Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 20, 2024
[Nyerges is an educator and author. He authored “Extreme Simplicity” which tells his story
about attempting to live self-reliantly in the city. More information about his books and
classes at www.SchoolofSelf-Reliance.com]
Gorgeous Blue Eyes!
Female Lynx Point Siamese Mix
Born 9/20/23
Are you ready to welcome a bundle
of love into your home? Look no
further than Miss Blue! This sweet
lynx point beauty is not just named
for her stunning blue eyes, but also
for the warmth and comfort she
brings into any room.
Blue’s journey started in a construction office, where her
beautiful, blue-eyed Siamese mama gave birth to Blue and her
siblings. Thanks to the kind office people, Blue has blossomed
into a friendly and affectionate young lady, eager to find her
forever family.
This charming feline is the last of her litter to find a home, but
she’s not letting that dampen her spirits. With her captivating
blue eyes and gentle demeanor, Blue is sure to capture your
heart from the moment you meet her. One of Blue’s most
endearing qualities is her loud purr. When she’s held close, her
purr reverberates with contentment, a sure sign that she’s found comfort and happiness in your
Rest assured, Blue is in excellent health and is receiving all her necessary vaccinations. She’s spayed
and is scheduled for her 2nd vaccines soon, ensuring she’ll be ready to join your family with a clean
bill of health.
If you’re ready to open your heart and home to a loving companion, don’t hesitate to submit an
application to adopt Blue. It would be especially nice if she can have a young friend around her
age, too. She’s eagerly awaiting the chance to shower you with affection and become your loyal
feline friend. Apply now and start the journey to welcoming Miss Blue into your life! https://www.
I first heard of Marshall Greenwood through an article in the Los Angeles Times
that was written about him. He self-described himself as “America’s Greatest Poor
Man,” by choice. I purchased several of his self-published books, and began a long
correspondence with him through the U.S. mails in the late 1970s. (He didn’t use
a telephone so I could not call him, and this was before the days of the internet.)
With his permission, I printed and sold copies of his “Poor Marshall’s Manual: The Individual
Economics of Living on $99 per Month.” It’s an interesting and insightful book by someone who chose
minimalism as a more meaningful lifestyle than being a “consumer.”
His book consists of four major parts: First, his monthly expenditures; Second, his overview and
explanation of individual economics; Third, how he beats the high price of food; Fourth, his laws (173
Precepts) of individual economics; and then an Appendix of his fitness regimen.
From his Preface, he states:
“I seek to glorify the wise, voluntary poverty, which makes the most of the least, shuns folly, conserves
the earth’s resources, spares the environment, sees (with Aristotle) thinking and reasoning as man’s
highest function, and pursues learning for its own sake and for the betterment of the world.
“Our consumption-geared economy seeks to:
Create need where no need exists.
Invent a gadget for every function.
Make automatic that which is better manual.
Represent costly trivia as necessities.
Promote literature, drama, music, and art of dubious merit.
Push travel tours that waste earth’s dwindling resources, pollute the air, invite crime, spread
disease, expose tourists to needless risks, and inflict anguish many times daily on victims who
live near airport and approaches, thus shortening their lives…
Accelerate consumption of all, leading to misuse, abuse, and premature discard.
“Remember, to save the most is to spend nothing!”
“Pursuit of wealth is the folly, the mirage of unenlightened minds. The few who attain great riches in
dollars often lament that they did not instead seek learning and wisdom…”
Part IV, the bulk of his book, is titled “Laws of Individual Economics.” These are his 173 Precepts, the
first group of which are quotes from famous people.
“The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call ‘life’ which is required to be exchanged for it
immediately or in the long run.” Thoreau.
“To avoid pain, renounce the pursuit of pleasure.” Buddha.
105. The more automatic is an appliance or machine, the more repair it requires….
107. Refrigerators, deemed essential, I don’t need. My eggs keep OK in north window. None has
spoiled in 6 years; I only use non-fat dry milk and mix only what I use right then. I have no leftovers…
108. TV is the most notorious waster of time ever invented. Some persons spend half their waking
lives viewing TV’s violence, crime, inane sex, stupid commercials, and overdone news.
109. Rent near your work, or get work near where you live. This pays big in dollars and hours … [do
the math!].
125. A lawn is slavery. Use ice plant or such, or small trees to save much water and work.
132. Before rushing to turn on (or up) the room heat,
think of Hunza Valley people high in Himalayas who
don’t heat homes in cold, cold winters ad who bathe in
cold glacial waters, or, closer to home, think of me who
got along just fine in winters with no room heat at all…
139. Many drive to a park in order to jog or cycle. Far
better is to jog or cycle direct from home and leave car
out of it.
Pet of the Week
Sir Henry is an adorable and cuddly guy who is looking
for a nice lap or comfy bed to call his own. At 10 years
young, he is still very much full of energy and fun.
He was found at the Rose Bowl, and while we have
no idea how he managed to arrive there, he has quickly
charmed everyone at Pasadena Humane with his good
nature and constantly wagging tail. He immediately
loves everyone he meets, and the feeling is definitely
Henry has been out on a few field trips with volunteers-
they report that he is exceptionally cuddly and can
usually narrow down the coziest blanket in the house
with ease. He has also been exposed to other dogs and
he seems to like them almost as much as he likes people!
Like any senior dog, Henry has some minor issues that
will need to be managed. One thing that is still working
perfectly is his exhuberant love of people!
Sir Henry is eligible for the Seniors for Seniors program. This means his adoption is free
to anyone over 60!
The adoption fee for dogs is $150. All dog adoptions include spay or neuter, microchip,
and age-appropriate vaccines.
Walk-in adoptions are available every day from 2:00 – 5:00. For those who prefer, adoption
appointments are available daily from 10:30 – 1:30, and can be scheduled online. View
photos of adoptable pets at pasadenahumane.org.
All dog adoptions include spay or neuter, microchip, and age-appropriate vaccines.
New adopters will receive a complimentary health-and-wellness exam from VCA Animal
Hospitals, as well as a goody bag filled with information about how to care for your pet.
Pets may not be available for adoption and cannot be held for potential adopters by phone
calls or email.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com