Mountain View News Saturday, April 20, 2024
Police Seek
Suspect in
Sexual Assault
Ken Burns’ Pianist Schwab
to Perform at Senior Center
Enjoy an afternoon filled
with the enchanting music of
renowned pianist Jacqueline
Schwab, in “Making Music
with Ken Burns,” at the
Pasadena Senior Center on
Saturday, May 11, from 1:30
to 3:00 p.m.
Famously known, Schwab
appeared on the oft-
aired soundtracks of Ken
Burns’ films, including his
Grammy-winning Civil War,
Baseball, Lewis and Clark,
Mark Twain, The War and
The National Parks, as well
as the PBS documentary The
Irish in America and others.
Schwab will present her
unique interpretation
of composer Jay Ungar’s
timeless Ashokan Farewell,
along with beloved vintage
American classics like Be
Thou My Vision and Take
Me Out to the Ballgame,
alongside some hidden gems
from the era.
Sharing insights into Ken
Burns’ distinctive approach
to incorporating music
into his documentaries to
evoke emotions, enhance his
narrative, and shed light on
historical events that resonate
with us today; Schwab will
also highlight a selection
of her own compositions
inspired by immigrant music
reflecting the rich tapestry of
cultural diversity in America.
The performance is $10
for PSC members and
$12 for non-members.
To register, please go to
then click on Activities &
Events. Advance reservations
are suggested.
As a donor-supported
nonprofit, the center operates
without any local, state or
federal funding and provides
more services to older adults
in the San Gabriel Valley
than any other organization.
The Center is located at 85 E.
Holly Street in Pasadena.
To learn more, visit:
pasadenaseniorcenter.org or
call 626-795-4331.
Pasadena police released
a photo Tuesday of a man
wanted in connection with an
attempted sexual assault and
kidnaping in East Pasadena.
Police are asking for the
public’s help to catch the
According to police, last
Saturday, at approximately
8:40 p.m., Pasadena Police
received a call of a sexual
assault, outside a business on
Sierra Madre Villa Avenue,
north of Foothill Boulevard.
The victim was sitting in her
vehicle when a male suspect
entered her car. The suspect
threatened the victim with a
knife and forced her to drive
to another location where he
sexually assaulted her. The
victim managed to fend off
the suspect and called 911.
The suspect immediately fled
the area. The suspect in the
photo above is described as
a Black male, approximately
30 to 40 years old, 6 feet tall,
heavy set, wearing a black
face-covering, a gray hooded
rain jacket, light blue jeans,
black shoes, and armed with a
folding knife. The suspect also
has a distinctive raspy voice
and is possibly a transient.
Anyone with information
asked to call (626) 744-4241
or anonymously by contacting
“Crime Stoppers” at (800)
222-TIPS (8477).
City Begins 710 Stub Oral History Project
According to officials, as of
Monday, the city of Pasadena
has begun the oral history
component of the Historic
Project for the 710 Stub Master
Plan. The oral history portion,
one of three parts, aims to
capture and acknowledge the
diverse stories of community
members displaced by the
SR 710 Freeway construction
project they said.
According to people involved ,
in order for Caltrans to create the
path for the planned 710 in the
1960s and the 1970s, thousands
of residents, local businesses,
and community institutions
were displaced through the
eminent domain process.
City officials are inviting former
residents and family members
of those personally impacted by
the 710 construction to share
their experience via an online
oral history survey, which
includes a Community Input
Tool. The tool and survey are
designed to capture data, stories,
and lived experiences in an
engaging manner. These stories
and perspectives are important
to compiling a comprehensive
narrative of experiences from
residents who were impacted
by the construction of the
710. “The city is committed
to the inclusivity of its diverse
community and understands
that every story will contribute to
the rich tapestry of the Historic
Project’s oral history,” they said.
The online survey will open for
submissions on Monday, April
29, and will close on Sunday,
June 30. The survey will be
available in a variety of languages
including English, Japanese, and
Spanish. It will cover a wide
range of topics including, but not
limited to:
- Family and personal
experiences with the SR 710
Freeway Construction
- Historical significance of the
freeway construction on the
Pasadena community
- Environmental, social, and
economic impacts of the
construction project
The information collected
in the survey will be analyzed
and used to select candidates
for preliminary interviews
conducted by an experienced
historian. For more information
or to get started visit Bit.ly/
An Initiative Capturing
Stories Shaped by The
State Route 710 (SR 710)
Freeway Construction
City Public Hearing for
Water Rates Adjustments
Given Award
from Arts
The Pasadena City Council
is set to hold a public hearing
on June 3 at 5:30 p.m. to
consider the adoption of
adjustments to the existing
water rates and rate structure.
The public is encouraged to
participate. Pasadena Water
and Power (PWP) mailed
a public hearing notice to
water customers. The notice
includes a recommended
rate structure redesign and
adjustment information as
well as details regarding the
public hearing.
"PWP is committed to
providing reliable and
high-quality water to the
community and is proposing
the water rate adjustments to
help cover rising operating
costs and provide funding
for critical improvements to
water infrastructure."
Individual customer bill
impacts will vary based on
customer type, water meter
size, and amount of water
used. To help customers
estimate potential impacts
the proposed adjustments
may have on their water bill,
PWP developed an online
“bill estimator,” which is
a simplified version of all
billing inputs (actual bills
may vary). The intent is to
provide customers with a
general sense of how their
household budgets might be
impacted based on individual
projections of their water
use. The bill estimator also
shows the changes proposed
to be effective for sewer and
refuse services from the City
of Pasadena Public Works
Community meetings
regarding the PWP water
rate adjustments will be held:
Wednesday, April 24 at 6 p.m.
Virtual, RSVP: PWPweb.
Wednesday, May 1 at 6:30
Victory Park Recreation
Center, 2572 Paloma Street
Thursday, May 23 at 2 p.m.
Robinson Park Recreation
Center, 1081 N. Fair Oaks
Public Hearing:
Monday, June 3 at 5:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers,
100 North Garfield Avenue,
Room S249
For more information
visit: PWPweb.com/
To celebrate 140 years of
service, the Pasadena Public
Library system is planning
a year-long celebration
highlighting the past, present
and future through the
contributions of trailblazers,
innovators, and future
thinkers with events at each
of its 10 library branches.
Celebrate an innovative artist
and 140 Years of Growth this
morning starting at 10 a.m.,
at Hastings Branch Library,
3325 E. Orange Grove Blvd.
Community members of
all ages are invited to learn
about native pollinators from
Pasadena Water and Power
and receive a native plant,
while supplies last. Create
butterfly-themed crafts then
attend the ribbon cutting of
“Calm a Little Soul” by artist
Karen Reitzel, moderated by
the Pasadena Cultural Affairs
The artwork “Calm a Little
Soul” by artist Karen Reitzel
was first exhibited in 2018
as part of the third iteration
of the City’s Rotating Public
Art Program. Following
her untimely passing in
2021, the artist’s husband
has generously donated the
sculpture to the Hastings
Branch Library, where it will
pay homage to the nearby
butterfly garden and inspire
visitors for years to come.
About Rotating Public Art
Established in 2011, the
Rotating Public Art Program
is intended to complement
the permanency of both
the Private Development
and Capital Public Art
Programs by placing artworks
throughout the City that
activate unusual locations,
transforming small, often
unnoticed areas into exciting
destinations for visitors and
residents to discover. By
presenting original artworks
at established locations,
the program encourages
residents and visitors to
circulate throughout the City
and experience the entirety of
each exhibition.
Since first opening its
doors in 1884, The Pasadena
Public Library has served the
community with free and
open places to commune,
connect, learn, read and
belong. Pasadena Public
Library has spent 140 years
shaping the past, sculpting
the present, and building
toward a brighter future.
Throughout 2024, Pasadena
Public Library will host a
feature program at each
branch location, from
January through October,
release limited edition
merchandise, hold a 14-
book reading challenge
celebrating 14 decades of
library service, collect and
feature community stories
of what the library means to
you, and broadcast videos of
interviews with library staff.
These monthly vignettes
will offer a glimpse into how
the people of Pasadena have
shaped our library from
the beginning and continue
to guide our growth into
the future. For more visit:
140 Years of
Library Service
California Arts Advocates
and California for the Arts,
last week, honored Senator
Anthony Portantino with
the 2024 Legislative Art
Star Award. The award was
presented to the Senator in
Sacramento in recognition of
his leadership on SB 1116, the
Equitable Payroll Fund and for
being a long time champion of
the arts community.
“Senator Portantino has been
a consistent and passionate
advocate for arts and culture
throughout his tenure in the
California State Legislature,
said Julie Baker, CEO
Californians for the Arts and
California Arts Advocates.
“When he saw a problem
in the performing arts and
the need for investment, he
stepped up and authored a bill
to support the sector. And not
only did he ensure its passage,
he also ensured funding for it.
We applaud his dedication to
arts and culture.”
SB 116 was signed into
law by Governor Newsom
in 2022. It established the
Equitable Payroll Fund (EPF),
a grant program designed to
support live performances –
and workers –by providing
substantial reimbursements of
payroll expenses. The program
includes both production and
non-production employees
and administrative staff. Last
year’s budget negotiated by
Senator Portantino included
$11.5 million to fund this
California Arts Advocates
(CAA) provides advocacy
services for California’s arts
community. CAA is a sister
organization to Californians
for the Arts, is a nonprofit that
helps promote awareness of
the arts and provides programs
and services.
Police Shoot
Man in OIS
Pasadena police shot and
killed a man last week after a
short police chase that ended
with the suspect forcibly
entering two occupied
residences in the Madison
Heights neighborhood.
According to police, last
Saturday at 8:39 p.m.,
officers spotted an occupied
suspicious vehicle parked
facing the wrong way on a one
way street on Hudson Avenue
near Del Mar Boulevard.
The vehicle, a white pick-up
truck, was. As officers were
conducting their investigation
and conversing with the driver,
identified as 36-year-old
Ricardo Guade Andradeas,
suddenly sped off. The suspect
narrowly missed striking an
officer with his truck.
A short vehicle pursuit ended
when Andradeas crashed
into the front yard of a home
located in the 800 block of
Arden Road. The Andradeas
fled from his vehicle and
ran into the residential
neighborhood. Officers
established a containment
and organized a search team
to conduct yard-to-yard
While fleeing, Andradeas
forcibly entered two occupied
residences in the 700 block
of Oak Knoll Circle. As a
K9 pursued Andradeas , he
produced a handgun. After
refused to comply with orders
to drop it, an officer-involved
shooting occurred police said.
Andradeas sustained gunshot
wounds and was transported
to a local hospital. He was later
pronounced dead.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com