Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, September 11, 2010



 Mountain Views News Saturday, September 11, 2010 

One Of A Kind: Featuring unique homes & gardens and the people who create them Story and Photos By Chris Bertrand

The Home and 
Kitchen Tour by 
Pasadena Chapter of 
American Society of 
Interior Designers 
(ASID) always creates 
a stir in the design 
and contracting 
community. The 2010 
ASID event definitely 
lives up to this year’s anticipation. Tickets are 
available now for self guided tours on Sunday, 
October 3, which will feature four homes prepared 
by top area designers from 9:30-5 p.m. that day.

The styles are varied this year, offering a great 
way for the public to see design trends applied to 
diverse, real life homes in Pasadena, San Marino, 
South Pasadena and La Canada. In fact, their 
mantra for the event is “real homes for real people” 
and features beautiful homes built from 1941 til 

The designers and 
many of the vendors 
will be on hand 
that day, offering a 
unique opportunity 
to pick the brains 
of top local 
designers about 
blending those 
newest designs with 
design challenges. 
I also find these 
events a great 
way for potential 
remodelers to 
“interview” many 
designers by 
inspecting their 
workmanship and 
materials, and to see 
if there is a meeting 
of the minds and a personality match, without the pressure of a 
one on one meeting. 

Four diverse and interesting homes will be open for your viewing 
pleasure. The dramatic, 4500 square foot contemporary home in 
the Oak Knoll area of Pasadena, designed by Rozalynn Woods, 
an Allied ASID member, was my favorite. Take note of the 
disappearing television in the kitchen counter, the back yard 
overlook that feels like a diving board over the hillside yard, the 
fabulous master bath with the Agape Spoon Tub and private 
courtyard and the fabulous contemporary entry of fabric clad 
cantilevered steel. The designer made a point to blur the transition 
from inside to outside in this home, making full use of the floor to 
ceiling windows and sliding doors. 

In La Canada, Firoozeh Khorrami of Design Schematic, took 
a 6,000 
square foot 
style home 
in 2000 and 
applied an 
color palette of blue with warm shades of gold and 
cream to bridge the traditional and contemporary 
elements in the home. Take note of the art and 
hobby collection displays, especially the stamps 
in the office!

Tickets to the Pasadena ASID Home and 
Kitchen Tour are $30 in advance and $35 on the 
day of the tour. Call 800-237-2634, purchase 
online at or buy tickets 
and raffle tickets at Cynthia Bennett & Associates, 
501 Fair Oaks Avenue, South Pasadena, 626-
799-7901 and other retail locations listed on the 
event website. Tickets will include a map and the 
address of each home on the tour. One of the 
homes will also feature retail boutiques for your 
shopping pleasure and displays of home design 
products. ASID is a nonprofit organization, and 
proceeds go toward scholarships for emerging 
designers. Bring your flat comfortable shoes for 
an afternoon of inspiration!

24th Annual ASID Home & Kitchen Tour 

Sunday, October 3rd Get your tickets now!

Chris Bertrand

You know that it takes planning and 
preparation to sell your home, and the 
same applies to making a purchase. But 
whether buying or selling, you’ll also 
have to put a lot of thought into Moving 
Day. After you’ve gotten three in-home 
estimates from professional moving 
companies and made your choice, start 

By starting your packing well in advance, 
you’re actually less likely to pack things 
you no longer need. Sort those items 
separately as you go, and then have a 
yard sale or get receipts and deduct your 

When it comes to packing materials, you 
can save both money and the environment 
by using what you’ve already got. Instead 
of bubble wrap or paper, use towels, 
sheets, and other soft items to wrap your 
breakables and save space.

Label each box by number and room, and 
keep an inventory of its contents. Save a 
couple “load last” boxes for easy access 
on moving day and your arrival (towels, 
sheets, toiletries, medications, etc.).

When you do arrive, try not to be 
overwhelmed by all the piles of boxes. It’s 
a lot more fun to unpack and rearrange in 
your new home than it is to load everything 
up. If you’re properly organized, you 
can quickly get settled. Just work on one 
room at a time and be sure to start in the 

Luther Tsinoglou has just been named 
the top producing sales agent in Dickson 
Podley Realtor’s Sierra Madre office for 
2009, making the top 10% at the company 
overall. Luther has been licensed and 
practicing real estate since 1992. He 
specializes in residential and income 
property in Southern California. Luther 
can be reached at his direct line (626) 695-
8650 or at 

 ( ) Golf & Lunch $70 ( ) Golf Team Registration $250 ( ) Tennis & Lunch $50 ( ) Lunch Only $25 
( ) Golf Tee / Tennis Court Sponsor $100 (includes one round of golf or tennis entry and lunch) 
( ) I cannot attend but wish to make a donation of $ 
Name: Phone: 
Address: City: Zip: 
For golf players - Please circle mode of transportation: Golf Cart WalkingFor tennis players - Please circle playing level: Beginning Intermediate AdvancedI would like to play on a court/golf with (indicate other registered players names): 
Release Waiver:
Intending to be legally bound, and assume all risk in connection with or in any way related to my participation in the Oktoberfest Golf and 
Tennis Tournament, I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, my training and health are adequate for me to compete safely in this event. 
In consideration of your accepting my entry, I assume all related risks and do hereby for myself, executors and administrators, waive and 
release forever any and all rights and claims or damages I may hereafter occur to me against the persons or organizations 
affiliated with this event, including but not limited to the City of Sierra Madre, committee members, and any and all supporters of the event, their 
representatives, successors and assigns, for any injuries suffered by me while participating in the Oktoberfest Golf and Tennis Tournament. 
Further to the extent, relevant, I hereby authorize the City of Sierra Madre to film or photograph myself or my child while participatingin City- or City Community Service- sponsored events, and to use such films or photographs in television programs (including but not limitedto community access television) or any other public forum without compensation to me or my child, and I specifically authorize the City of SierraMadre to use such photos for marketing and promotional purposes. I hereby agree that in connection with that filming or photography,
neither I nor my child will perform copyrighted works or works that are the subject of any trademark without the consent of all copyright 
or trademark holder or holders. I and my child hereby relinquish any copyright or trademark, or any other intellectual property protectionsor any right to privacy under any applicable law in connection with any performance filmed or photographed by or on behalf of the City.
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Registration Formbenefiting the Sierra Madre Youth Activity Center
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