8 Mountain View News Saturday, June 13, 2015 AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY 8 Mountain View News Saturday, June 13, 2015 AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY
By Joan Schmidt
Last Wednesday was a great day.
It begin with my granddaughter,
Jennfer’s promotion from RamonaJunior High in Chino and then toa special Media Event with BobBaffert.
He is really an amazing man andvery interesting to listen to. Of coursequestions centered on how Bob feltabout being the winning trainer forTriple Crown Winner, AmericanPharoah, and what the future holds
for him.
Bob had modest beginnings on acattle and chicken ranch in Arizona.
He trained from his dad-actuallyhoped to be a jockey first. In timehe acquired horses to train, but wasbroke and had to borrow $1000 from
his grandmother for a month withthe promise to pay her back in thirtydays. Of course he did, but she wasshocked he did pay her back in thethirty days.
Bob said it still has not completely sunk in that his horse won theTriple Crown. It’s been a “whirlwind”; he “never expected the impact...
he (American Pharoah) has brought everyone’s attention. I never hada horse like him before…the way he trained…in the paddock…Icould feel his power…I shipped him a lot…Triple Crown Winners…
they have to be superior…They must take the grind, the stress, thequick turnaround…only an incredible horse can handle this.”
Bob also had told us that he watched the race on the screen,
doesn’t use binoculars. He “never had a horse who did everythingso effortlessly…he was on cruise control…I watched Victor sittingon him, he hadn’t even turned him loose yet…Victor let him a notchand he just took off.”
“It was a different feeling for me than any other race…listening tothe crowd, deafening noise…thirty seven years…a part of history…
all my kids were there and I thought of my parents…Best feeling…
can’t believe this is happening…Jill and I were crying…such a
magical moment for me, happiness, so grateful, this horse mademe appreciate the Preakness and the Kentucky Derby more. It was
spiritual and emotional.”
Bob told us that Pharoah’s temperament is “so sweet and kind…hestood for three hours by the barn in front of the stables and let peoplepet him and posed for pictures with him after the race.”
Bob mentioned “American Pharoah had lost 20 pounds and willprobably gain it back within a week. He is coming home to Californiaon June 18th. He heard from tracks all over the country/world thatwant him there.”
But Bob’s first priority is the well-being of American Pharoah whowill have a week off. “There’s no schedule yet, because it’s not till twoweeks after the races that you realize what it had taken out of him…
the goal is the Breeders’ Cup.”
Bob was questioned about throwing the first pitch at a Dodgergame the previous day. He felt a little nervous, but it turned out okay.
He mentioned that not only the players but also the umpires wantedpictures with him and want to come out to Santa Anita.
“I always shared my good horses. I have no plans except horsetrainer…bring him (American Pharoah) to Santa Anita and DelMar…no fees involved…donate to charities for horses and the
Disabled Jockeys Fund in memory of Bobby Adair.”
(Footnote-People back east were posting on Facebook aboutVictor’s entire winnings going to City of Hope. I posted that Victorhas done that before and is very involved at City of Hope visitingthe Children’s Ward. The Baffets other three $50,000 each donations
went to Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance, California RetirementAftercare Account which benefit race horses and the Old Friends
Farm in Kentucky, home of Silver Charms whom he trained to winsin the Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes.)
This is so thrilling-history being made, but the greatest is thegenerosity of the Bafferts and Victor Espinosa.
ARCADIA, Calif - For Immediate Release – The Angeles NationalForest and San Gabriel Mountains National Monument will have
a “Fee-Free” day on Saturday (June 13) in honor of National GetOutdoors Day. The Adventure Pass will not be required for allvisitors in commemoration of this day.
Public volunteers are invited to participate in Operation SuperCanyon Sweep 2015 to help clean up the San Gabriel Canyon.
Those interested should meet at 8 a.m. at the San Gabriel Off-
Highway Vehicle area in San Gabriel Canyon off Highway 39 justnorth of the East Fork Bridge. Participants will be transported tovarious locations along streambeds in the North, West and Eastforks of the San Gabriel River and lunch, bottled water, suntan
lotion, and trash bags will be provided. The event will last from8 a.m. until 3 p.m. and is jointly sponsored by the Forest Service,
California Trail Users Coalition and other organizations.
National Get Outdoors Day supports the goals of PresidentObama’s America’s Great Outdoors initiative and First LadyMichelle Obama’s Let’s Move by actively supporting andpromoting programs, projects and initiatives that encourage useof the outdoors by the public. Fee-free days are offered on multipleoccasions throughout the year. The remaining days in 2015 areNational Public Lands Day (Sept. 26) and Veterans Day (Nov. 11).
Although the Adventure Pass fee will be waived, campground,
reservation, group-site, and concession fees may still be in effect atsome locations. Angeles and Monument officials recommend thatall visitors practice the Know Before you Go and visit our websitefor updates on current conditions and possible closures at http://
About the U.S. Forest Service: The mission of the U.S. Forest
Service, part of U.S. Department of Agriculture, is to sustainthe health, diversity and productivity of the nation’s forests andgrasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.
The agency manages 193 million acres of public land, providesassistance to state and private landowners, and maintains thelargest forestry research organization in the world. Public landsthe Forest Service manages contribute more than $13 billion to theeconomy each year through visitor spending alone. Those samelands provide 20 percent of the nation’s clean water supply, a valueestimated at $7.2 billion per year. The agency has either a direct orindirect role in stewardship of about 80 percent of the 850 millionforested acres within the U.S., of which 100 million acres are urban
forests where most Americans live.
LOS ANGELES COUNTY – The Los Angeles County Jail Plan,
the major effort to replace the Men’s Central Jail with a newConsolidated Correctional Treatment Center and renovate the
Mira Loma Detention Facility, was once again delayed -- furtherhindering progress on the development and construction of a new.
A motion was brought forward today which interrupts theforward progress of the County Jail Plan by requiring yetanother independent assessment of diversion and treatmentservices needed inside the jails and available in the community.
The motion also stops work by AECOM, the contractor hired toprepare necessary documents to replace Men’s Central Jail, for 45days -- even though AECOM’s work does not interfere or affectthe independent assessment.
Mayor Michael D. Antonovich and Supervisor Don Knave
opposed parts of the Board motion, which unnecessarily halts thenew Consolidated Correctional Treatment Center and places theCounty at risk for future litigation. Most especially, it inhibits theCounty’s ability to house criminals to protect the general public.
“Delaying the replacement of Men’s Central Jail is a disserviceto the inmates, Sheriff’s staff, and to taxpayers who are repeatedlysaddled with costly litigation,” said Antonovich. “We have anobligation to honor court imposed sentences and protect the victimsof crime who suffer from a lifetime of trauma and live in fear.”
The Board of Supervisors had been discussing the jail plan forseven years before they requested an independent assessmentof the jails over two years ago. Based on that study, the Boardadopted Option 1B last May which consisted of renovating the MiraLoma Detention Facility and replacing Men’s Central Jail with aConsolidated Correctional Treatment Center. Today’s motion seeksanother independent assessment that will review and update theprevious independent assessment due to certain changes in the lawsuch as the passage of Proposition 47 and split sentencing.
Sacramento – Assembly Majority Leader Chris Holden has namedDale Brothers Brewery in Upland as the “Small Business of the Year”
for the 41st Assembly District. The Brewery is owned by brothersCurt and Andy Dale who travelled to Sacramento today to receivetheir award.
“I am very pleased to recognize the Dale brothers for their dedicationto their craft and volunteerism in Upland and the surroundingcommunities,” said Assemblymember Holden. “They are a successnot only for their hard work and dedication to the business, butbecause they give so much back to their communities with regularfundraisers for charitable organizations.”
Dale Brothers Brewery has been in business since 2003 and employssome 20 workers in its Upland brewery. This year, more than 2,000people attended their Beers and Bros Beer Festival which highlighted30 California breweries and wineries.
Steve Sabicer, who nominated Dale Brothers, emphasized theirefforts to help out in the community: “They have significantlyenriched and supported their community. In addition to strongbusiness growth, the Brewery has contributed tens of thousandsof dollars in direct and indirect contributions to local non-profitorganizations, and hosted dozens of charitable community events.”
Sixteen small businesses from throughout the 41st AssemblyDistrict were nominated this year by members of the 41st AssemblyDistrict Small Business Advisory Committee who reviewed thenominations, provided feedback, rankings and recommendationsfor the Assemblymember.
A party at the home of James and Edna Kennedy. A murder in blackand-
white. An evening of Charades…with a surprise ending. Whois after the mysterious jewel from India- The Eye of the Elephant?
And who would kill for it? Oh, what a tangled web we weave whenfirst we practice to deceive, in this film noir tale of murder. Dressfor the Theatre? Black and white, of course! (or whatever you feelcomfortable in.) It’s going to be a night of intrigue and suspense!
Murder at Midnight. Adapted and directed by Ken Salzman.
Presented by SanZman Productions Renaissance Murder MysteryPlayers and Sierra Madre Playhouse. At Sierra Madre Playhouse, 87
W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Sunday, June 14,2015 at 7:00 p.m. Admission: $20. Reservations: (626) 355-4318.
Online ticketing: www.sierramadreplayhouse.org
Dear Mountain Views News,
Have you received a text on your cell phone telling
you to contact Wells Fargo? If you receive such a text,
delete it and DO NOT respond. This image was sent
to us from an Arcadia resident. This form of phishing,
known as smishing, is using SMS or text messaging
in an attempt to gain your personal and confidential
Glendora Police Department posted a similarwarning this morning via their Facebook page. Thistype of scam pops up from time to time and hasoccurred nationwide, recently in the area using localtelephone numbers.
Wells Fargo has good information posted on theirwebsite, along with reporting links should you bevictimized.
“Never take action on a request for your personalor financial information, including account numbers,
passwords, Social Security number or birth date.
If you receive a text message expressing an urgentneed for you to update your information, activate anaccount, or verify your identity by calling a phonenumber or submitting information, on a website,
do not respond and delete it. These messages maybe part of a phishing scam conducted by fraudstersin an attempt to capture your confidential account
information and may be used to commit fraud.”
Take the time to visit your bank or credit cardwebsites and review recommendations on how to
prevent fraudulent activity on your accounts. Mostfinancial institutions have web pages dedicatedto fraud prevention. Remember, never share yourinformation unless you have initiated the contactand are sure of who you are dealing with. Banks andcredit card companies will not call, text, or email youasking for personal, confidential information.
Get detailed, up-to-date emails and text messagesspecific to your community from the Arcadia PoliceDepartment by registering for “Nixle” alerts at:
https://local.nixle.com/register/ You can also registerfor alerts and advisory text messages only by textingyour zip code to 888777. (Standard text messagingrates may apply, depending on your cell phone plan).
Nixle provides community wires nationwide. Onceregistered, you can subscribe to messages from otherareas that service your relatives or other loved ones,
or other locations of interest to you.
40 hours per week
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com