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THE WORLD AROUND USMountain Views-News Saturday, June 13, 2015 14 THE WORLD AROUND USMountain Views-News Saturday, June 13, 2015 14 
New images of dwarf planet Ceres, taken by 
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, show the cratered 
surface of this mysterious world in sharper 
detail than ever before. These are among the first 
snapshots from Dawn’s second mapping orbit, 
which is 2,700 miles above Ceres. 

The images, with a resolution of 1,400 feet per 
pixel, are available at:
ht t p://w w w.jpl .nas a .gov/news/news.

The region with the brightest spots is in a crater 
about 55 miles across. The spots consist of many 
individual bright points of differing sizes, with 
a central cluster. So far, scientists have found no 
obvious explanation for their observed locations 
or brightness levels.

“The bright spots in this configuration make 
Ceres unique from anything we’ve seen before 
in the solar system,” said Chris Russell, principal 
investigator for the Dawn mission based at UCLA. 
“The science team is working to understand 
their source. Reflection from ice is the leading 
candidate in my mind, but the team continues to 
consider alternate possibilities, such as salt. With 
closer views from the new orbit and multiple view 
angles, we soon will be better able to determine 
the nature of this enigmatic phenomenon,”

Numerous other features on Ceres intrigue 
scientists, as they contrast this world with others—
including protoplanet Vesta, which Dawn visited 
for 14 months in 2011 and 2012. Craters abound 
on both bodies, but Ceres appears to have had 
more activity on its surface, with evidence of 
flows, landslides and collapsed structures. 

Additionally, new images from Dawn’s visible 
and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIR) show 
a portion of Ceres’ cratered northern hemisphere, 
taken on May 16, including a true-color view and 
a temperature image. The temperature image is 
derived from data in the infrared light range. This 
instrument is also important in determining the 
nature of the bright spots.

Having arrived in its current orbit on June 3, 
Dawn will observe the dwarf planet from 2,700 
miles above its surface until June 28. In orbits of 
about three days each, the spacecraft will conduct 
intensive observations of Ceres. It will then move 
toward its next orbit of altitude 900 miles, arriving 
in early August.

The Dawn mission has achieved several 
important “firsts” in space exploration. It is the 
only spacecraft ever to orbit two destinations 
beyond Earth and the only to orbit an object in 

the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. 
The giant protoplanet Vesta was confirmed to 
be a fascinating world more closely related to 
the terrestrial planets (including Earth) than to 
typical asteroids. Dwarf planet Ceres, larger yet 
less dense, is believed to have a large amount of ice 
and may even have subsurface liquid water. Ceres 
was the first dwarf planet discovered and Dawn is 
now studying it in detail. 

Dawn’s mission is managed by JPL for NASA’s 
Science Mission Directorate in Washington. 
Dawn is a project of the directorate’s Discovery 
Program, managed by NASA’s Marshall Space 
Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. UCLA is 
responsible for overall Dawn mission science. 
Orbital ATK Inc., in Dulles, Virginia, designed 
and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace 
Center, Max Planck Institute for Solar System 

Research, Italian Space Agency and Italian 
National Astrophysical Institute are internationalpartners on the mission team.

More information about Dawn is available at 
the following sites:

You can contact Bob Eklund at:mb.eklund@ 



By Christopher Nyergesinto their society without being noticed. You’re not

(Nyerges is the author of inconspicuous at the mall if you’re wearing a black

“How to Survive Anywhere,”Ninja outfit. A modern “Ninja” would dress rather

and other books. He can be plain, and would blend into a crowd. You would never

reached at Box 41834, Eaglenotice anything special about him or her.

Rock, CA 90041, or www. This also reminds me of the popularity of military outfits, which are designed so you blend

Most of us, myself included,in to certain environments. They also make it moreare largely hypnotized by surfaces and readily-difficult for animals to see you when hunting. You don’tmanipulated. Money and sex are two big sources of“blend into” your urban environment wearing a camomanipulation, but I was thinking today of how easilyoutfit! As for the eyesight of animals – such as deer—ismost of us are manipulated by the way other peoplenot that great, and if you are still, and wearing mostlydress. khaki, you blend into the background quite well.

Years ago, when I showed up to lead a wildernessUniforms and costumes are to be earned, and worn 
hike sponsored by the local college, one elderly studentproperly. They impart no special ability to the wearer.
gave me the once over. He looked at my casual shoes,The abilities assumed when you see someone in amy everyday pants and button-down shirt, and a lookparticular costume must be earned by hard work, likeof worry spread over his face. “Are you sure you’reany ability.
qualified to lead the class?” he asked me. After all, heOver the years, I have seen and met many individualswent to REI and had purchased a full outfit of specialwho wore long robes, and had long hair, and believedhiking shoes, cargo pants with all the pockets, khakithemselves to be very Jesus-like, as if the hair andshirt with places for pens and fishing hooks, hikingclothing somehow made them special. I can assure youhat, and whatever other gadgets he could afford. Thatthat simply putting on a robe does not elevate one toman, my student, was the stereotypical image of thea Jesus status. I can recall vividly the language of oneposterboy of hiking outfits.Jesus wannabe I once encountered, and he was clearly

“Don’t worry,” I assured him. “We’ll have a greatno Jesus. Another robe-wearing Jesus wannabe drankclass,” and I did not bother to comment on the source way beyond the standards of “communion,” and afterof his concern, which was the clothes I was wearing. Heawhile he speech was incoherent. Also not a Jesus.
presumed to judge me by what I was wearing! And allIt has been said that clothes make the man, or the 
of us do that all the time. woman. Maybe. Sometimes. But we also hide behind

In part, this is because we have long accepted thatour outfits as if the clothes are our very soul. Sometimescertain professions naturally have certain costumes.our clothes are a reflection of who we are inside, and 
(When our hike was over, the elderly student camesometimes not. 
over to me to apologize!).We have often heard that you cannot judge a book

Doctors must wear white smocks and the its cover, but unfortunately, everyone does. It isMy doctor friend once told me that at night at the hospitalgood if our outerwear truly reflects who we are. Inwhere he worked, all the doctors dressed pretty casually.some cases, when we wear a uniform that represents”We only dress that way when there are visitors,” hesomething good and decent, it may actually cause uslaughed. “Do you really care how the doctor dresses, orto do better and be better because we know that peopledo you want a doctor who knows what he’s doing?” myare now expecting more from us. This would apply tofriend asked me. such uniforms as the police uniform, priest uniform, 

We like to see cooks with the big white hat and theetc. 
apron because that seems to be the stamp of approvalI do think that there are at least two aspects ofof professionalism, and we hope, which can actually affect us, for better or

Some costumes are absolutely necessary, such asworse. One is the quality of the fabric. Polyesters inthe uniforms of firemen, police, and military. The verygeneral do not breathe and so they are not as good tospecific costume helps both their own, and others, towear as natural fabrics, such as cotton, linen, or wool. 
know that they have the authority of the agency or stateAlso, I believe in the science of color, in the sense that 
they work for. Yes, there are undercover agents who mustthere are distinct wavelengths of light that have to donot be noticed, so their costumes are very different.with each color. Thus, the quality of the color of your

Martial artists also have their unique costume, theclothing can be attracting attention to you in waysgenerally white gi that allows free and easy movementthat could be desirable, or not. Red is more “hot” and 
while doing the exercises. However, more and more I“hostile” than sky blue, for example, which is moream seeing martial artists wearing simple gym clothescalming. There is a reason why monks always wearwhen practicing, often keeping the more formal gi forgolden robes.
public displays.For sure, I have only scratched the tip of the

I remember when the idea of Ninja was big, andiceberg, and I haven’t even touched upon the folly ofpeople were buying those all black outfits in order tomen’s ties, or women’s high heels, two of the greatestbe inconspicuous. Of course, anyone actually wearing“fashion” atrocities of our day. Still, always be alert, andsuch an outfit was clueless about what the Ninjadiscerning, and do not judge the human “book” by thewere all about, since one of their skills was to blend costumes it covers itself with. 


A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder 


I will admit throughout the years I have had my completely swamp the positive. Of course, if you 
negative moments and some negative rants. I could get the negative and the positive together in 
know nobody can be 100% positive. I am 100% politics, it would be a rather shocking experience.
positive they cannot be 100% positive.I think some people are negative because they 

That being said, I think to have a positive really do not know how to be positive. Nothing in 
outlook on life makes life happier, and who their life seems to be positive and so the outcome 
doesn’t want to have a happy life. The focus on is they are negative about everything.
the negative without any regard to the positive After some long meditating and thinking 
can be a very shocking life experience.about politics, I have discovered what is wrong 

Everybody knows you have to have both a with politics. Now I did not get a government 
negative and positive for electricity to work. Do grant to run this study in my head, I have just 
not ask me how that works; I have been shocked been thinking and have concluded on my own. 
a few times and still I am in the dark. The thing that is wrong with politics is simply 

I know there are two sides to every situation andpoliticians.
story. I know that. After all, I am a husband. EvenTo find a politician balanced in the negative 
though there are two sides to every story, sometimesand the positive is like looking for a needle in a 
one side does not come to the surface. haystack. The problem with looking for a needle 
In the husband and wife relationship, some call itin a haystack is that when you find the needle you 
marriage, there is both a positive and a negative.are stuck with it. 
Some days it seems to be all negative. Then thereIf only we could all agree on what is positive, 
are those wonderful days when it seems to be allthen agree on what is negative and then try to 
positive. I really like those days. Unfortunately,find a balance between the two, it might serve us 
there does not seem to be many of those sunny days.rather well. But that is asking too much, at least 

Every relationship has ups and downs; times with the row of politicians standing before us 
when you get along and then there are times these days.
that you do not get along. However, I have found But I am just tired of all the negativity we have. 
that if you accent the positive in a relationship And it is not only in politics.
and sort of put the negative in the back closet, Religion is also full of negativity. I am tired of 
things seem to go along much more smoothly. As all the negative comments that come out of the 
a husband, I have learned to choose my battles mouth of people who are religious.
carefully and then once I have chosen a certain I think religion, for the most part, has more 
battle, I need to forget it. I have learned, get on negatives than positives. In fact, I think they 
with life by getting along with your wife.know more about the negatives and have 

I try to keep up with the stories on the news. forgotten completely about anything positive. 
It seems that you cannot get away from the But that is the nature of religion.
news these days with all of this 24/7 kind of The problem with religion is the same problem 
exposure. Whoever came up with this ought to with politics. The people running religion are the 
be electrocuted. I am tired of news, news, news. ones causing all the problems. If we just get rid of 

And most of it negative.leaders in our country today who are all negative, 

I think it might be great, although it will not we might have a chance of looking on a positive 
last very long, to have a news program some time future. 
devoted just to “good news.” The way things are The only positive I see today is in Christianity. 
today, I do not know if there is any good news out Not the Christianity of religion; that’s a given 
there. All we hear is the bad. The worse the news, that it is more negative than positive. But the 
the more publicity it gets on the media.Christianity that focuses on the person of Jesus 

Then there is politics. I think there could be Christ. I choose to be a follower of Jesus. 
something positive to say about politics, but at Can I get an Amen?
this moment, nothing really comes to my mind. Jesus had a positive message. “Come unto me, 

I will give this a lot of thought (actually not too all yethat labour and are heavy laden, and I will 
much thought) and just see if there is anything give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
positive I can say about politics.I know can we cannot be 100% positive, but I 

For every positive you might find in politics, think we should focus a little more on the positive 
there are at least a dozen negative votes that and really enjoy the rest God has for us. 

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