Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, June 13, 2015

MVNews this week:  Page 13

13 Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 13, 2015 THE GOOD LIFE 
SENIOR HAPPENINGS13 Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 13, 2015 THE GOOD LIFE 

Dear Savvy Senior,
What teaching resources can you recommend tohelp seniors learn how to use computers, tablets andsmartphone devices? At age 72, I am interested injoining the technology revolution so I can keep up withmy kids and grandkids a little better, but I need help.
Technology Novice 

Dear Novice, 
There are lots of different technology teaching toolsavailable to boomers and seniors today, but what’savailable to you will depend on where you live. Hereare some different places and to look for help. 

Local Classes and Workshops

There are many communities that offer beginningcomputer and personal technology classes for olderadults that are new to technology. To find out what’savailable in your area, contact your local public library,
senior center, college or university, or local stores thatsell computers. Your Area Agency on Aging may alsobe able to help you – call the Eldercare Locator at 800677-
1116 to get your local number. If you can’t find anylocal programs that meet your needs, here are somenational resources that offer technology training inselect locations. 

SeniorNet: This organization offers a variety ofbasic online computer courses as well as instructor-
led workshops at 36 learning centers throughout theUnited States. A first year membership fee of $43 isrequired. See or call 239-275-2202 formore information. 

Oasis Connections: Provides primarily free 
computer, Internet and mobile technology classes in30 U.S. cities. They partner with local libraries, job helpcenters, senior centers and faith-based organizationswhere these classes are offered. 
connections, 314-862-2933 ext. 272. 

Lifelong Learning Institutes (LLIs): Usuallyaffiliated with colleges and universities, LLIs offera wide array of noncredit courses to retirees, andsome may offer technology courses. To find an LLIthat offers computer/technology classes, contact 
your closest colleges or search the websites of the twoorganizations that support and facilitate them – Osher( and Elderhostel (
asp). Together they support around 500 LLI programsnationwide. 

AARP TEK Workshops: Available to everyone, 

KATIE Tse..........This and That 

It’s dark. Your eyes are wide 

open despite your best effort 

to keep them shut. You 

can vaguely make out the 
headlights of passing cars through the curtain. 
The refrigerator’s humming is masked only by 
the incessant ticking of the clock in the other 
room. The sound of blood pumping in your ears 
is not as annoying as the realization that your 
heart is beating faster than it should. No, this 
isn’t the setting of a horror movie --it’s 3:00 a.m. 
on a Monday morning.

 Do you suffer from insomnia? Is there a 
growing stack of crossword puzzle books on 
your night stand, 

TEK workshops are free technology learning events ontablets or smartphones and are offered in various citiesthroughout the U.S., 202-434-3021.

Older Adults Technology Services (OATS): If 
you live in New York City, OATS provides free techtraining to seniors in 70 locations throughout the city., 718-360-1707. 

How-To Books 

There are also a wide variety of books you can purchasethat can help you learn how to use different typesof technologies. Visual Steps (, forexample, offers a number of practical and accessiblecomputer handbooks, software user guides and otherinstructional materials that are tailored specifically forseniors, as does the “For Dummies” books (dummies.
com), which you can buy in book stores nationwide oronline at sites like and BarnesandNoble. 

Online Instructional Services 

If you already have a computer and some computerand/or Internet skills, but would like to expand yourknowledge, there are a number of online servicesyou can turn to that offer a wide variety of self-pacedtechnology lessons and instructional videos.

Some good ones to checkout include GCFLearnFree.
org, which is supported by the Goodwill CommunityFoundation and is completely free to use., which is privately owned and offersnearly 700 lessons for $39 for three months or $79 for 
one year.

Also check out, a free educational 
website that teaches seniors with basic computer skillsabout frequently used websites, and,
which offers tech support house calls in all 50 states,
and offers two-hour tutorial instruction for $79. 

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit
Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show andauthor of “The Savvy Senior” book. 

precious hours adds the heaviest layer or anxiety. 
So, I don’t understand why my retired parents 
complain about often being unable to sleep. 
“You’re retired!” I tell them. “You can sleep in 
‘till 10:00 if you want!” Apparently this doesn’t 
do anything to help them catch a few Z’s.

I’ve heard that as people age, it becomes 
harder to get a good night’s sleep. Therefore, 
since the Baby Boomers are now approaching 
retirement age, there must be a lot of sleepless 
people out there! Why not take advantage of 
modern social networking and connect sleepless 
Boomers with each other? (Assuming they all 
are Internet savvy.) They could have a network 

called something 

or worse, in your 

like “The Boom 

kitchen? Do you have 

Boom Room” or “50’s 

ear plugs and CDs of 

After Dark.” Maybe 

ocean waves in your 

there could be code 

bedroom. If you 

questions to enter 

answered yes to any 

the site like, “What 

of these questions, 

was Diana Ross’s 

take heart! You’re not 

second album?” Just 


like Craigslist, there 

 Thank God I 

could be different 

haven’t suffered with 

forums for Boomers 

sleeplessness lately! 

to participate in. I 

(Knock on wood!) 

can’t comment on 

But I’m familiar 

whatever Facebook 

enough with it to 

already has in this 

sympathize with my 

area because (dare 

fellow insomniacs. 

I say it?) I’m not on 

To me, the most 


frustrating thing 
is that the pressure to fall asleep creates more 
anxiety, which makes sleep all the more elusive. 
Inevitably, your mind wanders onto tomorrow’s 
tasks, the phone calls and emails you’ll have to 
make, and the errands you’ll need to run. Before 
you know it, you’re trying to recall whether 
Ralphs or Albertsons is having a better sale on 
cereal. “Stop thinking!” you tell yourself. But 
concentrating on not thinking is almost as 
effortful as conjuring up the Ralphs ad in your 

 The fact that I need to get up for work in a few 

 Perhaps the Boom 
Boom Room could periodically broadcast retro 
commercials for bygone items like Pepsodent 
toothpaste and Lucky Strike cigarettes. Since 
the divorce rate is so high, I’m sure there’d be a 
thriving “Lonely Hearts Club” forum. Perhaps 
old flames could reconnect if they haven’t already 
done so through or Ancestry.
com (just kidding!). Admittedly, I don’t really 
know how much this could help people sleep, 
but I bet it would make their nocturnal hours a 
little more enjoyable! And with that, I bid you all 
--Happy Sleeping! 

HELPFUL HINT: White vinegar is an inexpensive way to keep your dishes sparkling, 
just pour white vinegar in the compartment of your dishwasher instead of a liquid rinse product. 


Paul, late for an important meeting, was searching desperately for a parking spot in a parking lot. 
Looking up to the heaven’s he entreated “God if you find me a parking spot, I promise to start going 
to church again.” The words were barely out of his mouth, when a spot opened up right in front of 
his car.Paul looked back up, “never mind I found one.” 

~ ~ ~ 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! … June Birthdays* 

Joanne Thrane, Nellie Haynes, Dorothy McKay, George Enyedi, Theresa Daley, Ann 

Dugerian, Marilyn McKernan, Pat Fujiwara, John Shier, Beth Smith-Kellock, Mary Carney, 

Ann Disbrow, Joan Ellison, Irene Kudirka, Anne Montgomery, Trini Ornelas, Martha 

Spriggs, Pat Starkey, Kathleen Coyne, Suzanne Decker, Halcyon Koerber, Jacque Persing, Jeanne 

Peterson and Grace Sanders. 

 *To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth 

not required. 


Quote of the Week: Seize the moment. Remember all the women on the Titanic who 
waved off the dessert cart. - Erma Bombeck 


ACTIVITIES: Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart Park 
House (Senior Center) 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre

 YMCA San Gabriel Valley Intervale Senior Café: Monday-Friday at 12:00 Noon 

(Participants are urged to arrive no later than 11:45 A.M.)

All seniors 60 and up can take part in the lunch program. There is a suggested donation of $2.00 

for those 60 and over and $3.75 for non-senior guests. Daily reservations are necessary as space is 

limited. Please call 24 hours in advance...626.355.0256 

HAWAIIAN AND POLYNESIAN DANCE CLASS: Every Tuesday morning from 10am to 11am. 
Join instructor Barbara Dempsey as she instructs you in the art of hula. 
BINGO: Every Tuesday beginning at 1:00pm. Cards are only $0.25 each! Everyone is welcome to 
join. May be canceled if less than 5 people. 

FREE BLOOD PRESSURE TESTING: 2nd Tuesday of the month from 11am to 12pm. No appt. 

is necessary. 
CASE MANAGEMENT: Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month. Case Management services are 
provided by the YWCA and provide assistance in a variety of areas. Appointments are required and 
can be scheduled by calling the HPH Office at 626-355-7394. 

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS: Every second Thursday of the month the Hart Park House Senior 
Center celebrates birthdays of our patrons. The free birthday cake is provided by the Sierra Madre 
Civic Club. 

GAME DAY: Every Thursday starting at 12:45pm. A regular group of seniors play poker. Other 

games available for use. 
TAX ASSISTANCE: Every Thursday February 5th through April 9th from 1:00pm-2:00pm. Don 
Brunner is available for income tax consultation. Appointments are required, call 626-355-7394. 

FREE STRENGTH TRAINING CLASS: Every Friday from 12:45pm to 1:30pm with Lisa 
Brandley. The class utilizes light weights for low impact resistance training. All materials for the 
class are provided. 
SENIOR CLUB: Every Saturday at the Hart Park House Senior Center. Brown bag lunch at 11:30am. 

Club meeting at noon. Bingo 12:30-3:30pm. Annual Membership is only $10.00. 



Date: June 30, 2015 
Time: 9:00am to 4:30pm 
Meeting Location: Hart Park House Senior Center Cost: $12.00 (Does not include lunch) 
Description: Learn about the history of the alpaca, why we raise them and how we care forthem. You’ll learn some of their quirky traits and other interesting facts. You may hand feedthe alpacas if you like; this is a great opportunity for photographs! This tour includes a mini-
seminar on how we work with the fiber, from washing and carding, to spinning and felting, andwill give you a brief history of spinning fibers into yarn. Spend some time in our boutique whereyou can find beautiful, handmade items by local fiber artists made from alpaca fiber, as wellas luxurious scarves, hats, sweater and gloves. Lunch will be on your own at Old Town Temecula.
Participants should bring money for lunch and souvenirs. Last day to register is Wednesday, June24th. Level of Walking: Medium 

Excursion Refund Policy

Notification of the cancellation must be made at least 3 business days before the excursion. A refundwill only be issued 1) for a medical excuse or 2) if the Department is able to fill the patrons spotfrom a waiting list. This refund will be issued in the form of a credit which will be applied to thepatron’s account with the City, less a $10 cancellation fee. The credit will remain on your account forone year from the date issued and the credit may be used for any program or service offered by theCommunity Services Dept. 

Call Patricia626-818-2698 TODAY!

Beginning June 1, 2015 Dial-A-Ride services in Sierra Madre will operate Monday through 
Friday from 8:00am – 10:30am and 2:00pm – 5:00pm. Dial-A-Ride services are available to 
Sierra Madre residents that are 62 years of age or older, or have a signed form by a physician 
attesting to a disability that hinders mobility. The cost of a one-way fare is $2.00. Dial-A-Ride 
users must submit an application prior to using the service for the first time.

Beginning June 1, 2015 the Gateway Coach fixed-route services operates Monday through 
Friday from 11:00am – 2:00pm. The Gateway Coach is free for anyone to use. The Gateway 
Coach stops at various points throughout the City including City parks, the library, City Hall, 
Senior Center, and schools. In addition the Gateway Coach stops in Hastings Ranch.
To download a copy of the new Sierra Madre Public Transportation Brochure, please visit 
the City’s website at For additional informationcontact the Community Services Department at 626-355-7135. 

245 West Sierra Madre Blvd 
Sierra Madre, CA 91024 
RCFE License 
How Music Therapy 
at The Kensington Makes 
Memory Loss 
More Manageable 
Thursday, June 18, 2015 from 5:30pm-7:00pm 
at The Kensington, 245 West Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre, CA 
Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments served 
RSVP to or 626-355-5700 