MountainViews-News Saturday,September 11, 2010
Bomb Scare Shuts
Down North Lake
Trustees Select
Board Finalists
Warren Weber
Democrat Headquarters Opens
By Dean Lee
Bill Hacket, head of the
local United Democratic
Headquarters, rallied hundreds
of voters Monday urging them,
during the grand opening of
their local Pasadena office,
to volunteer manning the
phones and walking local
neighborhoods leading up to the
November 2 general elections.
“Just think if each of us here
today took a couple of shifts
and staffed the office,” Hacket
said. “Just think, if you come
in a couple of times how many
voters we can reach.”
He then said that Meg
Whitman was spending $21,000
to $28,000 an hour slightly
shocking the crowd. Hacket said
in the end, people power would
win out.
Local Democratic candidates
attending the event included,
Russ Warner running for
Congress, Assembly member
Anthony Portantino and John
Noguez running for L.A.
County Assessor. Although not
up for election, Pasadena Mayor
Bill Bogaard also made a quick
Bogaard said he was surprised
at the large turnout.
“When I drove over today I
thought the crowd would be
light because everyone would be
to busy doing personal things…”
he said. “This is a tough electoral
season for Demarcates; it’s nice
to know that there is a huge
number of Demarcates in this
Last month, just blocks away
on North Lake Avenue, the
Pasadena Republican Club set
up their headquarters with a
grand opening that included
special guests, Steve Cooley
candidate for Attorney General
of California and L.A. County
Supervisor Mike Antonovich.
The Republican club invited
fellow members to watch
the Sept. 28 Governor’s
debate between Whitman
and Jerry Brown at their new
Story and photo by Aaron
A suspicious device was
reported Friday in front
of Roscoe’s Chicken and
Waffles, shutting down
businesses, for hours, on
North Lake, between Orange
Grove Boulevard and
Mountain Avenue.
“The suspicious package
was called into the police
station around 2:30pm”
said Pasadena Police Sgt.
Ed Calatayud. Reports said
Roscoe’s employees first
noticed the device about
1:30 p.m. on surveillance
It was also reported that
two teenagers may have
left the device resembling
two motorcycle batteries
attached by wires. It was
later investigated by the Los
Angeles County Sheriff’s
Department Bomb Squad.
Calatayud explained police
responded by evacuating
nearby businesses, closing
off both side of Lake Avenue
and taped-off adjacent
streets. The area was later
reopened about 3:45.
“The Bomb squad robot
investigated the device, and
then a bomb squad member
took an up-closes look.”
Calatayud said. Sheriff’s
Deputies then determined
that the device was not an
Roscoe’s Chicken and
Waffles employees reopened
the eatery when police
official announced it was safe
to return to work.
Pasadena police also said the
bomb squad examined the
device by hand. It was unclear
later if the device had been
taken to another location for
further investigation. Police
cleaning up the area said they
had no idea the whereabouts
of the device late Friday.
Additional reporting by
Dean Lee
The Pasadena Area
Community College
District Board of Trustees
has selected five finalists
to fill the Area 5 vacancy
created by the departure
of Dr. Hilary Bradbury-
Huang including Warren
Weber who lost the seat to
Bradbury-Huang in 2006.
Weber sat on the board for
over 20 years.
Along with Weber,
Benjamin Figueroa,
Melinda Hsia, Adam
Murray and Linda Wah,
were recommended by
the ad hoc Board Member
Vacancy Committee and
were unanimously approved
as the finalists by the Board
of Trustees during its Sept.
1 meeting.
A special board meeting
has been scheduled for
Sept. 14 for interviews with
the final candidates. The
board may make a selection
after the interviews, or at
the regular board meeting
on Sept. 15.
Candidates were required
to reside within the PACCD
Area 5, which includes the
cities of South Pasadena,
San Marino, and a large
portion of Temple City.
At its regular meeting
in July, the board voted
unanimously to fill the
Area 5 vacancy through
appointment rather than by
a costly special election.
According to the
Education Code of the
State of California, the
two options for filling a
vacancy on the board are
to hold a special election,
for which the District bears
the expense; or to establish
a nomination/selection
process in accordance with
the Education Code. There
will be a regular election
for the Area 5 trustee in
November 2011.
For more information,
please visit www.pasadena.
edu/area5 or call (626) 585-
Thousands of Pets and People
to Wiggle Waggle Walk Again
Citizen Journalism Meet-up
The Pasadena Community
Network and this newspaper
are holding a workshop on
Citizen Journalism.
This group is the place where
aspiring journalists can learn
from trained professionals
and support their local
community by covering
what’s really happening in
their neighborhoods.
We will put the news in your
hands. Learn how to find
the story, the tools needed
to capture the story and the
means to tell the story using
the power of video, audio
and print along with online
social media The next
meeting will be September
14, from 6pm to 9pm at
the Pasadena Community
Network - Studio G, 2057 N.
Los Robles Ave.
For more info call
626.794.8585 or visit
The Pasadena Humane
Society estimates thousands
of people and their dogs will
walk around the Rose Bowl
Sep 26, all part of this year’s
Wiggle Waggle Walk. The
walk starts at 9 a.m. sharp
with opening ceremonies at
8:45 a.m.
The walk will be followed
by the Muttley Crew’s dog
agility show, demonstrations
by the Pasadena and
Glendale K-9 Units, a variety
of pet product booths, paw-
tapping music, and contests,
including cutest mutt, best
trick and a pet/owner look-
alike. Jeff Michael of Fox-11
News will serve as master of
ceremonies throughout the
Event organizers said there
are two routes; the long route
is approximately 3.2 miles
(5K) which follows a counter-
clockwise loop around the
Rose Bowl and Brookside
Golf Course. The short route
measures slightly less than
one mile and follows the
large grassy field in front of
the Rose Bowl stadium.
Although the event is free,
organizers are also asking for
help to support the animals
by donating or raising
funds from family, friends,
neighbors and co-workers.
The money raised by Wiggle
Waggle Walk participants
helps to save the lives of
animals. The more money
raised, the more it helps the
animals they said
They explained the two ways
to do that are through a team,
or an individual walker. A
Team is a group of Walkers
who are working together to
raise money. The fundraising
done by each Walker goes
towards a collective Team
goal as well as the individual’s
Walker goal. A Walker is an
individual who has registered
for the Wiggle Waggle Walk,
has set up a fundraising page
and set a fundraising goal for
As of Thursday the 12th
annual Wiggle Waggle Walk
has raised $141,251 with a
goal of $300,000 organizers
said. Team, “The Punk
Rock Rovers,” has been the
top team four years in a row
and they are doing it again
raising $23,346 with a goal
of $36,000. Team member
Karen Kiefaber alone has
raised $8,465 making her
the highest walker. A close
second is JoAnn Turovsky
raising $8,450.00 as part of
teem “Bernstein Brigade.”
Registration and check-in
begins at 8:00 a.m.
For more information or to
register: pasadenahumane.
org or call 626-792-7151.
Learn not just how
to blog but how to
report the news
‘Building Pasadena’
Mural to be Unveiled
Mayor Bill Bogard,
Supervisor Mike Antonovich
and others will be on hand
Sept. 23 for the unveiling of
a 90 sq ft mural “Building
Pasadena” by Art Center
College of Design Alumn
Jerry Ortega. The event
celebrates the 75th
Anniversary of the Pasadena
Federal Credit Union. The
unveiling will be at 5:30 p.m.
in the branch lobby 1038 S
Fair Oaks Ave. There will
be hors d’oeuvres and a few
door prizes.
Pet of the
St. Anthony Celebrates Annual 52nd Greek Fest
St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Church in
Pasadena is celebrating its annual Greek Fest the
weekend of September 17 – 19, 2010. Every year,
thousands of people attend the much anticipated
Greek festival, which includes live music, dancing,
delicious food, an expanded children’s zone, arts
and crafts booths and a raffle with more than
$10,000 worth of prizes.
The event, which serves as the church’s annual
fundraiser, will be held at a new location this year,
at beautiful Santa Anita Park, located at 285 W.
Huntington Dr. Arcadia, main entrance at Holly
and Huntington. Admission is only $3.00 plus
parking for adults; children 12 and under are free.
The festival makes for a wonderful and affordable
weekend full of great authentic Greek food and
fun activities for the whole family. It’s a chance
to bring the entire multi-cultural community of
Pasadena together to celebrate the Greek culture.
For further information, call (626) 449-6943 or
visit: www.pasadenagreekfest.org or www.saint-
Villa Parke Youth Soccer
Finalist for Governor’s Award
A popular youth soccer
program in Pasadena
has been chosen by the
California Governor’s
Council on Physical Fitness
and Sports to be a finalist
for the Governor’s Spotlight
The council honors
individuals, organizations
and events that positively
impact the physical
activity and fitness levels
of California’s children and
Villa-Parke Youth Soccer
League has more than 1,800
youths participating in its
program. It is a finalist in
the Park and Recreation
Program of the Year
category for local, regional
or state park and recreation
programs that are innovative
in engaging California
children and youths in fun
and habit-forming physical
“We are proud to be
recognized,” said Rozanne
Adanto, Villa-Parke
Community Center director.
“We provide a place where a
significant number of youths
can practice teamwork and
sportsmanship while staying
physically fit. Our soccer
league is highly valued in the
Final awards will be
presented by Anthem Blue
Cross Foundation in late
September, with a Gold,
Silver and Bronze medalist
named in each category.
Gold Medalists will receive
$10,000 to further promote
physical activity in their
communities, Silver
Medalists $2,500 and Bronze
Medalists $1,000.
Villa-Parke Community
Center, at 363 E. Villa
Street, is a popular
bilingual community
center providing a myriad
of services and activities
for families, including
recreation, programs for
youths and senior citizens,
music lessons, computer
labs, a library, and classes
in nutrition and English
as a Second Language. The
center is part of the city of
Pasadena’s Human Services
and Recreation Department.
For more information call
(626) 744-6530.
Just look at those ears!
Buffy, an adorable, year
and a half old, beagle mix is
very sweet and loving. She
can be a bit shy at first but
she warms up very quickly
and loves to cuddle. Buffy
gets along with other dogs
too! Come visit her today!
The regular dog adoption
fee is $120, which includes
medical care prior to
adoption, spaying or
neutering, vaccinations,
and a follow-up visit with a
participating vet.
Please call 626-792-
7151 and ask for A276289
or come to the Pasadena
Humane Society & SPCA,
361 S. Raymond Ave ,
Pasadena CA , 91105 .
Our adoption hours are
11-4 Sunday, 9-5 Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, and
Friday, and 9-4 Saturday.
Directions and photos of
all pets updated hourly
may be found at www.
College Opens Veterans’ Resource Center
Pasadena City College has
opened a Veterans’ Resource
Center (VRC) this fall semester
to address the needs of PCC’s
student veterans. PCC was
also recently voted a “Veteran-
Friendly School” by G.I. Jobs,
a website that provides career
and educational resources for
veterans. Only 20 percent of
all colleges and universities in
the United States received this
“This is going to be such a
wonderful resource for our
veterans,” PCC Veterans
Counselor/Coordinator Patricia
D’Orange Martin said. “With
so many veterans on campus, it
is great to be able to give them
services at a place where they
feel safe and comfortable.”
This past spring semester, there
were more than 650 student
veterans enrolled at PCC. The
VRC will make it possible for
PCC to better serve the growing
population of student veterans
and in turn, increase their
success in college. It will also
offer a variety of comprehensive
services, including academic
counseling, benefits
counseling from the Veterans
Administration of Los Angeles
County, legal assistance, and
health and well-being programs.
In July, PCC was selected by
the California Community
Colleges Chancellor’s Office as
one of 12 sites in the California
Community College system to
receive a grant aimed at serving
student veterans. The funding
helped establish the VRC on
campus and provided computers
and software for veterans with
traumatic brain injuries.
The VRC is located in Building
W, Room 108 and is open
Monday through Thursday,
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For more information about
the PCC VRC, please call (626)
College Voted “Veteran-
Friendly School”
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com