Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, June 13, 2015

MVNews this week:  Page 12

Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 13, 2015 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES12 Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 13, 2015 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES12 
The benefits of 
meditation are 
immense and 
indisputable. It 
has many fruits 
many of which 
include emotional balance, improved physical 
health and a strong spiritual connection. 
There are studies out that connect meditation 
to positive changes in our brain function. 
It’s never too late to start a meditation practice or 
begin again or re-up your current practice. Things 
get in the way and life happens. What’s important 
is that we go back to the practice. New or not 
new, don’t make it complicated. As Yogarupa Rod 
Stryker says, 10 minutes a day is better than 1 
hour once a week. It’s the consistency that’s going 
to pay off and help us in our daily life each day.
Always make sure to find a comfortable seat 
for meditation. There’s nothing like having your 
leg fall asleep or having an uncomfortable hip 
bothering you while you’re trying to be still. The 
Call Patricia626-818-2698 TODAY!

I hear many complaints from my clients that they have brain fog or that 
they feel lethargic or slow witted. If this is you, a good night’s sleep can 
literally clean your brain according to recent research published in the 
journal, Science. Every night as we sleep our bodies do a mini tuneup. 
Just like vehicles need tune-ups, so do our bodies. They just need 
them daily because they are such a sophisticated and complex vehicle. 
As we sleep, one of the things our body does as part of this mini tuneup 
is to clean out metabolic waste products that have accumulated. 
“Picture a dirty fish tank” says the study’s author Maiken Nedergaard, 
MD, professor of neurosurgery at the University of Rochester Medical 
Center. “We need sleep to clean our brains, or else toxic waste 
accumulates.” Our body is not capable during the day of completing 
repair and maintenance because it is busy thinking, digesting, etc. 
Think of your body as only able to throw a party or clean the house, but 

it can’t do both at the same time. The study goes even further to say that long periods of poor sleep 
may lead to the gradual buildup of toxins that have been seen in Alzheimer’s patients. 

Most adult humans need somewhere between 7.5 and 8.5 hours of restorative sleep. Aging does not 
have to mean you do not get a good night’s sleep. If you are having issues falling asleep or staying 
asleep, or if you wake up and just do not feel rested, there are probably lifestyle issues or nutritional 
deficiencies involved. Remember there are many natural ways available to help you restore your 
sleep and maintain a clean brain. 

Dr. Tina is a traditional 
naturopath and nutri-
tionist at Vibrant Living 
Wellness Center 

There’s talk on the street; it sounds so familiar 
Great expectations, everybody’s watching you 
People you meet, they all seem to know you 
Even your old friends treat you like you’re something new 
Johnny come lately, the new kid in town 
Everybody loves you, so don’t let them down. 
I am asked frequently, as I am sure that all of us who are asked to pen our restaurant experiences are 
asked, “how did you find this restaurant?” In the case of Rounds Restaurant on North Lake, my friend 
Robin Salzer of his namesake restaurant turned me on to it, and Mr. Joe Caiello of Nikki C’s seconded the 
motion that I needed to check out Rounds, the new kid in town, featuring of course hamburgers. Sorry 
if you are getting burgered out, but this one here is something special. 
Upon entering the restaurant one late Tuesday night, I was a little nervous that there wasn’t much going 
on. If this place is so hot where is everyone? It’s a couple years old, that’s for sure, so I guess it’s up to 
me to get the word out. The restaurant interior is very plain (maybe they like it that way or are waiting 
for the chandeliers to arrive?) there is a large screen TV in the back room, a few signs on the wall, and 
the menu board, but that is it!! Fortunately, I don’t write for Good Housekeeping; I am here for a burger. 
Self-service is fine by me, and the menu is right above the register and the choices are build your-own or 
choose from the house suggestions including the Western and The Commando. The motto is “anyway 
you like it” so I opted to create my own -- lean burger, medium rare, green chile, lettuce, and tomato. I 
asked if the fries fresh cut, and the answer was “everyday”!!! Now I am excited -- fresh cut fries and hand 
made patties, throw in a Sam Adams Summer Ale Beer, and you are thinking this would fall into the $20 
range? Nope, it was all under $13. I even had enough 
to throw my change in the bucket. Now, here are the 
challenges: Rounds just opened up, so you know they 
are still ironing out the kinks. I never said cheese, and 
I wanted my bread not toasted (it was remember build 
your own). 

My name was called, “Peter your order is ready!” 
I could tell just by looking at the fries that they 
were fresh cut, and I was ready to grind on my 
burger. The bread was not toasted, and there 
was no cheese, perfect!!. The fries were getting 
cold so I munched on them first – they were 
as good as Islands or In and Out, this tough 
fry fan says!!! All and all, it is still one of the 
best values for a burger and fries combination 
I have ever had. Check out Rounds Burger it’s 
a winner!! 
Rounds Premium Burgers 46 Lake Ave. 
Pasadena (626) 304-9810

P.S. Joe Caiello’s Sena in Monrovia makes a 
pretty darn good burger too. It’s called “burger 
by Nik”.
Save The Day: Save Saturday, June 27 for an exciting day of horseracing, wine tasting and food sampling 
at Santa Anita’s 8th annual UnCorked. Tickets are available at and include parking, 
admission, souvenir wine glass, race program, food and wine tasting, a seat in the grandstand and ten 
exciting Thoroughbred races. Also, rumor has it that we might see an appearance by the 2015 Triple 
Crown Champion, American Pharoah. Anything is possible! 
Tune into AM 830 KLAA on Sundays at 6 PM for my award winning radio show 

seated postion should allow the spine to be tall with 
the natural curve in the lower back. If seated on 
the floor is uncomfortable, sit in a chair or against 
a wall. Set aside enough time to sit for meditation 
and make sure you have a space where you won’t 
fear interruption or distraction. Meditation is 
usually best in the morning just after waking up. 
If you can avoid looking at your phone or other 
electronic device, please do. It’s best to have all 
of your focus and awareness moving toward an 
internal point of view. Once there, begin to breath 
and relax the body. If you use a guided meditation 
to begin, that’s ok for a while. Eventually, you’ll 
want to move into just sitting while maintaining 
breath, internal awareness and visualization. 

Happy Meditating! Again, don’t make it 
complex, even if your head is busy, you are still 
meditating. Learning to focus is part of the process. 

Keely Totten