgot this fact. How many times did you fallMost people can’t relate to this because of the fear thatbefore you learned to skate or ride a bicycle? Remember prevents them from ever moving beyond a pre-definedthe frustration you felt as the older kids whizzed past you, comfort zone. The comfort zone of a 9-to-5 for the majorityand perhaps your mom, dad, or another kid encouragedcan feel like a prison to a free-thinking entrepreneur. Theyyou to keep trying. Or, you simply convinced yourself tothink “outside the box” and are therefore driven to venture, try until finally, you were skating and riding along withseek and experiment outside of the boundaries of what iseveryone else. normal to everyone else.So too, is the plight of risk-taking entrepreneurs who may They would rather work 20 hours a day to build their ownfind themselves, low on funds with bruised credit ratings, enterprise, than to work 8 hours a day to build for someonewatching other whiz past them with the comfort and securityelse. Seems odd, but one of the trade-offs is a sense of relief, of a steady paycheck. Those destined for success will get uppride and satisfaction knowing that they are doing what theyand try again, knowing that they need to move beyond thisreally want to do. Some of them find their niche, build a latest lesson of what didn’t work to keep searching until theybusiness and operate it for decades until they decide to sell discover what does. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||