MountainViews-News Saturday, September 11, 2010
With Bobby Eldridge
Sierra Madre Girls Softball Association Take 7th Place
At Western Nationals In Las Cruces, New Mexico
Learn how to develop touch
with your chip shots...
I am going to give you the best chipping lesson of your
golfing life. If you promise me you will NEVER-EVER
use your LOB, sand or pitching wedges EVER again, I will
promise you that your handicap will fall off of the charts.
Before you read on you have to promise me!!!
First, if you CHIP with any of those three wedges-and your
GOOD, I mean GOOD, you have to be able to beat me. (read
the small print) Don't change, you heard me, don't change.
HOWEVER; if you can't beat me, (I am a very good chipper),
then listen up. The definition of chipping is 1/3 air and 2/3
roll, the definition of pitching is 2/3 air and 1/3 roll. If you
don't have to carry the ball very far, using a club with a ton
of loft makes the shot a thousand times harder. So why do it?
Don't forget, if you were on the green, you would putt the
ball. If you are 2, 4, 8, or 15 feet from the green, you want to
hit a shot with MINIMUM air and MAXIMUM roll. You
can do that with a 5-7-9 iron. The only way you are going
to develop touch and have any consistency with your chip
shots is if you start using flat faced clubs and not lofted ones.
More loft means longer backswings. Longer backswings
mean greater risk. If you go with a 5 iron for the longer chip
shots, 7 iron for the medium length chip shots and a 9 iron
for the shorter chip shots, the backswing does not have to go
back very far. That equals less risk.
Golfingly yours, Bobby Eldridge igolffixes.com
Bobby's weekly pearl: Chipping with a lofted club is asking
for trouble, use your 5-7-9 irons to hit those little green side
chip shots.
Front row left to right, Kaylee Johnson, Katherine Knop, Becca Hanel, Kiki Shuster, Marissa Fuentes, Miranda Bielski,
Lindsay Powell; Back row left to right, Coach Rich Fuentes, Katie Sparks, Maxine Fuentes, Kelly Crowley, Lexi Zate, Austen
Hustler, Midge Zuk, Coach - Steve Powell
Sierra Madre
Girls Softball
Association was
established more
than 30 years ago
and has become
one of the best
girls fast pitch
softball leagues
in the San Gabriel Valley. SMGSA’s
main focus is maintaining the spirit of
a recreational league while helping our
girls build strong fundamental softball
skills while having fun and learning
teamwork and sportsmanship. SMGSA
also prides itself on developing life skills
that will stay with our young ladies long
after they are done playing softball.
Many of our girls become mentors to
the younger girls by getting involved in
coaching and umpiring.
SMGSA hosts a spring recreation
league where girls compete for age
group titles and finishes with a league
wide tournament that culminates with
championship games on closing day.
At the conclusion of the spring season
SMGSA fields all star teams in all age
group divisions that compete in local
tournaments. SMGSA also hosts a
fall season that is instructional and no
standings are kept. Play is open to local
girls aged 5 – 16.
SMGSA is a member of the Amateur
Softball Association (ASA) and follows
their rules of play. SMGSA teams have
competed at the regional and state
levels and in 2010 the 12U all star team
competed at the Western National
Tournament, finishing in 7th place.
SMGSA is a 501(c)3 non-profit
organization run by an all-volunteer
staff and is supported by many local
businesses through sponsorship
opportunities. More information on
SMGSA can be obtained by emailing
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High impact sports
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KSHP Las Vegas - 1400 AM
September 12 - 18, 2010
Monday September 13
Girls V Golf @ St.Monica 3PM @ Rancho Park
Girls V Volleyball @ Gahr (T) TBA
Girls V Tennis Vs Maranatha @ La Canada CC 3:30
Tuesday September 14
Girls V Golf Vs Burbank @ Eaton Canyon 3PM
Girls V Tennis Vs Monrovia @ LOP 3:15
Girls JV Tennis @ Monrovia H.S. 3:15
Boys V/JV Water Polo @ Burbank 3:30/4:30
Wednesday September 15
Girls V Golf Vs Serra @ Eaton Canyon 3PM
Girls V Volleyball @ Gahr (T)TBA
Thursday September 16
Girls V Tennis @ Alhambra H.S. 3:30
Girls JV Tennis Vs Alhambra @ LOP 3:30
Boys V Water Polo @ San Marino (T) 3:55
Friday September 17
Cross Country to Mt Carmel Invitational in San Diego
Varsity Football Vs San Marino @ HOME 7PM
JV Football Vs San Marino @ HOME 3:30
Girls Frosh JV/ V Volleyball @ Flint. Sacred Heart 3:30/4:30/ 6:00
Boys V Water Polo @ San Marino (T) TBA
Boys JV Water Polo @ El Rancho (T) TBA
Saturday September 18
Cross Country to Mt Carmel Invitational in San Diego 8:30
Boys V Water Polo @ San Marino (T) TBA
Boys JV Water Polo @ El Rancho (T) TBA
September 16
Junior Varsity Boys Football at Monrovia High School
September 17
Varsity Boys Water Polo vs Polytechnic High School
Freshman Boys Football at Monrovia High School
Varsity Boys Water Polo vs Polytechnic High School
Varsity Boys Football at Monrovia High School
September 18
Varsity Girls Volleyball - Arcadia Invitational (Tournament)
Boys Water Polo
September 14
V Boy’s Water Polo at Polytechnic
JV Boys Water Polo at Polytechnic
September 15
V Boy’s Water Polo vs San Dimas
JV Boys Water Polo vs San Dimas
Football (Coed)
September 17
JV Football vs Cathedral
V Football vs Cathedral
Girls Tennis
September 13
V Girls Tennis vs Azusa
JV Girls Tennis at Azusa 14
V Girls Tennis vs Burroughs
JV Girls Tennis at Burroughs 15
V Girls Tennis vs Duarte
JV Girls Tennis at Duarte 16
V Girls Tennis vs Monrovia
JV Girls Tennis at Monrovia 17
JV Girls Tennis vs Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy
V Girls Tennis vs Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy
Girls Volleyball
September 14
V Girls Volleyball vs Duarte
JV Girls Volleyball vs Duarte 15 16
V Girls Volleyball vs Marshall Fundamental
JV Girls Volleyball vs Marshall Fundamental 17 18
JV Girls Volleyball - Gladstone Tournament
V Girls Volleyball - Burbank Tournament
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