Mountain View News Saturday, April 20, 2024
Here’s What’s Going On
Around Town in April!
Brought to you by Sue Cook
DRE# 02015404
12 years of service to
Arcadia as its elected
City Clerk, Gene Glasco
has retired. The April 16
City Council Meeting
marked Gene’s last day
officially holding the
position. At this meeting,
elected officials,
colleagues and family
members gathered
to celebrate Gene’s
"It has been a distinct
pleasure serving in
my capacity as elected
City Clerk for the City
of Arca-dia, and I
encourage anyone to
volunteer their time,” said Gene Glasco. “If
they can volunteer to serve the City, I promise
it will be an enriching experience like the one I
have experienced.”
Gene’s connection to the Arcadia community
spans nearly 70 years. In addition to being
the City Clerk, Gene also served as the
Commissioner and Chairman of the Arcadia
Senior Citizens’ Commission, President of
the Arcadia Historical Society, Vice President
of the Arcadia Highlands Homeowners
Association and Volunteer in Patrol with the
Arcadia Police Department. Most notably,
Gene was the driving force behind the creation
of the Arcadia Vietnam War Monument.
Unveiled in May 2016 at Arcadia County Park,
this monument stands as a tribute to those who
made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
“Gene’s efforts over the years will always
remain an integral part of his legacy,” said
Mayor Verlato. “We’ve been so fortunate to
have a dedicated public servant for so long and
the City Coun-cil extends its deepest gratitude
for Gene’s unwavering service to Arcadia.”
Gene’s dedication has earned him prestigious
accolades. He was recognized as “Community
Activist of the Year” by Congresswoman Judy
Chu, and recipient of the “Make A Difference”
award from California State Assemblymember
Ed Chau, “Citizen of the Year” by the Arcadia
Chamber of Commerce and bestowed with the
“Military Service & Stewardship” award from
the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce.
Those interested in learning more about Gene
and his accomplishments can visit a special
Vet-erans Exhibit at the Gilb Museum of
Arcadia Heritage. The exhibit features his
uniform from his time serving in the United
States Navy, along with some of his medals and
military memorabilia.
Due to the evolving nature of this role, the
elected City Clerk position has become largely
cere-monial over time. As a result of this
change, in 2022, Arcadia voters approved an
update to the City’s Charter that eliminated the
position of the elected City Clerk. With Gene’s
retirement, the City Manager will appoint a
City Clerk to perform the powers and duties
outlined in the Charter. Most of the traditional
City Clerk duties are currently performed by
professional staff in the City Manager’s Office,
ensuring uninterrupted service to the public.
Although the role of City Clerk is no longer
an elected position, Arcadia residents are still
encour-aged to serve their community in other
For the November 2024 General Election,
there are two council member seats available
for those interested in serving Arcadia. These
seats represent District 1 and District 4 and
entail a four-year term. Arcadia utilizes a
district-based election system in which the City
is divided into five geographic areas, each with
one City Council Member who resides in the
district and is chosen by the electors residing in
that district. The Nomination Period for City
Council candidacy begins on July 15 and runs
through August 9, 2024. Nomination papers for
City Council candidacy can be obtained from
the City Clerk’s Office and must be returned on
or before August 9, 2024.
For those interested in serving in an advisory
capacity, the City Clerk's Office is currently ac-
cepting applications from residents who wish to
serve on a City Board or Commission. Positions
are available on every Board and Commission,
and details can be viewed at ArcadiaCA.gov/
Service. Citizen Service Resumes are being
accepted in the City Clerk's Office through
Thursday, May 16, 2024.
Glasco with Arcadia City Council
Monrovia is honored to be named a 2023 Tree City USA by the Arbor Day
Foundation in honor of its commitment to effective urban forest management.
This is the 30th year Monrovia has earned the national designation.
The benefits trees bring to urban environments are endless. Here are a few:
Trees help absorb the sounds of traffic in urban areas by 40%.
Neighborhoods with trees are seven to nine degrees cooler than those
without Trees reduce energy costs up to 25% by shading buildings and
protecting them from winter winds
Homes with trees have higher property value
Green space plays a major role in improving mental and physical health
Planting and maintaining trees absorbs carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere, mitigating the effects of climate change
Every year the City invests in its tree canopy. Currently, the City is planting in the
southern region of Monrovia.
Are you a Monrovia resident that lives below the 210 freeway and would like to
have a city tree planted in the public right-of-way in front of your property? If so,
please contact Brittany Jasso at bjasso@ci.monrovia.ca.us or (626) 932-5562.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com