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MVNews this week:  Page 11

11ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 13, 2015 11ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 13, 2015 



By Sean Kayden 

The HBO series EntourageFerrara), who is doing extremely well for himself. Hiswas on for eight seasonslatest play is for Ronda Rousey, the UFC fighter. The 
and concluded in 2011. additions of Billy Bob Thornton, who hardly madeNow in 2015, we’re an impression in the film and Haley Joel Osment,
back with not a new play father and son billionaires in the oil industryseason, but a big screenwho are producing Vince’s latest endeavor.
adaptation of the popularThe “insider’s look” into Hollywood seems 
series amongst young and older men. Led by Vincentskewed here. All the scenes amongst the core 
Chase (Adrian Grenier), Entourage was twofold. friends were fine, but nearly all of them had to do 
First and foremost, it centered around four buddies with women and sex. I can’t recall any memorable 
coming to LA to support their on-the-rise movie starfriend. Then, with the connection to the intrepidHollywood agent, Ari Gold played by Jeremy Piven.
When the series ended (the last couple of seasonsunfortunately became as stale as an overnight openbag of potato chips), Ari Gold retired as an agent,
but was offered to be the head of a major film studio.
Furthermore, Vince spontaneously got married, Eric(manager/best friend) was moving away to take careone-liners to be had with some of it feeling a little 
of his wife and baby on the way, Drama (Vince’s halfforced. With nothing appearing all too imperative, 
brother) voiced the main character of an animatedit seems as if the film was just filled with scenes that 
TV series, and Turtle (driver/friend) created Avión, adidn’t carry the audience to any true destination. 
tequila company with the help of big time investors.Ari, was pretty solid, but played his usual, fury 
The movie takes place 8 months later and everythinginfused self. There were no real stakes to be had and 
seems to be going well, almost too well for everyone.even if Vince’s movie was bad or good, it appeared 

The film opens up with on Vince on a yacht withas if didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. 
half naked women living the good life as always.There were tons of cameos, some A-listers, many B 
His buddies are on the way to find out how Vince& C-listers in which none of them made a lasting 
celebrates life after annulment. With Ari Gold as the or worthy impression. As an avid fan of the series 
head of a movie studio, his first huge blockbusterfor many years, I welcomed the idea of witnessing 
project is for Chase. Vince is longing to do morethe boys from Brooklyn back on the screen. While 
than just act to further his career. This comes in thethe big screen version was probably not necessary 
form of directing. While it seems like Ari wouldand the ideas and plotlines were all sitcom-y, HBO 
be hesitant to let his movie star actor make his should have just made a ninth season with the list of 
directorial debut with a major blockbuster, he givescameos to boot. Entourage was much better when 
him the green light. Eric, played by an uninterestingthese best buds were young and hungry trying to 
Kevin Connelly, only has to deal with sleeping withmake a name for one another. Now they’re all just 
too many girls. Additionally his ex, Sloan, is aboutrich and oily living a life 99% of us can only fantasize 
give birth to their new baby. Now that Drama’s about. While not saying that in a negative way, 
(Kevin Dillon) animated TV series got cancelled, hebut this much fun and excitement shouldn’t have 
got the opportunity to fill in a small but pivotal rolebeen this dull, lackluster and lacking the arsenal 
in his brother’s film, HYDE. It is a re-imagination ofof wicked jokes found within the once beloved TV 
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Lastly, there’s Turtle (Jerry series. Grade: 2.5 out of 5 

On the Marquee: 
Notes from the Sierra MadrePlayhouse 

By Artistic Director, Christian No 

If you have been following these essays over theoffer of help will be turned away and I can promiselast few months, you’ve learned how much there isyou a wonderful group of people to get to know.
to do to keep the Playhouse running smoothly andWe are also launching our SMP Advisory Councilto get the shows we offer up on the stage. You’ve this month. Managing Director Estelle Campbellalso learned how few of us there are to try to makeand I have been reaching out to many peopleit all happen. We are starting to feel the strainin our community who have been serving asand burn-out is setting in. But, wait….what’s that mentors to us both in the areas of fundraising,
coming towards us? The calvary is a’comin, y’all!development, marketing, and strategic planning.
Tuesday night we had the official launch of ourWe are now formalizing these ad hoc relationshipsnew SMP Guild – a group of volunteers dedicatedand bringing these dynamic people together to seeto helping us with the myriad of tasks that needwhat a concerted effort can do toward helping usto be done to accomplish our ambitious goals forrealize our goals. One of my great hopes is thatthe Playhouse. Not everyone who has expressedwe’ll be announcing a yearly Gala and Fundraisinginterest could be there, but those who were shared event to be held in Sierra Madre to benefit the 
their enthusiasm and willingness to dive right in.Playhouse. We have so many needs on our capitalAlison Kalmus who has been a long-time fixtureimprovements list that only a major fundraisingat the Playhouse and who is part of our newevent will help us achieve any of them.
group of Associated Artists (actors, directors, andAnd…we continue to expand our Associateddesigners who have made a commitment to beingArtists group. These are all artists who have 
part of the team at SMP) has taken on formingworked with us over the years and who are willingand guiding the new SMP make a commitment to be part of our extended

We hope that the Guild will evolve into a groupfamily. From this group expect to see movementwhich manages to help with everything fromon our Play Reading Series, our Music Series, andushering and set building, to marketing and Acting Classes. I’ll let you know more about this 
organizing our opening night parties, to helpingas it develops.
hang our lobby displays. We plan to make beingI’m so excited to see what this great infusion ofin the Guild fun by offering our Guild memberstalent will lead to! Hallelujah for the Cavalry!
special invitations to our Meet & Greet firstThe Odd Couple has been playing to delightedrehearsals, special events with directors andhouses and will continue through June 27. We’ve 
casts, and the opportunity to meet with me andjust cast two delightful actresses in Always…Patsythe rest of our management staff on an on-goingCline and those tickets are on sale now. The show 
basis to give us their insights into the directionopens July 31. Remember we give 20% discountsof the Playhouse. If you are interested in beingfor groups of 10 or more who purchase their ticketsa member of the Guild and helping us make theahead of their attendance date. Please call MaryPlayhouse thrive and grow, please contact me at Baville at 626.355.4318 to arrange your purchase. 

Jeff’s Book Picks By Jeff Brown 

a willingness to lose everything aren’tMAISIE DOBBS by Jacqueline 

enough to track down Bannister’s ship. 
Maisie Dobbs got her start as a maid


They must travel the globe in search 
in an aristocratic London household 

of historic documents and accounts of 
when she was thirteen. Her employer,

the great pirate’s exploits, face downsuffragette Lady Rowan Compton,

dangerous rivals, battle the tides ofsoon became her patron, taking the

nations and governments and experts.
remarkably bright youngster under her

But it’s only when they learn to think andwing. Lady Rowan’s friend, Maurice

act like pirates—like Bannister—thatBlanche, often retained as an investigator

they become able to go where no pirateby the European elite, recognized

hunters have gone before.Fast-pacedMaisie’s intuitive gifts and helped her

and filled with suspense, fascinatingearn admission to the prestigious Girton

characters, history, and adventure, PirateCollege in Cambridge, where Maisie 

Hunters is an unputdownable story thatplanned to complete her education.The

goes deep to discover truths and soulsoutbreak of war changed everything.

long believed lost. 
Maisie trained as a nurse, then left for 
France to serve at the Front, where she THE RIVAL QUEENS: CATHERINE 
found—and lost—an important part of herself. Ten yearsDE’ MEDICI, HER DAUGHTER MARGUERITE DEafter the Armistice, in the spring of 1929, Maisie sets outVALOIS, AND THE BETRAYAL THAT IGNITED Aon her own as a private investigator, one who has learnedKINGDOM by Nancy Goldstonethat coincidences are meaningful, and truth elusive. Her The riveting true story of mother-and-daughter queensvery first case involves suspected infidelity but revealsCatherine de’ Medici and Marguerite de Valois, whosesomething very different.In the aftermath of the Greatwildly divergent personalities and turbulent relationshipWar, a former officer has founded a working farm knownchanged the shape of their tempestuous and dangerousas The Retreat, that acts as a convalescent refuge for ex-century.Set in magnificent Renaissance France, thissoldiers too shattered to resume normal life. When Fate is the story of two remarkable women, a mother andbrings Maisie a second case involving The Retreat, shedaughter driven into opposition by a terrible betrayalmust finally confront the ghost that has haunted her forthat threatened to destroy the realm.Catherine de’ 
over a decade. Medici was a ruthless pragmatist and powerbroker who

dominated the throne for thirty years. Her youngestPIRATE HUNTERS: TREASURE, OBSESSION, ANDdaughter Marguerite, the glamorous “Queen Margot,”
THE SEARCH FOR A LEGENDARY PIRATE SHIP by was a passionate free spirit, the only adversary whomRobert Kurson her mother could neither intimidate nor control.When 

 This is a thrilling new adventure of danger and deep-seaCatherine forces the Catholic Marguerite to marry herdiving.Finding and identifying a pirate ship is the hardestProtestant cousin Henry of Navarre against her will, andthing to do under the sea. But two men—John Chattertonthen uses her opulent Parisian wedding as a means ofand John Mattera—are willing to risk everything toluring his followers to their deaths, she creates not onlyfind the Golden Fleece, the ship of the infamous piratesavage conflict within France but also a potent rivalJoseph Bannister. At large during the Golden Age ofwithin her own family.Rich in detail and vivid prose,
Piracy in the seventeenth century, Bannister should haveGoldstone’s narrative unfolds as a thrilling historicalbeen immortalized in the lore of the sea—his exploitsepic. Treacherous court politics, poisonings, inter-
more notorious than Blackbeard’s, more daring thannational espionage, and adultery form the background toKidd’s. But his story, and his ship, have been lost toa story that includes such celebrated figures as Elizabethtime. If Chatterton and Mattera succeed, they will makeI, Mary, Queen of Scots, and Nostradamus. The Rivalhistory—it will be just the second time ever that a pirateQueens is a dangerous tale of love, betrayal, ambition,
ship has been discovered and positively identified. Soon,and the true nature of courage, the echoes of which still 
however, they realize that cutting-edge technology and resonate. 


Advance Medical Directive. Also known as a health 
care proxy, medical power of attorney, or living will,
this document allows the person of your choosing tomake healthcare decisions for you in case you becomeincapacitated and unable to make them for yourself.
Plus, it also lets that person know HOW you wantdecisions to be made if you cannot make them foryourself. Without an Advance Medical Directive in 
place, your family could have their hands tied when itcomes to ensuring you get the best care possible, in theway you would want.

Power of Attorney. In the event you cannot 
communicate, a power of attorney will allow yourdesignated agent to quickly gain access to your financialaccounts so they can pay your bills and manage yourfinancial affairs. Without this in place, your family willface an expensive, long and public court process whileyour credit gets ruined.

Living Trust. If you own any property that would gothrough the probate process (a home, bank accounts,“TO KNOW AND NOT TO brokerage accounts, business assets, real estate 
investments, and other substantial assets), you’ll wantACT IS NOT TO KNOW” to make sure to have a Trust set up as soon as possibleso your family isn’t stuck dealing with an expensive,


unnecessary, long, and totally public probate process inWhen people learn what I do for a living they often tellthe event of your death. A revocable living trust puts theme, “I know I need to get an estate plan in place for mypeople you know, love and trust in control without evenfamily.” When I hear that, I get excited. I talk to them having to go to Court.
about why planning is so important, just how easy itKids Protection Plan. If you have minor children,
really can be, and all the cool things they can do to trulyyou need a comprehensive set of documents to ensureprotect and provide for their family and pass on a lastingthey are taken care of by the people you want, in the want, no matter what. Not just for the long-term, but

I make myself available to guide them, answer theiralso in the immediate term if something happens to you.
questions, and help them in any way I can – even if theyWithout this in place, strangers could gain temporarydon’t do their planning with me. I’m just thrilled to be acustody of your children and a stranger (a judge) wouldsmall part of their journey toward greater consciousness.certainly determine who raises your children.
Some, then, begin the planning process. Many, however,If you know you want to make things as easy for your

never follow as possible then let’s do something about it. Call 

So even though they’ve said they “know,” I canmy office today to schedule a time for us to sit down andonly assume they don’t really get it. They must nottalk. Mention this article and there will be no chargeunderstand the consequences for their loved ones if theyfor meeting with me. So don’t just say you know. Take 
fail to plan. They must not grasp the immense peace ofaction. 
mind and satisfaction a good plan will bring into theirlives. They must not appreciate the fact it is not too lateTo your family’s health, wealth, and happiness, 
for them to plan now but that one day, it will be.

If you’ve already handled your planning, 
congratulations. You’re in the know. If you haven’t yetbegun your planning, are you ready to make the shiftbetween just saying you know and really, consciously,
actively knowing? If so, then here’s what you need A local attorney, father, and CASA volunteer (Court

to know: Appointed Special Advocate for Children), Marc Garlett is

Will. If you’re an adult and you don’t have a Will ifon a mission to help parents protect what they love most.
and when something happens to you, a judge decidesHis office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra 
who is in charge of your affairs and state law determinesMadre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit downwho receives everything you own. You lose all control. and talk about ensuring a legacy of love and financialWith a will, on the other hand, YOU appoint who’s insecurity for your family by calling 626.355.4000 or visitcharge of things and YOU choose who gets your stuff. for more information. 

There is a new feature on Facebook pages describedtargeted promotion to drive the traffic.
as the “Call to Action” button. It sits in the cover If you’d like to see an example of how the call toimage at the top of the page.action works to build an email list, go to facebook.

I like this feature because it helps drive trafficcom/downtownarcadia. Their call to action 
to your web site or helps you get more people togenerated 61 clicks in a period of 7 days! 
sign up for your email list. You get your choice ofbuttons but you can’t customize them at this pointAbout MJ: MJ and her brother David own 
or use more than one. You can choose from: Book HUTdogs, a creative services business that helpsNow, Contact Us, Use App, Play Game, Shop Now,their clients build a strong on-line presence. “Like”
Sign Up, Watch Video.them on Facebook for trending news in social

Eventually you will be able to promote the callmedia, internet marketing and other helpful tips,
to action with an ad campaign (this feature
rolled out to some pages but not everyone yet). IfSign up for their upcoming workshops at: www.
it’s available on your page, it’s worth at least a $10