Mountain Views News Saturday, September 11, 2010
In An Emergency
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1630 AM
Sierra Madre
Community RadioIf there’s an earthquake, fire, or other
emergency, 1630-AM will broadcast important
safety information. Listen on any AM radio.
Put a sticker on your radio!
Stickers courtesy of the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club
Sierra Madre Police Blotter
During the week of Sunday, August 29th, to Saturday September 4th, the Sierra Madre Police Department
responded to approximately 310 calls for service.
Monday, August 30th:
11:03 AM – Grand Theft, 100 block East Sierra Madre Blvd. A gold bracelet and a gold ring with
diamonds were reported stolen. The property was stolen from the upstairs master bathroom. The
jewelry was discovered missing between Sunday 8/22 and Wednesday 8/25. The loss was estimated
at $1700.00.
Saturday, September 4th:
10:53 PM – Theft from vehicle, 00 Block of East Bonita Ave. A suspect(s) opened an unlocked car
door and stole a T-Mobile Cellular telephone, a garage door opener, portable CB radio, and vehicle’s
registration. The crime occurred Saturday 9/4, between 8:30 pm and 9:10 pm. The loss was estimated
at $128.00.
Arcadia Police Blotter
For the period of Sunday, August 29, through Saturday, September 4, the Police Department responded
to 887 calls for service of which 114 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report
of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period.
Sunday, August 29:
1. Between 8:00 p.m. on August 28 and 6:30 a.m. on August 29, a residential burglary occurred
at Vista Cove Assisted Living, 601 Sunset. Unknown suspect entered the 90-year-old victim’s
bedroom and stole her cash, wallet, and a bank check for a total loss of $270.
2. A grand theft occurred at the Solstice store located in Westfield Mall around 2:51 p.m. A
29-year-old female Hispanic stole 2 pairs of Dior sunglasses for a loss of $590. The suspect also
dropped her wallet while fleeing through the mall.
Monday, August 30:
3. A residential burglary occurred in the 00 block of Genoa between 7:45 a.m. and 3:50 p.m.
Unknown suspect(s) forced open the front door by using a pry tool. Once inside, the suspect(s)
ransacked rooms and stole a designer watch, jewelry, cash, and a laptop computer. The total reported
loss was approximately $30,350.
4. Units were dispatched to the 800 block of South First around 6:30 p.m. in reference to a
domestic violence investigation. During an argument, a 27-year-old female Hispanic scratched
her husband on the face and neck, leaving visible injuries. The woman was taken into custody for
inflicting corporal injury to spouse.
Tuesday, August 31:
5. Shortly after 1:00 a.m., a grand theft from person incident occurred in the 900 block of
Portola. The victim was walking to her front door when a male suspect, wearing a hooded sweatshirt,
yanked her purse from her shoulder and ran. The suspect was seen entering an older model dark
colored four-door sedan. Officers conducted an area search, but the suspect was not located.
6. Around 3:39 p.m., a victim came to the station to file a theft by access card report. Unknown
suspect(s) acquired the victim’s bank card information by unknown means and made over $685 in
unauthorized purchases in Santa Maria.
Wednesday, September 1:
7. Around 11:53 a.m., a Lojack representative advised that a stolen vehicle was parked in
the 400 block of Oxford. While officers were en route to the scene, a male suspect fled the location in
the stolen vehicle. A Pasadena air unit was called, and the suspect was followed to the 2300 block of
Bateman in Irwindale, where the suspect exited the vehicle and ran into a business. Monrovia Police,
Irwindale Police, and the CHP assisted in locking down the area, and a 40-year-old Caucasian was
subsequently captured and charged with vehicle theft, possession of marijuana, outstanding felony
warrant, and unlicensed driver.
8. Units responded to JC Penney around 9:42 p.m. in reference to a man detained for theft.
The suspect was recognized by loss prevention personnel from a previous theft and was kept under
observation. The suspect was later seen concealing five pairs of children’s uniform pants in a shopping
bag. A private person’s arrest was made, and the 35-year-old Hispanic was taken into custody for
commercial burglary.
Thursday, September 2:
9. An attempted bank robbery occurred at Citibank, 100 South First, around 10:56 a.m. A male
suspect presented a note to a teller indicating that he wanted money and had a gun. Fearing for her
safety, the teller left her window and tried to contact her supervisor. The suspect then grabbed the
note and fled the scene without taking any money. Assisting officers later apprehended a 24-year-old
Asian suspect, and he was the same suspect who robbed Bank of America on August 17.
10. Shortly after 1:30 p.m., officers located a stolen vehicle at Santa Clara and Santa Anita and
attempted to conduct a traffic stop. The suspect driver failed to yield and a pursuit ensued. The
suspect finally stopped the vehicle in the 100 block of Fig in Monrovia and fled on foot. A witness
called police and advised that a man had just entered his home in the 100 block of Central. A
perimeter was established, and SWAT teams from Arcadia and Pasadena later took the 26-year-old
Hispanic suspect into custody. A loaded handgun and hypodermic needle were found inside the
stolen vehicle. The suspect was charged with vehicle theft, evading, felony in possession of firearm,
residential burglary, possession of hypodermic needle, outstanding misdemeanor warrant, and
felony parole violation.
Friday, September 3:
11. Around 8:53 a.m., officers went to the 1000 block of South El Molino in Pasadena to serve a
grand theft felony arrest warrant. A 56-year-old male Caucasian was located and taken into custody.
12. Units were dispatched to the 00 block of North First to assist investigators from the California
Medical Board. An unlicensed female doctor was arrested for performing laser skin treatments.
Saturday, September 4:
13. Around 12:36 a.m., a male victim came to the station to file a battery report. During an
argument, his girlfriend slapped and scratched his face and neck. When he tried to restrain her
hands, she pulled his belt from his waistband and struck him several times with his own belt. Officers
responded to the 1100 block of Fairview and arrested a 36-year-old female Asian for inflicting
corporal injury to cohabitant.
14. Officers were sent to the Advantis, 1041 South Baldwin, around 3:20 p.m. regarding a robbery
that just occurred. Investigation revealed that 8 African-American suspects, between 16 to 20 years
of age, entered the store and they each took several shirts and left without making payment. As they
ran towards the exit, the owner was pushed to the ground, causing injury to the back of her head.
What the General Plan is:
• A document that defines what our city will look like and how it will be
economically managed and developed over a long period of time.
• Sierra Madre’s “constitution” for land use and community development
• Representative of basic community values, ideals and aspirations of
the City
• Guides the policy-making of city government for the next 20 years
Consists of the following required elements (by State law):
• Land use
• Housing
• Circulation
• Open Space
• Conservation
• Noise
• Safety
(And any other topics can be included which are important to the community)
What the Outreach Team is:
• Volunteers who care about the City’s future
• Formulating and instituting a plan to involve the entire City in updating
the General Plan
Why it Matters to You:
• If you like Sierra Madre as is, speak out.
• If any aspect of life in Sierra Madre isn’t meeting your or your family’s,
business’, or civic organization’s needs, speak out.
• Help us plan. This is your city and your future!
Help design your City!
• Call De Alcorn at 355-4793 to sign up to volunteer
• Call City Hall 355-7135 for more information, and/or volunteer
• Email any questions at GeneralPlan@CityofSierraMadre.com
Monrovia Police Blotter
During the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 536 service events, resulting in 96
investigations. Following are the last week's highlighted issues and events:
Vehicle Burglary - On August 26 at 6:06 p.m., a victim reported their vehicle was broken into at a
parking structure in the 500 block of South Myrtle. The loss was unknown. Investigation continuing.
Weapons Offense - Suspect Arrested - On August 27 9:32 p.m., an officer responded to a call of a male
subject chasing a female in the area of Cherry and Magnolia. The officer located and detained both
subjects. The officer questioned both subjects and obtained verbal consent to conduct a pat-down
search. On the male subject, he found a loaded large-capacity gun magazine and a modified knife
blade. The officer obtained a written consent to search the suspect's home in an attempt to locate
the gun belonging to the loaded magazine, but the gun was not located. The suspect was arrested for
weapons offence. The female subject had not been harmed.
Hit and Run Traffic Collision - On August 28 at 1:30 a.m., an employee of a business in the 100 block
of E. Lime parked her vehicle in a public parking lot and went to work. When she returned to her
vehicle, she discovered someone crashed into it, causing moderate damage to her rear bumper and
driver's side rear corner panel. The suspect vehicle fled without making any attempt to notify the
owner. Investigation continuing.
Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance / Possession of a Controlled Substance - Suspects
Arrested - On August 29 at 10:24 p.m., an officer on patrol in the area of Palm and Primrose saw two
suspicious male subjects walking. The officer made contact with the subjects and observed symptoms
of the subjects being under the influence of drugs. A subsequent investigation resulted in finding
both suspects were in possession of methamphetamine. Both suspects were arrested.
Commercial Burglary / Conspiracy - Suspects Arrested - On August 30 at 11:16 a.m., officers responded
to a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain. Store security reported three female suspects
attempting to steal merchandise. The females were detained exiting the store. One of the females
admitted to going to the store to steal merchandise. Surveillance video shows the others suspects
selecting items and passing them among themselves. Two of the three females detained had stolen
property in their possession. They were charged with burglary and conspiracy.
Driving Under the Influence - Suspect Arrested - On September 1 at 9:57 a.m., an employee of a
park in the 1200 block of Canyon Blvd reported a male and female in a vehicle drinking beer and
throwing the cans out of the window. The vehicle was leaving the park area. An officer located and
stopped the vehicle westbound on Hillcrest. The officer determined the male driver was driving
under the influence and arrested him.
Felony Vandalism / Parole Violation / Driving Under the Influence - Suspects Arrested - On August
28 at 9:04 a.m., officers responded to the report of a male suspect tagging the wall of a business in
the 100 block of East Pomona. The witness saw the male suspect enter a light green Jeep Cherokee
being driven by a female subject. The tagging was gang-related. Officers responded and conducted a
thorough area check, but did not locate the suspects or the suspect vehicle. Several vandalisms have
occurred recently throughout the city, where gang related tagging with the same type of graffiti has
been spray painted. Officers investigating the incidents had gathered enough witness information
to learn the license plate number and description of the suspect vehicle, which matched the
description in this incident. Later that day at 7:21 p.m., an officer on patrol in the area of California
and Central spotted the suspect vehicle used in the felony vandalisms. The officer conducted a
traffic stop and contacted the female driver and male passenger. The male passenger had green
spray paint on his hands which was consistent with the spray paint used in the vandalisms. The
female driver was determined to be driving under the influence. The female suspect admitted to
several of the vandalisms, but the male suspect chose not to provide any statements. Both suspects
were arrested and charged for felony vandalism.
The Communications Team will hold its third meeting at 7:00pm
Monday, September 13th, in The Church of the Ascension's Community
Hall at Baldwin and Laurel. The Church will provide coffee; cookies
and snacks brought by the Team will not be turned down!
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com