Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 20, 2024
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Peter Lamendola
Michele Kidd
Stuart Tolchin
Harvey Hyde
Audrey Swanson
Meghan Malooley
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Dinah Chong Watkins
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
I had great trouble sleeping and travelled
from bed to chair to yet another chair searching
for a position where the pain would let me
sleep. Perhaps the pain is connected with other
problems I am experiencing. I worry that I have
forgotten much of my own past and I want to do
what I have to do in the present. Next week there
is an appointment with a doctor who I hope will advise me about
what to expect.
Yesterday morning, despite our worries, my wife and I went to the
Dodger game where my wife’s cousin had been selected to sing
the National Anthem preceding the game. Very exciting- but she
noticed that I was in pain and suggested that maybe we shouldn’t
go. I was adamant and said it would not be a problem, even though
I worried. Upon arriving at the Stadium, despite having a handicap
sticker displayed on our windshield we were directed to a parking
area at what seemed like a great distance from the entry to the
stadium. My wife asked if I was sure I could make the walk and,
although, I was not sure, I said, “no problem"
She reminded me to put on my Dodger long-sleeved shirt with the
number 17 and the OHTANI name on the back. I put the Ohtani
shirt on and made the endless walk to the stadium and trudged all
the way to our seats. My wife had purchased aisle seats believing
that an aisle seat would be easier for me, but I dreaded the arrival
of the incoming fans to our row which would continually require
me to get up and get down to allow them to pass.
I worried. Why had I chosen to endure this unnecessary and
avoidable discomfort? Gradually, however, I noticed where we
were. From our seats the grass playing- field was beautiful. The
temperature was in the 70s but, in the distance, I viewed the
beautiful snow-capped mountains. As fans arrived often carrying
Dodger Dogs I complained to my wife that I would love to have a
Dodger dog which should be a part of the whole experience. She
looked at my gout inflamed knee and said that I did not need to be
eating hot dogs.
Prior to the singing of the National Anthem the stadium filled
up. My wife started talking to the couple seated next to her who,
as it turned out, had specifically come to the game to witness the
singing of the national anthem since they knew my wife’s cousin
from church. The man had heard me complaining that I very much
wanted a hot dog, he went and bought me one! There are always
surprises in life!
The name Daphne Puccinelli was announced, and I had a chill
hearing her as she beautifully sang the anthem. As my wife
stopped crying, the game began with the visiting Nationals being
first up. The first batter hit a home run. After that there was no
more scoring by either team. In fact, the Dodgers had only five hits
and three of them were singles by Ohtani.
Overall, despite my continuing pain, the day seemed pretty perfect.
As we were leaving the game I saw another man with an OHTANI
shirt on. “Three hits” I said. “Yeah, but they were only singles” he
said. I guess that’s my point. No matter what, one can always find
something to complain about and something to be pleased about
and that is the choice we all must make daily. I feel I am ready for
whatever the doctor has to tell me; but it helps that my knee does
not hurt as much today.
Ever engage in “doublespeak”? Not sure what it is?
Well, let’s look behind the curtain and “take a peek at doublespeak”. (Hey
that rhymes)
“Doublespeak” is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, misleads and
sometimes reverses the meaning of words (Sounds kinda like the definition of advertising).
I’ll give you a yummy example… Hostess Twinkies. You won’t find the word “healthy”, on
any product produced by Hostess. Hostess describes Twinkies as “wholesome”. Wholesome?
What does wholesome mean? “Does it mean good for you?” Lol! There is no official United
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) definition of the word “wholesome”. I guess
if the truth be told, Hostess Twinkies and similar foods should come with a skull and
crossbones printed on the packaging. That would be truth in advertising.
Let’s press on.
Euphemisms are a type of doublespeak more evasive but not typically malicious. A good
friend serves you their new homemade dessert and you respond with “what an interesting
flavor” instead of “yuck, that’s horrible”.
“Puffery” uses doublespeak designed to make something seem better than it really is. The
product size is described as “snackable” instead of “smaller”; “Shabby chic” replaces “old
and worn out”. and Realtors will call a house “quaint” rather than “small”.
“Jargon” is doublespeak used by a particular occupation or group. Often designed to soften
the actual reality of a word. For example: a “tree hugger” is actually a “environmental
activist”. If you are a spy you would say you are engaging in “enhanced interrogation”
instead of “torture”.
“Gobbledygook” is doublespeak used to be so confusing as to be incomprehensible.
“I will sell you this painting for $10 bucks.”
Or in Gobbledygook: “When the party in the first part provides the aforementioned goods
to the party in the second part, such party shall acknowledge receipt of said item once the
party of the first part hereby warrants its condition as suitable for transfer and in light of
exchange of consideration.” (Got that?)
“Upon documentation of said patient’s symptoms and conducting an examination of her
otolaryngological region, the ultimate diagnosis is a case of viral rhinitis.
Or in plain English: “The patient has a cold.”
Wordsmith and politician Daniel Webster defined politics as “The art or science concerned
with winning and holding control over a government.” So, what is it, art or science?
“Art” is defined as “Skill acquired by experience, study, or observation.”
“Science” is defined as, “The observation, identification, description, experimental
investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.”
So, I leave you (and me) hanging over this rhetorical cliff with quotes from possibly the
best two sources in history:
Will Rogers once said, “The more you read and observe about this politics thing, you got
to admit that each party is worse than the other.”
And regarding Julius Irving Marx, aka “Groucho”: French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard
either created or quoted this oft used phrase in France’s students pseudo-revolutionary
unrest in 1968: “Je suis Marxiste, tendance Groucho,” which translates:
“I’m a Marxist of the Groucho variety.”
P.S. If you happen to run into a bedraggled person living on the street, think about going
up and slipping him or her $5. I didn’t do that for a long time thinking it might be used
for harmful addictions. I have softened over the years and tell the struggling soul this
contribution to their quality of life is coming from me and the Lord. And be blessed.
And who knows, someday you or I might be working for one of those struggling fellow
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My mother scraped the dank inside belly of the
earthenware pot, the musky scent of fermented
tilled soil with whispers of wet shiitake mushrooms
wafted up. The pot yielded nothing. Dinner
must be served, but the nearest Chinese market
was a three hour drive, I shirked, looking for
an escape but I knew what her determined eyes
“Auntie, can you give me some gou-see?”
Auntie Lim, our only Chinese neighbor who lived five blocks away,
burst out laughing, my Elton John saucer-sized eyeglasses shielded
me from her barrage of spit.
Annoyed with her response, I repeated my request - only louder. She
doubled up cackling, tears spilled down her cheeks. She waved me to
stay on her front porch, gagging for air as she made her way into her
Minutes of rapid fire conversation followed, bookended with guffaws
and hilarious shrieks. Auntie Lim returned to the front door with a
small rice bowl. She passed it to me with one hand while pointing to
it with the other,
“ Dou-see. DOU-see.”
When I got home, I learned that dou-see means fermented black
bean. Gou-see is dog poop. My mispronunciation has become a longstanding
family reunion staple, continuing to the fourth generation.
Over three decades, I have wrangled in a sub-par manner, four languages
and dialects. My tone deafness in Mandarin and Cantonese,
both tonal not phonectic, contributed daily to misunderstandings,
and buying services and goods I did not want at prices I could not
But that was to be expected in a foreign country. Ending up with multiple
bottles of hair conditioner and no shampoo because you can’t
read the indecipherable script, or being served braised offal and intestines
instead of what you thought you ordered - beef and broccoli.
It was a relief to come back to where I didn’t need to rely on picture
menus, sub-titles, charades and Google Translate. Here was a place
I could confidently speak my mind, “A double latte, half-caff, single
pump butterscotch, extra creamy oat milk, no foam, with a sprinkle
of cinnamon dust.”
It turned out to be a hard landing. Unschooled and sheltered by decades
lived out in one-party government propaganda; whilst my gray
matter could still comprehend English verses from 400 years past,
“But soft! What light does yonder window breaks? It is the east, and
Juliet is the sun.” William Shakespeare
now, plonked down in the 21st century amongst an army of opposable
thumbs and 5G networks, the currency of language is frankly,
quite lost on me. Reprimanded to text before calling, ready to take
on the mantle of the Anti-RIZZ GOAT, resigned to the unbreakable
code of emojis with their viral backstories and in-house jokes - I surrender
and by way of recompense, will switch to a Jitterbug phone,
stick with unlimited calling/no text, and upgrade my @earthlink.com
email account to 25G.
As for the fermented bean and dog poop mixup, I’ve spent hours
honing my articulation, the beans to be spoken in a sharp downward
tone and dog as neutral or was it the other way? Maybe I’ll just stick
to sweet and sour.
Dinah Chong Watkins column appears every 1st and 3rd Saturday
of the month.
For more Close Encounters Of The Wrong Kind go to www.ceotwk.
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com