Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 20, 2024
We are fast approaching on National Pizza
Party Day, hey I thought everyday was a party!
If you have been around the area long enough
you might remember a sporty little convertible
with the license plate that read PizaZar, well,
that was me I do love me some pizza.
My Italian friend Joe from Monrovia and I
trying to figure out who has the best and what
type of pizza is the best after a few minutes
of conversation we would not agree on deep
dish, thin, thick, Chicago, New York or even
deep dish. I know you have your favorites so
dont hesitate to email me with the long list of contenders I forgot.
Peter Dills’ official favorites: Top Five and next in line… no official order
Little Toni’s North Hollywood
Domenico’s on Washington
Zelo’s on Foothill border of Monrovia
Casa Bianca Eagle Rock
Masa Pizza of Echo Park
Next Five no order of preference
U Street Pizza Pasadena
Prince St. Pizza Pasadena by the slice
Café Bambinos off the 210 (real Value)
Village Pizzeria Sierra Madre by the slice
Last but not least.. Drum Roll
Tomato Pie Pizza So Pasadena
Americans also have very strong opinions about their favorite Pizza.
So far this year, Pizza Hut is winning amongst popular pizza chains followed by Papa John’s and
#1: Pizza Hut (31%)
#2: Papa John’s (22%)
#3: Domino’s (17%)
Also, consider these interesting facts about Pizza:
•Pizza ranks the #2 most popular fast food in America behind burgers. (43% of Americans
rank pizza as their favorite.)
•3% of Americans would rather eat pizza than have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
•18% of Americans claim that Pizza is their favorite dish.
•2% don’t like eating Pizza
Just a note I’ve been to every spot on the list !! email me with your comments thechefknows@
I’m Gustavo Lira, Tasting Room
Manager and Wine Buyer at The
Bottle Shop in Sierra Madre with
another wine and spirits selection.
When you see a bottle of wine
that has a screwcap on it, what do
you initially think? Are you thinking it’s a cheap wine that probably tastes
terrible? Unfortunately, there’s a lot of people that think that way. I’m here
to tell you that wine bottles with screwcaps can bring you great pleasure and
they’re friggin’ easy to open too.
One of our best sellers throughout the years for inexpensive wine has
been The Whole Shebang! Red Wine. It’s from Morgan Twain-Peterson
and his team at Bedrock Wine Company. It’s an absolutely delicious blend
of Zinfandel, Carignan, Syrah, Petite Sirah, Mataro, Mourvèdre, Alicante
Bouschet and a bunch of other grape varietals – everything but the kitchen
sink. These grapes are sourced from very old vineyards. They’re declassified
grapes – which means they are grapes from premium vineyards intended
for much higher priced wines – but used in this wine. Some of the vines are
over 90 years old which adds concentrated flavor to the wine. The grapes are
hand-picked, native yeast is used, and the aging is done in French oak barrels
and stainless steel. There’s no oak chips or mega purple in this wine at all like
other inexpensive wines tend to use in the production of their wines.
You get ripe red fruit notes – but it’s not jammy or over ripe – with just
enough acidity to keep the wine fresh and bright. Herbs, spice, and licorice
come to mind. It’s got a nice lifting finish. It’s a versatile, easy drinking wine
that will go well with bbq, pizza, grilled chicken, and burgers.
Leave your doubts at the door. Embrace screwcaps. Embrace The Whole
Shebang! You’ll be glad you did.
This wine is available at The Bottle Shop for $14.99. Mention you saw the
wine in the Mountain Views News and get it for $13.99
Until next time – Salud!
Upcoming Wine Tastings – Sunday April 21st – Great Wines Under $15.
Thursday & Friday April 25 & 26 – Emerging Lodi Wines.
Scan the QRCode to subscribe to The Bottle Shop newsletter and stay
informed on our weekly wine tasting, beer tasting, and special winemaker
Kosher salt
1/2 pound medium shell pasta
1 cup chopped cooked steak
1 cup diced green bell pepper
1 cup chopped blanched green beans
1/2 cup crumbled cooked bacon
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon finely grated garlic
3/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
Freshly ground pepper
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and cook as the label directs;
drain and rinse under cold water. Transfer to a large bowl.
Add the steak, bell pepper, green beans and bacon to the bowl with the pasta.
Make the dressing: Mix the mayonnaise, sour cream, lemon juice, garlic, parmesan, and
salt and pepper to taste in a bowl. Pour over the pasta salad and toss to coat. Season with
salt and pepper. Chill for up to 3 hours.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com