Mountain Views News Saturday, April 20, 2024
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Stuart Tolchin, Howard Rubin, Anita Hardy, Hattie Harris, Marilyn Diaz,
Virginia Elliott, Elma Flores, Betty Jo Gregg, Barbara Lampman, Betty
Mackie, Elizabeth Rassmusen, Maria Reyes, Marian DeMars, Anne Schryver,
Chrisine Bachwansky, Colleen McKernan, Sandy Swanson, Hank Landsberg,
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to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737.
YEAR of birth not required
In today’s digital age, where
everything is moving towards
technology, many seniors still rely
on having good old-fashioned paper.
Whether it’s important documents,
cherished memories, or simply the
comfort of a tangible record, paper
holds a significant place in the lives
of seniors. However, years and years
of accumulation of paperwork
can lead to disorganization and
stress. Therefore, having paper
organization becomes not only a
convenience but a vital aspect of
maintaining a sense of order and
clarity and less stress in the lives of
Paper organization promotes efficiency and accessibility for seniors. With organized and
sorted documents, bills, and records, seniors can quickly locate what they need when needed,
minimizing the frustration of rummaging through piles of paper, and ensuring that important
information is readily available.
In addition, organized paper systems provide security and peace of mind. Seniors can rest
assured that their important documents are easily retrievable. This alleviates anxiety about
misplaced or lost paperwork, allowing them to focus on enjoying life without the constant worry
of seeing overwhelming paper chaos looming overhead.
Furthermore, paper organization gives the senior a sense of empowerment and independence.
By taking control of their paperwork and creating organizational systems, seniors regain a sense
of clarity over their lives.
Additionally, organized paper systems facilitate communication and collaboration with family
members and professionals involved in their care. Clear and coherent documentation ensures
everyone is on the same page regarding important matters and coordination in decision-making
Basically, paper organization is not merely about tidiness; it’s about enhancing the quality of
life for seniors. By embracing effective paper management strategies, seniors can streamline
their daily routines, reduce stress, and maintain a greater sense of control as they navigate life’s
Pamela Mims
Paper Organization & Management Consultant
Dear Savvy Senior:
Next month I am moving to a different state so I can be near my daughter and grandkids. Do I
need to notify Social Security and Medicare about the move?
Relocating Grandma
Dear Relocating,
Yes, if you’re a Social Security and Medicare recipient you definitely need to let these Federal
agencies know when and where you move so there are no hiccups in your benefits or coverage.
Here’s what you should know.
How to Update Your Info.
If you’re receiving Social Security retirement, survivors or disability benefits, it’s required that you
notify the Social Security Administration when you move to ensure your deposits continue and
you avoid disruptions.
You’ll need to provide them your new mailing address so they can deliver important documents
to you like your annual SSA-1099 tax form. And if you’re switching banks or credit unions, you’ll
need to update your direct deposit information by providing your new financial institution’s
routing number and account number.
If you’re a Medicare beneficiary, they too need your new mailing address so bills, correspondence,
your Medicare Summary Notice and other statements can go to the right address.
You can update both your Social Security and Medicare contact information online by simply
using the “My Profile” tab in your personal “my Social Security” account at SSA.gov/myaccount.
If you don’t have an account, you can create one online for free in just a few minutes.
Or, if you need some help or don’t have internet access, you can call Social Security at 800-772-
1213, or visit your local Social Security office and they will make the changes for you.
Medicare Private Plans
You also need to know that if you’re enrolled in original Medicare, you can move anywhere within
the United States without losing coverage. But if you have Part D prescription drug coverage or
a Medicare Advantage plan from a private health insurance company, and you move out of the
plan’s service area, you’ll have to switch plans or you’ll face losing coverage.
Part D service areas typically are statewide or can extend to parts of neighboring states, while
Medicare Advantage plans’ service areas vary by county.
Moving out of a plan’s service area qualifies you for a special enrollment period (SEP) of at least
two months to get a new plan. You may also qualify if you move within your plan’s service area
and it offers options different from what you had. The enrollment timing depends on when you
notify the plan.
If you tell your plan before you move, your chance to switch plans begins the month before the
month you move and continues for two full months after you move. If you tell your plan after
you move, your chance to switch plans begins the month you tell your plan, plus two more full
To shop for new Part D and Medicare Advantage plans in your new area, use the Medicare Plan
Finder tool at Medicare.gov/plan-compare.
You can also switch Part D or Medicare Advantage plans during open enrollment, which runs
each year from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7 for coverage starting Jan. 1.
Medigap Plans
If you’re enrolled in original Medicare and have a Medigap supplemental policy you usually don’t
have to switch plans if you move, but you do need to notify your provider. Some insurers let you
keep the rate based on the state where you originally applied for Medigap. Others may change
your premiums to coincide with their coverage in a different zip code.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
Some weeks can be tough. I’ve
had a few in my life that came
unexpectedly and challenged
my determination.Last week
was one of those weeks.
We had a serious “Bug Squatting” situation in
our home. I really can’t determine what the
bug was; all I can say is that it was.
The situation affected everyone in our family,
including many of our friends.
I was the only one who did not suffer
from it. Unfortunately for me, I chuckled
within and was proud that I did not get hit
by it. But everyone, including The Gracious
Mistress of the Parsonage, had very serious
accouterments, which I will not explain for
various reasons.
The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage
was in bed for one full day, which is rather
unusual for her. She’s always up and doing
something, but this time, she was down, and I
won’t mention what she was doing. It seemed
to pass, and at that time, I was not affected.
I very smugly thought that I was the only
one who survived all of that “Bug Squatting”
Then, the unmentionable happened. It was
a Friday night, and I had my first episode of
diarrhea. It came and went rather quickly,
and I had no other health problems. I didn’t
have any sick stomach or even a headache. I
thought I had escaped that problem.
Then Saturday morning started. All day long,
I had diarrhea and spent most of my time in
the bathroom. I didn’t know what I was going
to do, but I didn’t have any other symptoms, at
least at that time. I was afraid we would have
to cancel the Sunday morning service, and I
hate doing that with a passion.
By early afternoon on Saturday, I was fine. I
didn’t feel sick anywhere and had no further
problems—at least, that’s what I thought.
The plans were to go through Sunday just as
planned At about 5 a.m. Sunday, before I woke
up, I had an episode that made me race to the
bathroom and caused some alarm. However,
it was over in a moment, and there were no
residues left in my body. The best thing to do
was to keep this a secret, especially from The
Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage.
We got up Sunday morning as usual and got
ready, and at the right time, we left for our
church service at the assisted living facility
that we minister to. Everything was going
fine. As we drove, I took various sips of my
coffee and felt great.
The service began as usual at 10 o’clock. We
sang some hymns, and then it came time for
me to preach the sermon.
For a variety of reasons, I sit in a chair behind
a table as I preach. There is just a small group
of people around me, so that makes a better
situation. It’s good I was sitting down because
if I had not been, I would have been in serious
I introduced the sermon, read the Scripture,
and then gave the opening prayer. As I began
the sermon, I began to feel a little funny. And
I don’t mean laughing funny. It was a weird
kind of funny like I’ve never had before.
It wasn’t long before everything became
rather hazy for me. I became somewhat dizzy
and couldn’t speak as I usually do.
Then it happened. Right before me, an Angel
floated by, waving her hand. After that, I’m
not quite sure what happened. I do know
that one of the nurses came to take my blood
pressure and found that it had dropped.
The recourse was to take me by ambulance to
the hospital. At the time, I wasn’t quite sure
what was happening.
Before I knew it, I was ushered into the hospital
to the intensive care unit surrounded by
medical professionals. Pretty soon, I became
a little more conscious of my surroundings
and began to realize that I was in the hospital
and everybody’s attention was focused on
me. At the time I didn’t know if I should start
preaching or start telling a joke.
The nurses left, and another nurse came in,
and I knew exactly what she was there for. I
greeted her by saying, “Hello, Nurse Dracula.”
She then stuck my arm with needles and
began to suck my blood out as fast as she
could. It took her several times to find the
right vein to get the blood she needed. I was
suspicious about that. I just assumed she was
getting even at me calling her Nurse Dracula.
I spent the rest of the day in the hospital. They
put me in the third-floor room where my
daughter is the head nurse.
They went through all their medical processes,
even a CAT scan, and found nothing wrong
with me. I did have the bug, whatever that bug
is, and I did have a light infection that caused
me to cough and sneeze quite a bit.
I learned one valuable lesson from this
adventure. When somebody gets the bug,
never assume that I won’t. Don’t laugh at the
ones who do because those “Bug Squatters”
heard me laughing and got their revenge on
A verse of scripture came to mind. “And as ye
would that men should do to you, do ye also to
them likewise” (Luke 6:31).
This is the goal of my life.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com