STAY SAFE.....STAY HOME....AND DECORATE! .......SIERRA MADRE JULY 4th Decorating Contest - Page 2

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STAY SAFE.....STAY HOME....AND DECORATE! .......SIERRA MADRE JULY 4th Decorating Contest - Page 2

VOLUME 14 NO. 26

 SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 2020 

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By Kevin McGuire. MVNews

In the wake of protests and calls for police reform, 
as the result of several incidents of police 
brutality on black citizens resulting in death, 46 
Los Angeles County Police Departments were 
called to review their use of force policies and 
make necessary changes. 

Los Angeles Supervisors Janice Hahn and Mark 
Ridley-Thomas filed a motion for this procedure 
review and are asking cities to adapt the 
eight policies recommended by Campaign 
Zero known as 8 Can’t Wait. Campaign Zero is 
a project of the non-profit organization WeTheProtesters. 
All proceeds donated to Campaign 
Zero are used to support the analysis of policing 
practices across the country, research to identify 
effective solutions to end police violence, 
technical assistance to organizers leading police 
accountability campaigns and the development 
of model legislation and advocacy to end police 
violence nationwide, according to their website 
at Cities that enact these 
eight use-of-force policies can reduce police 
violence by 72%, according to 

Sierra Madre, along with the cities of Arcadia, 
Monrovia, Pasadena and San Gabriel, have 
entered the early stage of discussions on police 
reform policies. Sierra Madre Police Chief 
Rodrick Armalin reviewed the current use-of-
force policy and presented an adjusted policy to 
City Council on Tuesday June 23. The changes 
reflect the 8 Can’t Wait standards. 

“The men and women of this department recognize 
and respect the value of human life and 
the fair treatment of all and our policies reflect 
that sentiment,” Chief Armalin stated ahead of 
his presentation via Zoom.

Chief Armalin noted that there were only two 
areas in their current use-of-force policy that 
were adjusted to meet the 8 Can’t Wait suggested 
changes. One, Sierra Madre has added additional 
trainings to its de-escalation procedure 
including helpful verbal and non-verbal communication 
techniques officers can use during 
escalating situations and has also teamed 
up with the Department of Mental Health to 
learn about various violent behaviors and how 
to address them. Secondly, they have moved 
to eliminated the carotid restraint hold, more 
commonly known as the “chokehold.” 

Here is a breakdown of where the Sierra Madre 
Police Department stands on each of the 8 Can’t 
Wait policies.

1. Require De-escalation: The Sierra
Madre Police Department supports the 
concept of “De-escalation” which is why it 
has been a part of department procedures 
for several years. De-escalation is set forth 
in Policy300.3.5 and accounts for situations 
that are rapidly evolving and provides 
that officers should seek to de-escalate 
when safe to do so, without compromising 
law enforcement priorities. It is consistent 
with PenalCodeSection835a, as amended 
by AssemblyBill392. Officers must continually 
evaluate factors that may require 
either escalation or de-escalation of force 
to protect themselves or others, as the preferred 
outcome is to effectively deal with 
situations while minimizing the need for 

2. Duty to Intervene: The Sierra Madre
Police Department has strict policies regarding 
an officer’s obligation to intervene. 
Policy 300.2.1 states officers do have a duty 
to intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable 
force and requires any officer to 
promptly report any excessive force.

3. Require all Use of Force be Reported:
Policy 300.5 requires any use of force shall 
be documented promptly, completely and 
accurately. In addition, Policy 300.5.1 requires 
department personnel to notify a 
supervisor when a use of force or an allegation 
of a use of force occurs.

4. Establish Use of Force Continuum:
Officers are trained to only use force necessary 
to effect an arrest as set forth in Policy 
300.3.1. It is recognized that levels of force 
are used as needed. There is not a “ladder” 
that must be followed, and officers must 
have options available 
to choose from 
that are reasonable 
and necessary, under 
the circumstances.

5. Exhaust 
All Alternatives Before 
Shooting: Officers 
are required to 
adhere to the mandates 
established in 
Penal Code 835a(a)(2). Officers are trained 
to only use force which is reasonable to 
make an arrest. As a rule, the use of deadly 
force is only justified in certain circumstances, 
such as the protection of persons 
from imminent death or serious injury. The 
Use of Deadly Force policy can be found 
on the Police Department’s website under 
Policy 300.4 (

6. Ban Chokeholds and Strangleholds:
Existing department policy does not authorize 
the use of a “chokehold.” The technique 
officers are trained on and use to 
subdue violent or combative individuals 
is called a Carotid Restraint Control Hold 
and is outlined in Policy 300.3.4. However, 
beginning June7,2020, the Sierra Madre 
Police Department has suspended the use 
of the Carotid Restraint Control Hold.

7. Ban Shooting at Moving Vehicles:
Found under Sierra Madre Police Department 
Policy 300.4.1, shooting at a moving 
vehicle is rarely effective and officers shall 
make every effort to get out of the path of a 
moving vehicle before shooting. Although 
rare and only after all other options have 
been considered, there are some situations 
where shooting at a moving vehicle 
is necessary to protect the lives of innocent 
people. Such examples include when 
a vehicle is being used as a weapon against 
a citizen or police officer, or the vehicle’s 
occupant(s) are themselves, shooting from 
the moving vehicle.

8. Require Warning Before Shooting:
Policy300.4(b) requires warning prior to 
use of deadly force, when feasible. However, 
it is not always possible to warn in 
every situation. For example, a warning 
might not be provided when an officer or 
civilian is being fired upon or threatened at 

Copies of the full report are available at the 
front counter at City Hall, at the Library and on 
the city website at 

SMPD Sgt. Kamchamnan, Chief Armalin and Captain Amos. 

Photo courtesy City of Sierra Madre

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website:

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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548