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Sierra Madre 91024
Mountain Views News Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sierra Madre Woman’s Club
More People You Should Know - Dedicated
Employees of The City of Sierra Madre
If you are seeking friendship, interesting
activities, and the satisfaction of knowing that
you are making a difference in your community,
the Sierra Madre Woman’s Club is for you.
Dedicated to serving others while providing club
members with opportunities for personal growth
and the development of life-long friendships, the
club is nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and nonprofit,
and membership is open to women of all ages.
Luncheon and tea club meetings are held each
month from the fourth Wednesday in September
through the fourth Wednesday in May, and
always highlighted by an interesting program.
Additional club activities include the annual
Christmas Boutique, Celebrity Luncheon,
Games Tea, and Fashion Show that raise funds
for our philanthropies. We are well known for the
delicious baked goods we sell during local events.
Organized in 1907, the club immediately became
a vital part of the community. The original
clubhouse, built in 1909, was the focal point
of social events as the city developed, and we
continue to be involved and supportive of the
many activities in the area. We maintain the 1914
Craftsman, Essick House, our current clubhouse
at 550 West Sierra Madre Blvd., and welcome
the community to our Fourth of July Open
House, Community Breakfast, and Chamber of
Commerce Mixer.
Much of our effort is dedicated to raising funds
for our selected philanthropies. During the 2009-
2010 club year the club’s charitable donations
totaled $20,424. Over forty of our club members
volunteer in our Wistaria Thrift Shop located
at the rear of the Essick House. Operating since
1956, it has earned the reputation of “The best
little thrift shop in the San Gabriel Valley” for
its friendly atmosphere and clean merchandise.
Proceeds from the shop support the club’s
Sierra Madre Woman’s Club is a member of
the General Federation of Women's Clubs
(GFWC), one of the world's largest and oldest
women's volunteer service organizations, that
was founded in 1890 and chartered by the 56th
United States Congress in 1901. With more than
100,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state
and more than a dozen countries, GFWC and
its members raised nearly $32 million on behalf
of more than 230,000 projects, and volunteered
more than 8.4 million hours in the last year.
Joining the Sierra Madre Woman’s Club and
taking part in its variety of activities is a
wonderful way to make friends and contribute to
your community. To learn more about this active
club and its events, or to become a member, call
the Sierra Madre Woman’s Club, 626-355-4379 or
visit on the web.
Development Services Department (L to R) Dereck Purificacion, Asst Planner; Danny
Castro, Development Services Director; Leticia Cardoso, Senior Planner; Jen Peterson,
Admin Asst.; and Richard Temple, Building Official.
Kiwanis Club of Sierra Madre
What’s Kiwanis?? Kiwanis is a service club.
The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club is part of
Kiwanis International, a global organization of
volunteers dedicated to improving the world,
one child and one community at a time. And
we’ve been doing it in Sierra Madre since 1927!
Kiwanians are volunteers improving the world
through service to children and communities.
They develop youth as leaders, build
playgrounds, raise funds for pediatric research,
and much more. No problem is too big or
too small. Why? Because working together,
Kiwanis members achieve what one person
cannot accomplish alone. When you give a
child a chance to learn, experience, dream, and
succeed, great things happen!
The Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club is dedicated
to helping the youth and seniors of Sierra
Madre, supporting our local community, and
“giving back” to Sierra Madre!
Each year, we identify some needs in our
community. Then we create Service Projects
to meet those needs. Maybe the library needs
computers. Maybe the Senior Center needs
a PA system. Or the community swimming
pool needs repairs….or our school needs
science books…or a food bank needs food…or
??? Wherever there’s a need, the Sierra Madre
Kiwanis Club is willing work, donate, help, and
Join the Sierra Madre Kiwanis club and
support Sierra Madre!
It takes only a few hours each week, and you’ll
really like it! You’ll make new friends, have lots
of fun, flip some pancakes, sell hot dogs, and
enjoy the generosity and camaraderie of your
fellow Kiwanis Club members. If you’d like to
“test the waters”, you’re welcome to visit at any
meeting. We meet each Tuesday at noon, at the
Masonic Temple at 33 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. (If
you can’t come to a noon meeting, we have a
morning meeting at 7:30 am on the last Tuesday
of each month.) For more information, contact
Susan Henderson, President at 626-355-0728.
Kiwanis is service. We make Sierra Madre a
better place to live, raise kids, and enjoy life!
Kiwanis (v): To Serve, to Build, to Support,
to Help.
Facts About Kiwanis
Kiwanis was organized in Detroit, Michigan,
USA, on January 21, 1915.
· Kiwanis focuses on the needs of ordinary
people and children to create extraordinary life-
changing moments.
· Kiwanis and its Service Leadership Programs
boast a membership of more than 600,000 men,
women, and youth in nearly 16,000 clubs in
more than 70 countries and geographic areas.
· Members of Kiwanis and its Service Leadership
Programs volunteer more than 21 million hours
and invest more than $113 million in their
communities around the world.
· Kiwanis is taking itself from a good
organization to a truly great organization that
defines excellence for service and leadership and
builds leaders through service opportunities.
Kiwanis International is the only service
organization that builds leaders at every level—
from the youngest Kiwanis Kids all the way
through several youth programs and adult
(Kiwanis Family of Programs)
· Kiwanis’ impact on the world will be measured
by the 10 million young leaders it nurtures,
rather than by the number of members it
· Kiwanis continues its service emphasis of
“Young Children: Priority One,” which focuses
on the special needs of children from prenatal
development to age 5. In a typical year, “Young
Children: Priority One” service projects
involve more than US$14 million and 1 million
volunteer hours.
· In 1994, Kiwanis launched its first Worldwide
Service Project, a $75 million campaign in
partnership with UNICEF to eliminate iodine
deficiency disorders by the year 2000. IDD
projects have been funded in 95 nations. Kiwanis
International Foundation has raised nearly $100
million to eliminate IDD worldwide.
Kiwanis One Day occurs annually during the
first weekend of April. It is an opportunity to
unite Kiwanis-family members from around
the globe and their communities in a dedicated
day of action devoted to hands-on community
service projects.
Administrative Services employees at City Hall L to R is Karin Schnaider, Marti Farley,
Veenita Munoz, Ricky Hawblitzel, Dorothy Costello, and Selena Chen.
The Public Works Department
Public Works, Development Services, Administrative Services, Fire Dept, Community &
Personnel Services, and Library
If you were not profiled this week and would like to share
informatin about your group, please submit it, along with photos
Deadline for the next edition: Wednesday, September 15, 2010.